Attitude 精英

14decpm12:46pm12:46Attitude 精英pm12:46 - pm12:46 中洲湾 Attitude Fitness 教练/团队:Open Gym 精英组计划设计:HERO



  • 5 Sets: 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 push Jerk @65% of max clean and jerk
  • Rest 90 seconds between sets


  • Front Squat Singles
  • 1 @74% of max front squat
  • 1 @78% of max front squat
  • 1 @82% of max front squat
  • 1 @74% of max front squat
  • 1 @78% of max front squat
  • 1 @82% of max front squat
  • Rest as needed between singles


  • Ring Muscle-up Sets
  • 5 Sets:
  • 3-5 Ring Muscle-ups
  • 10 Air Squats
  • 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs @30” box (male) / 24” box (female) 2-3 minute Easy Spin AB Bike Between Sets

Health Guidelines for this Event

Other Health Guidelines 必须有3年以上cf经验