Guan-Ting Ke (+120KG) Sets IPF Sub-Junior Equipped Squat World Record

In the Men’s Sub-Junior superheavyweight class at the 2024 IPF World Equipped Sub-Junior Championships from Aug. 28 through Sept. 8, 2024, in Valletta, Malta, the limelight belonged to Guan-Ting Ke of Taiwan. Weighing in at 140.5 kilograms, the 17-year-old opened his competition with a successful 350-kilogram squat.

For his second attempt, Guan-Ting Ke called for a 30-kilogram jump to 380 kilograms — an IPF Sub-Junior equipped world record. Wearing knee wraps, a lifting belt, wrist wraps, and a single-ply suit, Guan-Ting Ke steadily walked the barbell out from the squat rack, tentatively descended into the hole, and then exploded to lockout with one of the fastest ascents in recent memory. Check it out below:

[Related: Demitri Ayala (105KG) Scores IPF Sub-Junior Equipped World Record Deadlift and Total]

2024 IPF World Equipped Sub-Junior Championships Results — Guan-Ting Ke, Men’s +120KG

Guan-Ting Ke went six-for-six in taken attempts en route to his gold-medal finish, successfully defending the world title he first achieved in 2023. He did not make a third attempt in any of the three big lifts. His contest results are below:


350 kilograms

380 kilograms — IPF Sub-Junior Equipped World Record

Bench Press

190 kilograms

205 kilograms


235 kilograms

250 kilograms

Total — 835 kilograms

Per Open Powerlifting, Guan-Ting Ke also competed in the 2024 IPF World Classic Sub-Juniors Powerlifting Championships. He achieved a 745-kilogram total in a nine-for-nine performance, comprised of a 330-kilogram squat, a 155-kilogram bench press, and a 260-kilogram deadlift, to narrowly miss the podium in fourth place.

Guan-Ting Ke’s total was a half-kilogram shy of tying his competition-best total. He scored 835.5 kilograms at the 2024 AsianPF Equipped and University Equipped Powerlifting Championships on May 6, 2024, in Hong Kong.

That was Guan-Ting Ke’s first contest of his competitive powerlifting career that did not result in gold.

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Featured image: @theipf on Instagram

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