
HYROX Announces Pro Doubles Elite 15 World Championships

On Sept. 11, 2024, HYROX announced a new addition to its Elite competition series: the Pro Doubles Elite 15 World Championship. Per HYROX’s press release, “the best Doubles athletes will compete for the Elite 15 Doubles World Championship hosted at this year’s World Championship event. This new division allows the best Double’s competitors to compete at the highest level.”

The Pro Doubles Elite 15 World Championship showcases the male and female Doubles teams who score the 15 fastest race times during qualifying events.

Top Three Teams Qualify: The first, second, and third place finishers in the Male & Female Pro Doubles category at each of the following races qualify for the World Championship:

HYROX Houston — March 15-16

HYROX Miami*

HYROX Melbourne — December 14-15

HYROX Paris*

HYROX London*

*Race dates not announced at the time of this article’s publication.

Important Notes

No Mixed Doubles Category: This division is exclusively for male and female Doubles teams.

Same Partner Rule: Athletes must compete at the World Championship with the same partner they qualified with. No team changes are allowed.

One Qualification per Athlete: Athletes can only qualify once. If an athlete qualifies with one partner, they cannot re-qualify with another.

Per HYROX, the Doubles category is the most popular participation option globally, with over 50% of athletes competing in Doubles. Since launching in January 2024, the Pro Doubles category has been hugely popular — it was one of the most requested division additions in HYROX in 2023. The Elite 15 Doubles Pro offers the most popular form of HYROX its pinnacle moment in the season.

HYROX Racing

HYROX races are the same at every HYROX event all over the world. Each race comprises the following eight functional fitness stations interwoven with one-kilometer runs:

Sled Push: 50 meters

Sled Pull: 50 meters

Burpee Broad Jumps: 80 meters

Rowing: One kilometer

Farmer’s Carry: 200 meters

Sandbag Lunges: 100 meters

Wall Balls: 75 or 100

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Featured image: @hyroxworld on Instagram

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Don’t Endanger Your Gains by Undereating

Athletes who undereat, particularly those focused on building strength and muscle, face significant risks. 

Hybrid athlete Kristi Eramo O’Connell shed light on the dangers of insufficient calorie intake, which can lead to hormone disruption, sleep disturbances, and muscle atrophy. 

On Sept. 8, 2024, the ultra-marathoner and seven-time CrossFit Games athlete discussed the perils of undereating and its impact on muscle and strength gains.

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What Happens When One Undereats?

O’Connell emphasizes that eating less deprives the body of essential nutrients necessary for optimal functioning, including building and repairing muscle tissues. Undereating can result in energy deficiency, where the body lacks sufficient calories to support muscle growth.

Rather than building muscle, the body may begin to lose muscle mass, also known as muscle atrophy. This occurs because, without adequate diet fuel, the body breaks down muscle tissue to meet its energy needs.

The Role of Proteins in Muscle Growth

Protein is crucial for muscle growth and repair, particularly during workouts. The body struggles to repair damaged muscles without sufficient protein intake, ultimately hindering muscle growth. (1)

Small tears occur in the muscle fibers. Protein provides amino acids to repair these tears, building stronger muscles.

The Role of Carbohydrates & Fats in Muscle Growth

Many often neglect carbohydrates and fats due to the predominant focus on protein. O’Connell explains that carbohydrates are a primary energy source, particularly during high-intensity workouts.

If you don’t consume enough carbs, glycogen stores deplete, leading to fatigue and reduced workout performance…you won’t be able to lift as heavy or train as intensely.

Healthy fats and testosterone are crucial for hormone production and muscle growth. (2) Fats offer a slow-burning energy source essential for maintaining energy levels throughout daily activities and workouts. Research indicates that athletes who consume a balanced intake of carbohydrates and fats tend to perform better. (3

O’Connell’s Thoughts on Building Muscle & Losing Fat

Focus on fat loss or muscle gain rather than both simultaneously. To effectively build muscle, it’s likely better to maintain a slight caloric surplus, which provides the energy necessary for muscle growth.

Image via @kristieramo on Instagram

Conversely, if the goal is fat loss, gaining muscle mass can become challenging while in a caloric deficit.

Losing fat while gaining muscle is possible, but it’s most effective in beginners. Cycle between bulking — caloric surplus for muscle gain — and cutting — your caloric deficit.

Consequences of Relative Energy Deficiency (RED)

Relative energy deficiency (RED) occurs due to chronic under-eating and can lead to a wide range of associated issues, including:

Decreased muscle mass

Weak bones

A weak immune system

Menstrual dysfunction

Decreased athletic performance

Increased risk of injury

Affects psychological health (mood swings, anxiety, and depression)

Slow recovery process

“To prevent this, listen to the body and eat enough to meet the body’s needs,” O’Connell recommends. 

Signs & Symptoms of RED

Constant fatigue

Lack of proper sleep

No mass and strength gains

Frequent illness

Low blood sugar, causing mood swings


Difficulty concentrating

Muscle soreness

Adjusting Diet for Optimal Muscle Growth

Before adjusting a diet for muscle growth, understand total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) — the energy consumed in a day. Once aware, O’Connell recommends the following steps:

Consume enough calories for daily activities and workouts

Focus on nutrient-dense foods that provide the essential macronutrients

Always be in a slight calorie surplus

Pay attention to the meal timing

Building muscle relies on workouts and proper nutrition.

Under-eating can sabotage progress, no matter how hard you train. Muscles need nutrients to repair and grow. Prioritize diet as much as workouts to see the best results.


Cava, E., Yeat, N. C., & Mittendorfer, B. (2017). Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 8(3), 511–519. https://doi.org/10.3945/an.116.014506

Griggs, R. C., Kingston, W., Jozefowicz, R. F., Herr, B. E., Forbes, G., & Halliday, D. (1989). Effect of testosterone on muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 66(1), 498–503. https://doi.org/10.1152/jappl.1989.66.1.498 

Kanter M. (2018). High-Quality Carbohydrates and Physical Performance: Expert Panel Report. Nutrition today, 53(1), 35–39. https://doi.org/10.1097/NT.0000000000000238

Featured image: @kristieramo on Instagram

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What Is a Mike Tyson Push-Up?

Legendary boxer Mike Tyson is synonymous with power and athletic ability. On social media, a bodyweight exercise inspired by Tyson has gained attention: the Mike Tyson push-up.

While any connection between Tyson and his namesake push-up seems unlikely, calisthenics expert Daniel Vadnal is one of its biggest advocates. On Aug. 29, 2024, Vadnal provided a 9-minute video guide on the Mike Tyson push-up, praising its total body benefits.

What Is the Mike Tyson Push-Up?

The Mike Tyson push-up combines a bodyweight squat and press from a stationary position. A wall is used as a squat platform to launch forward into a push-up; the chest and arms push back up and into the squat. This push-up style is commonly associated with plyometrics.

Don’t perform them slowly. Explode forward and backward.

The physiotherapist recommends finding a rhythm that produces high-volume, quality reps. 

[Related: The 15 Best Bodyweight Exercises]

Muscles Worked and Benefits

Bouncing between squats and presses requires strength to control and redirect momentum. Unlike traditional push-ups, which bias the chest and triceps, Mike Tyson push-ups train the chest, triceps, legs, shoulders, and core, stretching the upper body while enhancing joint integrity and shoulder flexibility.

Moving through a range of motion is how to become flexible without doing boring static stretches. Core strength will level up without having to do planks.

The core must engage to control the back-and-forth movement and help transfer force between the upper and lower body. 

Mike Tyson Push-Up Technique

Plant the feet against the base of a wall, hip-width apart or closer. Assume a proper plank position. The hands should be slightly wider than the shoulders; palms level with the lower chest, and elbows 45 degrees from the torso. Brace the abs and breathe.

