How Better Member Onboarding Prevents Attrition

Fitness On Demand CEO Andy Peat explains how addressing key pain points can enhance member retention

In the fitness industry, keeping new members engaged is as crucial as getting them in the door. With a 28.6% annual attrition rate, gyms face significant challenges in retaining members. But the onboarding process offers a golden opportunity to create lasting connections and build a thriving community.

Fitness On Demand, a leading provider of omnifitness and member engagement solutions, understands these challenges and offers a range of tools to enhance onboarding and boost member satisfaction across various settings. In this discussion, we’ll delve into common onboarding pain points and explore effective solutions.

Leading this discussion is Andy Peat, CEO of Fitness On Demand and an industry veteran with over 18 years of experience. Andy’s expertise lies in leveraging data and cutting-edge technology to drive innovation and positive change within the fitness landscape. With a track record of success, Peat has a proven ability to foster growth and elevate member experiences.

Read on to find out more about how effective onboarding strategies can transform your gym’s retention and member satisfaction.

How can owners start to ease or eliminate friction in the onboarding process for new members?

To ease or eliminate friction during the onboarding process, gym owners can follow what I call “The CAP Principle”:

Connection: For new members to be successful, they need to make connections at your gym with other members as well as your fitness professionals. Scheduling group fitness and personal training sessions are the best ways to achieve this, and you can even offer members initial consultations for learning larger movements. In fact, having just two meaningful connections in the first month can reduce cancellations by 33%. Most gyms offer a free personal training (PT) session, which is a great way to get to know someone, understand their goals, and introduce them to your gym. However, this one session on its own won’t make a lasting impact. You need to create a sense of accountability and help members form new habits while they’re still motivated.

Attendance: One of the best ways to build accountability is by encouraging attendance with other people. On day one, you should help new members schedule times to be in the gym for a group class or a training session. When these commitments are added to their calendar and involve other people, it’s much harder for them to delay or skip.

People need to attend the gym four times in a month, with one visit at minimum. The attendance requirement involves four bookings from day one. These can be personal training sessions, group fitness classes or member functions. The goal is to book members for four sessions at sign-up to form a habit and build relationships. Ideally, every member is given four training sessions in their first month.

Progress: In addition to showing up, people need to see the progress they’re making to maintain their motivation. When they’re just starting out, it’s easy to have unrealistic expectations or overlook their steady progress. It’s our responsibility to help them understand what they can and should expect to accomplish in their first 30 days and celebrate their milestones.

If people feel or see a sense of progress early, it will result in a happier feeling and attachment to the gym. Fostering this feeling will increase motivation and drive routine. Progress can be seen through fitness testing (tied to personal training), body scans, or rating their feelings in week one versus week four.

Problem addressed: This principle tackles the issues of new members feeling isolated, lack of commitment, and unrealistic expectations, all of which can lead to early cancellations.

Andy Peat, Fitness On Demand CEO

What’s the best way for owners to capitalize on new member motivation and prevent them from quitting in the first six months?

Most gyms offer one free personal training session for new members, but this isn’t enough. To capitalize on their motivation while it’s at its peak, you should schedule at least four sessions in the first four weeks:

Week 1: Conduct an initial consultation session to understand their goals, perform an initial fitness test, and build a program for them to follow.

Week 2: Hold the first official personal training session to strengthen their sense of accountability and connection with your gym, without focusing on selling ongoing PT sessions.

Week 3: Conduct a technique session to teach them something basic, like proper form for deadlifts or squats. This gives them a sense of progression and demonstrates the value of having a trainer.

Week 4: Perform a retest session. Have them redo the fitness test from week one to prove the progress they’ve made, reinforce their motivation, and create a prime opportunity to sell ongoing PT sessions.

Problem addressed: This approach deals with insufficient initial engagement and support, helping new members feel confident and motivated from the start.

How else do you build new member motivation?

Giving your members a simple way to try out classes or workouts on their own is one of the easiest ways to build their confidence. Offering a diverse library of on-demand classes that members can access in your open studio spaces or from the comfort of their home helps. This allows members to gain a new perspective on classes they may be intimidated by and provides more autonomy to try something new on their own terms. We’ve seen members who are initially shy or intimidated eventually work up to joining live classes.

Problem addressed: This strategy helps overcome intimidation and lack of confidence in trying new classes, gradually building members’ comfort and involvement.

credit: Fitness On Demand

Can owners start to ease the onboarding friction before someone officially joins the gym?

Absolutely. These strategies and platforms make a huge impact right after someone starts their membership, but they’re also vital before someone decides to join. Some of our most successful customers use these strategies in their marketing efforts to stand out from the competition. For example, offering a month of free, personalized instruction can attract more leads than competitors offering just one PT session. Additionally, having a fully booked class schedule, bolstered by on-demand classes, can be a significant converting factor for prospective members during tours.

Problem addressed: This approach addresses limited appeal and insufficient differentiation from competitors, making your gym more attractive to potential members.

How do you build a fitness community that embraces people of any fitness level and keeps members coming back year after year?

Encourage interactions between staff and members, and also among the members themselves. More and more, people are going to the gym as a way to socialize. They want to see people, be greeted when they walk in, and know they’re going to have fun and enjoy themselves while getting fit. Creating a welcoming, social environment is key to building a fitness community that embraces people of any fitness level and keeps them coming back.

Problem addressed: This strategy combats the lack of social engagement and community building, fostering a supportive and interact

By implementing these strategies, gym owners can significantly improve their onboarding process, reduce friction, and enhance member retention, ultimately leading to a thriving fitness community.

The post How Better Member Onboarding Prevents Attrition appeared first on Athletech News.

1st Phorm Protein Review (2024): An RD and Nutrition Coach Give Their Takes

Craving a sweet treat like a chocolate mint cookie but trying to stick to your macros? Fitness enthusiasts know the feeling and may to indulge in the best protein powders with plenty of flavors. 1st Phorm Phormula-1 Protein Powder fits that bill nicely. Our expert testers at BarBend have tested over 115 protein powders following a standardized supplement testing methodology. We added the sweet-tasting 1st Phorm Phormula-1 Protein Powder to bring you the facts (and the flavors).

As a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, I almost always wind up advising my clients to get more protein. Whey protein isolate is a high-quality option, and 1st Phorm’s idea is promoting “rapid assimilation” for muscle growth. Let’s dive into our 1st Phorm Protein review, with insights from our certified personal trainer expert tester and a registered dietitian, and see how it stacks up against the competition. 

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. Individual needs for vitamins and minerals will vary.

1st Phorm Phormula-1 Protein Powder

1st Phorm Phormula-1 Protein Powder

This whey protein offers 20 grams of protein at just 100 calories per serving. It’s made from whey isolate, giving it a high protein concentration per weight. Plus, it’s got an excellent flavor.

Shop 1st Phorm

Expert Who Contributed

Jesse Zucker, NCSF CPT, CNC, RYT 200

Main Takeaways

1st Phorm Phormula-1 Protein Powder gives you 20 to 21 grams of high-quality whey protein isolate, available in 16 protein flavors. It’s relatively low in calories and carbohydrates. 

Whey isolate may be easier to digest than other protein supplements. However, Phormula-1 protein contains artificial sweeteners and other additives.

Our tester and customers like the taste and consistency. Though a bit pricy at $2.03 per serving, it’s third-party tested to ensure quality and safety. 

