Want Kevin Hart’s 40s Body? The Exact Workout And Nutrition Plan He’s Using, Revealed

Tired of feeling sluggish and out of shape? Want to reclaim your youthful physique, even in your 40s?

Look no further than Kevin Hart’s workout routine, your roadmap to a ripped body and unshakeable confidence.

Learn how to burn fat, build muscle, and sculpt a body that turns heads. Discover the nutrition secrets that fuel Hart’s intense workouts and the strategic training regimen that delivers results.

If you’re ready to ditch the excuses and embrace a fitter, healthier you, this is your chance.

Kevin Hart’s Fitness Journey

Kevin Hart’s commitment to fitness stands out, especially in his 40s. Like Harrison Ford and our founder Luc Weisman, Hart has elevated his physical fitness to new heights.

His recent viral video not only highlights his chiseled physique but also his dedication to staying in peak shape.

Nutrition: The Foundation of Hart’s Physique

The Cut

One of the first things you’ll notice about Hart is how lean he is despite having a muscular build. Achieving this physique requires precise nutrition. Here are the steps to follow for a successful cut:

Calculate Your Calories: Create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than your body burns. Aim for a deficit of 250-500 calories per day for gradual fat loss.

Eat Plenty of Fiber: Incorporate fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to stay full and satisfied.

Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for health and can help manage hunger.

A successful cut demands patience and consistency. Avoid trying to lose too much fat too quickly, as this can lead to muscle loss and other health issues. Aim for a gradual, sustainable fat loss and adjust your nutrition plan as needed.

The Bulk

After achieving your desired fat loss, you might consider starting a controlled bulk to build muscle. Focus on weight loss first, and then shift to a bulking phase using methods like the Iron Claw technique.

Hart’s Workout Regimen

Warming Up

In the video, Hart is seen performing a bodyweight split squat with a resistance band. This highlights the importance of stretching, warming up, and mobility work to prevent injuries, especially as you age.

Resistance Training

Hart’s resistance training includes three main components: compound movements, isolation exercises, and HIIT-style weighted movements.

Compound Exercises: Although not shown in full, Hart appears to prepare for a deadlift. Compound movements like deadlifts, bench presses, and squats build strength across multiple muscle groups.

Isolation Exercises: Most of Hart’s exercises focus on individual muscles. Isolation movements, like rope pushdowns for triceps, are key for muscle definition.

HIIT-Style Movements: Hart incorporates high-intensity weighted movements to build muscular endurance. Exercises like star jumps with an overhead press and hanging leg raises are excellent for this purpose.


Cardio is essential for fat loss and maintaining aerobic fitness. Hart includes a mix of sprint work and low-intensity jogging in his routine.

While many dislike cardio, it’s crucial for shedding extra pounds and improving overall fitness.


Kevin Hart isn’t just a comedian; he’s a fitness enthusiast dedicated to maintaining an impressive physique in his 40s.

While you may not have access to top-level trainers or equipment, you can start your fitness journey with the principles Hart follows: consistent nutrition, comprehensive workouts, and a mix of cardio.

Remember, dedication and consistency are key to achieving your fitness goals.

So, take inspiration from Kevin Hart and embark on your path to getting ripped in middle age.


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