The starting position is a child’s pose posture with arms stretched forward. From here, extend the legs and push the body forward; the arms bend and the chest drops close to the floor at the bottom of a push-up.

Push up and back into the child’s pose squat. Alternate between push-ups and squats, keeping the knees low. 

Common Mistakes

Three things to avoid when performing Mike Tyson push-ups:

Piking or pushing the glutes in the air.

This makes the exercise easier and less effective. It’s a common habit for less experienced exercisers. The glutes should move straight back horizontally toward the heels.

Arching the lower back.

This is a frequent rookie mistake that reduces resistance, range of motion, power output, and efficiency. The back should parallel the floor. 

Lifting the heels.

No part of the foot should come off of the wall. The feet should fully contact with a flat surface to maintain stability.

Learn how to use the wall properly to make your push-ups faster and increase your reps.

[Related: One-Month Push-Up Workout Plan for More Push-Ups]


Depending on ability, an easier, or more challenging variation of the Mike Tyson push-up may be necessary. 

Kneeling push-ups with the knees on the floor is great for beginners to learn the technique while building strength. Likewise, elevating the feet on an object against a wall goes a step above the basic Tyson push-up. 

Even better are deficit Mike Tyson push-ups using parallettes or push-up handles for greater stretch and range of motion. You can add resistance to basic Mike Tyson push-ups or any variation with a weighted vest.

Programming Mike Tyson Push-Ups

Mike Tyson push-ups offer versatility for bodyweight workouts. Vadnal suggests using the following programming methods that correspond with the calisthenics goal. 

Cardio & Endurance

For muscle endurance and stamina, Vadnal recommends high-volume via these preferred methods:

AMRAP workout: Set a time limit and do “as many reps as possible” split into smaller sets.

Total reps challenge: Aim to hit a rep target beyond your comfort level.

Power & Explosiveness 

When training for power, Vadnal says quality is better than quantity. Limit the reps to 10 or fewer. He recommends five sets of five reps, focusing on increasing speed with the same sets and reps each workout.

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Never Start Your Back Workouts With Pull-Ups

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Featured image: @miketyson on Instagram

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Adaptive Athlete Jordan Cabrita Heads to Texas to Take on His First CrossFit Games

No matter how hard an athlete prepares, when it’s time to line up and watch the clock tick down, there’s bound to be some nerves. 

The stress of the performance can hit hard, and for some, it’s enough to prefer to sit on the sidelines and cheer.

That’s not the case for Australian adaptive athlete Jordan Cabrita. 

“Jordan embodies a rare trait, where he absolutely thrives in the competition environment — he loves a crowd, doesn’t experience performance anxiety, and knows how to enjoy the moment regardless of how he places in a workout,” his coach, exercise physiologist Sarah Bradley, tells the Morning Chalk Up in an interview.

Cabrita’s strength is his mindset — and after extensive training and help from his support system, he’s prepared to top the podium in the Intellectual Disability division at the 2024 Adaptive CrossFit Games

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Some Background

Cabrita, 26, spent his early years in and out of the hospital. He was diagnosed with Down syndrome when he was younger and also lives with a stoma. His parents were told that he would struggle to lead a normal life. 

Several years ago, Cabrita picked up CrossFit as a hobby, and it has become so much more than that for him and his family. 

“CrossFit allows a platform or equality —  that is all we can ask for. A space to grow and be accepted just as he is,” Cabrita’s mother, Danielle, says. 

Cabrita has had the opportunity to compete at the Torian Pro and the Down Under Championship (DUC), as they offer both adaptive and non-adaptive divisions.

“We love Torian and DUC and value the opportunity that he gets to throw down amongst his peers [and] heroes such as Khan [Porter], Royce [Dunn], James [Newbury], and in October, [Mat] Fraser,” Danielle says. “He doesn’t see himself as different from them; they are his friends, his mentors, and his community.”

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In addition to the support from his parents, Cabrita shares a very close bond with his brother, Jac, who serves as a mentor, advocate, and manager. With Jac’s hard work and advocacy, he has helped Cabrita build relationships with brands such as LSKD, True Protein, Frog Grips, and Again Faster. 

These partnerships and sponsorships allow Cabrita to commit more time to training as he edges closer to the 2024 Adaptive CrossFit Games. 

Cabrita’s Road to the 2024 Adaptive CrossFit Games 

Cabrita and his coach, Bradley, have worked together for the past year. The two formed a relationship after the 2023 Torian Pro, where she oversaw the adaptive division. 

Over the last 12 months, Bradley helped take Cabrita to the next level.

“In order to qualify for an opportunity at the Games, we needed to improve Jordan’s ability to perform mentally and physically at higher training zones/demands,” Bradley says. “We were able to secure a qualifying place by improving his endurance through V̇O₂ max and ventilatory threshold increases, improving skills previously causing inhibition [fear], adapting movements around Jordan’s co-morbid impairments, and providing local Adaptive competitions to familiarize the intensity and demands of the competition environment.”

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In addition to Bradley, Jordan also has a team of clinicians, coaches, and supporters — including local Crossfit coaches, dietitians, physical therapists, and medical specialists. Along with Bradley, they all “work together to provide an objectively informed holistic intervention.”

While Cabrita has participated in high-level events over the past several years, the Games will be his first international competition. 

“[He] remains positive and patient despite endless health complications,” Bradley says. “[He] has learned to listen to his body, can sustain triple the amount of work at much higher intensities, is more open to learning new skills, and has become such an integral part of the Adaptive Crossfit community in Oceania.” 

The Countdown Is On 

Cabrita’s mother says that there has been a shift this year as Jordan prepares for his biggest competition yet at the 2024 Adaptive CrossFit Games. 

“Jordan’s always been determined, but this last season, I saw his heart beating outside his chest. With grit and perseverance, he pushed limits and blew us out of the water with his determination to be better every day in small and big ways,” Danielle says.

“We don’t take this for granted — time is never promised and for Jordan to represent his country and (trailblaze), we hope most that it changes perceptions, (and) increases understanding and reduces the assumption that (his capacity is limited),” Danielle says. 

Cabrita has the unrelenting goal of becoming the Fittest Man on Earth in the Intellectual Disability division. 

At the end of the Adaptive Games, he looks to stand alongside friends and heroes Mat Fraser, James Newbury, and Kahn Porter, shoulder to shoulder, all of them Games champions. 

Cabrita will be competing at the Adaptive CrossFit Games by WheelWOD, which will be held September 19-23 in San Antonio, TX. The event will be live-streamed here.

Follow @teamjordancabrita to stay up-to-date on his progress, and look for his name on the leaderboard. 

Featured image: @thewodlife / Instagram 

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Strong New York and Lift Off Join Forces for Fitness Expo

The event will take place at The Glasshouse in midtown Manhattan on October 5, and is an opportunity for industry professionals to learn and connect

Strong New York, the fitness and wellness community founded by Kenny Santucci, will host its eighth annual health and wellness expo on Saturday, October 5 from 9am-5pm EST at The Glasshouse (660 12th Avenue) in midtown Manhattan. The event will feature workout sessions, expert panels, and product showcases.

Last year’s event drew over 2,500 attendees, 1,000 workout participants, and 55 vendors. This year, the expo anticipates doubling its attendance.

Kenny Santucci, Founder of Strong New York, told Athletech News about his founding journey. “New York City is home to so many incredible fitness brands and experiences, yet there has never been one event to celebrate and champion all that the city has to offer within the industry – which is why I created Strong New York,” Santucci said.

