Do These 5 Things Between Sets to Build More Muscle and Burn More Fat

If you lift weights: Have you ever considered that the vast majority of time during your “workout” is spent sitting on your butt doing nothing at all? Think about it — five good reps in the back squat might take 30 seconds. Afterward, you plop down and rest for several minutes. 

There’s a lot of downtime during strength training. You need to take a breather and let your muscles recover from the last set. But is it best to use your time between sets to pop open your phone for a thumb workout or to stare blankly at a wall, letting your brain massage itself to molasses?

Credit: Nikolas_jkd / Shutterstock

Not really. You can employ a few techniques between sets and enhance the quality of both the workout you’re performing and the hypertrophy (or fat loss) results you’ll glean from it. Here are five things you can do between sets to build more muscle or burn more fat: 

Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.

5 Things To Do Between Sets 

Stay Off Your Phone

Inter-Set Stretching

Take a Walk

Mental Visualization

Train Other Muscles 

1. Stay Off Your Phone

After a hard set of squats, deadlifts, rows, or whatever you’re doing, you might habitually reach for your smartphone as it calls to you like the One Ring around Frodo Baggins’ neck. However, you should try to stay off your smartphone between sets as much as possible to maximize your performance in the gym. 

The scientific research on this is pretty clear. One study from 2021 measured the effects of smartphone usage (browsing social media) and argued that: 

Credit: OlegMemo / Shutterstock

[Read More: What You Need to Know About How to Build Muscle]

“Exposure to social network apps led participants toward increased perception of mental fatigue.” (1) They also noted some subjects experienced a higher internal RPE, meaning that their weights literally felt heavier than they were. 

One caveat to this data is that the study exposed participants to 30 minutes of social media usage prior to their workout, rather than interspersed throughout. That said, dancing with the algorithm between sets probably isn’t doing your performance any favors. 

2. Inter-Set Stretching

The science behind muscle hypertrophy hasn’t evolved all that much in recent years. The advice you first heard in high school gym class — lift heavy weights, eat hearty — still mostly holds up.

But there’s finally some new, exciting research coming out that may change how you approach your bodybuilding workouts. A growing body of research is coming out in favor of stretching a muscle during (or between) sets in order to encourage growth. 

Credit: Gerain0812 / Shutterstock

[Read More: How to Gain Muscle — A Guide to Eating for Mass]

Among bodybuilders, this intensity technique is called “long-length partial training”. But you can apply the same logic to your rest periods by performing some static stretching of the muscle you just finished using.

“The results indicate that adding inter-set stretching to resistance training may provide large gains in flexibility and slight benefits to muscular strength,” says one 2021 paper. (2) Though these authors found no clear benefit to muscle growth.

“Some evidence suggests that inter-set stretching may in fact enhance hypertrophic adaptations,” claims a study published in 2022. The authors also regarded it as a time-efficient way of making your workouts more productive. (3)

A different 2022 paper studied loaded stretching of the calf muscles between sets and observed notable increases in muscle thickness. (4)

So, how should you apply inter-set stretching to your workouts? It’s pretty simple. After you finish performing a set of any (preferably single-joint isolation) exercise, put the weights down and stretch the muscle you just worked. For example, after a set of dumbbell flyes, stand up and use a firm structure to stretch your chest muscles for 30 to 45 seconds

3. Take a Walk

Now, don’t get it twisted — walking away from a station or piece of equipment without any indication that you’re using it is bad gym etiquette (seriously, at least mark your territory with a towel or water bottle). That said, sitting on your bum burns fewer calories than walking, and if you’re in a calorie deficit trying to lose weight fast, every calorie counts.

So, between sets, try taking a quick but leisurely stroll around your gym floor instead of sitting idly. The average casual walking pace is about 100 steps per minute. Most of the time during a lifting workout, you should rest between 2 and 3 minutes between sets, especially if you do a lot of compound exercises

Credit: Jyliana / Shutterstock

[Read More: Try These 20-Minute Muscle-Building Workouts to Make Gains at the Speed of Light]

Add all that walking up over the course of, say, a 15-set upper body exercises, and you’ve accumulated anywhere from 2,500 to 4,000 extra steps. That’s a good chunk of energy burnt that you wouldn’t even notice.

