
Wodify Brings True Zero-Cost Software to Gyms & Studios

Wodify gives out the seeds needed to grow a successful health and wellness business for no extra cost

Piloting a fitness business without a Wodify is like flying an airplane minus the wings. Wodify, a leading developer of fitness management software tools, isn’t gatekeeping their tactics for a proper takeoff either.

The Philadelphia-based company recently launched Free Unlimited, a model that grants users access to all of Wodify’s management tools for zero dollars down. There are no processing fees nor monthly costs, which Wodify makes possible via a service charge added with each invoice to clients. 

“A lot of companies will offer some version of free or discounted software that’s a fraction of their total feature set,” said Brendan Rice, Wodify CEO. “It slows down gyms that are trying to grow or get off the ground. Whether you’re opening your gym in a month, just starting out, or already have 100 members, anyone on our Free Unlimited tier has access to all of our most advanced features. It’s a common practice in a lot of other industries, but we’re bringing it to the fitness industry.”

Time & Money Still Matter

Free Unlimited obviously helps users from a financial standpoint. However, the positives from that saved capital often go overlooked. 

“We asked ourselves, How we can help fitness business owners increase lead generation and conversion, improve retention, or optimize business efficiency?” Rice explained. “That essentially boils down to saving time or money.”

Brendan Rice (credit: Wodify)

There’s an array of hidden software fees, primarily processing ones, that often come back to bite gym owners. In 2023, the average functional fitness or boutique studio gym did around $12,000 in top-line revenue per month, but the owners only turned a $4,000 profit as a result of those hidden fees. 

“That’s just not good enough,” Rice said of those figures. “We ask gym owners how much they pay in processing fees and (they) do not know the answer to that question. They’re one of the largest hidden expenses that fitness business owners incur because it’s not a cost each month, it’s taken out of top-line revenue. We knew we could do something to help that.”

The saved money combined with all the features Wodify offers makes Free Unlimited a double-whammy in terms of asset management. The bandwidth Wodify preserves by handling operations from a tech standpoint also trickles down to all other areas of the business that require an operator’s attention. 

“It essentially just gives them back more time in their day and it streamlines all their operations,” Rice said. “It lets them get started with all of that for free instead of having to either go in the red or potentially wait to invest in that. You get everything, you pay for nothing”

Features That Bolster Engagement

In addition to all of the features in Wodify’s premier core package, Free Unlimited carries Wodify Retain and Wodify Perform. Like Free Unlimited, they both accomplish exactly what their names promise.

Wodify Retain is an artificial intelligence system that predicts when gym members might cancel their membership. It uses millions of data points from thousands of businesses to forecast when individuals are most at risk. Doing so allows gyms to combat any poor retainment figures at their core, prompting gyms to reach out at the right time and get members back on track. 

Wodify Perform enables instructors to program their workouts or class agendas ahead of class time and for clients to track their workout progress and accountability throughout their fitness journeys. This motivates participants to stay committed to achieving their fitness goals by making them personal and their progress toward them visual. 

Wodify’s app drives engagement as well, connecting individuals to their gym even when they’re not physically there. This establishes an omnipresent sense of community which makes attending workouts far more enjoyable and supportive experiences. It’s a rare attribute Wodify gyms benefit from that many go without. 

“With most gyms, you’re at best getting your client in-person for one hour a day,” Rice said. “The features we build enable a hybrid experience.”

“In-app chats allow gym owners to become a trusted advisor for their clients in health and wellness, versus just a coach giving them movement cues,” he adds. “That includes things like following up on injuries, helping them track their longer-term goals, giving them workouts while they’re on vacation and providing other resources like recipes and nutrition guides. All of that together strengthens the relationship of the business staff and the clients.”

The member-to-member relationship receives a boost via these features as well. A gym goer working out in the evening and another at the crack of dawn are essentially placed side by side with how the Wodify app connects users. Leaderboards are displayed via the app communicating workout results amongst users. This allows clients to see a bigger picture in terms of their performance and fosters stronger connections.

credit: Wodify

“We’re able to connect your entire community instead of siloing it to micro-communities,” Rice said. “Some gyms run a 5 AM class that only gets seven people to show up, but they have 200 members. Now those 200 people can all interact with each other. The 5 AM-ers can see how the 5 PM-ers did. They can communicate, make friends, engage with each other and feel like they’re part of a bigger community than just the very small group they interact with on a day-to-day basis.”