1st Phorm Protein Powder Specs

Phormula-1 Protein Powder uses whey protein isolate that is “low-temperature processed” and “cross-flow micro-filtrated.” These phrases mean it has been processed to remove most of the fat, carbs, and lactose, so only the highest-quality whey remains. 1st Phorm boasts “rapid assimilation” of amino acids and that you can feel it working, but this can technically be true of any whey isolate. (1)

1st Phorm Phormula 1 Whey Protein

Consuming any protein source post-workout will send amino acids to your muscles for absorption to begin muscle protein synthesis. If you can swing the cost, whey isolate protein is one of the best protein powders for muscle gain. Since it is mostly protein after processing, there’s less to digest, and your muscles may soak up the amino acids faster. (1)

One scoop of 1st Phorm Phormula-1 Protein Powder has 20 to 21 grams of whey protein isolate, 1 to 3 grams of carbs, and zero to two grams of fat, for 100 to 110 calories. While it’s on the lower end of grams of protein, you can add another scoop for an additional 10 grams while still staying pretty low in carbs and calories, making it ideal for weight loss or keto diets.

Phormula-1 comes in 16 fun flavors — but that’s also where the additives come in. It uses artificial sweeteners, and the fruity flavors also use artificial colors. There is also a Phormula-1 Natural option, which comes in three flavors, without artificial ingredients, though it still has “natural flavors” and some preservatives. 

The price is reasonable at $2.03 per serving, and 1st Phorm does third-party testing on all their products. 


High-quality whey isolate

Third-party tested

Low in carbs and calories

Almost lactose-free, easier to digest

Comes in 16 protein flavors

Not vegan or entirely dairy-free

Uses artificial sweeteners and colors

Price may be high for some budgets

Not unique in fast assimilation or high bioavailability

Who Should Use / Who Shouldn’t Use 1st Phorm Protein

1st Phorm Phormula-1 Protein offers 20 to 21 grams of whey isolate which helps with post-workout recovery, muscle growth, and weight loss. 

Our tester dumping a scoop of 1st Phorm Phormula 1 Whey Protein

The best whey protein powders (of any type) are typically considered the highest-quality protein powder because they are high in essential amino acids, particularly leucine, the branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) that triggers muscle protein synthesis. (2)

Here’s who may benefit from 1st Phorm Protein the most and who might not. 

Recommended for:

People with dairy sensitivities: Of the various types of whey, isolate is the easiest to digest.

Bodybuilders: Whey isolate absorbs rapidly for post-workout recovery and muscle growth.

People with weight loss goals: Whey protein isolate can increase satiety and help retain muscle as you lose body fat. (3)

Not Recommended for:

Vegans or lactose-intolerant folks: Although whey isolate has been processed to remove almost all of the lactose, whey still comes from milk and is not vegan or lactose-free.

People who aren’t sensitive to dairy: If you can tolerate dairy, whey concentrate is generally cheaper and may be equally beneficial. (4)

People boosting protein intake for general health: You don’t need a pricier protein supplement for general health and fitness (unless you want it).

Our Experience Using 1st Phorm Protein

Our expert tester, a certified personal trainer, knows the importance of having the most convenient, best-tasting protein powder to throw in a shaker bottle with water between your own workout and the rest of your busy life. We’ve got insights from our CPT and my ratings as a nutrition coach on what matters most — ingredients, formulation, taste, texture, cost, and safety. Let’s take a closer look.

Ingredients and Formulation

1st Phorm calls their Phormula-1 Protein “premium-sourced whey protein.” During processing, they remove most of the carbs, fat, and lactose, leaving a high-quality whey isolate that can be digested and absorbed quickly. 

Nutrition Facts label on a container of 1st Phorm Phormula 1 Whey Protein

While the protein in whey isolates is “pure,” the grams of protein tend to be lower because of what gets cut out during manufacturing. That’s likely why you only get 20 to 21 grams of protein per serving (depending on the flavor), while other protein supplements can go up to 30 grams per serving. Though you can add a second scoop, you’ll run through your tub quicker, making it even more expensive to have regularly.

Ingredients vary slightly among the 16 flavors, but they all contain artificial sweeteners (sucralose and acesulfame potassium), natural and artificial flavors, and gums and thickeners to create the texture. The fruit flavors also use artificial colors and dyes. Some people opt to avoid these additives. 

Though the formulation and process seem solid, due to the artificial ingredients and amount of protein per serving, I’m going with a 3.5/5.


Your goal can be hypertrophy and you can have in your shaker cup the best protein powder for muscle gain in all the land — but it won’t make a difference if it’s too gross to drink. We value the formula here at BarBend, but our expert testers also pay a lot of attention to how it all tastes.

Our tester drinking some 1st Phorm Phormula 1 Whey Protein.

For our tester, 1st Phorm comes through in a big way. “I tried the Chocolate Mint flavor and it was delicious — tastes just like a thin mint cookie,” they report. “I really liked it, especially when mixed with milk. It’s a little dessert-y so maybe not the best after a workout but great for a healthy sweet treat.”

All told, they rate the taste a 4.5 out of 5.


Mixing 1st Phorm Phormula 1 Whey Protein

Solubility makes a big difference, too. No one likes chugging down a clumpy cup of watery powder. Our tester has no complaints in this department. “This mixed great in water and milk; I didn’t find it clumpy at all,” they report, rating its mixability a solid 5 out of 5.

Price Per Serving

A tub of Phormula-1 protein costs $64.99 and contains 32 servings, which breaks down to $2.03 per serving. A few flavors have a subscription option, where you save $5.00 per order. At $59.99, it comes to $1.87 per serving, making it a bit more affordable if you know you want to get it regularly.

Our tester about to scoop some 1st Phorm Phormula 1 Whey Protein

Whey protein isolates are usually more expensive than whey protein concentrates, so $2.03 isn’t too out of the ordinary. But you can still get a comparable whey isolate for less. So, I’m giving it a 4 out of 5 for cost.

Third-Party Testing

Since The U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate dietary supplements, we like products that do third-party testing. Supplements, including protein powders, don’t need to be considered safe or effective to be sold. They may contain ingredients not listed on the label, including additives or banned substances. (5) Hence, the importance of third-party testing.

1st Phorm makes products in an FDA SQF Level-3 facility (the gold standard for manufacturing food). All products then get tested by FDA-approved third-party testers. They’re also NSF “Certified for Sport,” guaranteeing they do not contain banned substances. The NSF mark also ensures that the ingredients match what’s on the label, that there are no unsafe additives, and that the facility is biannually inspected and certified to be safe and high-quality. (6)

The NSF mark is also helpful if you want to try some of their other products, such as pre-workout, BCAAs, creatine, collagen, ignition (glycogen replenishment), greens powders, protein bars, vegan protein, or level-1 protein (a meal replacement powder). With this guarantee, I’m rating it a 5 out of 5 here.

What to Consider Before Buying 1st Phorm Protein

Do you know how many grams of protein you need daily? Head over to BarBend’s protein intake calculator to find out. If you’re reading this, it means you’re interested in getting more protein — so you’ll likely find a high number. Hitting that number helps you meet multiple fitness goals, like muscle growth, weight loss, and muscle repair. Having a protein shake post-workout kickstarts your post-workout recovery. 

While you can generally reach your protein intake goal through food protein sources alone, protein powder offers a convenient boost. When deciding if 1st Phorm Phormula-1 is right for you, consider nutrition facts (macros and micronutrients), other ingredients (sweeteners), price, and safety (third-party testing). We’ve tested over 110 protein powders as a team — here’s the breakdown on 1st Phorm.

Our tester scoops up so 1st Phorm Phormula 1 Whey Protein.

Protein Content: Most flavors have 20 grams of protein, and the following flavors have 21 grams: Fruit Punch, Juicy Watermelon, Key Lime Pie, and Orange Dreamsicle.