“Strong New York was built on community, bringing together like-minded individuals to elevate their mind, body, and spirit. What better way to do that than by bringing together some of the world’s best brands under one roof and making it accessible to everyone.”

Tone House, the strength and conditioning athletic training facility, is also hosting its annual Lift Off Event at the expo. Lift Off is NYC’s largest community weightlifting competition. The competition involves three rounds: a one-rep max on the barbell squat, bench press, and deadlift, and concludes with a signature endurance rep test. A portion of the proceeds from Lift Off will benefit Special Olympics New York.

“What happens every year, and just like you’ve witnessed, is that we’ve built ourselves up to a point now where brands are reaching out to us,” Santucci said. “They understand what we’re trying to do, and hopefully, the messaging is getting out there that we want to help brands and build other businesses up. This is a way to not only get more people moving, which was the original initiative, but also to expose clientele to the experts—doctors, nutritionists, and scientists—who can bring credibility to the messaging. I want to introduce people to all these great individuals that I have access to and also help local businesses.”

Keynote speakers this year include celebrity trainer Don Saladino and retired Navy SEAL Lieutenant and New York Times bestselling author Jason Redman. The lineup of panelists include Anne Mahlum, former Founder and CEO of solidcore, five-time World Record Powerlifter Jordan Syatt, New York City firefighter and TEDX speaker Matt Long, functional medicine nutritionist Rachel Scheer, neuroscientist Dr. Emily McDonald and Dr. Shawn Baker, author of The Carnivore Diet, among others.

Workout sessions will feature studios and professionals like Barry’s, DanceBody, HYROX, and Ramses Principe. USA Twisterz will lead gymnastics for children.

This year, $10 from every Strong New York ticket sold will be donated to The Release Recovery Foundation, a nonprofit that focuses on making addiction and mental health treatment more accessible. Release Recovery will also kick off the event by hosting Strong New York’s free 5K Run.

Reflecting on the growth and impact of the event, Santucci said, “The goal is to get more people excited about and celebrating fitness. The healthier someone is, the better they can make the world around them. It’s about making New York a stronger place—stronger in fitness, health, and community.”

Tickets normally range from $65 for General Admission to $850 for VIP All-Access, but Athletech News readers get a 10% discount on any all-access or VIP pass. For more information about Strong New York and to purchase tickets, visit www.strongnewyork.com.

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The Best & Worst Shoulder Exercises, in a Tier List

When it comes to building muscle, having the right shoulder exercises in your arsenal can make all the difference. Puffed-up, three-dimensional delts can elevate your entire physique, after all.

Among men, broad shoulders and a v-taper torso are traits commonly associated with attractiveness and confidence. (1)

Here’s the rub; there are, like, a lot of shoulder exercises out there. Your delts have three different heads, and you need to train them all if you want killer shoulders. That’s why a tier list is so effective — it can help you determine which movements are worth your time, and what to leave by the wayside.

Shoulder Exercises Tier List

On Sep. 10, 2024, coach and content creator Jeff Nippard ranked 20 of the most popular shoulder exercises on a tier list from “S” (that’s ‘super’) to “F” (or ‘fail’).

We’re not going to run through all 20 of his selections, but we are going to look at a few picks in each category and then build them into an optimized bodybuilding shoulder workout for you.

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Nippard’s criteria for evaluating shoulder exercises is simple. S-tier shoulder exercises need to “feel good” or be comfortable to perform, provide stretch and tension to the deltoid tissue, and must have a viable, straightforward pathway to apply progressive overload.

S-Tier Shoulder Exercises

Single-Arm Cable Lateral Raise

Reverse Pec Deck

A-Tier Shoulder Exercises

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Machine Shoulder Press

Side-Lying Lateral Raise

Face Pull

B-Tier Shoulder Exercises

Military Press

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Rope Upright Row

C-Tier Shoulder Exercises

Resistance Band Lateral Raise

D-Tier Shoulder Exercises

Dumbbell Front Raise

F-Tier Shoulder Exercises

Nippard did not rank any movement as an F-tier shoulder exercise.

The best shoulder exercise, or what Nippard calls an S-plus exercise, is the single-arm cable lateral raise. He endorses this movement because the resistance profile matches the target muscle and really stretches out the side delts, which most lateral raise variations simply do not.

The worst shoulder exercise in Nippard’s mind is the dumbbell front raise. He cites the movement as redundant for most gymgoers (you train your front delts plenty during any horizontal or vertical pressing exercise) and having a poor resistance curve.

An Optimized Shoulder Workout for Bodybuilding

Let’s pull some of Nippard’s picks together and craft a boulder-shoulder-building workout. Your shoulders are strong, but the individual heads of the deltoid are small muscles.

One or two exercises per head, twice per week, should do the trick for adding mass — try this workout on for size:

Reverse Pec Deck: 3 x 20

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 4 x 8

Single-Arm Cable Lateral Raise: 4 x 15

Face Pull: 2 x 20

Starting with the reverse pec deck (or you can use two cables) will warm up your rotator cuff and activate your rear delts before you hit up a heavy pressing exercise. The single-arm laterals are self explanatory.

We endorse the face pull as a shoulder finisher for both joint health and some extra rear delt work, which most people tend to need.

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Fan J, Dai W, Liu F, Wu J. Visual perception of male body attractiveness. Proc Biol Sci. 2005 Feb 7;272(1560):219-26. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2004.2922. PMID: 15705545; PMCID: PMC1634963.

Featured Image: @jeffnippard / YouTube

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Oura Acquires Veri Amid Wider Metabolic Health Push

The smart ring maker is rolling out its first metabolic health feature this fall

Oura, makers of the sleek smart ring, has acquired Veri, a Finnish personalized metabolic health company. The deal is expected to advance the Oura ring to new levels in terms of health data as it goes toe to toe with Samsung’s Galaxy Smart Ring. The two companies have worked together before. Last year, Oura had partnered with Veri to understand the relationship between sleep and glucose biomarkers.

Oura CEO Tom Hale noted that metabolic health is not only a natural next dimension of the wearable tech brand, but one that’s been requested by Oura customers. 

The company has sold over 2.5 million smart rings since its 2013 launch.

Big Interest in Metabolic Health

Metabolic health certainly is top of mind for Oura wearers. The wearable tech company shares that 97% of members have expressed interest in understanding the correlation between food and its impact on their health. One survey of Oura members revealed that 13% have worn a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), while over half (53%) are interested in wearing a CGM in the next 12 months. 

Oura members aren’t unique in terms of their interest in CGMs. All signs indicate that the devices are poised to become as commonplace as a smartwatch, especially as consumers become increasingly health-focused and seek a data-driven approach. It’s an area that has also seen excitement from investors, with companies such as Ultrahuman, BoydSense, Biolinq, Allez Health all securing capital in the CGM space this year. 

Tom Hale (credit: OURA)

What’s Next for Oura?

And although the Oura ring is currently a standalone product, Hale noted that could soon change following Oura’s acquisition of Veri.

“We see a world where the product experience includes other health data inputs and sensors, such as CGMs, factoring into the data and insights presented within the Oura App,” he said. “The expertise of Veri’s team will help accelerate this vision, strengthening our product and opening up new avenues for metabolic health offerings.”

A significant portion of Veri’s team – including its three founders – are joining Oura’s staff.

Oura’s Upcoming ‘Meals’ Feature

“When most people think about metabolic health, they think of weight loss and diabetes, but, like Oura, we’ve always had a vision centered around helping people understand their health more deeply,” Veri CEO and co-founder Anttoni Aniebonam said, adding that Oura is a “like-minded Finnish brand. “Together, we’ll explore how metabolic awareness can create a more complete picture of your overall health and provide guidance to help Oura Members achieve their personal goals, whatever they may be.”