It All Comes Back to Gamification

That connection between users sets up a wide platform for competition, making gamification another motivator. It’s something Wodify is not afraid to lean on even with it drawing a bit of negative attention outside the fitness space. 

“Gamification is often attributed to addictive mobile apps where you’re playing Candy Crush or something and you keep playing,” Rice said. “In fitness, you can think about it in a little more positive light. Gamification isn’t just a means to trick people into staying longer. If you improve consistency and motivation, you get better results, which is why people joined in the first place.”

“A lot of people who go to functional fitness gyms, if they don’t track their performance, they’ll leave after two or three months,” Rice added. “With us, you’re able to demonstrate with data and with some of those milestones that they’re making progress, and then a year later, they’ll have the strength or the weight loss or whatever other goal they had, because you were able to keep them on that consistent track.”

This gamification strengthens the gym community amongst Wodify users. By competing against each other, gym goers hold each other accountable and stay committed to their fitness journeys. The software’s community-building and gamification all combine to form a winning recipe for Wodify. The platform’s gym members double up the competition, staying for roughly 16 months, while the industry standard for a gym membership is eight months.

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Home Workouts – Wed, Jan 31

CrossFit Albuquerque – Home Workouts

View Public Whiteboard



3×10 band walkouts

10 bird dogs

1 min plank


E2MOM for 10mins:

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Full Clean + 1 Split Jerk @ 70% of clean and Jerk

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Full Clean + 1 Split Jerk

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for Time:

6 Shoulder to Overhead

2 Rope Climbs

RX + 185/125lbs

RX – 135/95lbs

Scaled L1 – 115/75lbs, 1 Rope Climb

Scaled L2 – 95/65lbs, 2 Seated Rope Climbs to Standing

Scaled L3 – Coach Directed

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CrossFit – Wed, Jan 31

CrossFit Albuquerque – CrossFit



3×10 band walkouts

10 bird dogs

1 min plank


E2MOM for 10mins:

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Full Clean + 1 Split Jerk @ 70% of clean and Jerk

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Full Clean + 1 Split Jerk

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for Time:

6 Shoulder to Overhead

2 Rope Climbs

RX + 185/125lbs

RX – 135/95lbs

Scaled L1 – 115/75lbs, 1 Rope Climb

Scaled L2 – 95/65lbs, 2 Seated Rope Climbs to Standing

Scaled L3 – Coach Directed

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Open Gym – Wed, Jan 31

CrossFit Albuquerque – Open Gym

View Public Whiteboard



3×10 band walkouts

10 bird dogs

1 min plank


E2MOM for 10mins:

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Full Clean + 1 Split Jerk @ 70% of clean and Jerk

1 Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Full Clean + 1 Split Jerk

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds for Time:

6 Shoulder to Overhead

2 Rope Climbs

RX + 185/125lbs

RX – 135/95lbs

Scaled L1 – 115/75lbs, 1 Rope Climb

Scaled L2 – 95/65lbs, 2 Seated Rope Climbs to Standing

Scaled L3 – Coach Directed

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Wellness Real Estate Is Booming – And Just Getting Started 

The wellness real estate market is projected to hit a staggering $887.5 billion by 2027, according to The Global Wellness Summit

The home stands as the epicenter of the wellness real estate market, which is poised to emerge as the number one growth leader across the entire wellness sector with a projected expansion to $887.5 billion by 2027, according to the latest trend forecast from The Global Wellness Summit (GWS).

As the saying goes, Home is where the heart is — but it’s now transforming into a cozy-yet–functional hub as consumers look to cultivate a wellness-inspired environment, largely supported by the shift to remote work, increased time spent at home and the popularity of home-based TikTok trends promoting home-based activities.

“The pandemic not only led to an increase in time spent at home but also heightened health awareness, motivating individuals to take greater control over their wellness,” according to GWS.

At-Home Wellness Products Proliferate

It would make sense that consumers, who are increasingly pivoting towards a more health–conscious lifestyle, are looking to invest in more than just wellness products and create an entire environment of health-supporting tools.

In addition to post-pandemic lifestyle changes, tech advancements have empowered consumers to monitor their health and partake in wellness practices in the comfort and privacy of their homes. From self-care such as the anti-aging TheraFace Mask, medical-grade home health systems, smart furnishings that respond in real-time to well-being preferences or sensory-enhanced designs, consumers now have an array of options to curate their own wellness space.