Fat and Carbs:

The fat content ranges from 0 grams of fat (Cherry Lime and Fruit Punch) to 2 grams of fat (Strawberry, Cafe Mocha, and Cafe Latte). 

The range for carbohydrates is from 1 gram (Cherry Lime, Fruit Punch, and Orange Dreamsicle) to 3 grams (Chocolate and Vanilla Milkshake, Chocolate Mint Cookie, CTC, Magical Charms, Root Beer Float, and Cafe Mocha).

Price: One tub costs $64.99 for 32 servings, or $2.03 per serving. 

Sweeteners: All flavors contain artificial sweeteners acesulfame potassium and sucralose.

Micronutrient content: Calcium content ranges from zero to 120 milligrams (mg), most flavors have about 100. Potassium ranges from 60 to 170 mg, with most having at least 100. The Cafe Mocha and Cafe Latte flavors also contain 20 to 60 mg of phosphorus, 20 to 25 mg of magnesium, and 60 mg of chloride. All flavors contain some sodium, with Salted Peanut Butter having the highest amount at 360 mg. 

Third-party testing: Products are made in an FDA SQF Level-3 facility (the gold standard for manufacturing food) and tested by FDA-approved third-party testers. 

1st Phorm Protein Vs. Competitors

In determining whether 1st Phorm protein is right for you, it’s helpful to see how its specs line up with its competitors. We chose three popular brands that also offer whey protein at similar prices to compare their macros, ingredients, and flavors. 

Transparent Labs and Xwerks Grow are the closest to 1st Phorm because they are also whey isolates but are both grass-fed. Grass-fed protein sources may have more nutrients, but there is no research on whether grass-fed whey protein powder significantly differs from non-grass-fed. Both use natural sweeteners (Stevia) instead of artificial, and Xwerks Grow has additives similar to those of 1st Phorm. Both have more protein (Transparent Labs has the most) and are slightly cheaper. (5)

Gainful Protein is significantly different because it is customizable. You can choose a base (whey or vegan) and a fitness goal that will change the calories and macros. It’s significantly more expensive, too. Gainful’s whey option uses concentrate and isolate — so it’s not pure isolate like the other three. They have optional flavor sticks that use natural sweeteners (Stevia and monk fruit). If you leave out the flavor sticks, Gainful has the least additives, a major pro for some folks.

Check out our full Xwerks Grow Whey Protein Review.

Places to Buy 1st Phorm Protein


The Vitamin Shoppe


Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

1st Phorm calls Phormula-1 the best-tasting and best-mixing. Here’s how the customers feel about it and what to expect if you try it out.

Shipping and Delivery: 1st Phorm offers free standard shipping for orders over $75 in the United States. Shipping costs for orders less than $75 depending on distance and weight. If you place your order on a Monday through Friday before 2:00 PM Central Standard Time, they’ll ship it the same day. After 2:00 PM, they’ll ship the following business day. Delivery time will depend on the carrier. They also offer expedited shipping for an extra fee.

Trial Period: 1st Phorm offers a “110% money-back guarantee.” If you don’t like your product (for any reason), you can return what’s left within 30 days for your money back plus an extra 10%. You have to pay the shipping cost to return it. The guarantee only works for products purchased on their website, not other retailers.

Customer Reviews: On the 1st Phorm website, Phormula-1 protein powder has 22,878 reviews and a 4.9 (out of 5) rating, which is pretty excellent. Customers like the macros, taste, solubility (even in water), and that it does not cause bloating or stomach upset. Some say they don’t notice an aftertaste from the sweetener. Almost all of the flavors get called out as favorites.

Our Final Verdict on 1st Phorm Protein

1st Phorm Protein is a high-quality whey protein isolate that third-party tests and ensures that what you see on the label is what you get. That said, it does have artificial sweeteners and ingredients. If it’s not an issue for you, it’s a great option since customers and our tester agree on its excellent taste (16 flavors) and solubility.

Whey isolates are great for dairy-sensitive people who may experience bloating and discomfort with other whey proteins. However, they only have 20 to 21 grams of protein, so you may want to try a brand that gives you more protein per serving. If you don’t mind adding an extra scoop and buying it more frequently — or just adding more food protein sources — it’s a solid choice.

1st Phorm Protein FAQs

Is 1st Phorm worth the price?

Ask yourself a few questions. If you’re sensitive to dairy but want the benefits of whey, then a whey isolate is worth the price. However, Transparent Labs offers a whey protein isolate with significantly more protein for a slightly lower price, almost as many flavors, and no artificial sweeteners (but it does have Stevia). It comes down to personal preference.

Can I mix Phormula-1 with water or milk?

Phormula-1 mixes well with water or milk. On their website, they suggest mixing it only with water if you take it post-workout because adding more ingredients to your shake can slow down its digestion and absorption.

Is Phormula-1 dairy-free?

It is not dairy-free because it contains whey, which comes from milk. However, their website states that the Juicy Watermelon, Fruit Punch, and Cherry Lime flavors are “100 percent lactose-free.” Still, even if most of the lactose is removed during processing, it is still whey — a lactose product.


Hoffman JR, Falvo MJ. Protein – Which is Best? J Sports Sci Med. 2004 Sep 1;3(3):118-30. PMID: 24482589; PMCID: PMC3905294.

Devries, M. C., & Phillips, S. M. (2015). Supplemental Protein in Support of Muscle Mass and Health: Advantage Whey. Journal of Food Science, 80(S1), A8-A15.

Paddon-Jones D, Westman E, Mattes RD, Wolfe RR, Astrup A, Westerterp-Plantenga M. Protein, weight management, and satiety. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 May;87(5):1558S-1561S. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/87.5.1558S. PMID: 18469287.

A Castro LH, S de Araújo FH, M Olimpio MY, B de B Primo R, T Pereira T, F Lopes LA, B S de M Trindade E, Fernandes R, A Oesterreich S. Comparative Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Concentrated, Hydrolyzed, and Isolated Whey Protein Supplementation on Body Composition of Physical Activity Practitioners. Nutrients. 2019 Sep 2;11(9):2047. doi: 10.3390/nu11092047. PMID: 31480653; PMCID: PMC6769754.

Ronis MJJ, Pedersen KB, Watt J. Adverse Effects of Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2018 Jan 6;58:583-601. doi: 10.1146/annurev-pharmtox-010617-052844. Epub 2017 Oct 6. PMID: 28992429; PMCID: PMC6380172.

Certified for Sport. NSF Sport.

Daley CA, Abbott A, Doyle PS, Nader GA, Larson S. A review of fatty acid profiles and antioxidant content in grass-fed and grain-fed beef. Nutr J. 2010 Mar 10;9:10. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-9-10. PMID: 20219103; PMCID: PMC2846864.

The post 1st Phorm Protein Review (2024): An RD and Nutrition Coach Give Their Takes appeared first on BarBend.

Training Partners Make You Stronger: Watch Wesley Vissers Train Chest With 8x Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman

Many athletes dream of training with their idols. The reigning Arnold Classic Physique champion Wesley Vissers lived that dream by training alongside the eight-time Mr. Olympia champion Ronnie Coleman in Amsterdam.

Vissers and Coleman’s chest and triceps workout marked the beginning of Vissers’ 2024 Olympia prep.