Oura smart ring members won’t have to wait long to see the impact of the company’s metabolic health push. This fall, Oura plans to roll out Meals, a new feature that assists members in tracking meal timing. Meals will give Oura users a better understanding of the connection between how and when they eat and its influence on important health metrics, such as sleep, stress and recovery. 

Last month, Oura welcomed former Apple executive Miklu Silvanto as its new chief design officer. Silvanto is overseeing software and industrial design teams in his new role, focusing on the member experience. Oura had tapped another Apple executive late last year, onboarding Jason Oberfest as its VP of healthcare. 

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Xponential’s BFT Ends Partnership with Hyrox

BFT may be out, but the “marathon of fitness” racing brand is having a stellar year, signing on partners like Puma, F45, Zepp Health and more

Body Fit Training (BFT), Xponential’s boutique strength training brand, is sunsetting its exclusive partnership with competitive racing company Hyrox.

The collaboration officially ends Sept. 30.

The Australia-born BFT says the decision reflects its commitment to the best interests of its franchise network and the broader boutique fitness brand. Individual BFT studios still have the option to affiliate with Hyrox on their own terms, according to the boutique fitness brand.

“After conducting a thorough review and engaging directly with our franchise partners, it became clear that while the partnership with Hyrox brought significant brand awareness and engagement, the current structure did not fully meet the needs of our franchisees,” BFT said in a statement explaining the decision.

BFT highlighted the milestones it achieved with Hyrox, including events in Singapore and Melbourne.

“The partnership was born out of an opportunity for both parties and the strength of brand alignment,” BFT said. “We were the best fit as a brand and training methodology, with our programs still best in market to prepare members for Hyrox races.”

When reached for comment, both sides jointly stated that BFT is a valued partner to the Hyrox 365 ecosystem, and despite the partnership ending at the close of Sept., BFT remains part of the program with over 140 affiliates.  

Hyrox Makes its Mark

Although BFT is winding down its partnership, it’s been a solid year for Hyrox, which continues to bring fitness operators and adjacent brands into its orbit.

This month, the racing company announced a two-year partnership with Zepp Health Corporation that sees its smart wearable brand, Amazfit, serving as the official wearable and timekeeping partner.

Over the summer, Hyrox also named GoodLife Fitness, Canada’s largest gym brand, the official title sponsor for Hyrox Toronto 2024. The event will be held in October, marking the fitness racing brand’s first-ever event in Canada. Mark Wahlberg-backed F45 Training also inked a two-year deal with Hyrox. 

In April, the global fitness race brand partnered with Fiit, a digital fitness platform, and Chris Hemsworth-founded fitness and wellness platform Centr to unveil Hyrox365, a training and education ecosystem for gym operators and coaches. Hyrox expanded on the deal with Centr in June to produce competition-grade equipment and digital experiences.

Puma is also on board with the Hyrox, now serving as the official apparel and footwear partner for races until 2027. 

credit: Xponential Fitness

BFT Concentrates on Growth

While Hyrox enjoys new heights, the same can be said for BFT.

Xponential Fitness acquired the brand in 2021, which continues to gain ground. BFT opened its 300th studio in March as it expands in North America and Europe.

Athletech News spoke with fitness entrepreneur Tage Flugeim this summer, who is leading BFT’s expansion in Scandinavia following a master franchise agreement that will see the development of up to 50 studios.

“I can really see a place in the market for this right now,” Flugeim told ATN. “Over twenty percent of the population in Sweden and Denmark are members of a health club of some sort, and health is really high on the agenda at the moment.”

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The 5 Best Egg White Protein Powders of 2024, Reviewed by an RD and Personally Tested

Not getting enough protein? You might feel it in more ways than one. Protein helps make you feel full, helps build lean muscle (bodybuilders rely on protein for muscle hypertrophy), and can help you recover after a particularly intense workout, among many benefits. Studies also show that higher-protein diets can support weight loss when compared to a lower-protein diet. (1)

No matter what kind of brand or type of protein you wind up choosing, the best protein powders are super convenient for adding protein to your diet. If you’d rather get your protein from eggs and not the most common whey protein, then you’ve got options! Our team personally tested some of the best egg white protein powders and narrowed it down to the top five, each earning a specific badge of honor. Let’s get into the eggy-gritty.

The 5 Best Egg White Protein Powders of 2024

Best Egg White Protein Powder Overall: Bulk Supplements Egg White Protein

Best Egg White Protein Powder for Weight Loss: Nutricost Egg White Protein Powder

Best Natural Egg White Protein Powder: Naked Nutrition Naked Egg

Best Tasting Egg White Protein Powder: True Nutrition Egg White Powder

Best Egg White Protein Powder for Smoothies: NOW Sports Egg White Powder

Medical disclaimer: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. Individual needs for vitamins and minerals will vary.

How We Tested and Chose the Best Egg White Protein Powder

Our team of dietitians, personal trainers, athletes, and other health enthusiasts come together to analyze and test different protein powders for our reviews. Here, we’ve narrowed it down from over 100 protein powders before deciding on the top five best egg white protein powders.

Following BarBend’s supplement testing methodology, our team considers some of the most important factors in choosing a protein powder:

Protein content: If you’re in the market for protein powder, then protein content is likely a top consideration for you. We’ve chosen the best egg white protein powders with a generous amount of protein per serving (pay attention to the grams of protein here).

Taste: Want one of the best-tasting protein powders out there? Us, too! Our product testers provide honest feedback in terms of the flavor of the best egg white protein powders we tested (without the preservatives and allergens that might be present elsewhere).

Solubility: We consider how easily the best egg protein powders mix into your favorite foods and drinks, which is a big factor for ease of use.

Cost: Your budget is an important consideration when choosing protein powder — because no, muscle growth doesn’t have to be tremendously expensive. We’ve broken down the cost per serving for each of our top egg white protein powder picks.

Formulation: As a dietitian, the ingredient list is one of the first things I look at in protein powders and other supplements. Whether egg white protein is the only ingredient or one of a few, we lay it out there so you can decide if a protein powder fits within your health and dietary goals (muscle mass, anyone?). We only chose egg white protein powders free of added sugar, too.

Best Egg White Protein Powder Overall: Bulk Supplements Egg White Protein

Bulk Supplements Egg White Protein Powder

Bulk Supplements Egg White Protein Powder

Boasting 30 grams of protein per serving, Bulk Supplements Egg White Protein Powder is easy to digest and free from lactose. At only 110 calories per serving, this is a geared toward building lean muscle.

Shop Bulk Supplements


Protein Per Serving: 24g

Flavors: Unflavored

Main Ingredients: Egg white protein, sunflower lecithin, monk fruit

Third-Party Testing: Yes

Protein Source: Egg whites

Price Per Serving: $1.94


Free of artificial sweeteners

Higher in protein than other egg white protein powders

Unflavored, making it easy to add to baked goods

Sweetened with monk fruit (a con if you prefer unsweetened)

Lower scores from our product tester (taste and solubility)

Most expensive among our top five choices

The formulation of this protein powder, which earned the designation of best egg white protein overall, is pretty simple: egg white protein, sunflower lecithin, and monk fruit sweetener. Given these ingredients, Bulk Supplements Egg White Protein is suitable for the paleo diet and is keto-friendly. 

Just be wary of the sodium content, encourages registered dieitian Chelsea Rae Bourgeois: “The sodium content in this protein powder is worth noting. You get 440 mg per serving, almost 20 percent of your recommended daily limit.”

Bulk Supplements is a popular brand with several nutrition supplements and products, each of which is third-party tested for purity and safety. You’ll pay a bit more for this particular egg white protein powder, though – it’s the most expensive per serving in our lineup at nearly $2 per serving.

