The Best Jump Rope Workout for Beginners, Catered to Your Goals

Rocky. Ali. Creed. These boxing classics have a lot of throughlines. Grit, loyalty, devotion, family, intense training montages…and jump ropes. Lots of jump ropes.

But your name doesn’t have to be Adonis to pick up a jump rope and get started. You don’t even have to be particularly experienced in the gym. Here, I’ll lay out the best jump rope workout for beginners, based on your goals. I’ll also explain how jump roping is done and why you—yes, you—should do it.

The 3 Best Jump Rope Workouts for Beginners

Beginner Jump Rope Workout for Technique

Beginner Jump Rope Workout for Conditioning

Beginner Jump Rope Workout for Speed

Beginner Jump Rope Workout for Technique

Taking the time to learn the basic techniques and proper form for each jump rope exercise is essential for working out efficiently and without injury. This technique workout is great for teaching proper mechanics and refining your form. 

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It’s easily scalable so that as you continue to grow and become a more skilled jumper, you can make your workout more challenging by taking less rest between sets, adding more time to each jump, or learning a new jump and adding it to your workout. 

The Warm-Up

Before diving into any workout, it’s crucial to warm up properly. A dynamic warm-up helps prevent injuries and “turns on” the muscles you will use during your workout. This is especially important since your calves and knees will absorb the impact of each jump. Warming up also fires up your central nervous system (CNS), which enhances coordination and blood flow. 

Ankle Roll: 2 x 15 per side

Wrist Roll: 2 x 15 per direction and per side

Arm Circle: 2 x 10 per direction

Downward Dog with Heel Pedal: 2 x 5 per side

Runner’s Lunge: 2 x 5 per side

Inchworm: 2 x 10

The Workout

This is a 10-minute workout that includes a variety of footwork and jumps to practice. For the first half of the workout, focus on perfecting your form and rhythm. In the second half, marked as “skill development,” you will pick a jump you want to work on and practice it until you feel comfortable adding it to the regular rotation. 

Two-Foot Jump: 3 x 30 seconds, 30 seconds rest

Alternate Single-Leg Jump: 3 x 30 seconds, 30 seconds rest

Single-Leg Jump: 3 x 30 seconds per side, 30 seconds rest

Skill Development: 4 minutes

How Often to Do This Workout: For optimal results, aim to complete this workout one to three times per week with at least one day of rest in between sessions. As you progress, you can increase the duration and intensity of the workout.


Make it Easier: If the rope keeps getting in the way, you can do high knees instead while moving your wrists to mimic the rope. For a low-impact option, you can do the same while marching in place bringing your knees up as high as you can. 

Invest in a cordless jump rope, which looks like the handles of a jump rope with a small cord and a weighted ball at the end. This will help your body get used to the feel of the jump rope without having to stop as often when you first start out.

Focus on perfecting the two-foot jump before progressing to more advanced moves. You can simply keep that one pattern going the entire workout.

You can skip the skill development portion for a shorter workout.

Make it Harder: Once you’ve mastered the basic jumps, you can add new challenging techniques into the rotation like crossovers, where you cross your arms in front of your body as the rope passes underneath, then uncross them on the next rotation. You could also try side swings, where you swing the rope to the side and jump over it sideways, alternating between sides. 

Coach’s Tip: Keep a slight bend in your knees and land softly on the balls of your feet while jumping to minimize the impact on your joints and avoid getting shin splints.

Beginner Jump Rope Workout for Conditioning

This workout is designed to improve cardiovascular endurance and stamina through high-intensity interval training and long endurance circuits. By pushing your limits with intervals and continuous jumping, you’ll build endurance and burn calories effectively.

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It’s catered to individuals who haven’t done a lot of jump roping before. It will start off lower in intensity so that you have room to grow and challenge yourself. 

The Warm-Up

Before beginning this conditioning workout, you need to warm up with dynamic stretches and movements that raise your heart rate. You should warm up your entire body, especially targeting the calves and knees before jump roping. The overhead squats and jumping jacks will help wake up your shoulders, too.

Wrist Roll: 2 x 15 per direction

Arm Circle: 2 x 10 per direction

Downward Dog with Heel Pedal: 2 x 5 per side

Forward Leg Swing: 2 x 10 per side

Bodyweight Overhead Squat: 2 x 10

Jumping Jack: 2 x 10

The Workout

This nearly 20-minute jump rope workout is broken up into two parts. The first is a Tabata-style training consisting of 20 seconds on a given jump and 10 seconds of rest before beginning the next set. Complete four rounds total, then rest for 30 seconds to one minute at the end of all four jumps before moving on to the next part of the workout. 