TheraFace Mask (credit: Therabody)

Functional furnishings also play a pivotal role in the wellness real estate space, with aesthetic pieces that serve fitness and wellness purposes. Ikea, a staple in the functional furniture sector, recently unveiled its first low-profile fitness and wellness collection for consumers and their families to squeeze in a quick workout without needing to invest in an entire home gym.

Beyond furnishings, soundscapes are no longer just background music but a path to wellness, using AI enhancements to give listeners relaxation, focus, or restful sleep.

Wellness-Focused Residences Are on the Rise

As the “2024 Global Wellness Trends” report points out, the pull towards wellness communities, such as Life Time Living, the residential arm of the luxury fitness and lifestyle operator, is also gaining popularity.

Noting Life Time Living’s Green Valley development in Las Vegas, which offers residences with personalized services such as meal plans and comprehensive 360 wellness programs, GWS sees the brand’s new longevity and weight-loss clinic, Miora, as “laying the groundwork” for such services to become integrated into residential services in the future.

Life Time Living in Stamford, Connecticut (credit: Life Time)

GWS also spotlights The Well, a New York City-based luxury wellness club, as an example of what lies ahead for the wellness industry. As The Well expands into residential real estate in Miami, its apartments will tout diffused lighting, water filtration, HEPA air filtration systems, low-VOC paints, organic scents and even charged crystals within the building’s foundation. 

Cities and nations are joining the wellness movement, investing in developments prioritizing well-being. Saudi Arabia’s NEOM, expected to debut in 2025, plans to utilize a groundbreaking Digital Twinning system for the longevity of its residents.

“In the future, our homes will evolve into multifaceted ecosystems, merging advanced nanotechnology and empathetic architecture to create living spaces that actively enhance our health and well-being, reshaping how we interact with our environment on a fundamental level,” predicts GWS.

See the full GWS 2024 Global Wellness Trends report here.

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7 Best Supplements For People Over 40 Looking To Get Fitter

As we journey past 40, our bodies start whispering (sometimes shouting) the need for extra care, particularly when it comes to fitness.

Discover how specific supplements can support your fitness journey post-40.

Learn how these supplements, alongside regular exercise, can help maintain muscle mass, reduce joint pain, and boost overall well-being.

Discover practical insights and scientific findings that make these supplements not just a choice, but a smart addition to your fitness regimen after 40.

1. Curcumin

Curcumin, the main phenolic compound found in turmeric, is increasingly recognized for its potential benefits in fitness, especially for individuals over 40.

One of the key advantages of curcumin supplementation is its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

These properties are particularly beneficial in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress associated with intense physical activities. This reduction in inflammation and oxidative stress can lead to decreased pain and muscle damage, contributing to superior recovery and enhanced muscle performance.

Additionally, curcumin has been found to improve psychological and physiological responses during training, including thermal and cardiovascular responses.

Another benefit includes improved gastrointestinal function, which is crucial for overall health and fitness.

Scientific validation

A study found that curcumin had anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are beneficial for older adults. It also aids in managing exercise-induced inflammation and muscle soreness, thus enhancing recovery and performance in active individuals (Hewlings & Kalman, 2017).

2. Collagen 

Collagen is a protein that plays a crucial role in the structure of our body, particularly in connective tissues. As we age, collagen production decreases, which can impact skin elasticity, joint health, and overall body composition.

Supplementing with collagen peptides may help counteract these age-related changes, especially when combined with exercise.

Collagen supplementation has been found to improve joint functionality and reduce joint pain, which is particularly beneficial for individuals over 40 who may experience degenerative bone and joint disorders.

Additionally, it can positively influence body composition and strength, aiding in muscle recovery post-exercise. However, its impact on muscle protein synthesis is less significant compared to other high-quality protein sources.

Scientific validation

A systematic review published on PubMed analyzed 15 randomized controlled trials, focusing on the effects of collagen peptide supplementation in conjunction with exercise.

The studies included various populations, including recreational athletes, the elderly, and untrained pre-menopausal women.

The review concluded that collagen is most effective in improving joint health and reducing pain, with some benefits observed in body composition and muscle recovery.

This supports the supplementation of collagen for individuals over 40, particularly those active or experiencing joint issues​​.