Vissers & Coleman’s Chest & Triceps Workout

Machine Chest Press

Decline Machine Flye

Overhead Triceps Extension

Superset — EZ Bar Skull Crushers & Close-Grip Bench Press

Check out their session below:

[Related: Olympia-Life Balance: How Chris Bumstead Prioritizes Family, Training, & Everything Else]

Decline Machine Flye

Machine flyes bias the inner and lower chest fibers. Vissers employed tempo reps, using three-second eccentrics with a brief pause in the fully stretched position to maximize time under tension (TUT) and hypertrophy. (1)

An incline bench setup has a line of pull that places the chest in a mechanically disadvantaged position at full extension, effectively loading the chest in its weakest position. (2)

Overhead Cable Triceps Extension

Unlike free weights, cables maintain constant tension on the triceps throughout the range of motion (ROM), maximizing stimulus on the long triceps head, which crosses the shoulder and elbow joints. 

Superset — EZ Bar Skull Crushers & Close-Grip Bench Press

Coleman trained EZ bar skull crushers as the first free-weight exercise of the workout. After completing 20 repetitions, Coleman switched to 20 reps of close-grip bench presses with the same weight. He performed lengthened partials to exhaust the triceps. (3)

[Related: Bodybuilder Hadi Choopan Uses Chariot Extensions to Grow His Hamstrings — Here’s Why They’re So Effective]

Stronger, Together

The benefits of training with a partner, particularly one whose strength accolades you admire, could make you stronger.

A 2016 randomized control trial found that male training partners “became stronger in the upper body and more physically active,” and female training partners “increased muscle mass and improved upper and lower body strength.” (4)

The Way Forward

Vissers secured victories at the 2024 Arnold Classic and 2024 Arnold Classic UK. His sights are set on the Classic Physique Olympia on Oct. 10-13, 2024, in Las Vegas, NV, where he’ll aim to dethrone the five-time reigning champion Chris Bumstead.


Burd NA, Andrews RJ, West DW, et al. Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men. J Physiol. 2012;590(2):351-362. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2011.221200

Androulakis Korakakis P, Wolf M, Coleman M, et al. Optimizing Resistance Training Technique to Maximize Muscle Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2023;9(1):9. Published 2023 Dec 29. doi:10.3390/jfmk9010009

Pedrosa, G. F., Lima, F. V., Schoenfeld, B. J., Lacerda, L. T., Simões, M. G., Pereira, M. R., Diniz, R. C. R., & Chagas, M. H. (2022). Partial range of motion training elicits favorable improvements in muscular adaptations when carried out at long muscle lengths. European journal of sport science, 22(8), 1250–1260.

Winters-Stone, K. M., Lyons, K. S., Dobek, J., Dieckmann, N. F., Bennett, J. A., Nail, L., & Beer, T. M. (2016). Benefits of partnered strength training for prostate cancer survivors and spouses: results from a randomized controlled trial of the Exercising Together project. Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice10(4), 633–644.

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Featured image: @wesleyvissers on Instagram

The post Training Partners Make You Stronger: Watch Wesley Vissers Train Chest With 8x Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman appeared first on BarBend.

Olympia-Life Balance: How Chris Bumstead Prioritizes Family, Training, & Everything Else

On July 27, 2024, five-time reigning Classic Physique Olympia champ Chris Bumstead shared his chest training. His workout involved “yielding isometrics,” drop sets, and modified flyes. He also divulged his mental process and success strategies while advising new bodybuilders.

Bumstead commenced his 2024 Olympia prep in early July and will scale training intensity leading to his fifth title defense attempt at the 2024 Olympia from Oct. 10-13, 2024, in Las Vegas, NV.

[Related: Wesley Vissers’ Near-4,000-Calorie Full Day of Eating During 2024 Olympia Prep]

Prioritizing and Mindset 

In a mid-session Q&A, Bumstead shared his priorities and building a champion mindset. The 29-year-old says his commitments are family first, then bodybuilding, then business.

If it weren’t like that, my family would hate me. I’d lose the Olympia.

Bumstead learned to “embrace the suck.”

Every time shit hits me, I end up with a dope story in my Olympia speech, another Olympia title, and more resilience in the end.

Bumstead knows he should minimize mental strains as much as possible. He does so by continuously developing productive daily habits, such as finishing tasks on time, reducing distractions, and ignoring haters.

Your body responds so heavily to your mind,” expressed Bumstead. “When you’re stressed out, your body doesn’t recover. When you’re at the top level, and everyone’s already got elite genetics, it comes down to whose mind is on track the most times.”

“Bodybuilding is a perfection sport. I feel I need to be perfect to win the Olympia,” Bumstead confessed. “A stressful day takes me away from winning the Olympia.”

[Related: Hunter Labrada on Mindset: “Framing Everything We Do in the Gym as a Practiced Skill”]

Machine Decline Chest Press 

Bumstead is prioritizing lower chest gains. He started his session seated upright on a machine decline press. He prefers a more shoulder-friendly neutral grip.

As Bumstead pressed, the machine’s arms arced down and together. He reversed the motion into a deep pec stretch and repeated the sequence.

Decline [presses] hit different in the pec minor deep under.

Bumstead performed four sets, maxing out at eight 45-pound plates, backing off on the last set. 

Mid-Range Yielding Iso Incline Press

Bumstead used coach Justin King’s pause-rep training on the incline press. The method calls for three sets of 10 reps. At the end of each set, Bumstead spent three seconds on the negative, paused at the bottom, pressed, paused, came halfway down, and held for 20 seconds.

Bumstead typically trains heavy on presses, but time under tension [TUT] with isometric holds and less weight humbled him. TUT normally refers to increasing the time spent performing an exercise to keep the target muscle active longer. Recent studies found that lighter resistance loads paired with greater TUT offer adequate stimulus for muscle and strength gains (1)(2).

Cable Incline Pronated Clavicular Flye

Bumstead squeezed his pecs during chest flyes. Forgoing handle attachments, Bumstead grabbed the end of the cable. He opened his arms wide to lengthen his chest fibers and then reversed for a hard squeeze at the top. To optimize his results, his arms’ movement path was aligned with his upper pecs. He did three drop sets.

I feel the pump across my clavicle in the upper chest.

[Related: How To Use FST-7 Training To Build the Upper Chest]

Dumbbell Flye, Cable Triceps Extensions & Pushdowns

Bumstead followed with dumbbell flyes on a flat bench. Unlike a traditional flye, he raised the arms in a “Y” formation and externally rotated during the stretch.

Bumstead adopted a wide overhand grip on a curved bar for pushdowns and loaded the full cable weight stack for 10 reps. He alternated standing overhead rope extensions for a superior triceps stretch, which may be up to 40 percent more effective for muscle growth than pushdowns due to the stretch across the shoulder joint. (3) Combining overhead and regular pushdowns better ensures overall triceps development. 

Decline Dumbbell Skullcrusher and Ab Finisher 

Bumstead finished his triceps with dumbbell skull crushers on a decline bench. The objective was achieving a deep stretch by lowering the weights past his head. Using a decline can lessen joint stress. Bumstead noted how heavy the light weights felt.

Bumstead ended his workout with hanging leg raises from a decline bench. He held onto straps secured to the foot end and curled his lower body up.

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Featured image: @cbum on Instagram

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What Is Starvation Mode? Should You Avoid It?

“Starvation mode” describes the body’s adaptive response to prolonged calorie restriction. When the body detects it’s not getting enough calories, it conserves energy by slowing metabolism. This can hinder the weight loss progress and may even lead to weight gain. (1)

Ph.D. in Sports Physiology Dr. Mike Israetel took to YouTube on July 23, 2024, to demystify the starvation mode theory, offering a scientific breakdown of the body’s response to extended calorie restriction. Check it out below:

[Related: These Are the Most Nutrient-Dense Foods, According to a Nutrition Coach]

When Starvation Mode Is Not a Myth

Gaining muscle tissue on a hypocaloric diet is nearly impossible. “If you cut your calories low enough for long enough, you will lose weight,” Israetel explained. 