Our product tester, a certified nutrition coach, has this to say about their experience using Bulk Supplements Egg White Protein: “I’ve gotta say, I don’t love this with just water. It’s not the strongest egg taste, but you definitely know what you’re drinking — plus, it’s salty. It’s much better if you bake with it, make oatmeal with it, or even toss it into a smoothie. Seriously, just don’t have it by itself. On its own, the taste is a 2 out of 5.”

Egg white protein powder isn’t as soluble as some of the best whey protein powders, which are more widely utilized than egg white protein powders. Our product tester notes, “After mixing with a shaker bottle, it’s going to basically look like liquid egg whites, especially where it foams on the top. After you get through the foam layer on top, though, it’s pretty thin. A 2 out of 5 for solubility.”

Other small details that you might not think about, such as the packaging of a product, can also impact its usability. Our tester picked up on these smaller details, saying, “In terms of accessibility, this one isn’t the best — the bag doesn’t reseal well, which isn’t great for ease of use or keeping it fresh. I’d definitely recommend putting it in another container.” 

Best Egg White Protein Powder for Weight Loss: Nutricost Egg White Protein Powder

Nutricost Egg White Protein

Nutricost Egg White Protein

When you need an unflavored protein powder, Nutricost Egg White Protein comes with 15 grams of protein per serving. It’s only got one ingredient (egg white protein), bringing with it a natural boost of 224 mg of potassium and 230 mg of sodium.

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Protein Per Serving: 15g

Flavors: Unflavored

Main Ingredients: Egg white protein

Third-Party Testing: Yes

Protein Source: Egg whites

Price Per Serving: $1.48


Just one ingredient — egg whites!

Lower in sodium (10% of the daily value)

No added ingredients besides egg white protein

Lower in protein compared to other egg white protein powders

Unsweetened for those who prefer more flavor

Low solubility score per our product tester

Nutricost Egg White Protein Powder is one of the best egg white protein powders for weight loss for a few reasons. First, it has a super simple ingredient list —  just pure egg white and nothing else! The lack of sweeteners means you can conveniently add extra protein to many of your favorite foods without imparting a sweet flavor. 

Registered dietitian Chelsea Rae Bourgeois notes that the protein content isn’t super high here, but that can be a good thing: “I love that this option is available for those who either don’t need as much protein between meals or who want to include more protein in their baked goods.”

Matt Cummings, our expert product tester and BarBend fitness writer, used Nutricost Egg White Protein Powder with both water and milk and says, “I would definitely recommend mixing this milk over water. I suffered through the water mix, but it did not taste good. Milk at least gives it some texture and flavor. I mixed it in with scrambled eggs one time and it made a little mess, but when properly prepared, I think it would be a quick and easy protein boost.”

While this particular egg white protein powder is unflavored, there is still a taste to it. Cummings explains that the protein powder has “No flavor, but I noticed the saltiness,” giving Nutricost Egg White Protein Powder a 2 out of 5 for flavor on its own. When used in scrambled eggs, though, Cummings gives it a 5 out of 5: “I didn’t even notice it.”

Egg white protein powders aren’t known for being easily mixed into liquids like grass-fed whey protein (for example), which is why this scores a 2 out of 5 for solubility from Cummings, who summarizes: “I wouldn’t use this like a typical protein powder shake. It’s meant to be used as an egg replacement in cooking, so in that situation, I’m sure it would be fine. But the taste and solubility make it pretty tough to drink. I mixed a scoop in with scrambled eggs once and I would definitely use it that way.”

Best Natural Egg White Protein Powder: Naked Nutrition Naked Egg

Naked Nutrition Naked Egg

Naked Nutrition Naked Egg

An alternative to whey and casein protein powders, Naked Nutrition Naked Egg’s fat-free formulation delivers 25 grams of protein, less than 2 grams of carbs, and 110 calories per serving. It’s made from non-GMO chicken eggs that, according to the brand, are processed into a powder in under one day to retain a complete amino acid profile

Shop Naked Nutrition


Protein Per Serving: 25g

Flavors: Unflavored

Main Ingredients: Egg white protein, sunflower lecithin

Third-Party Testing: Yes

Protein Source: Egg white

Price Per Serving: $1.55


Higher in protein than other egg white protein options

Made from non-GMO chicken eggs

Scores higher in taste compared to other products tested

Not the best flavor on its own

Doesn’t mix super smoothly (common among egg white protein)

Only available in 3 lb. container

Naked Nutrition Naked Egg earns the designation of best natural egg white protein powder because of its simple ingredient list and use of non-GMO chicken eggs. In addition to egg white powder, sunflower lecithin is added as an emulsifier, helping to improve its solubility. As an RD, I’d give it a 5 out of 5 for formulation because of its simple ingredients list and high protein content. Fellow RD Chelsea Rae Bourgeois agrees, saying, Naked Nutrition also does a great job of providing its consumers with information beyond the nutrition facts. I love that you can see the amino acid profile of this product. Knowledge is power, after all!”

Kate Meier, certified personal trainer and BarBend editorial team member, is one of our product testers and has this to say about her experience using Naked Nutrition Naked Egg: “I tried it two ways: First, I blended this with strawberries, banana, and Lactaid. You can taste a flavor there; it’s hard to pinpoint what it is. Then I tried it with a cup of hot, black coffee, which I threw in the blender, making the coffee a little frothy. I actually liked it better this way! All in, I’d give it a 3 out of 5 for flavor because there isn’t much there, which can be a good thing!”

For solubility, Meier says, “I doubt anyone would mix this with just water, but I did to test solubility. It’s about a 3 out of 5; mixes decently enough, but with some very small flecks still there. In the smoothie, it was fine. This surprised me in a good way. If you need an alternative to whey or casein protein, this isn’t a bad option.”

Rosie Borchert, BarBend fitness writer and another one of our expert testers, prefers using egg white protein in baking, noting, “This egg white protein powder didn’t form hard peaks when I used an electric hand mixer, however, when used in my egg white cups (because Starbucks is too expensive for my blood), they worked well. There isn’t a strong taste to this powder, which is a win.”

Best Tasting Egg White Protein Powder: True Nutrition Egg White Powder

True Nutrition Egg White Protein

True Nutrition Egg White Protein

True Nutrition Egg White Protein comes in at a whopping 27 grams of protein per serving in the unflavored variety. And there’s plenty of variety here with 34 flavors to choose from, whether you prefer fruit flavors, chocolatey, or unexpected delights like Chocolate Churro and Frosted Carrot Cake.

Shop True Nutrition


Protein Per Serving: 24-27g

Flavors: Unflavored, Chocolate Fudge Brownie (Stevia), French Vanilla (Stevia), Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup, Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Cookies n’ Cream (Stevia), French Vanilla, Cookie Butter, Cafe Mocha (Stevia), Salted Caramel (Stevia), Strawberry Sorbet (Stevia), Chocolate Churro (Stevia), Strawberry Banana Shake (Stevia), Chocolate Coconut Bar (Stevia), Marshmallow Treat, Banana Smoothie (Stevia), Natural Fruit Punch, Toasted Coconut (Stevia), Chocolate Covered Banana (Stevia), Cookies n’ Cream, Caramel Macchiato (Stevia), Cinnamon Toast Swirl (Stevia), Lemon Cake (Stevia), Cinnamon Bun (Stevia), Orange Cream (Stevia), Chocolate Covered Strawberry (Stevia), Horchata (Stevia), Swole Whipd, Red Velvet Cake (Stevia), Maple Pecan (Stevia), Frosted Carrot Cake (Stevia), Chai Latte (Stevia), Chocolate Thin Mint (Stevia), White Chocolate Peppermint Bark (Stevia) 

Main Ingredients: Egg white powder, natural & artificial flavors and colors, stevia, sunflower lecithin; some flavors contain sucralose, acesulfame potassium, and/or guar gum

Third-Party Testing: Yes

Protein Source: Egg white 

Price Per Serving: $1.79


Lots of flavor choices

Higher in protein compared to other options

Scored higher in flavor and solubility per our expert tester

Some flavors contain artificial sweeteners

Higher in sodium compared to other options

Doesn’t mix smoothly and evenly

If you’re looking for the best-tasting egg white protein powder, look no further than True Nutrition Egg White Powder. With an almost overwhelming list of flavor options, True Nutrition earned the highest score for flavor among our top picks for best egg white protein powders. Matt Cummings, expert tester and BarBend fitness writer, gives it a 4 out of 5 for flavor: “I tried out the French Vanilla flavor. The vanilla wasn’t overwhelming, but I definitely noticed it — in a good way.”