The second part of the workout is specifically for building endurance. It consists of continuous jumping, completing each jump in succession as a circuit. If you’re just starting, begin by resting for 30 seconds before switching to the next jump. Slowly build up to resting less between each jump as long as you can maintain proper form. 

Part 1: Tabata 

Two-Foot Jump: 4 x 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest

Alternating Single-Leg Jump: 4 x 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest

Single-Leg Jump: 4 x 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest

Part 2: Endurance

Two-Foot Jump: 2 x 1 minute

Alternating Single-Leg Jump: 2 x 1 minute

Single-Leg Jump: 2 x 1 minute 

How Often to Do This Workout: When you start out, aim for one to two times per week with at least a day of rest between each workout. As you get more comfortable, you can increase to two to three times per week. 


Make it Easier: You can always default to the basic two-foot jump instead of incorporating different jumps. 

If you become tired and find it increasingly harder to jump with the rope, you can substitute for other exercises like high knees or mountain climbers

Make it Harder: Jumping with a weighted jump rope, like a Crossrope, can help increase intensity and build more muscle, particularly in the upper body, including the arms, shoulders, and back.

Coach’s Tip: Keep your core engaged while jumping to protect your spine, improve your posture, and maintain control. 

Beginner Jump Rope Workout for Speed

A speed workout is all about combining agility with your ability to skip fast. You’ll get your heart rate up quite quickly, and it’ll likely stay elevated for a while. By incorporating intervals of max output with rest periods, you can increase your anaerobic capacity, allowing you to sustain high speeds for longer durations and recover more quickly between intense efforts. 

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If your goal is to increase your speed and agility while sharpening your coordination and reflexes, this workout is for you!

The Warm-Up

It’s always important to warm up before you work out, but it’s especially important when training speed and agility because the chance of injury is higher. You should begin by raising your heart rate. Then warm up the specific muscles that you will be working like the calves and other lower body muscles, especially around your knees. 

Wrist Roll: 2 x 15 per direction

Arm Circle: 2 x 10 per direction

Downward Dog with Heel Pedal: 2 x 5 per side

Glute Bridge: 2 x 10

High Knee: 2 x 10, 30 seconds rest

Mountain Climber: 2 x 10, 30 seconds rest

Two-Foot Jump: 5 minutes, at a moderate pace

The Workout

This jump rope HIIT workout includes two parts. The first is eight minutes of speed training, where you alternate between 30 seconds of maximum effort jumping followed by a rest period. The second is eight minutes of agility intervals with “ladder” drills where you will use your jump rope fully extended and laid out on the ground as your ladder.

Don’t skip your rest times! Performance quality is compromised when performing at max speed without proper rest causing overuse and fatigue. Your movement mechanics, coordination, and technique will be sacrificed, leading to a decreased performance quality and an increased risk of injury. 

Speed Intervals

Two-Foot Jump: 4 x 30 seconds at max speed, 30 seconds to 2 minutes rest

Double Under: 4 x 30 seconds at max speed, 30 seconds to 2 minutes rest

Agility Intervals

In-Out “Ladder” Drill: 3 sets

Side-to-Side “Ladder” Drill: 3 sets per side

Forward-Backward Jumps “Ladder” Drill: 3 sets

How Often to Do This Workout: Begin by doing this workout one to two times a week and then build up to two to three times a week with a rest day in between each workout. 


Make it Easier: Swap out the double-unders with regular jumps.

Practice the jumps without a rope or with a cordless rope to focus on your coordination before adding the jump rope. 

Rest as long as you need between sets when you are first starting out to ensure that you maintain proper form.

Make it Harder: Use a weighted jump rope to increase resistance and challenge your muscles further. The added resistance will require more effort to spin the rope, demanding more exerted effort, leading to more power gains.

Add other jumps into the mix while maintaining focus on footwork speed.

Coach’s Tip: Keep your wrists straight and close to your body as they rotate in a circular movement, otherwise you can strain your wrists or forearms. 

How to Jump Rope

Before you begin to jump, you’ll need to find the right length jump rope for you. To do this, grab one end of a jump rope in each hand and stand with both feet in the middle of the rope. From there, lift your arms up until there is no more slack in the rope. If your arms are at the bottom of your chest, it’s the right length. 

[Read More: How to Measure a Jump Rope: Easy Steps To Find The Right Length]

It’s commonly believed that the handles of the rope should reach just below your armpits. This may be too long, causing your arms to veer away from the sides of your body and make them work harder than they should. The swing of your jump rope should instead come from your wrists, which gives you more control and stamina to sustain the workout. 