However, Israetel cautions that significant caloric deficits can put considerable demands on the body, often leading to predictable symptoms. Ignoring these signs can exacerbate them, jeopardizing the ability to maintain muscle mass while losing fat

6 Signs of Diet Fatigue

Israetel explains that starvation mode is commonly misunderstood. People who are genuinely starving will undeniably lose weight. However, a state known as ‘diet fatigue’ can arise from extreme calorie restriction.

Starvation mode is very high diet fatigue.

 Diet fatigue manifests in six main ways:

Rabid hunger and cravings

Incredibly lower energy for training and movement

Lowered ability to think clearly, quickly, and deeply

Consistently reduced sleep quality

Feeling cold all the time

Increased water retention

[Related: Why Does My Weight Fluctuate So Much? Dietitians Answer]

1. Rabid hunger and cravings

When an individual restricts their calorie intake excessively or sustains it for an extended period, their body triggers intense hunger signals. This can make it difficult to stick to a diet and may lead to overeating or binge eating.

It’s a sign…it is less than productive to continue that mode.

[Related: Water Fasting: What is It and is It Safe?]

2. Lower energy for training and movement

Diet fatigue can make workouts and daily activities feel like an uphill battle. This can be frustrating and demotivating, hindering the ability to maintain a consistent exercise routine. “Several contest preps ago, I got to a point where walking was physically difficult,” said Israetel. (2)

3. Lowered ability to think clearly, quickly, and deeply

Prolonged diet fatigue can cause cognitive difficulties, including problems concentrating, remembering information, or making decisions, negatively affecting work, studies, and overall well-being. This is a telltale sign of diet fatigue if you consistently starve before your next meal. 

4. Consistently reduced sleep quality

Starvation mode can significantly disrupt sleep patterns, making it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up feeling refreshed. Poor sleep can exacerbate other diet fatigue symptoms and impede weight loss.

Image via Shutterstock/Gatot Adri

Sound sleep is crucial for fat loss and muscle growth. Poor sleep, in terms of quality and duration, makes muscle retention and fat loss difficult, explains Israetel. (3)

5. Feeling cold all the time

During diet fatigue, the body may conserve energy by lowering its core temperature, causing you to feel chilly even in relatively warm environments. It is usually a result of decreased thyroid hormone production, which can negatively impact your future fat-burning potential.

6. Increased water retention

Starvation mode can cause your body to retain more water as a side effect of increased fat burning. This can lead to bloating and mask fat loss progress, making it seem like you’re not making any progress, even if you are.

Should You Avoid Diet Starvation?

Israetel clarifies that while “starvation mode” may not be the most accurate term, extreme diet fatigue can indeed occur, leading to suboptimal fat loss results.

It may indicate an overly restrictive diet to experience several of these six signs for multiple weeks consistently. Israetel recommends transitioning to a maintenance phase or a slight calorie surplus to reset your metabolism and alleviate diet fatigue before resuming your fat-loss efforts.


Johannsen DL, Knuth ND, Huizenga R, Rood JC, Ravussin E, Hall KD. Metabolic slowing with massive weight loss despite preservation of fat-free mass. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Jul;97(7):2489-96. doi: 10.1210/jc.2012-1444. Epub 2012 Apr 24. Erratum in: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 May;101(5):2266. doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-1651. PMID: 22535969; PMCID: PMC3387402.

Rosenbaum M, Leibel RL. Adaptive thermogenesis in humans. Int J Obes (Lond). 2010 Oct;34 Suppl 1(0 1):S47-55. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2010.184. PMID: 20935667; PMCID: PMC3673773.

Chaston TB, Dixon JB, O’Brien PE. Changes in fat-free mass during significant weight loss: a systematic review. Int J Obes (Lond). 2007 May;31(5):743-50. doi: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803483. Epub 2006 Oct 31. PMID: 17075583.

Featured image via Shutterstock/Gatot Adri

The post What Is Starvation Mode? Should You Avoid It? appeared first on BarBend.

Unscripted: FitOn Health CEO Ed Buckley on GLP-1s, Fitness & Healthcare

Buckley joins the ATN podcast to discuss topics as diverse as corporate wellness, GLP-1s in fitness, and ethics in healthcare

In the latest episode of Athletech News’ Unscripted podcast, Ed Buckley, CEO of FitOn Health, a corporate wellness and benefits platform under FitOn, one of the world’s biggest digital fitness brands, joins co-hosts Edward Hertzman and Eric Malzone to discuss FitOn’s merger with Peerfit, how to build a remote fitness community and how to be “more than just a benefit” for members. 

Buckley, Hertzman and Malzone also break down the reasoning behind FitOn’s recent strategic partnerships, the balance between fitness, and healthcare and ongoing HSA/FSA fund restrictions. The three also discuss in detail the power of social coercion in fitness and the exponential growth FitOn has experienced over the past year.

Watch this episode of Unscripted for unfiltered takes on the following:

Key issues in corporate wellness

The place of GLP-1 weight-loss drugs in fitness

Ethics in the healthcare system

The post Unscripted: FitOn Health CEO Ed Buckley on GLP-1s, Fitness & Healthcare appeared first on Athletech News.

Premier Protein Powder Review (2024): Evaluated by an RD 

When it comes to making gains, we know you want to get your hands on the best protein powder possible — and we’re throwing Premier Protein Powder into the ring. At BarBend, our testers use a standardized supplement testing methodology to rate products based on their formulation, ingredients, and safety and take input from expert registered dietitians. 

As a certified nutrition coach, I always recommend whey protein powder to my clients (if they consume dairy). Whey is high-quality and bioavailable, so I was eager to review Premier Protein Powder to see how it stacks up to some of the other whey protein powders — of which we’ve tested dozens. Though pricey, I like some of the specs as a nutrition coach (and so does BarBend’s expert reviewer, an RD), and our testers like the taste. Let’s dive in.

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. Individual needs for vitamins and minerals will vary.

Premier Protein Powder

Premier Protein Powder

Each serving of Premier Protein Powder packs in 30 grams of protein and just one gram of sugar. It’s also available in three flavors — Chocolate, Vanilla, and Cafe Latte.

Shop Amazon

Main Takeaways

Premier Protein Powder is super high-protein (30 grams), low-carb, and pretty low in calories, making it one of the best protein powders for weight loss.

This protein powder has solid reviews from customers who rave about its taste and texture; our expert tester agrees. However, it does use a small amount of artificial sweeteners.

Premier Protein products have not been third-party tested and are pricier per serving than comparable brands.

Premier Protein Powder Specs

Premier Protein Powder gives you 30 grams of protein, 2 to 3 grams of carbs, and 150 calories in two scoops. That’s about as high-protein, low-carb, and low-calorie as you can go in a protein powder. If you’re looking for the best protein powder for muscle gain, you may want something a bit higher-calorie — but you can always add whole foods to your shake to bulk it up. 

BarBend’s expert reviewer Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D. praises the macros split here:Premier Protein‘s Whey Protein Powder is an efficient way to increase your protein intake without skewing your other macronutrients or exceeding your calorie goal. One serving provides 150 calories and 120 of those come from protein alone.”

Our tester with a container of Premier Protein Powder.

Premier Protein Powder gets all its protein from whey protein concentrate and isolate. It comes in three flavors: chocolate milkshake, vanilla milkshake, and café latte. It has 1 gram of sugar from sucralose (an artificial sweetener) and the natural sweeteners monk fruit and stevia leaf extract. The chocolate flavor adds cocoa, and the café latte includes 95 milligrams (mg) of caffeine. 