While many of the other best egg white protein powders might be better suited for baking or mixing into foods, Cummings encourages trying this one on its own — “I recommend trying this egg white protein powder with milk if you’re going to drink it. It could also be used in baking, just be mindful of the flavor.”

While it tastes better than some of our other top picks on its own, this egg white powder is still tricky to blend into a smooth consistency. Cummings has this to say about its solubility: “It mixed pretty well, but there were a few clumps remaining. I just shook it up before each sip.”

I like that these are high in protein per serving (it’s similar to the protein content of some of the best whey isolates), but I don’t love the use of artificial flavors and other added ingredients in some of the flavored options. Registered dietitian Chelsea Rae Bourgeois explains: “I’m a huge fan of chocolate, but the sodium content in their Chocolate Fudge Brownie flavor is a deal breaker for me. You get 490 milligrams per serving, which is more than 20 percent of the recommended limit for the average healthy adult. And it’s not the only flavor high in sodium. Do your research before ‘adding to cart!’”

Like other egg white protein powders, True Nutrition Egg White Powder is higher in sodium than some of the more common protein powders like whey protein. That’s not because of any added salt, though — it’s just the natural sodium content of egg whites, which becomes more concentrated in powder form.

Best Egg White Protein Powder for Smoothies: NOW Sports Egg White Powder

NOW Sports Egg White Protein

NOW Sports Egg White Protein

At 16 grams of high-quality protein per serving, NOW Sports Egg White Protein only packs 80 calories into each serving, leaving a lot more room for whatever else you want in your meal plan. It’s GMP quality-assured and is tested for over 220 banned substances.

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Protein Per Serving: 16g

Flavors: Unflavored

Main Ingredients: Egg white powder

Third-Party Testing: Yes

Protein Source: Egg white

Price Per Serving: $1.33 (1.2 lb. container) or $1.06 (5 lb. container)


Just one ingredient (egg white powder)

Cheaper option when bought in bulk

Lower in sodium (11% of the DV per serving)

Lower in protein compared to other options

Scored low for taste and solubility in testing

Not sweetened for those who prefer it

If you’re a big fan of eggs, why not add them to your smoothies in a safe way (not drinking them raw)? You can do just that with NOW Sports Egg White Powder, which earned its title as the best egg white protein powder for smoothies. Given that the only ingredient is egg white powder, I give it a 5 out of 5 for formulation since there aren’t any additives or artificial ingredients.

While lower in protein compared to other egg white protein powders (16g of protein per serving), that’s not necessarily a bad thing if you’re adding it to smoothies. The best protein shakes or smoothies can often have other high-protein ingredients like Greek yogurt or nut butter, so you don’t necessarily have to rely on the protein from the protein powder alone.

Like many of the egg white protein powders on our list, this one doesn’t fare too well in terms of taste when used on its own. Our expert tester, a certified nutrition coach, says: “I hate to say it, but, yuck, taste-wise. It’s got big sulfur vibes, with eggy smells and taste. I was surprised because I’m a fan of NOW supplements. This only gets a 2 out of 5 for taste.”

Not surprising for a plain egg white powder, NOW Sports Egg White Powder doesn’t mix great in water. From our product tester: “It only gets a 1 out of 5 for solubility. The whole bottle filled up with foam like I’d whipped an egg white instead of tried to stir in protein powder.” However, it’s important to note that you likely won’t have as much of a frothy reaction when you mix the protein powder into a smoothie versus plain water.

Despite lower taste and solubility scores, our tester adds a positive note: “The good thing here? While it’s low in protein for a protein powder at 16 grams, it’s also only got 80 calories”, which is also a pro if you’re adding it to smoothies without wanting to add a significant amount of calories.

Benefits of the Best Egg White Protein Powders

There are a lot of health benefits of eggs, including their rich protein content and concentration of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). While they aren’t a fit for vegans, eggs are compliant with many other special diets — even the Mediterranean diet allows egg whites! While this isn’t an exhaustive list, let’s look at some of the benefits of egg white protein powders.

Low in carbs: Most types of egg white protein powders are low in carbohydrates, making them suitable for low-carb diets like keto.

Dairy-free: Unlike the more popular whey protein powder, egg white protein powder is dairy-free. This means it’s a suitable option if you have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance! If you’re loving the possibilities, check out our list of the best dairy-free protein powders.

Complete protein: Egg whites are considered a complete protein (containing all of the essential amino acids your body doesn’t make on its own) with a high digestibility score. (2)

How Much Do The Best Egg White Protein Powders Cost?

The best egg white protein powders vary in price, and those small differences in cents can add up in your budget when you use protein powder consistently. The cheapest egg white protein powder is a little over $1 per serving when purchased in bulk (a 5 pound canister) while the most expensive in our lineup is closer to $2 per serving.

What To Consider Before Buying the Best Egg White Protein Powder

Egg white protein powders can be a good choice for some, but they aren’t suitable for everyone. There are some unique considerations when using egg white protein powder.

Our tester scooping Nutricost Egg White Protein Powder


While egg white protein powder is a great alternative to more traditional protein powders for things like milk and soy allergies, you’ll need to steer clear of them if you have an egg allergy. Otherwise, egg white protein powder is gluten-free and lactose-free, and it’s generally well-tolerated with few side effects thanks to its higher digestibility.

Sodium content

Egg whites are a natural source of sodium (55 milligrams of sodium per egg white, according to the USDA), so some of the best egg white protein powders are high in sodium (some are as high as 20% of the recommended daily value). 

Consuming a high-sodium diet can be potentially harmful if you have certain health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, or kidney issues. As always, consult your healthcare provider before trying a new protein supplement if you have dietary restrictions.

(One of the good news about egg white protein powder is that it’s free of cholesterol since the cholesterol in eggs is from the yolks, not the whites!)


Unlike a plant-based source of protein found in the best vegan protein powders or whey protein, egg white protein is notorious for not mixing super smoothly into liquids. Don’t expect a smooth, creamy protein shake if you mix egg white protein powder into water or milk. Instead, egg white protein powder can be a better fit for mixing into smoothies or using in baking, which is what many of our product testers prefer to do.

Best Egg White Protein Powder FAQs

Which is the best egg white protein powder?

Bulk Supplements Egg White Protein is one of the best egg white protein powders with a protein-rich, no added sugar formulation. Egg white protein powder is paleo-friendly and suitable for keto diets (as long as it’s free of regular sweeteners), and it’s also a good option if you have a milk allergy or sensitivities to dairy products.

Is egg white protein powder good?

Egg white protein powder is a good source of high-quality protein, and unlike whey protein powder, it’s paleo-friendly. Egg white protein powder doesn’t mix as smoothly into water as other protein powders can, but it has the advantages of being milk- and soy-free. Due to its lower solubility, egg white protein powder is more suitable for adding to other foods to boost their protein content, such as when baking, versus drinking as a standalone protein shake.