Now that you’ve found the right length of your rope, you’re ready to start your workout! 

Grip a handle of the rope in each hand, keep your elbows tucked into your sides, and begin to swing the rope over your head. 

As the rope approaches your feet, jump lightly off the ground, just enough to clear the rope as it passes beneath you.

Land softly on the balls of your feet, keeping your knees slightly bent to absorb the impact. 

Remember to keep your core engaged, allowing for more control and improved coordination. This synchronization allows for smoother, more fluid movements and better timing between rope rotations.

Continue this process, focusing on maintaining a steady rhythm and keeping the rope spinning smoothly. This is the most common jump—the two-foot jump, or a single-under.

Benefits of Jump Rope Workouts for Beginners

Jumping rope offers a myriad of benefits, especially for those new to cardio. Its simplicity, accessibility, and effectiveness make it an ideal choice for beginners looking to kickstart their fitness journey. Jumping rope provides a highly efficient cardiovascular exercises that can be easily tailored to individual fitness levels. 

They Can Improve Cardiovascular Health

Jumping rope elevates the heart rate and improves circulation, leading to better cardiovascular health and endurance. Regular rope jumping sessions can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. According to a Harvard study, jumping rope for 10 minutes is as effective as running for 30 minutes in improving cardiovascular efficiency. (1)

They Can Enhance Coordination

According to a study done on volleyball players, there was a correlation between jump roping and increased coordination. (2) Jumping rope works hand-eye coordination and foot-eye coordination by anticipating the rotation of the rope and knowing when to jump. Learning the timing and rhythm of jump roping contributes to body awareness which can improve reaction time in both sports performance and daily life. 

They’re Easily Accessible

Unlike other high-intensity workouts that require complex gym equipment, jumping rope requires minimal space and only a rope, making it perfect for those who prefer home or travel workouts a lot.

It’s also easily scalable. Many people are drawn to jumping rope because there are a variety of tricks to keep learning, which can be a fun challenge. This exciting element of novelty keeps it interesting while still being a great workout that improves coordination and agility. 

They May Contribute to Weight Loss

While it is important to note that nutrition is a major factor in weight loss and changing your body composition, jumping rope can provide a great workout for weight loss. It’s a high-intensity workout that burns calories at a rapid rate, and it’s a full-body workout, meaning your entire body is working together to burn calories. 

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Jumping rope involves both aerobic endurance (sustained jumping) and anaerobic bursts (explosive jumps), resulting in a calorie-burning workout. The higher the intensity and the longer the workout, the more you burn calories

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should you jump rope as a beginner?

Start with short training sessions around five to 10 minutes — including rest periods — allowing your body to adapt to the movement and to learn the proper form and technique without overexerting yourself. As you get more comfortable, you can jump rope for longer periods. 

In order to avoid injury and build endurance, listen to your body as you begin. Feel free to take breaks if you need to. Aim to build up to 20 to 30 minutes to allow for a solid workout. 

Can I lose belly fat by jumping rope?

Yes, jumping rope can help with fat burning. It’s important to also keep in mind that spot training is a myth, so you can’t target a specific zone to lose fat; however, a consistent workout routine that includes elevating your heart rate and building muscle can help you burn body fat

Nutrition is also a key factor in maximizing fat loss. By focusing on balanced, sustainable eating habits that support a small calorie deficit and provide essential nutrients, you can reach your fat loss goals.

What is 10 minutes of jumping rope equivalent to?

It depends on your skill and intensity level, but jumping rope for 10 minutes can be equivalent to running for 30 minutes. (1)

Can you get in shape by just jumping rope?

Jumping rope can provide an excellent workout, but it probably shouldn’t be the only thing that you do. In an ideal circumstance, you would develop a well-rounded fitness routine that includes both cardio and strength training. Nutrition also plays a key factor in meeting your fitness goals. Eating well and fueling your body are essential for any good fitness routine. 

Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.


Baker, J. A. (1968). Comparison of Rope Skipping and Jogging as Methods of Improving Cardiovascular Efficiency of College Men. Research Quarterly. American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 39(2), 240–243. 

Ozer D, Duzgun I, Baltaci G, Karacan S, Colakoglu F. The effects of rope or weighted rope jump training on strength, coordination and proprioception in adolescent female volleyball players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2011 Jun;51(2):211-9.

The post The Best Jump Rope Workout for Beginners, Catered to Your Goals appeared first on BarBend.


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