How to Do a Norwegian 4×4 Workout (And Can it Really Boost Your VO2 Max?)

The Norwegian 4×4 workout is gaining attention among fitness enthusiasts and longevity influencers alike, touted as a highly effective way to improve cardiovascular fitness and potentially extend lifespan.

But what exactly is this workout, and is it really the magic bullet it’s made out to be? Here’s what you need to know about the Norwegian 4×4 workout and how to perform it correctly.

What is the Norwegian 4×4 Workout?

The Norwegian 4×4 is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that involves four sets of four-minute intervals performed at a high intensity, separated by three-minute recovery periods.

The workout begins with a warm-up and ends with a cool-down, making it a structured and effective way to improve VO2max, a key indicator of cardiovascular fitness.

Step-by-Step Protocol:

Warm-up: Start with 10 minutes of moderate-intensity jogging or brisk walking.

Intervals: Perform four minutes of hard exercise at 85-95% of your maximum heart rate. This pace should feel challenging, where talking in full sentences is difficult. It may take a minute or two to reach the target heart rate, which is normal.

Recovery: Follow each interval with three minutes of moderate exercise (jogging or brisk walking) at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.

Repeat: Complete four rounds of the hard interval followed by recovery.

Cool-down: End with a five-minute moderate-intensity cool-down.

Total Time: 40 minutes (including warm-up and cool-down).

Benefits of the Norwegian 4×4 Workout

Improves VO2max: VO2max is a measure of how well your body uses oxygen during exercise, and improving it is linked to better overall cardiovascular health. Regularly performing this workout can significantly boost your VO2max, enhancing your endurance in various activities.

Boosts Heart Health: The 4×4 workout aligns with general exercise recommendations for heart health. Regular cardio exercise, including interval training, reduces the risk of heart disease and improves overall cardiovascular function.

Enhances Everyday Fitness: Whether you’re hiking, running, or playing with your kids, improved VO2max makes everyday activities easier and less tiring.

Mental Health Benefits: Like other forms of cardio, this workout can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve mental health, thanks to the endorphin release associated with intense exercise.

Accessibility and Simplicity: Unlike some complex training programs, the 4×4 is easy to remember and can be adapted to various activities like running, swimming, cycling, or even skiing.

How Often Should You Do the 4×4?

Experts recommend performing the Norwegian 4×4 twice a week, paired with one longer, moderate-intensity cardio session.

For those exercising four or more times a week, interval workouts like the 4×4 should make up no more than half of your total training time.

This balanced approach helps prevent burnout and promotes overall fitness.

Common Mistakes and Tips for Success

Skipping the Warm-up or Cool-down: These elements are crucial for safely reaching your target heart rates and easing your body back to rest. Always include them.

Incorrect Recovery Times: Make sure your recovery intervals last three minutes, not four. This timing is specific to the protocol and helps optimize heart rate recovery.

Not Reaching Target Intensity: Aim for 85-95% of your maximum heart rate during the last two minutes of each interval. Use a heart rate monitor to ensure accuracy.

Overcomplicating the Process: Stick to the original protocol as outlined by the Cardiac Exercise Research Group at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Avoid modifications suggested by influencers unless you have mastered the basic routine.

Is the 4×4 Worth the Hype?

While the Norwegian 4×4 is a highly effective workout for improving VO2max, it’s not the only way to enhance cardiovascular fitness.

Other interval workouts, longer steady-state cardio, and a mix of exercise intensities can all contribute to better heart health and fitness.

The 4×4’s appeal lies in its simplicity, structured approach, and proven results across different populations, including those with heart conditions.

Ultimately, whether this workout is “worth the hype” depends on your personal fitness goals and preferences.

As part of a varied exercise routine, the Norwegian 4×4 can be a powerful tool in your fitness arsenal, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.


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