Is egg white powder and egg white protein the same?

Egg white protein is composed of powdered egg whites, the most protein-rich part of the whole egg. So yes, egg white powder and egg white protein are the same!

What is the best-tasting egg white protein powder?

True Nutrition Egg White Powder earned our designation as the best-tasting egg white protein powder. This particular egg white protein powder earned the highest flavor score from our expert product testers, and there are tons of flavors to choose from, both with stevia and artificial sweetener options. 


Leidy HJ;Clifton PM;Astrup A;Wycherley TP;Westerterp-Plantenga MS;Luscombe-Marsh ND;Woods SC;Mattes RD; (2015). The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance. The American journal of clinical nutrition. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25926512/

Puglisi, M. J., & Fernandez, M. L. (2022, July 15). The health benefits of egg protein. Nutrients. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9316657/

The post The 5 Best Egg White Protein Powders of 2024, Reviewed by an RD and Personally Tested appeared first on BarBend.

Jocko Greens Review (2024): Personally Tested by a Nutrition Coach

Fitness enthusiasts know that nutrition goes hand-in-hand with training, but after you’ve counted all your protein, creatine, and macros for the day — did you remember your veggies? Jocko Greens is a dietary supplement that gives you a greens blend of natural fruits, veggies, antioxidants, adaptogens, and probiotics. Even though there’s not a lot of research supporting the efficacy of even the best greens powders, they can certainly provide a solid supplement on those days and weekends when you just aren’t getting an apple a day.

As a certified nutrition coach, I like greens powders for busy clients whose micronutrient intake is lacking (as a stopgap, of course, not a long-term solution). For this Jocko Greens review, the team at BarBend put the powder through our supplement testing methodology to deliver our honest review. Our testers are torn about the taste of Jocko Greens (we have like, and we have dislike), but we agree that this powder has great solubility and love that it lacks artificial sweeteners. I’ll give you all the details below.

Medical disclaimer: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. Individual needs for vitamins and minerals will vary.

Jocko Greens

Jocko Greens

This greens powder offers both a vegetable blend and a fruit blend. Plus, you’ll find ashwagandha and a blend of probiotics. 

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Main Takeaways

Jocko Greens, by Jocko Fuel, offers a greens supplement packed with organic greens, fruits, superfoods, adaptogens (ashwagandha, anyone?), and probiotics.

There are no added sugars or artificial sweeteners, but our testers are majorly split on the Peach flavor, so it might be a bit of a toss-up as to whether you’ll enjoy it or not.

Though the product is made in a cGMP-compliant facility, there’s not third-party testing information readily available, which our product tester (also a certified nutrition coach) doesn’t love.

Jocko Greens Specs

As a certified nutrition coach, I’ve got to get this part out of the way: greens powders do not replace eating real, whole foods, which have more and varied nutrients than you can get in a powder. So eat some actual fruits and veggies, OK? OK.

That said, Jocko Greens by Jocko Fuel does pack quite a punch. It’s not quite as long of an ingredients list as others — say, AG1 — but it’s got both greens and red blends along with probiotics and even adaptogens. 

A scoop of Jocko Greens with the container

What adaptogens, you ask? Jocko Greens contains ashwagandha, milk thistle, and rhodiola. These are advertised to increase your energy, and ashwagandha is often taken to promote relaxation. Adaptogens are essentially substances that help your body return to homeostasis from what you’re lacking — so if you’re tired, they could help you feel more alert. If stress levels are too high, they may help bring them down. (1)

Jocko Greens has 11 billion CFU of probiotics, which help balance gut bacteria and can boost digestive health. They’re a good addition to this product, where you’re ingesting many raw ingredients at once. (2)

[Related: Best Probiotic Supplements]

Overall, registered dietitian Chelsea Rae Bourgeois likes the relative transparency of the product’s ingredients list: “While I’m usually wary of greens powders, I appreciate that Jocko is transparent with their ingredient blends. They include the amount of each ingredient in their blends, giving customers a clear picture of what they’re buying. I also appreciate that it’s free from added sugars.”

This greens supplement has two flavors and (as Bourgeois points out) no added sugars or artificial sweeteners. Each serving has 30 calories, 6 grams of carbs, 1 gram of fiber. It doesn’t have as many micronutrients as it could — more on that soon.

Jocko Fuel states that they produce their supps in cGMP-compliant facilities with FDA-licensed manufacturers (though, of course, supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA). However, there isn’t concrete testing info on their website.


Organic ingredients to boost fruit and veggie intake

Contains probiotics for gut health

Contains adaptogens for energy levels

No added sugars or artificial sweeteners

Only comes in 2 flavors (and the taste is divisive)

Contains probiotics only, no digestive enzymes

Low in fiber — add high-fiber foods to your diet for more

Who Should Use / Who Shouldn’t Use Jocko Greens

Plenty of greens powders are on the market, but each individual has different preferences for what they look for in a supplement. Here are two camps of folks who may or may not enjoy Jocko Greens — check to see where you fall.

Recommended for:

Those who want clear ingredients from whole foods instead of proprietary blends

People who don’t mind a sweet taste

People who want adaptogens and probiotics in their greens supplement

Not Recommended for:

People who want more gut health benefits from prebiotics and digestive enzymes

Those who can reach their fruits and veggies intake through whole foods alone

People who prefer a more earthy or unflavored taste

Our Experience Using Jocko Greens

Whether you’re a busy parent or work long hours that leave you limited time to chop veggies, greens powders can come in clutch. Our expert testers (one of whom is a certified nutrition coach, like me) tried it to let us know how it tastes and mixes, and they’ve got ratings for you on a scale of 1 (meh) to 5 (hooray). I’ll also rate the ingredients and formulation against their research, price, and safety. 

Ingredients and Formulation

Let’s go through the ingredients and highlight some of the standouts. But first, an acknowledgment of something that doesn’t stand out all that much — the depth of the ingredients list. We appreciate that it’s all organic and that the amounts of what’s in the blend are listed clearly. But registered dietitian Chelsea Rae Bourgeois isn’t terribly impressed with the overall formula:

“Jocko Greens Powder seems pretty standard when it comes to greens powders. It includes a few impressive ingredients in small amounts, but the nutrition facts are a little underwhelming. Other than its macronutrients, Jocko Greens Powder only provides the nutrition facts for potassium, sodium, iron, and calcium provided in the product. Each serving provides 18 percent of the Daily Value for iron and just 2-4% for the remaining nutrients. There are many other more cost-effective and enjoyable ways to get these nutrients (and in higher amounts) through whole foods.” Overall, Bourgeois rates the formula a 2.5 out of 5.

Supplement Facts label on a container of Jocko Greens

Now to what it does have:

Jocko Greens contains 5,400 milligrams of an organic vegetable blend made up of (all organic) organic spirulina, wheat grass, kale, spinach, beets, sweet potato, broccoli sprout, chlorella, oat grass, cabbage, and carrots.

Spirulina (blue-green algae) is a superfood that has strong antioxidant properties. Wheatgrass is a grass that also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Chlorella is another type of antioxidant-rich algae high in iron. The rest are recognizable vegetables, some of them “superfoods” with high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. (3)(4)(5)

Next, they have 3,600 milligrams of an organic fruit blend of (all organic) banana powder, pineapple, apple powder, grape, goji, pomegranate, açaí powder, wild blueberry, and cranberry fruit extract.

It’s also got adaptogens like ashwagandha and milk thistle extract, as well as a blend of 11 strains of probiotics. Among all this, there are no extra additives — just fermented cane sugar and natural sweetener monk fruit extract. 

