Open Gym – Mon, Jan 29

CrossFit Albuquerque – Open Gym

View Public Whiteboard

Warm – Up


3×10 band walkouts

2 Rounds:

5 pull ups or ring rows

10 push ups

15 air squats


E2MOMx5 Sets:

3x Back Squats

*Start at 5-10 lbs heavier than last week’s set of 5 reps*

Back Squat

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 Min AMRAP:

6 Burpee Bar MU

24 DB Front Squats

**Goal is 5 RDs + ** Scale accordingly

RX+ as written, 50/35lbs

RX – burpee CTB, 50/35lbs

Scaled L1 – burpee PU or burpee jumping pull ups, 35/25lbs

Scaled L2 – 6 burpees to target + 6 ring rows, 20/10lbs

Scaled L3 – Coach Directed

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