Brent Fikowski Clarifies PFAA’s Stance: Castro Out of “Sport Team”, Not Necessarily CrossFit

The Professional Fitness Athletes’ Association (PFAA) recently demanded that CrossFit LLC remove Dave Castro from his role on the Sport Team. 

Announced on August 20, 2024, this request has sparked discussions within the CrossFit community. 

However, the PFAA isn’t seeking Castro’s full departure from CrossFit—just his influence over the sport.

PFAA President Brent Fikowski clarified to Morning Chalk Up that their focus is on representing athletes in the context of sport. “We’re asking for the removal of Dave Castro from the Sport Team,” Fikowski explained, emphasizing that their concern centers on athletes’ safety during competitions. 

If CrossFit chooses to keep Castro involved in other areas like affiliate programs, that’s their decision. However, the PFAA believes a change in leadership is essential for competitions.

This demand reflects the PFAA’s strategic approach—they aim to ensure that those influencing the competitive environment align with athletes’ best interests.

Athletes’ Initial Reaction

When the PFAA presented its plan to remove Dave Castro from CrossFit’s Sport Team, the response was mixed but largely supportive. On August 19 and 20, the PFAA hosted calls with members—including athletes, coaches, and agents—to discuss the demand and gauge reactions.

During these calls, with 35 and 54 participants respectively, a recurring sentiment emerged: “This isn’t it, right?” This phrase captured concerns that removing Castro might not be enough to address deeper issues within CrossFit.

PFAA Chief Operating Officer Grace Paulus acknowledged these concerns, stressing that the demand for Castro’s removal is just the beginning. 

The PFAA chose these initial steps to see if CrossFit is willing to engage and collaborate with athletes. If CrossFit responds positively, it will signal a readiness to work with athletes moving forward.

Fikowski added that while some disagreement among athletes is expected, unity is crucial. 

He emphasized that standing together, despite differing opinions, will strengthen their position in pushing for necessary changes in the sport.

History of CrossFit’s Unwillingness to Collaborate

The PFAA’s push for change stems from what they see as CrossFit’s long-standing reluctance to collaborate with athletes. 

Brent Fikowski has been vocal about CrossFit’s failure to prioritize athlete safety and address their concerns.

Fikowski pointed to several instances where CrossFit’s approach left athletes feeling disregarded. In 2020, frustrated by inconsistent enforcement of competition rules, Fikowski offered to draft clear guidelines. 

Although CrossFit initially seemed indifferent, Fikowski created a comprehensive set of rules based on standards from other sports.

While CrossFit eventually incorporated many of his suggestions into the 2021 rulebook, they failed to enforce these rules during competitions. 

Fikowski attempted to improve the situation in 2022 and 2023, providing detailed guides and suggestions, but these efforts were ignored, leading him to abandon further attempts before the 2024 Games.

This lack of responsiveness eroded trust between the athletes and CrossFit. Fikowski highlighted another incident during the 2024 CrossFit Games after a tragic event shook the community. 

He argued that CrossFit’s decision to continue the competition was unfairly labeled as a collaborative decision with athletes. Despite discussions with athletes, coaches, and the Sport Team, the final call, in Fikowski’s view, was made without genuinely considering the athletes’ input.

These experiences led the PFAA to conclude that CrossFit is not truly interested in collaborating with its athletes, prompting them to make their demands public.

The Focus on Dave Castro

In its demands, the PFAA specifically targeted Dave Castro, asking for his removal from CrossFit’s Sport Team. This decision raised questions about why Castro was singled out rather than broader leadership changes.

Grace Paulus explained that while some suggested a more sweeping overhaul—such as removing the entire Sport Team or calling for CEO Don Faul’s resignation—the PFAA focused on Castro. 

The reason is that Castro, as the face of the CrossFit Games, significantly influences the sport’s culture and safety standards.

Paulus emphasized that leadership culture is shaped by those at the top, and Castro’s approach to athlete relations and competition management has been a key factor in the current environment. 

By calling for his removal, the PFAA hopes to send a strong message that a shift in leadership is necessary for real change.

However, Paulus was clear that this demand is just the first step. The PFAA is looking for CrossFit’s response as a litmus test for whether the organization is willing to listen to and collaborate with athletes. 

A positive response would indicate that CrossFit is open to change, setting the stage for further discussions and reforms.

Proposal for an Independent Safety Advisor

Alongside the demand for Dave Castro’s removal, the PFAA called for CrossFit to establish an independent safety team to work closely with athletes. 

This team would include a safety advisor with deep expertise in athlete welfare and significant oversight authority.

Fikowski explained that the safety advisor’s role would involve reviewing competition conditions, such as weather, equipment safety, and overall environment.

Issues like extreme heat, air quality, slippery surfaces, or the cleanliness of swim water would fall under the advisor’s purview. This advisor would need veto power over event plans to ensure potential risks are addressed before athletes compete.

The PFAA insists that this safety advisor must be independent of CrossFit and any brand partnerships, avoiding conflicts of interest. 

The goal is to ensure that decisions about athlete safety are made solely with their well-being in mind, free from external pressures.

Fikowski stressed that while CrossFit athletes understand the inherent risks of their sport—”We’re not looking to do burpees in bubble wrap,” as he put it—they also believe in a culture that prioritizes safety. 

The PFAA sees this independent safety advisor as a necessary step to bridge the gap between CrossFit’s current practices and the level of protection that athletes deserve.


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