There’s a pretty causal relationship between number of daily steps and all-cause mortality, too. (5) Walking more can improve your general health and mood. In the gym, you can use that time to scout and see if your next exercise station is occupied, to clear your head, or even regulate your breathing. Burning extra calories is the icing on the cake. 

4. Mentally Visualize

Like Luke Skywalker in the trenches of the Death Star, you should make an effort to tap into the powerful reservoir of mental visualization. This isn’t pseudoscience or mumbo-jumbo; there’s been plenty of research on the real-world benefits of imagining yourself doing something successfully before you actually do it. 

Credit: Olya Humeniuk / Shutterstock

[Read More: Are There Foods That Burn Fat? The Science Behind the Weight Loss Claim]

Years of research on what’s called “attentional focus” (as in, actively visualizing the task at hand) have shown that doing so can improve your rate of skill acquisition and technical performance. (6)

More specifically to weight lifting, visualizing the mind-muscle connection has some legitimate basis for improving hypertrophy rates. (7)

5. Train Other Muscles

This one is more obvious than the others, but it bears repeating. Supersets, or performing two separate exercises back-to-back with no rest, are an awesome way to save time in the gym while still making gains. (8)

But, in fairness, some supersets are extremely exhausting (think squats paired with, like, a different squat variation…). Others, though, could be a productive use of your downtime in the gym, particularly if you opt to train muscles that are far away from the target muscle. 

[Read More: How To Lose Fat and Gain Muscle, According to Science]

Performing “small” movements while resting after a “big” exercise can help you bring up lagging body parts or weak points in your physique. Here are a few examples that might suit you:

Romanian Deadlift + Barbell Shrug

Biceps Curl + Calf Raise

Cable Crunch + Barbell Wrist Curl

Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press + Plank

This approach is a more demanding use of your time than the others on this list. If you want to do some “catch-up” work on certain overlooked muscles while you rest, aim for moves that are:

Convenient to access without hogging multiple pieces of equipment

Have simple techniques that don’t require too much thought, and

Don’t involve the muscle you just finished working whatsoever

Your Takeaways

The time you spend resting between sets is important. It’s how you can go through set after set of grueling, high-intensity weight lifting. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to sit idly, scrolling through your phone until your brain oozes out of your ears. 

You can perform certain activities while resting between sets to enhance the quality of your workouts.

Inter-set stretching, visualizing the next set, or even taking a brief walk are all ways to use your in-the-gym downtime productively.

Anything you do between sets should not come at the expense of the quality of those sets. If you genuinely need a breather without interruption after a hard set of squats, deadlifts, or rows, take it.

These small behaviors can add up to a tangible impact on your performance over time, but you shouldn’t consider them more important than your actual workout

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Gantois, P., Lima-Júnior, D., Fortes, L. S., Batista, G. R., Nakamura, F. Y., & Fonseca, F. S. (2021). Mental Fatigue From Smartphone Use Reduces Volume-Load in Resistance Training: A Randomized, Single-Blinded Cross-Over Study. Perceptual and motor skills, 128(4), 1640–1659. 

Nakamura M, Ikezu H, Sato S, Yahata K, Kiyono R, Yoshida R, Takeuchi K, Nunes JP. Effects of Adding Inter-Set Static Stretching to Flywheel Resistance Training on Flexibility, Muscular Strength, and Regional Hypertrophy in Young Men. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(7):3770.

Schoenfeld BJ, Wackerhage H, De Souza E. Inter-set stretch: A potential time-efficient strategy for enhancing skeletal muscle adaptations. Front Sports Act Living. 2022 Nov 15;4:1035190. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2022.1035190. PMID: 36457663; PMCID: PMC9706104.

Van Every DW, Coleman M, Rosa A, Zambrano H, Plotkin D, Torres X, Mercado M, De Souza EO, Alto A, Oberlin DJ, Vigotsky AD, Schoenfeld BJ. Loaded inter-set stretch may selectively enhance muscular adaptations of the plantar flexors. PLoS One. 2022 Sep 1;17(9):e0273451. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273451. PMID: 36048793; PMCID: PMC9436038.