All three flavors contain less than 2% soluble corn fiber, sunflower lecithin, natural and artificial flavors, acesulfame potassium, xanthan gum, and salt. These give the powder its consistency and taste while helping preserve it, but some people prefer to avoid them (even at a low amount). Still, it’s gluten-free and soy-free, plus you get 160 mg of calcium and 160 to 270 mg of potassium.

The price may seem steep at $2.49 per serving. However, if you purchase it on Amazon, it comes down to $1.38 per serving. Although Premier Protein is a solid brand that has existed since 1997, it does not third-party test its products. This means that you can’t be sure what amounts the ingredients are in, how pure they are, or if the product contains any banned substances. Especially for competitive athletes in drug-tested divisions, this may weigh into your decision-making pretty heavily.

While this product isn’t necessarily marketed at any specific gender, you could consider it one of the best protein powders for women because you get 30 grams of whey protein. Whey protein may improve bone health and help prevent osteoporosis, which cis women may be at a higher risk of than cis men. (1) (There is not enough research done on trans and nonbinary people to make definitive conclusions, so trans folks should consult a trans-affirming nutrition professional if possible.)


High amount of whey protein concentrate and isolate

Three flavors, one with a caffeine boost

Gluten-free and soy-free

Low-carb and keto-friendly

Customers and our tester like the taste

Not third-party tested

Contains natural and artificial flavors

Contains artificial sweeteners

Not a plant-based protein powder

High price per serving

Who Should Use / Who Shouldn’t Use Premier Protein Powder

Whey protein has all the essential amino acids your body needs to build muscle, and they’re readily available to be absorbed after training to boost muscle protein synthesis. However, whey comes from milk, so it’s not a vegan product. (2)

Recommended for:

Anyone looking to boost protein intake for overall wellness

People with weight loss goals — high protein and low calories help you stay full and potentially reduce cravings in a caloric deficit

People looking to gain muscle — you get 30 grams of bioavailable whey protein per serving, making this a solid protein source

Not Recommended for:

People who need vegan protein or are lactose-free or dairy-free

People looking to gain a lot of mass might want higher calories

Budget-conscious folks — though you can check Amazon for a lower price

Our Experience Using Premier Protein Powder

Let’s get into the details. We tested Premier Protein Powder to see what adding it to your supplement stack would be like and rated it on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) in multiple categories.

A Premier Protein Powder shake.

For on-the-go athletes, sometimes the best protein shakes are those you can mix in a shaker cup that tastes decent enough. You can’t always rely on access to your kitchen or blender for a midday workout, and you don’t want to miss out on your post-workout gains. With that in mind, here’s what we found, with bonus insight from our tester, who is a certified nutrition coach, and our expert reviewer, who is a registered dietitian.

Ingredients and Formulation

As a whey protein supplement, the dosage and formulation are excellent — 30 grams of protein, 160 mg of calcium, and 160 to 270 mg of potassium for 150 calories. Ingredient-wise, some artificial sweeteners and additives help sweeten and preserve the product. For those who don’t like the taste of artificial sweeteners or opt to avoid additives, I have to knock down a point and rate it a 4 out of 5.

Bourgeois, our expert reviewer and an RD, also appreciates the formulation of this supp. “I like this formula for those who need to increase their protein intake without worrying about their other macronutrients. It’s a fairly lean protein powder, with most of its calories coming from protein. I also like that it doesn’t contain any added sugar.”

All told — including the fact that this isn’t third-party tested (more on that later), Bourgeois gives this formula a 3.75 out of 5. “The macro ratio is ideal for those who want to boost their protein intake, but it contains some artificial ingredients, including artificial sweeteners and flavorings.”

[Read More: Best Whey Protein Powders]


Our expert tester, a certified nutrition coach, tried Premier Protein Powder and offered her insight on what the taste is like in water versus milk.

Our tester drinking a Premier Protein Powder shake.

“I mixed the Vanilla Milkshake flavor just with water, and the artificial sweetener flavor really came through. However, if you blend it with a milk product, the taste is spot-on.” So if you want to really get the most out of the flavor here, toss it in with oat milk or another milk of your choice. She rates the overall taste a 4 out of 5, especially in milk.


Here’s what our tester says to expect when mixing the powder in a shaker bottle versus a blender — spoiler: it’s good news.

There was very little grittiness left. The serving size is two scoops, so when I mixed it in a shaker cup, I expected there to be a lot of clumps, but there weren’t. It’s even smoother in a blender.” She rates solubility a 4.25 out of 5 — pretty impressive, especially when you’re packing in so much protein into a single serving.

Price Per Serving

If you get Premier Protein Powder through their website, it’s $42.29 for 17 servings, which comes to $2.49 per serving. This may be a bit of a steep cost compared to similar companies, especially with artificial sweeteners and additives. If you go with Amazon, it’s $23.62 for 17 servings, which comes out to $1.38. Since we’re rating the company itself, I’m giving it a 3 out of 5 for price.

Third-Party Testing

The U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate dietary supplements; they don’t need to be proven safe or effective to be sold. Supplements may contain additives, banned substances, or ingredients not listed on the label. (3)

[Read More: Best Protein Powders for Men]

A close look at a scoop of Premier Protein Powder.

Efficiency-wise, with protein powder, you can safely assume it “works” since it’s simply a method of conveniently boosting your protein intake. Safety-wise, however, we tend to like products that do third-party testing since the FDA isn’t involved in quality regulation here.

The additives in this protein powder are fairly standard, but technically, we can’t be sure if there’s anything else in it. For these reasons, I’m going with a 2 out of 5. 

What to Consider Before Buying Premier Protein Powder

You want protein powder for a reason. It’s the quickest way to boost your protein intake (aside from eating whole food sources), which can help with muscle-building, weight loss, muscle recovery, bone health, and overall health. When choosing your brand, you’ll want to consider the following factors: macro and micronutrients, other ingredients, price, and safety. Our team of experts has tested over 100 protein powders, and here’s what we’ve got for Premier Protein. 

Protein Content: Premier Protein Powder offers 30 grams of whey protein concentrate and isolate.

Fat and Carbs: There are 2 grams of fat in the chocolate milkshake and café latte flavors and 3 grams of fat in the vanilla milkshake flavor. For carbohydrates, there are 3 grams in the vanilla milkshake and café latte flavors, and 4 grams in the chocolate milkshake. Since these levels are so low, this isn’t a great meal replacement option.

Price: This powder is in the mid-to-higher price range at $2.49 per serving.

Sweeteners: It’s sweetened by one gram of sucralose (an artificial sweetener) and contains cane sugar, monk fruit, and stevia leaf extract.

Micronutrient content: You get 160 mg of calcium, 160 to 270 mg of potassium, 170 mg of sodium, and 0.3 to 1.2 mg of iron. The café latte also contains 95 mg of caffeine.

Third-party testing: Premier Protein Powder is not third-party tested.

Premier Protein Powder Vs. Competitors

Protein powder benefits are plentiful. We know you have plenty of options to choose from, so we compared the high-level specs with two competitors for whey protein. These other brands offer close to the same amount of protein and calories, which are important to a wide range of athletes. Transparent Labs and Sports Research are also reputable brands that customers love.

Looking into an opened container of Premier Protein Powder.

Premier Protein and Sports Research are similar — they use artificial sweeteners and the same additives with limited flavor options. Sports Research is cheaper per serving but has 25 grams of protein instead of 30. Transparent Labs differs from both brands — it doesn’t use artificial sweeteners, but it uses Stevia (considered a natural sweetener) and has no extra additives. It comes in 14 flavors, is cheaper, and has 28 grams of grass-fed whey protein isolate, which their site states is “virtually lactose-free.” (However, any amount of whey technically cannot be lactose-free.)

