The Science-Backed Carb Strategy for Crushing Your CrossFit Goals

When it comes to high-intensity sports like CrossFit and Hyrox, carbohydrates reign supreme. 

These sports demand a significant amount of energy, and carbohydrates are the primary fuel source your muscles rely on. 

This article delves into the best fueling strategies to ensure you don’t hit the wall during your workouts. 

We’ll cover the ideal doses, timing, and sources of carbohydrate intake before and during training. 

Additionally, we’ll explore the differences between CrossFit and Hyrox, ensuring you have tailored advice for both.

The Role of Carbohydrates in High-Intensity Exercise

Carbohydrates are essential for high-intensity sports because they provide quick and efficient energy. 

Compared to fats and proteins, carbohydrates are more oxygen-efficient. When you burn glucose, it requires less oxygen and produces more ATP—the energy currency for muscle cells. 

This makes carbohydrates the preferred energy source during intense physical activity where oxygen delivery is limited.

Carbohydrate Utilization During Exercise

During high-intensity exercise, your body needs to convert chemical energy from glucose into mechanical energy for movement. 

This process is more efficient with carbohydrates because for every molecule of oxygen, glucose yields 5.33 molecules of ATP, whereas fat only yields 4.61. 

Additionally, glycogen, the stored form of glucose, is limited in your muscles and liver, making it crucial to replenish these stores before and during intense exercise.

Carbohydrate Intake Recommendations

Pre-Exercise Fueling:

Two Days Before: Start increasing your carbohydrate intake. Aim for 4 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight during dinner.

Day Before: Continue high carbohydrate intake. This helps to maximize your muscle glycogen stores.

Morning of the Event: If your event is at 10 a.m., finish breakfast by 8 a.m. Include 3-4 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight, focusing on simple carbohydrates that digest quickly.

During Exercise:

Hyrox Events: Hyrox competitions can last 60-90 minutes or longer. To maintain performance, consume 60-90 grams of carbohydrates per hour during the event. Simple carbohydrates like gels are recommended for quick absorption.

CrossFit Events: For short, high-intensity workouts typical of CrossFit, in-exercise carbohydrate intake isn’t necessary. Focus on consuming carbohydrates between workouts if you have multiple sessions in a day.

Post-Exercise Recovery:

Carbohydrates and Protein: After your workout or competition, replenish glycogen stores and support muscle recovery with a combination of carbohydrates and proteins. This will prepare your body for future training sessions and competitions.

Practical Tips for Carbohydrate Consumption

Avoid Pre-Exercise Carbohydrates: Eating a large amount of carbohydrates immediately before starting can lead to exercise-induced hypoglycemia. Instead, consume your carbs well in advance.

Combining Carbohydrates: To enhance absorption and avoid gastrointestinal discomfort, combine glucose and fructose. This allows your body to absorb up to 90 grams of carbohydrates per hour by using different transport pathways.

Early Morning Training: If you train very early, consider skipping breakfast if you had a high-carb dinner the night before. If you must eat, adjust the carbohydrate amount based on the time you have before training.


Proper carbohydrate fueling is essential for maximizing performance in high-intensity sports like CrossFit and Hyrox. 

By understanding the optimal doses, timing, and types of carbohydrates to consume, you can ensure your energy levels remain high throughout your workouts and competitions. 

Remember, tailoring your nutrition strategy to the specific demands of your sport will help you achieve the best results.


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