Jayedi, A., Gohari, A., & Shab-Bidar, S. (2022). Daily Step Count and All-Cause Mortality: A Dose-Response Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 52(1), 89–99. 

(2013). Attentional focus and motor learning: A review of 15 years. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 6. 77-104. 10.1080/1750984X.2012.723728. 

Schoenfeld, B. J., Vigotsky, A., Contreras, B., Golden, S., Alto, A., Larson, R., Winkelman, N., & Paoli, A. (2018). Differential effects of attentional focus strategies during long-term resistance training. European journal of sport science, 18(5), 705–712.

Iversen, V.M., Norum, M., Schoenfeld, B.J. et al. No Time to Lift? Designing Time-Efficient Training Programs for Strength and Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review. Sports Med 51, 2079–2095 (2021).

Featured Image: Nikolas_jkd / Shutterstock

The post Do These 5 Things Between Sets to Build More Muscle and Burn More Fat appeared first on BarBend.

CBum and Dino — The World’s Top 2 Classic Physique Bodybuilders Team Up To Train Back

The rivalry between reigning five-time Classic Physique Olympia champion Chris Bumstead and defending Arnold Classic (AC) Classic Physique champion Ramon Rocha Queiroz stands as one of the most intense in modern bodybuilding. They have ranked as the top two Classic Physique athletes on the planet for the past two years (finishing as winner and runner-up of the 2022 and 2023 Classic Physique Olympia contests). Though the rivalry is strong, the mutual respect is deep.

On Jan. 16, 2024, Queiroz published a video on his YouTube channel showcasing a back training session with Bumstead in Queiroz’s home country of Brazil. Bumstead has consistently prioritized improving his back in recent years but unfortunately tore his lat 10 weeks before the 2023 Olympia. Bumstead overcame the injury to claim his fifth consecutive Olympia title, but he needs to rebuild post-recovery.

Queiroz and Bumstead’s Back Workout

Here is a snapshot of the champion bodybuilders’ back training session:

Iso-Lateral Front Lat Pulldown

Lat Pulldown

Iso-Lateral Row

Machine Bent-Over Row

Iso-Lateral Low Row

Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown

Check out the training session below:

[Related: 2024 Arnold Classic Men’s Open Preview]

Iso-Lateral Front Lat Pulldown & Lat Pulldown

Queiroz and Bumstead opened with unilateral pulldowns to bias the lats. Bumstead kept his arms tight to his torso, leading with his elbows to minimize biceps engagement. The slow eccentrics increased time under tension.

A randomized controlled trial in Neuro Endocrinology Letters found that slow eccentrics and increased time under tension can effectively increase acute hormonal responses after exercise, potentially significantly stimulating muscle growth. (1)

The duo performed conventional wide-grip lat pulldowns as the second working exercise. They kept their torsos upright on concentrics and paused in the lats’ fully shortened positions.

Iso-Lateral Row & Machine Bent-Over Row

During iso-lateral rows, Queiroz kept his chest against the machine’s pad for added stability, which let him load more weight on the target muscle each rep. He moved through his full range of motion for maximum lat activation but stopped just shy of full elbow extension.

The bodybuilders moved to a custom bent-over row machine — a hybrid Smith machine with rails set at 45 degrees and a hip pad for support. They grabbed the machine’s barbell with an underhand grip and flared their elbows on concentrics to bias the upper back (rhomboids, traps, rear delts, and teres major and minor). 

Iso-Lateral Low Row & Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown

The line of pull of the iso-lateral low-row machine helps with peak muscle contraction. Both Classic Physique bodybuilders trained to mechanical failure (when proper form starts to break down) on the final set and then performed forced reps to muscle failure. 

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research concluded that when training with low loads and a high level of effort, reaching muscle failure may be more important for hypertrophy than in high-load training. (2)

Queiroz and Bumstead concluded their back workout with straight-arm lat pulldowns. Using a rope attachment with a neutral shoulder-wide grip, they maintained slight elbow flexion throughout the exercise to minimize triceps engagement. 

