Wodapalooza SoCal Heats Up: All TYR Cup’s Events Revealed (So Far!)

The 2024 TYR WZA SoCal is set to host the highly anticipated TYR Cup, promising an electrifying competition for elite athletes. 

This unique event pits Team World against Team North America in a series of challenging workouts that will test their strength, endurance, and teamwork.

Here’s everything you need to know about this new competition

Here’s the complete, Elite Roster For Team USA and Team World

Team Structure and Competition Format

Each team consists of eight athletes:

4 men

4 women

They’ll face off in 11 diverse events throughout the weekend, showcasing their skills across various fitness domains.

Event Formats: A Strategic Battlefield

The TYR Cup introduces six distinct competition formats, adding layers of strategy to the athletes’ approach:

Individual: All athletes compete, with combined scores determining the winning team.

All Hands: Full team collaboration to complete the event.

Spotlight: One man and one woman from each team compete in specialized events.

Miami Team: Trios of men and women represent each team.

CFG Teams: Two men and two women per team tackle these events.

Captains: A head-to-head showdown between team captains.

This variety of formats ensures a dynamic and unpredictable competition, forcing teams to carefully consider their athlete selections and strategies for each event.

Event 1: CrossFit Games Teams Style

The competition kicks off with a grueling CrossFit Games Teams style event that will push athletes to their limits.

Event Description

4 rounds for time:

18 synchro chest-to-bar pull-ups

Handstand walking obstacle course (you go/I go)

12 synchro KB deadlifts (124/88 pounds)

24/18 Echo bike cals (simultaneously)

12 synchro KB deadlifts (124/88 pounds)

Handstand walking obstacle course (you go/I go)

Time cap: 22 Minutes

Event 2: Wodapalooza Teams Style

The second event shifts gears to a Wodapalooza Teams format, testing the athletes’ ability to work together on high-volume movements.

Event Description

For time:

24 alternating wall walks

3 rounds of:

18 worm push press

12 worm squats

6 worm thrusters

18 alternating wall walks

2 rounds of:

18 worm push press

12 worm squats

6 worm thrusters

12 alternating wall walks

1 round of:

18 worm push press

12 worm squats

6 worm thrusters

Event 3: Spotlight on Weightlifting

The third event showcases pure strength and technique in a classic weightlifting format.

Event Description

For total combined load:

1-rep max snatch

1-rep max clean & jerk

Event 5: Spotlight on Gymnastics

The fifth event shifts focus to gymnastics, testing athletes’ bodyweight control and endurance.

Event Description

For total reps:

2:00 max rope climbs

2:00 max freestanding handstand push-ups

2:00 max ring muscle-ups

2:00 max freestanding handstand push-ups

2:00 max rope climbs

*1:00 rest between movements


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