3. Fish Oil

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

These fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and are essential for maintaining heart health, brain function, and overall well-being.

As the body does not produce omega-3 fatty acids in significant amounts, supplementation through fish oil can be especially beneficial.

For individuals over 40, fish oil supplementation can offer several health benefits. It supports cardiovascular health by reducing triglyceride levels and may lower the risk of heart disease

Fish oil also plays a role in maintaining cognitive function and has been linked to a reduced risk of age-related mental decline.

Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties can help in managing joint pain and stiffness, which are common issues in this age group.

Scientific validation

Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of fish oil. A notable study published in the “Journal of the American College of Cardiology” found that fish oil supplementation leads to a significant reduction in cardiovascular events, especially in individuals with high triglyceride levels.

Another study highlighted in the “Journal of Neuroscience” reported that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are crucial for brain health and can slow cognitive decline in older adults. These findings underscore the importance of fish oil for individuals over 40, particularly for heart and brain health.

4. Creatine

Creatine is a compound that increases skeletal muscle creatine and phosphocreatine levels.

It is known for enhancing the performance of high-intensity exercise tasks by improving energy production in muscles.

This is especially relevant for older adults, as aging can lead to decreases in muscle creatine, muscle mass, bone density, and strength.

Creatine supplementation has been shown to be beneficial for older adults, including those over 40. It can increase body mass, enhance fatigue resistance, and increase muscle strength, thereby improving the performance of daily activities.

When combined with resistance training, creatine supplementation can further enhance these benefits, leading to increased lean body mass and greater improvement in activities of daily living. Additionally, it can contribute to an increase in bone mineral density when used alongside resistance training.

There is also evidence suggesting that creatine supplementation can improve cognitive function in older adults, particularly in those with impaired cognitive processing due to aging or sleep deprivation.

Scientific validation

A study published in “Journal of clinical medicine” highlights that creatine ingestion can reverse aging-related changes in muscle and bone, improving quality of life and potentially reducing the disease burden associated with sarcopenia and cognitive dysfunction.

This study emphasizes the substantial benefits creatine offers to older adults in both physical and cognitive aspects​​. 

Moreover, a review from the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition discusses how creatine supplementation can contribute to muscle performance and hypertrophy over time by increasing ATP and energy production during heavy exercise​​.

5. Protein

Protein supplements are commonly used to support muscle health, especially in older adults.

These supplements are important for maintaining and improving muscle mass, strength, and physical performance, particularly as natural protein synthesis rates decrease with age.

Protein supplementation can be particularly beneficial for individuals over 40. It helps in preserving and enhancing muscle mass, which is crucial for preventing sarcopenia—a common age-related condition.

Supplementing with protein, especially when combined with resistance training, can lead to improved muscle strength and physical performance. This is important for maintaining independence and quality of life in older adults.

Scientific validation

A systematic review published in “Sports Medicine” examined the effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and physical performance in healthy adults.

The review concluded that protein supplementation can enhance muscle mass and performance, especially when combined with an adequate training stimulus (like resistance training).

This is particularly relevant for untrained or older individuals, where protein supplementation can significantly contribute to muscle hypertrophy and strength gains​​.

6. Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It plays a key role in muscle and nerve function, blood sugar control, and blood pressure regulation.

Magnesium absorption decreases with age, making supplementation potentially beneficial for individuals over 40.

Magnesium supplementation can improve several aspects of health in older adults. It has been found to enhance sleep quality, an important factor for overall well-being and fitness.

Adequate magnesium levels are associated with better sleep efficiency, reduced insomnia severity, and decreased sleep onset latency.

Scientific validation

A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted on elderly subjects showed that magnesium supplementation resulted in significant improvements in sleep time, sleep efficiency, and reduced insomnia severity index scores.

This trial demonstrates the efficacy of magnesium in enhancing sleep quality in older individuals, which is crucial for maintaining health and fitness over 40​​.

7. Vitamin D & K

Vitamin D and K are important for bone and cardiovascular health.

Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption and bone health, while vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and may also play a role in bone metabolism.

Combining vitamin D with vitamin K has been shown to be beneficial for bone health.

The combination can significantly increase total bone mineral density (BMD) and decrease undercarboxylated osteocalcin, a marker related to bone quality.

Scientific validation

In a comprehensive study recently published in the journal “Sports Health“, researchers investigated the impact of vitamin D sufficiency on musculoskeletal health and athletic performance.