Queiroz is next scheduled to compete at the 2024 Arnold Classic on March 1-3, 2024, in Columbus, OH. Former two-time Classic Physique Olympia champ Breon Ansley, former AC winner Terrence Ruffin, and 2023 Classic Physique Olympia bronze medalist Urs Kalecinski are his top contenders.


Wilk, M., Stastny, P., Golas, A., Nawrocka, M., Jelen, K., Zajac, A., & Tufano, J. J. (2018). Physiological responses to different neuromuscular movement task during eccentric bench press. Neuro endocrinology letters, 39(1), 26–32.

Lasevicius, T., Schoenfeld, B. J., Silva-Batista, C., Barros, T. S., Aihara, A. Y., Brendon, H., Longo, A. R., Tricoli, V., Peres, B. A., & Teixeira, E. L. (2022). Muscle Failure Promotes Greater Muscle Hypertrophy in Low-Load but Not in High-Load Resistance Training. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 36(2), 346–351.

Featured image: @ramondinopro on Instagram

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2024 Arnold Classic Men’s Open Preview

The 2024 Arnold Classic is set for March 1-3, 2024, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, OH. It will be the 36th edition of the contest, which dates back to 1989 when Rich Gaspari won the inaugural championship.

The Arnold Classic has become a March tradition in the world of bodybuilding as part of the Arnold Sports Festival. The winner of the Arnold Classic is often considered a top contender for the Mr. Olympia contest later in the year.

There are 12 competitors in the Arnold Classic Men’s Open lineup who applied for invitations to compete in the show. The winner will qualify for the 2024 Mr. Olympia contest if not already qualified, claim the Arnold trophy, and the $300,000 prize.

The roster is below, with names in alphabetical order: 

2024 Arnold Classic Men’s Open Roster

Remeco Bose*

Rafael Brandao

Hadi Choopan

Samson Dauda

Horse Marcello De Angelis

Jon Delarosa

Mohamed Shaaban Elimbabi

James Hollingshead

Rubiel Mosquera

Justin Rodriguez

Antoine Vaillant

Akim Williams

*2023 Arnold Amateur winner

Andrew Jacked was originally in the lineup, but he withdrew from the Arnold Classic and the Arnold Classic UK show scheduled for March 15-17, 2023, for personal reasons. It’s unknown if a replacement will be named.

Reigning Champion — Samson Dauda

Dauda is the only previous Arnold Classic champion in the lineup. He is the defending champion and could make some history at this show.

If Dauda defends his title, he would be the first champion to repeat since Branch Warren went back-to-back in 2011-2012. Dauda would be the ninth athlete to win the Arnold Classic twice. The last to achieve that was Brandon Curry in 2022. 

Dauda had a great 2023 season with three pro wins and a bronze medal at the 2023 Mr. Olympia contest. He’s already qualified for the 2024 Olympia in Las Vegas, NV, on Oct. 10-13, 2024. Still, defending the title in Columbus would further cement his top-contender status against reigning Mr. Olympia Derek Lunsford.

Top Contender — Hadi Choopan

The most obvious contender to Dauda is 2022 Mr. Olympia winner Hadi Choopan, who will make his Arnold Classic debut in the Buckeye State. Choopan ranked second to Lunsford at the 2023 Mr. Olympia but one spot ahead of Dauda.

Choopan winning the Arnold Classic and the $300,000 prize would certainly swing momentum in his favor leading up to the 2024 Olympia. The risk for Choopan is that a former Mr. Olympia is not guaranteed to win the Arnold Classic. Two-time Mr. Olympia Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay competed in the 2023 Arnold Classic but finished fourth overall.

Dark Horses

There are a few athletes familiar with the Arnold Classic stage who could significantly impact the final results. Rafael Brandao is a former Arnold South America winner and has ranked in the top 10 on the Olympia stage. It would not be surprising to see him in the first callout alongside the other favorites.

Akim Williams is also comfortable on the Arnold Classic stage; 2024 will be his fifth career appearance. His highest finish was fifth in 2021; he ranked sixth in 2023. After taking the rest of the 2023 season off following the Arnold Classic, it should be expected to see major improvements.

Justin Rodriguez is a seasoned veteran who will compete for the win in Columbus. His fourth-place finish in 2021 is his best finish in four career Arnold Classic appearances. He ranked seventh in the 2023 contest.

