50,000 Women Reveal the Most Attractive Male Body Type: The Results Will Surprise You

In his latest video, fitness expert Jeff Nippard dives into a question that’s been on the minds of many gym-goers: Does having more muscle make you more attractive? 

To get to the bottom of this, Jeff surveyed 50,000 people, asking them about their preferences, perceptions, and romantic experiences related to muscularity. 

The results were surprising and offer a fresh perspective on whether those hours spent lifting weights really translate into more success in the dating world. 

Let’s explore what the data reveals about the true impact of muscle mass on romantic attraction.

Survey Insights: Do Muscles Really Equal More Dates?

To explore the connection between muscularity and romantic success, 50,000 people were asked whether strength and muscle mass correlate with attracting more partners. 

The results were revealing: men with greater bench press strength generally reported having more intimate partners. This trend wasn’t just limited to men—stronger women also experienced a higher partner count.

However, the data showed that having a stronger bench press wasn’t the only factor at play. 

The survey highlighted that while strength can give you a leg up, it’s not the sole predictor of romantic success. Many participants with lower bench press numbers still reported thriving romantic lives. 

This suggests that while being strong might improve your chances, there’s more to the story than just lifting heavy weights.

The Role of Muscularity in Attractiveness

While the survey confirmed that strength could boost romantic success, the relationship between muscularity and attractiveness is more complex. 

When participants were asked to choose the most attractive body type from a range of physiques, the results were surprising.

 The majority of women preferred men with moderate muscle mass—specifically, Level 3 on a five-point scale. 

This physique strikes a balance between being fit and not overly muscular, suggesting that most women find a middle-ground body type more appealing.

Interestingly, many men set their sights on achieving higher levels of muscularity—Level 4 or even Level 5—despite this not aligning with what most women find attractive. 

This discrepancy indicates that while muscle can indeed be attractive, there’s no need to aim for extreme levels of muscularity to impress. In fact, a well-toned but not overly bulky physique may be the sweet spot for those looking to boost their appeal.

Specific Body Parts and Attractiveness

The survey and study results discussed primarily focused on overall muscularity, strength levels, and body types rather than breaking down attractiveness by specific muscle groups. 

However, other studies and general fitness research have provided insights into which muscle groups may contribute more to perceived attractiveness. 

Here’s a breakdown of how certain muscle groups are often viewed in terms of attractiveness and their impact on romantic success:

Shoulders and Chest

Significance: Broad shoulders and a well-developed chest are often seen as markers of masculinity and strength. These areas create a V-tapered physique, which many studies suggest is a desirable trait for men.

Impact: A strong upper body, particularly the chest and shoulders, contributes significantly to the overall perception of strength. Men with broader shoulders and a defined chest are often perceived as more dominant, which can be attractive in a romantic context.


Significance: Well-defined biceps and triceps are commonly associated with fitness and strength. Visible arm muscles are often one of the most noticeable indicators of a man’s overall fitness level.

Impact: Strong arms are not only a symbol of strength but also of protection and capability. This can subtly influence perceptions of attractiveness, especially when coupled with other well-developed muscle groups.


Significance: A well-developed back, particularly the lats (latissimus dorsi), enhances the V-taper and contributes to a powerful, athletic look.

Impact: While less visible than other muscle groups, a strong back is crucial for creating the overall silhouette that many find attractive. It also complements other muscle groups, enhancing the overall physique.


Significance: A six-pack or defined abs are often seen as the pinnacle of fitness and health. While they are visually appealing, their impact on long-term attractiveness is more nuanced.

Impact: Despite the popular belief that a six-pack is necessary for attraction, the survey indicated that abs don’t significantly impact the number of partners or relationship satisfaction. Abs are more about aesthetics than long-term attraction, where personality and other traits matter more.


Significance: Strong, muscular legs (quads, hamstrings, and calves) contribute to overall athleticism and balance in the physique.

Impact: While legs are often overlooked in casual assessments of attractiveness, they play a crucial role in overall fitness. Strong legs indicate a balanced approach to fitness, which can be subtly appealing.


Significance: Strong glutes are often associated with power and athleticism. For both men and women, well-developed glutes can enhance physical attractiveness.

Impact: While glutes are often more emphasized in women’s fitness, they contribute to an overall balanced and powerful physique in men, making them an important muscle group for holistic attractiveness.

The Influence of Body Fat on Romantic Success

While muscle mass plays a role in attraction, body fat adds another layer of complexity. The survey explored whether having a lean physique or carrying more body fat affected romantic success. 

Surprisingly, the results showed that body fat levels had little to no impact on the number of intimate partners a person had. Whether participants were shredded with a six-pack or carried a bit more weight, their partner count remained relatively consistent.

However, when it came to romantic satisfaction—how happy people were with their love lives—a different story emerged. 

Those with higher body fat levels reported lower satisfaction in their relationships. This trend was true for both men and women, indicating that while body fat might not affect how many partners you have, it can influence how content you feel in your romantic life. 

The takeaway? While maintaining a healthy body composition is important, it’s more about how you feel in your own skin than achieving a specific look.

Beyond Muscle: The True Determinants of Long-Term Attraction

While muscle and strength can boost your appeal, they’re only part of the equation when it comes to long-term romantic success. 

The survey data, alongside existing research, highlights that non-physical traits often play a more significant role in maintaining a healthy relationship. 

Qualities like kindness, intelligence, and confidence consistently outrank physical attributes when it comes to what people value in a partner.

Interestingly, the notion of the “nice guy” being less desirable is a myth. Studies show that kindness is actually one of the most attractive traits a person can possess. 

In fact, when comparing “nice guys” to those who are more self-centered, only 7% of women preferred the latter. 

Even when the so-called “jerk” was more physically attractive, he still fell short in desirability compared to a kinder counterpart.

So, while working on your physique is beneficial, focusing on personal development—like being kind, setting goals, and building self-confidence—is equally, if not more, important for securing and maintaining a happy, long-term relationship.


The quest for the perfect body might drive many to the gym, but when it comes to attracting and keeping a partner, the data suggests that a balanced approach is key. 

Building muscle can certainly enhance your appeal and improve your chances in the dating world, but the pursuit of extreme muscularity isn’t necessary—or even preferred by most. 

Women tend to favor moderate muscle mass over a highly bulked-up physique, and body fat levels don’t play a significant role in determining how many partners you might have.

Ultimately, long-term romantic success hinges more on who you are than on how you look. 

Qualities like kindness, intelligence, and confidence are what truly count when it comes to forming deep, meaningful connections. So, while staying fit and strong is a worthwhile goal, remember that developing your character and treating others well are just as crucial for a fulfilling love life.

In the end, becoming the best version of yourself—both inside and out—will make you far more attractive than any amount of muscle ever could.


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