The study’s findings highlight a strong association between maintaining optimal vitamin D levels and improved muscle function. Elevated vitamin D levels were shown to have several beneficial effects, including reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, and enhancing muscle protein synthesis.

Moreover, athletes with higher vitamin D levels exhibited increased ATP concentration, greater strength, improved jump height, velocity, and power, along with enhanced exercise capacity and overall physical performance.


Suhett, Lara Gomes et al. “Effects of curcumin supplementation on sport and physical exercise: a systematic review.” Critical reviews in food science and nutrition vol. 61,6 (2021): 946-958. doi:10.1080/10408398.2020.1749025

Khatri, Mishti et al. “The effects of collagen peptide supplementation on body composition, collagen synthesis, and recovery from joint injury and exercise: a systematic review.” Amino acids vol. 53,10 (2021): 1493-1506. doi:10.1007/s00726-021-03072-x


Dighriri, Ibrahim M et al. “Effects of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Brain Functions: A Systematic Review.” Cureus vol. 14,10 e30091. 9 Oct. 2022, doi:10.7759/cureus.30091

Candow, Darren G et al. “Effectiveness of Creatine Supplementation on Aging Muscle and Bone: Focus on Falls Prevention and Inflammation.” Journal of clinical medicine vol. 8,4 488. 11 Apr. 2019, doi:10.3390/jcm8040488

Kreider, R.B., Kalman, D.S., Antonio, J. et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 14, 18 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-017-0173-z

Pasiakos, Stefan M et al. “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 45,1 (2015): 111-31. doi:10.1007/s40279-014-0242-2

Abbasi, Behnood et al. “The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.” Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences vol. 17,12 (2012): 1161-9.

Shuler, Franklin D et al. “Sports health benefits of vitamin d.” Sports health vol. 4,6 (2012): 496-501. doi:10.1177/1941738112461621

Planet Fitness Launches Media Network for Advertisers

The popular fitness franchisor is looking to bring advertisers directly to its 18.5 million members, including many Gen Z-ers

Planet Fitness is stepping up its advertising game. The “Judgment Free” gym franchise announced the launch of its PF Media Network. The project will operate as a multi-channel advertising solution, linking advertisers to Planet Fitness members both in-club and digitally across multiple channels with an intent to drive awareness and sales.

“We are thrilled to evolve our advertising solutions to provide agency teams, media buyers, and brands the opportunity to reach our more than 18 million Planet Fitness members,” said Sherrill Kaplan, chief digital officer at Planet Fitness. “Our member base represents a cross-section of the U.S. population across 2,400 clubs, skewing towards Gen Z and Millennials, which our advertising partners are eager to serve in dynamic and efficient ways.”

The PF Media Network’s content will filter into three different channels: in-club media, digital audiences and affiliate campaigns. 

In-Club Media: Advertisers get the opportunity to reach Planet Fitness’ active and physically present members, communicating through TVs located throughout the gym, in its PF Black Card Spa and inside locker rooms.

Digital Audiences: Permitting advertisers to reach Planet Fitness members via connected television, programmatic and social media outlets. This is accomplished through partnerships with LiveRamp, a leading data collaboration platform

Affiliate Campaigns: The PF Media Network invites advertisers already participating in digital and in-club advertising opportunities to complement their outreach methods via email and the Planet Fitness app. Visible ad placement in these highly populated platforms promises to expand advertising partner conversion

Planet Fitness isn’t the first business to head down this advertising path, although it appears to be the first major gym chain to do so. Other non-retail companies who’ve recently moved to utilize their in-person and digital whereabouts with consumers include United Airlines, Uber and Lyft, according to Retail TouchPoints.

Now boasting over 18.5 million members, the most of any gym chain, Planet Fitness already represents one of the fastest-growing and most popular fitness brands in the industry. The franchise has found a winning formula in terms of targeting Gen-Z with its pricing, hours and culture. Applying the PF Media Network to that vast audience could mean even more growth is on the horizon.

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Tom Brady’s TB12, Nobull Merge To Form Nutrition & Apparel Giant

The NFL legend joins Mike Repole, who bought Nobull last summer and has a history of partnering with Hall of Fame athletes

The most decorated football player of all time is going deep once again, this time in health and wellness. Tom Brady, seven-time Super Bowl Champion and the NFL’s all-time passing leader, is merging his supplement and nutrition brand TB12 with training apparel and footwear company Nobull, the sides announced Tuesday.