Jon Delarosa has been competing in the pro ranks for over a decade but has only competed in the Arnold Classic once — eighth overall in 2018. He competed in two pro shows in 2023, finishing as the runner-up in both.

Arnold Classic Debuts

There are a few athletes stepping on the Arnold stage for the first time besides Choopan. One is James Hollingshead, who did not compete at all in 2023. Hollingshead has won four pro shows in his career and ranked as high as 13th on the Olympia stage. “The Shed” will likely be bigger and in better condition than he was at the 2022 Olympia, where he finished outside the top 15.

Antoine Vaillant is a Canadian competitor and one of the more entertaining pros on social media. He’s proven to be a threat to win any non-Olympia show. The 2022 Chicago Pro winner didn’t compete in 2023. Fans are excited to see how Vaillant looks in the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

Mohamed Shaaban Elimbabi is a veteran gracing the stage in Columbus for the first time. His most recent pro win was the 2022 Toronto Pro Supershow.

Two up-and-coming stars are Horse Marcello De Angelis, better known to many as “Horse MD,” and Rubiel “Neckzilla” Mosquera. Mosquera earned his pro card in 2023. This will be his United States debut for the IFBB Pro League. 

How to Watch

Fans who want to watch the 2024 Arnold Classic live can purchase tickets at the Arnold Sports website. All seven pro divisions will be available to watch on livestream for free via ADL Live. Further details of the stream can be found on the Arnold Sports website. 

Featured Image: @samson_dauda on Instagram 

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Peloton Offloads Output Park Factory in $33M Deal

The connected fitness company has officially closed the door on its push for U.S.-based manufacturing

Peloton has sold its spacious Peloton Output Park (POP) facility and land in Ohio to First Solar for a cool $33 million.

The commercial real estate transaction closed on January 11, according to Wood County records. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine alluded to the transaction in an interview with The Blade as he discussed the economic future of the state’s northwest region. 

Peloton announced its Output Park endeavors in 2021, stating that the 1.2 million-square-foot space would serve as its first U.S. equipment factory, with plans to open in 2023. John Foley, Peloton co-founder and its CEO at the time, had said that the Peloton Output Park would give the connected fitness company a “massive strategic lever” to scale its Bike and Tread equipment. By 2022, and coinciding with the departure of Foley, Peloton stated it would wind down its Output Park plan.

Peloton is scheduled to release its second quarter fiscal 2024 results on February 1, 2024, marking CEO Barry McCarthy’s second anniversary as leader of the connected fitness company.

While it’s likely that Peloton will reference Output Park’s sale on its upcoming earnings call, the fitness company will also likely highlight its new Gen Z-focused content deal with TikTok, provide an update on its paid subscribers numbers and B2B deals, and discuss its ongoing international push

As Peloton continues to rebound from post-COVID challenges, speculation is swirling that tech giant Apple could make a play for Peloton to position its Apple Fitness+ as a connected fitness dominator.

Industry predictions and rumors are commonplace, but the possibility of an Apple-Peloton deal comes with weight, as Deepwater Asset Management has listed the potential deal on its list of 2024 predictions. The firm correctly predicted nearly all of its ten predictions for 2023. However, many, including Apple insiders, are skeptical of a deal.

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Studio Spotlight: Train Like an Athlete at Tone House in NYC

Founded by a former pro athlete, Tone House offers community-oriented group fitness classes inspired by sports strength and conditioning

As the new year begins, many people set resolutions to break out of their normal fitness routines and get faster, stronger and leaner. Those in New York City don’t have to look much further than Tone House

Alonzo Wilson, a former professional football player and private trainer in NYC, founded Tone House in 2014 to bring sports strength and conditioning workouts to the mainstream, introducing a larger audience to the community-focused workouts that are common in team sports.

Tone House offers strength and conditioning sessions at various difficulty levels, along with larger events like its Lift Off and Turf Wars Competitions. Tone House’s Lift Off took place last month, showcasing female and male recreational lifters in an energizing and supportive competition to test their one-rep maxes in the bench press, back squat and deadlift.

credit: Tone House

Different from many other fitness studios, Tone House doesn’t market its sessions as the only workout you need (although they certainly could be). Wilson encourages members to complement their classes with other workouts; but there’s no doubt that after regularly incorporating Tone House into your routine, you’ll be stronger and more agile for other pursuits.  