[Related: Athletic Greens Alternatives]


The taste of Jocko Greens Peach flavor is divisive among customers generally and even between our testers (no bad blood to report here, though). 

Taste is a personal opinion, and one of our expert testers holds nothing back. They say: “I feel so bad saying this, but the Peach flavor is just not something I can drink all the way through. I hate wasting food — or supplements, as it were — but I always have to dump this out halfway through drinking it. It’s just too overpowering. You can tell that they’re trying to mask the earthy, leafy flavors— but it’s way too much overcompensation for me.”

Rating-wise, they say, “Unfortunately, it gets a 2 out of 5 in taste for me.”

On the other hand, certified nutrition coach, personal trainer, and BarBend editorial team member Alex Polish likes the Peach flavor. “I know it’s not everyone’s favorite, but for me, the flavor’s pretty good,” they say. “I think I’m sensitive to artificial sweeteners (they’re usually way too strong for me), so this one tastes a lot more mild than most greens powders for me. And, I do get the Peach flavor, which is also unusual (for me, most powders taste generically sweet rather than like whatever they’re advertising). So, an impressive 4 out of 5 for me.”


Fortunately, there’s one thing that’s not controversial about this powder — the mixability. Both of our testers agree that it mixes well. One of our experts explains: “The good thing here is that it mixes right up with a shaker, or even through stirring it in a glass. It does settle a bit at the bottom if you leave it out, but a quick shake or stir before each drink should take care of that easily.” 

Polish agrees, saying: “This mixes like many other greens powders I’ve tried — pretty well. I use a shaker cup and it just takes a few strong shakes. If you’re taking your time drinking it and letting it sit instead of just downing it, I’d recommend giving it an extra shake before each sip. It gets a 4 out of 5 for solubility for me.”

[Related: Greens Powders Vs. Multivitamins]

Price Per Serving

How doable is it to drink the stuff every day? Let’s look at the price per serving. One tub of Jocko Greens costs $49.99 and contains 30 servings, costing $1.66 per serving. They also offer a subscription for $44.99, making each serving $1.50.

Side label on a container of Jocko Greens

It is a moderate price, especially compared to some of its competitors. I like the subscription option, too, making it even more affordable for daily use. I’ll go with a 3 out of 5, docking an extra point considering that RD Bourgeois points out that the micronutrient levels granted by this powder might be cheaper to get from whole foods.

Third-Party Testing

The FDA does not regulate or approve dietary supplements for them to be sold. That’s why we like products that have a third-party lab test and verify that what you see on the label is what you get. For supplements like the best pre-workout supplements, it is important to check for banned ingredients. For something like a greens powder, it would be helpful to know they’re clear from lead or other contaminants.

Here’s where things get confusing. The Jocko Fuel website states they do third-party testing, but no information is available on where or what lab has verified their statements. They say their products and ingredients come from from cGMP and FDA-licensed manufacturers, which is great. 

They also state that a third-party lab verified each of these ingredients before making their supplements, which is great. Knowing the lab’s name and the report results would be better since it’s something other companies do. I’ll give it a 3 out of 5 for the facilities used in production. 

What to Consider Before Buying Jocko Greens

The best fruit and vegetable supplements have one thing in common — real, clear ingredients, which is somewhat comparable to eating whole foods. Jocko Greens is one of these, but you’ll want to consider a few other factors beyond ingredients. 

Jocko Greens with a shaker cup

Side effects are also something to look out for and are a risk with any supplement. Consuming so many raw vegetables in powder form can also cause bloating. Our expert tester cautions, “I wouldn’t advise taking this on an empty stomach. It’s not bad, but I’ve gotten a bit of a stomachache when I had this and nothing else in my system.” We’ve tested over 40 greens powders; here’s our scoop on Jocko Greens.

Proprietary Blends: Jocko Greens does not use proprietary blends; instead, they list each organic ingredient in their fruits and veggies blend.

Controversial Taste: Jock Greens comes in two flavors and uses the natural sweetener monk fruit. One of our testers enjoys the peachiness of the Peach flavor, while our other tester can’t stand it. Oof.

Digestive Health: Jocko Greens contains 9 billion CFUs of probiotics, spanning 11 strains. That’s great in the long run, but in the short-term, it may not agree with your stomach — one of our testers got a bit of a stomach ache when having this on an empty stomach.

Price: One tub of Jocko Greens costs $49.99; for 30 servings, it is $1.66 per serving. They also offer a subscription for $44.99, making each serving $1.50.

Jocko Greens Vs. Competitors

We know you’re waiting for more information on the most popular greens supplement, Athletic Greens, so we’re stacking Jocko Greens right next to it, along with a third company so that you can get a side-by-side view of high-level specs.

Read our full Athletic Greens Review.

We had to choose Athletic Greens because it is so popular, and for good reason. It is NSF-certified for sport, and clinical research has even been done on it. We’re also including Vibrant Greens because although it’s less popular, it’s also a solid brand with good reviews and has a similar cost to Jocko Greens.

Both Athletic Greens and Vibrant Greens offer more ingredients than Jocko Greens. They both have digestive enzymes and generally more greens and superfoods. Of these three, only AG1 is NSF Certified for sport. The most significant difference is the price — Athletic Greens is the highest (coming in at an 11 on a 1 to 10 scale of expensiveness, to be honest), and our other two are more comparable. 

Places to Buy Jocko Greens




Vitamin Shoppe


Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

If you’re ready to try Jocko Greens, here’s what to expect from your customer experience. 

Shipping and Delivery:

Time: After processing, orders ship within 1 to 2 business days and take an additional 3 to 4 days for shipping.

Price: Orders that total $99 or more come with free shipping. Subscription orders also have free shipping. For anything under $99, shipping is calculated based on weight and distance at checkout, but it can get close to $10.

Trial Period: The return policy is strict — all Jocko products are final sale. There are no returns or refunds unless your product arrives defective or damaged.

Customer Reviews:

Jocko Site: There are 839 reviews on the Jocko website, averaging a 4.9 out of 5-star rating.

Amazon: There are 2,525 ratings on Amazon and an average of a 4.4 out of 5-star rating.

Customer Thoughts: Customers say they can feel some of the Jocko Greens health benefits — including digestive health, better sleep, and higher energy levels. They say it is high-quality and mixes well. They also appreciate the transparent nutrition label and ingredient list. Reviews are mixed on the flavor; some say it is too sweet, and others say it has a great taste. Others are mixed on whether it is worth the cost.

Our Final Verdict on Jocko Greens

Even when you eat a healthy diet and take the best multivitamins, sometimes a greens supplement helps you take things to the next level. Jocko Greens is a more budget-friendly option than Athletic Greens, giving you a clear list of organic fruits and veggies. 

The fact that our tester could not even finish their sample because of the taste is a huge red flag for sensitive folks. If you can chug it down, you’ll reap the health benefits from the antioxidants, adaptogens, and probiotics.

Jocko Greens FAQs

How much does Jocko Greens cost?

One tub of Jocko Greens costs $49.99; 30 servings cost $1.66 per serving. They also offer a subscription for $44.99, making each serving $1.50.

How do Jocko Greens compare to AG1?

Athletic Greens is twice the price of Jocko Greens. However, it contains prebiotics and digestive enzymes (versus Jocko Greens, which is probiotics only), is NSF Certified for Sport, and comes in convenient travel sizes. So, you pay more (much more), but you also get more. 

Who owns Jocko Greens?

Jocko Willink owns Jocko Fuel, the company that makes Jocko Greens. Willink is a retired U.S. Navy Seal. 


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The post Jocko Greens Review (2024): Personally Tested by a Nutrition Coach appeared first on BarBend.