The most significant difference is that Transparent Labs and Sports Research do third-party testing, while Premier Protein does not (and both are cheaper). Transparent Labs is also significantly different from the other two because it has the fewest ingredients and most flavors. 

Places to Buy Premier Protein

Here’s where to get it:





Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

Premier Protein has been around since the 1990s, and you’ve likely seen their products in stores. Customers (including our expert tester) seem to love the protein powder. Here’s what to expect based on other customers’ experience.


Time: If you order through the website (in the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii) on Monday through Friday, orders ship the same day and typically arrive within one business day. They have a zip code search function to determine when to expect your order.

Price: Shipping costs $8.95 for orders up to $59; anything over that includes free shipping. All orders add a $1.25 fuel fee.

Trial Period: Premier Protein offers a satisfaction guarantee for any product ordered through its website. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, you have 90 days to request a refund or replacement.

Customer Reviews: Premier Protein has generally positive reviews from customers.

Premier Protein Site: The chocolate milkshake flavor has a 4.4 (out of 5) rating out of 86 reviews, the vanilla milkshake gets a 4.3 out of 74 reviews, and the café latte has a 4.3 out of 73 reviews.

Amazon Reviews: There’s more feedback on Amazon — over 55,000 reviews come out to a 4.4 rating. 

Customer Thoughts: Customers say it tastes great, blends easily, has a good texture, and they appreciate the protein-to-calorie ratio (so do our expert testers and reviewers). Some call it pricey. Others say it’s too sweet due to the artificial sweetener.

Our Final Verdict on Premier Protein 

Premier Protein Powder is a high-protein whey supplement that tastes great and blends well (even in a shaker bottle), according to our tester and the majority of customer reviews. Though expensive on its home site, you can get it cheaper on Amazon. Its main drawbacks are that it’s not third-party tested and it contains artificial sweeteners and additives. It comes down to personal preference regarding ingredients, but as a nutrition coach, I like it for its 30 grams of muscle-building whey protein — and so does our expert reviewer RD.

FAQs About Premier Protein

Are the Premier Protein shakes good for you?

Each shake has 30 grams of whey protein, 160 calories, 1 gram of sugar, 5 grams of carbs, and 24 vitamins and minerals, so it sounds good. However, the pre-made protein drinks have more ingredients than the powders. They contain “natural and artificial flavors” and other additives, which some people may prefer to avoid, especially if they tend to experience gastrointestinal side effects from these ingredients.

Do you mix Premier Protein powder with water or milk?

You can mix Premiere Protein Powder with water or milk.

How much does Premier Protein Powder cost?

One tub of Premier Protein Powder from their website costs $42.29 for 17 servings or $2.49 per serving. On Amazon, a tub costs $23.62 for 17 servings, or $1.38 per serving.


Hill, T.R., Verlaan, S., Biesheuvel, E. et al. A Vitamin D, Calcium and Leucine-Enriched Whey Protein Nutritional Supplement Improves Measures of Bone Health in Sarcopenic Non-Malnourished Older Adults: The PROVIDE Study. Calcif Tissue Int 105, 383–391 (2019).

Devries, M. C., & Phillips, S. M. (2015). Supplemental Protein in Support of Muscle Mass and Health: Advantage Whey. Journal of Food Science, 80(S1), A8-A15.

Ronis MJJ, Pedersen KB, Watt J. Adverse Effects of Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2018 Jan 6;58:583-601. doi: 10.1146/annurev-pharmtox-010617-052844. Epub 2017 Oct 6. PMID: 28992429; PMCID: PMC6380172.

The post Premier Protein Powder Review (2024): Evaluated by an RD  appeared first on BarBend.

Joe Borenstein (83KG) Sets Unofficial IPF World Record Raw Total of 865 Kilograms

U.S. powerlifter Joe Borenstein has been competing since he was 15. Now 21 and still a Junior, Borenstein has years of lifting experience. He switched from USA Powerlifting (USAPL) to Powerlifting America (PA) in 2024 and, on July 27, took part in the Prime Time session of the 2024 SBD Raleigh meet.

In the Prime Time session, athletes from different weight classes competed against each other. They were scored on the proportion of the American total record they achieved. This unusual format reflects, on a national level, the scoring system of SBD Apparel’s international money meet, the Sheffield Powerlifting Championships.

Borenstein put in the performance of his life, going nine for nine and hitting the biggest total of any drug-tested powerlifter in the world in the 83KG class. Check out his meet recap below:

[Read: Best Whey Protein Powders]

Borenstein started strong, hitting a 10-kilogram personal record on the squat and a seven-kilogram personal record on the bench press. But it was on the deadlift where Borenstein really impressed.

Going into the meet, Borenstein’s biggest deadlift was 340 kilograms. He took that weight for his second attempt and almost made it look like an empty barbell. However, a 20-kilogram jump up to 360 kilograms for his final attempt seemed like a Hail Mary.

He set up in a wide sumo stance and took the bar in a narrow hook grip — at least some of his grip seemed to be inside the knurling on the smooth part of the bar. The bar moved slowly but did not stall, and he locked it out successfully.

Borenstein achieved 100.58 percent of the American total record to win the meet and secure $3,500 in prize money. It ranks as the biggest drug-tested total ever achieved in the 83KG class.

2024 SBD Raleigh Results — Joe Borenstein, Raw 83KG


267.5 kilograms

285 kilograms

295 kilograms

Bench Press

192.5 kilograms

205 kilograms

210 kilograms


315 kilograms

340 kilograms

360 kilograms

Total — 865 kilograms

At the 2024 International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) Classic World ChampionshipsJurins Kengamu took the title with 845 kilograms, which would have put Borenstein at the top of the podium.

To make the team and qualify for the 2025 contest, Borenstein must beat Russel Orhii at the 2025 PA Raw Nationals, which is no easy feat. This young man has the biggest numbers currently, but Orhii is fearsome and will not allow an easy ride.

Featured image: @joe.borenstein on Instagram

The post Joe Borenstein (83KG) Sets Unofficial IPF World Record Raw Total of 865 Kilograms appeared first on BarBend.

Xponential Fitness Feels Effects of Investigation, CEO Change

The boutique fitness and wellness franchisor has lowered its 2024 guidance for studio openings and revenue, but new CEO Mark King is optimistic, citing his previous tenure at Adidas

A reset is underway for boutique fitness and wellness franchisor Xponential Fitness as it settles in under new CEO Mark King and wrangles with residual effects stemming from a leadership change and regulatory inquiries

For the second quarter of 2024, Xponential’s total revenue decreased by $0.8 million (1%) to $76.5 million, down from $77.3 million in the prior-year period, which the franchisor says is primarily attributed to its strategic shift away from company-owned transition studios. The franchisor also posted a $13.7 million net loss or a loss of $0.29 per basic share.

Xponential is now adjusting its full-year 2024 guidance for gross new studios in the range of 500-520 (compared to a previous guidance of 540-560) and revenue of $310.0 million to $320.0 million versus a previous guidance of $340.0 million to $350.0 million.

“We saw some of the same retail softness that other consumer companies experienced during the second quarter,” chief financial officer John Meloun said. “When taken together with the effects of our leadership transition and previously announced regulatory investigations, it makes sense to temper elements of our prior outlook.”

XPOF shares fell around one percentage point on Thursday.

In May, the boutique fitness franchisor received a notice of an investigation by the United States Attorney’s Office (USAO) for the Central District of California. The notice followed an SEC investigation that Xponential announced late last year – around the same time Bloomberg reported some Pure Barre and Club Pilates franchisees were navigating significant financial losses. 