Inside the Workout

One of the first words that come to mind after experiencing Tone House is community. It’s clear the studio has dedicated members, many of whom have been coming to classes for years. Not only are many of them dedicated to the workouts themselves, but also to supporting one another. That support not only fills the class with positive energy, it feels essential to getting through such a tough workout. 

credit: Tone House

Tone House is challenging, particularly its intermediate and advanced-level classes. I was sore for several days after a Tone House conditioning class I attended. I found that the exercises impacted muscles I rarely use. For example, we did “gallops,” which were inverted jumps, conditioning drills, “runners,” where we used sliding discs to push ourselves hands-first across the room, and jump squats with vertical trainers.

Many of the workouts, even the weighted ones, were not, by default, tailored to each person’s size or strength. This created a sense of teamwork and camaraderie through the challenging class. At the beginning of every class, the coach asks the group about any injuries or discomfort and workouts can be tweaked accordingly.

credit: Tone House

However, compared to more individualized classes, Tone House conditioning felt more difficult to modify due to its team-oriented nature. For example, many Tone House conditioning classes begin with running and jumping drills over cones, and one person slowing down would stall the progress of the rest of the class.

Similarly, many of the exercises are done in rounds, where the next group of participants can’t begin before the last group ends. This creates accountability but might be difficult for those who need a lot of modifications or breaks. Tone House provides several class levels to account for such differences, but those in between levels could encounter some discomfort in this regard. 

The Verdict

Overall, Tone House has palpable and contagious energy, and challenging workouts that will likely make you reconsider the effectiveness of your current fitness routine. If you’re looking for a new workout to shake up your new year and are based in New York City, check out the studio. 

Learn more about Tone House here.

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Trainer Talks: iFIT’s Hannah Eden on Forging an Unstoppable Mindset

Hannah Eden brings the mentality she honed as a CrossFit Games athlete to uplift and empower as a fitness influencer and entrepreneur

Hannah Eden first made her mark as a CrossFit athlete in 2013, showcasing remarkable determination and skill. Her career took a turn in 2015 when she, alongside her husband Paulo, launched PumpFit Club, a premium boutique gym in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Amassing nearly 500,000 Instagram followers, Eden has successfully partnered with leading brands, harnessing her dynamic energy to inspire and motivate a global audience. She works as an iFIT and NordicTrack trainer, introduced the HEF Training App, and launched her own apparel line, FYR Apparel.

Athletech News spoke with Eden about her journey from CrossFit athlete to successful fitness entrepreneur, and her ability to use immersive training to reach people from all walks of life.

The following conversation has been lightly edited for clarity and length.

Athletech News: As a former CrossFit athlete turned entrepreneur, how has your athletic background influenced your business approach?

Hannah Eden: My entry into CrossFit was somewhat accidental, but I approached it with energy. I strongly believe in our immense capacity, and I put all of mine towards achieving the lofty goal of winning the CrossFit Games. Despite my strengths, I also had weaknesses and suffered a back injury.

By that time, I was already coaching my own classes at another gym. I had dedicated every moment to being an athlete, but then I had to face the reality that becoming a top CrossFit athlete wasn’t in my cards. I had this fitness side hustle and thought, “What if I applied as much effort to my fitness business as I did to being an athlete?”

Our first business venture was opening our gym in 2015. I had no business experience, I was just 23 years old, but I brought discipline, structure and goal-setting from my athletic background. If you aim to lift a certain weight, you plan and work towards it. If you fail, you revise your approach and try again. This method of setting goals, planning, and making small, consistent efforts towards a larger objective is a skill I transferred to my business.

credit: Hannah Eden

ATN: What strategies have you implemented to stand out in the competitive fitness industry?

HE: When I started working with iFit around 2017, I was already doing my own thing, sending out written programming via email, which was the norm at the time. My previous work involved breaking down workouts into parts and leaving the audience to do it on their own. iFit, however, introduced a more immersive approach. We did the workouts together, live, with no cuts or edits.