As part of the deal, Brady becomes the company’s second-largest shareholder, trailing only Mike Repole, who bought Nobull last July. Repole has a history of working with Hall-of-Fame athletes, previously partnering with late NBA legend Kobe Bryant to grow BodyArmor, which he later sold to Coca-Cola for $5.6 Billion in 2021. Repole did the same with Glaceau, the maker of Vitaminwater and Smartwater, in 2007.

“I wanted to do something really big,” Repole told CNBC of the deal with Brady. “I think Nobull has a chance here to be this epic historic brand — playing in a space of health and wellness, through sneakers, apparel, nutrition mentality and really helping people with adversity, resilience, grit.”

Financial terms of the deal weren’t disclosed.

Founded in 2015 by former Reebok executives Marcus Wilson and Michael Schaeffer, Nobull primarily sells footwear but also athletic apparel and accessories such as headbands, bags, hats and more. Nobull ensures that Brady’s “No BS” attitude is well ingrained in its line of products to help consumers become the best versions of themselves. 

TB12 sells protein and electrolyte powders in a variety of flavors. The brand also offers a line of supplements categorized as sleep, perform, recover and protect, designed to enhance a user’s strength, hydration, energy and focus, recovery and immunity. 

“I’ve been blessed to be surrounded with the most amazing teammates my entire career, and I feel fortunate to be joining another team that’s going to inspire the next generation of people to push themselves to be better!,” Brady wrote about the deal on social media. “This wouldn’t be possible without Mike Repole, a great friend of mine who I have spent the past few talking with about my own journey. We’ve pushed each other to get better every day and now it’s time to bring this attitude to the world.”

The merger also makes Brady an official partner with the league he dominated for more than 20 years. The NFL invested in Nobull in 2022 via the league’s venture capital fund. As a result, Nobull sponsored the NFL Scouting Combine last year and will do so again this spring.

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How This Personal Trainer Mastered the Art of Fitness Franchising

Scott Tobin’s strategic approach to growing Burn Boot Camp combines his personal training expertise with acquired business acumen

Eighteen years ago, when Scott Tobin embarked on his fitness journey as a personal trainer, he was fueled by a fiery passion to transform lives through health and wellness. Little did he know, he would help catalyze the expansion of one of America’s fastest-growing boutique gym franchises — Burn Boot Camp.

Burn Boot Camp offers a unique group fitness experience that blends strength training and conditioning high-intensity interval workouts in a 45-minute session. The boutique fitness brand emphasizes inclusivity and mental as well as physical strength, welcoming members from all backgrounds.

Tobin’s narrative goes beyond individual and career achievements; it encompasses the inspiration of others and the promotion of comprehensive fitness and community development. His contributions surpass routine gym operations; he plays a key role in defining the Burn Boot Camp essence and the brand’s profound effect on lives.

Passion & Purpose

Tobin’s initial steps in the fitness world were marked by a profound passion for personal training. This began with a focus on helping people achieve their fitness goals. His early career laid a solid foundation for his understanding of fitness, client needs and the dynamics of the industry.

“I love the results members get; that’s everything to me,” Tobin says.

His transition to Burn Boot Camp in Raleigh, North Carolina, eight years ago marked a life-changing moment in his career. Here, Tobin’s talents and dedication found a new avenue for expression. He played a crucial role in growing the Raleigh location from its early stages, showcasing his ability to inspire, lead and innovate. His success is a blend of personal training expertise and business acumen that he acquired along the way, studying, asking questions and learning from mistakes.

This success eventually led Tobin to become a franchise partner. His role expanded from managing a single location to being part of a broader vision, scaling the philosophies and practices that had brought him success on a local level. Now, he operates 12 locations.

credit: Burn Boot Camp

While Tobin still considers himself primarily a personal trainer, he has learned to migrate his training philosophy to management. Currently, Tobin oversees about 215 employees, 32 in upper management positions.

“Now that I’m a franchise partner, I’ve transferred the energy I put into members to taking care of my employees as best as I can,” he says. “I am an advocate of top-down management and believe it starts with me and trickles down. If your employees are happy, they’ll bring that energy, excitement and passion to the members.”

Tobin admits it took some time to place the right individuals in each position.