Moving forward, King told investors that Xponential will focus on its existing portfolio of fitness and wellness brands rather than pursuing additional acquisitions or divestitures – but he did note that this could change over time. Xponential divested from Row House and Stride, boutique fitness brands operating in the rowing and HIIT spaces, respectively, earlier this year.

“This will ensure that 100% of our management teams’ focus is on support and growth of our existing brands and franchisees,” King said on Xponential’s Q2 call with investors Thursday afternoon.

Not a True ‘Turnaround,’ CEO Says

The former Taco Bell CEO and Adidas president was appointed in June, succeeding interim CEO Brenda Morris, who took over following Xponential founder and former CEO Anthony Geisler’s departure in May.

King referenced the regulatory issues, stating that they’ve had an “understandable impact on the business,” but reiterated that they won’t materially impact Xponential’s multi-year goals.

Meloun didn’t shy away from the topic.

“While we had hoped this wouldn’t be the case, we are confronted with the reality where the business is facing some short-term disruption,” he said, adding that despite the distractions, total member growth and visits remain strong. 

Xponential is also shifting its focus away from AKT, a dance-based cardio fitness brand with eight studios that Meloun stated is winding down but won’t have a material impact on Xponential’s financials. He added that the partnership with Kinrgy, Julianne Hough’s dance and fitness platform, has been axed. Last December, the two had struck a deal to rebrand up to three AKT studios to Kinrgy.

AKT dance-fitness class in session (credit: Xponential Fitness)

Despite the less-than-rosy short-term outlook, King was clear that he doesn’t view Xponential in need of a “turnaround” but will heavily focus on franchisee development as one of its strategies.

“When I went to the Adidas business, it was very broken,” he said. “So it really was a turnaround, which – this is nothing like a turnaround…I came here because there was so much good about this business. The brands are great. The momentum is very positive and if you really look at the numbers of Q2 most of the big indicators are very positive.”

Full Steam Ahead on Expansion

Having managed multi-brands over his career, King sees international scalability for Xponential brands and said he’s looking forward to finding opportunities abroad.

He mentioned Body Fit Training (BFT) as one brand perfectly suited to grow internationally. The Australian-born BFT, a group strength training and conditioning brand, is currently set to expand in Scandinavia. Within ten years, 40-50 BFT studios are planned for Norway, Denmark and Sweden. 

Xponential has big plans to scale BFT worldwide (credit: Xponential Fitness)

Meloun added that Xponential has over 1,800 licenses sold and contractually obligated to open in North America, and over 1,000 master franchise obligations internationally. 

“This backlog of already-sold licenses at our current rate represents over five years of future studio openings globally,” he said.

Xponential sold 87 franchise licenses in the quarter (which Meloun said trended lower due to approval delays in Xponential’s annual Franchise Disclosure renewal cycle and elevated concerns in the franchise sales process) and opened 108 new studios – 89 in North America and 19 internationally.

The franchisor ended Q2 with 3,102 global open studios. There were 85 studio closures. 

“We previously shifted our strategy regarding studio closures and are no longer taking on any company-owned studios,” Meloun noted. “Rather, we are concentrating resources on helping franchisees identify and resolve issues as early as possible to improve operations and success within our system.”

The post Xponential Fitness Feels Effects of Investigation, CEO Change appeared first on Athletech News.

Why Salt & Infrared Sauna Create the Ultimate Wellness Combo

The HaloSauna from Halotherapy Solutions is the only product on the market that integrates dry salt and infrared sauna therapy in the same unit, combining and amplifying the benefits of both modalities

Halotherapy Solutions gives users – and gyms looking to step up their recovery offerings – the best of both worlds when it comes to wellness – salt and sauna, to be exact. 

Halotherapy Solutions’ stand-out product in this regard, the HaloSauna, also known as the HaloIR, is the only product on the market that integrates dry salt and infrared sauna therapy in the same unit, according to the brand. 

“We spent years getting this product custom-engineered and have been selling it for four,” said Steven Spiro, CEO of Halotherapy Solutions. “It brings multiple modalities together synergistically in a relatively small footprint at a very reasonable cost.” 

The HaloSauna separates itself from the pack not just with its unique combination of infrared sauna and salt therapy, but with its high-end utilization of both. The HaloSauna features far infrared light, which emits long-ranged infrared waves so no showers are required, making it the most efficient form of IR. But the full spectrum upgrade is an option.

The HaloSauna takes you on a 5-sensory journey, with its medical-grade chromotherapy, aromatherapy, guided meditation through Bluetooth, the deep warmth of the infrared, and the subtle taste of the salt on your lips. 

The Unique Benefits of Salt x Sauna 

Sauna and salt therapy combine to help with breathing with skin conditions, blood circulation, muscle recovery, pain relief, stress or anxiety relief, detoxification and weight loss.

“A core benefit is to help people breathe better naturally,” said Spiro. “It’s great for those with seasonal allergies, asthma, COPD, and bronchitis. It’s also great for athletes who want to have healthier lungs to help with training, performance and recovery. Another core benefit is helping with skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema since pure pharmaceutical salt is anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial.” 

Steven Spiro (credit: Halotherapy Solutions)

Importantly, salt and sauna therapy have coefficient effects, making the HaloSauna exponentially beneficial. 

“The combination of the two modalities is synergistic as the heat of the infrared causes the lungs to expand allowing the salt to penetrate and impact a larger surface area,” Sprio explained. “As the pores on the skin open up with the heat, the salt then gets deeper to help with skin inflammation.”

The Wellness ‘Explosion’ 

Halotherapy reports it has tripled its business since 2021. The brand credits that growth to next-gen innovative products like the HaloSauna and the patented Vitality Booth Plus (RLT & Salt), as well as a post-pandemic surge in demand for wellness.

“The best way to describe the growth of these modalities in the last few years is explosive,” said Spiro. “While the pandemic was obviously devastating in so many ways, the one positive result was that individuals became much more aware of the importance of self-care and preventive health. This has been especially true regarding respiratory health, hygiene and immunity — significantly contributing to the dramatic growth of salt therapy.”

credit: Halotherapy Solutions

The shockwave of this “explosion” has forced health and wellness operators to change the way they think about their business and its offerings. 

“With the demand for wellness growing, ‘typical’ wellness facilities began to add more modalities like we offer,” Spiro added. “Plus, and maybe more significantly, ‘non-traditional’ facilities are evolving to become more ‘wellness centers.’ We’ve seen huge growth in a variety of verticals like spas, gyms, tanning salons, yoga studios, wellness real estate communities, senior living, and more.”

Why Gyms Need Wellness 

By giving members access to in-demand wellness amenities, gym and studio operators open the floodgates for new revenue streams. Through upgraded memberships or other points of access, operators can monetize Halotherapy products in a variety of ways, the brand says.

“If gyms are offering salt therapy, why not have it integrated with the very popular infrared sauna modality,” said Spiro. “If they are providing a sauna experience, why not add salt therapy as part of the experience? They will have happier, healthier customers and they will make more money.”

Gyms that already feature the  HaloSauna and other Halotherapy devices have already seen notable results. 

“​​Based on our participation at IRSHA earlier this year, and the many one-on-one calls from gyms of all sizes since then, we are more convinced than ever that the HaloSauna is a necessary addition for gyms in 2024 and beyond,” said Spiro. “Feedback has been incredible as facilities are telling us they have existing customers coming back more often, and they’ve seen an increase in new customers — both contributing to significant revenue growth.”

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