“We grew rapidly and explosively, and I made multiple mistakes. Learning from these mistakes is crucial. Losing employees, for instance, is often a sign of a mistake,” he says. “Understanding what makes a good fit and then managing multiple locations effectively is about finding the right people for the right roles. Once you have a strong team, success is much more attainable.”

Tobin tells his team, from middle management down, that their success is as good as their weakest link and he uses a feedback loop to continually offer and receive constructive feedback.

“If I’m training at an A-plus level, I need all my trainers to be at that level too,” he says. “Otherwise, how can we succeed if a member’s first experience is subpar?”

Franchise Alignment

Burn Boot Camp’s mission, deeply resonant with Tobin’s beliefs, revolves around empowering members not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. The brand’s philosophy extends beyond traditional fitness paradigms, fostering a holistic approach to wellbeing, evident in the supportive community that each location nurtures.

This supportive community is not just a byproduct of the training programs but a carefully cultivated aspect of the brand’s ethos. It’s a place where members motivate each other, celebrate milestones, and share struggles, creating an environment where fitness is a shared journey rather than an individual pursuit.

“I believe that as a member, you need to find what’s right for you,” Tobin says. “Some people love our approach, while others prefer different styles. Then there are those who dislike gyms altogether and prefer at-home options. In the fitness industry, our focus should be on working together. I advocate that if your gym is failing, it’s not because of your competition; it’s due to other factors.”

credit: Burn Boot Camp

Tobin expresses deep-rooted commitment to Burn Boot Camp, crediting co-founders Devan and Morgan Kline for creating a supportive environment.

“They’ve created not just a business but a family – the kind of family I needed, not necessarily the one I wanted, which is a significant part of what makes Burn Boot Camp so special,” Tobin says. “This sense of loyalty and community is what fuels my passion.”

Facing Business Challenges Like an Athlete

Each new studio Tobin opens, including those during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic, reflects commitment and adaptability. Despite the challenges, Tobin’s leadership ensured that the Burn Boot Camp brand not only survived but continued to thrive and expand.

Tobin shares how he faced the challenges of opening new locations while managing existing ones during 2020.

“Back in April 2020, I was into triathlons, and I remember going on a bike ride. About 20 miles in, watching the sunrise, I had a moment of clarity. It was either make it or break it. I could either excel and continue growing at a fast pace or fail and face bankruptcy. It was one of those ‘aha moments’ where you realize you can’t stress about what you can’t control; you have to live in the now.”

Tobin focused on what he could do to remain successful.

“I decided to read some business books and take time for myself,” he says. “We shifted to virtual, merged gyms and ran about nine live camps a day through Zoom. Financially, it was a hit for me, but that was secondary. The key was that we could still offer the community the experience they valued, just in a virtual format.”

Tobin says this tough period highlighted, once again, that Burn Boot Camp was more than just a gym.

“We lost money, sure, but it wasn’t crippling. It allowed us to keep running and eventually reopen and grow. It took us a couple of years to get back to our pre-2020 levels, but it was a chance to be humble, to recognize that everything can change in an instant. It was also an opportunity to grow, to identify and fix flaws in our business system.”

The Future of Fitness

Looking ahead, Tobin’s vision includes continued expansion and deeper community impact. He’s focused on trends that appeal to members, such as strength training and the ongoing desire to train with others in a team atmosphere that fosters connection.

“We were ahead of the curve, promoting weightlifting, especially for women, in an industry where cardio was dominant,” he says. “We’ve been teaching heavy lifting without the fear of bulking up, emphasizing proper nutrition. And it’s incredible to see the transformations, especially in women who’ve become incredibly strong. Other gyms are now catching on to the importance of weightlifting for results.”

credit: Burn Boot Camp

Fitness technology is also high on Tobin’s list, and he’s excited about Burn Boot Camp’s recent app, launched in October 2023.

“It’s live, on-demand, covering everything from our daily workout protocols to yoga, recovery, stretching and more,” he explains.

Tobin’s advice to others who want to own a fitness franchise is to focus on passion, resilience and the willingness to learn and adapt.

“Choosing the right franchise is crucial,” he says. “We often seek perfection, but reality is filled with imperfections, errors and challenges, especially when a business is growing rapidly. These growing pains are real, but the beauty is in growing together, facing issues both as a franchise and at the headquarters level.”

The post How This Personal Trainer Mastered the Art of Fitness Franchising appeared first on Athletech News.