This format allowed me to be authentic, to admit mistakes and be more human. I believe this approach made a significant impact in the fitness space. More than just showing we are human, this method allows for deeper conversations beyond the typical workout instructions. It forms a personal connection with our audience. While it’s a bit odd because they know everything about me, and I know little about them, it becomes real when we meet during in-person retreats. 

ATN: You’ve organized numerous charitable events. How do you balance philanthropic pursuits with running your business?

HE: I’ve integrated my personal brand with my business, making charitable events a part of what I do. Initially, as I grew on social media, I was unsure of my purpose. The idea of being recognized just for physical attributes or social media presence didn’t resonate with me as a lifelong mission. Then, I realized the incredible reach of my platform. It felt right to use it for something greater than myself, satisfying me personally while raising awareness and funds, and integrating with my business.

A pivotal moment was in 2017 when my best friend passed away from cancer. I wanted to retreat, but I chose to channel that emotion positively. I undertook a mission to cycle and run around Iceland in eight days. This effort aligned with my passion for fitness, my desire to give back and my business interests.

credit: Hannah Eden

ATN: What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a fitness entrepreneur, and how have you managed to stay resilient?

HE: The journey as a fitness entrepreneur has been multi-faceted. Firstly, personal branding means a significant part of my life is public. While this was a conscious choice, it’s not without challenges. Not every moment is a high; there are tough times, like the loss I mentioned earlier. It’s crucial to understand my core values and maintain a strong support circle. Over the past 12 years, I’ve learned to establish personal boundaries about what I share and what I keep private.

The second aspect is the pursuit of success in the fitness industry, which brings substantial exposure. I remind myself that playing in the big leagues means facing big challenges too. It’s about staying true to who I am, regardless of external pressures.

Resilience involves not just facing personal and professional challenges, but also adapting to the evolving fitness landscape, especially with the rise of online training platforms and apps. The integration of digital tools into personal training and the impact of this shift on traditional models is another crucial aspect of staying relevant and effective.

ATN: How do you integrate digital tools into your practice, and what impact does this have on the traditional personal training model?

HE: The advent of digital tools has revolutionized the fitness industry. When I started, it was all about in-person or written training; there wasn’t a digital component like video, which has since exploded. This digital shift allows us to impact people globally, reaching far beyond our local communities. It’s empowering to think that our online posts or workouts can help someone in the remotest parts of the world.

As a coach, it has also enabled me to broaden my skills and expertise. The accessibility of online training has allowed me to pursue certifications that might have been challenging to obtain otherwise, like my pre and postnatal certification I did while pregnant.

I’ve learned to adapt my routines to make them accessible and scalable for different fitness levels. As an influencer, people often want to mimic what you do, which can be tricky. By using video, I can provide variations for different skill levels. This approach helps make fitness more inclusive and reduces the risk of injury for those who might feel overwhelmed. 

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Bloom Nutrition Scores Investment From C4 Energy Owner

C4 maker Nutrabolt acquires a 20% stake in Bloom in a deal that sees the influencer-founded supplement brand raise $90 million in total

Nutrabolt, a health and wellness company that makes functional beverages and active nutrition products including C4 Energy, has made a significant minority investment into Bloom Nutrition, giving Nutrabolt a 20% ownership stake and making it Bloom’s largest investor.

The female-founded Bloom Nutrition concentrates on supplements in the greens and superfoods category, selling pre-workout blends, whey isolate proteins, collagen peptides, collagen creamers and blending accessories.

The investment is part of a larger $90 million financing that includes investor Clayton Christopher, who will join Bloom’s board, and consumer investment firm Amberstone.

Bloom is the brainchild of Mari Llewellyn, a fitness and wellness influencer who shared her inspiring weight loss journey and monetized PDF workout guides and exercise bands before launching the supplement brand in 2019 alongside her husband, Gregory LaVecchia. 

With an audience north of a million Instagram followers, Llewellyn’s Bloom Nutrition quickly landed partnerships with retail powerhouses such as Walmart, Sam’s Club, and Target. 

The couple, who were listed on Forbes’ coveted “30 under 30” list, will remain Bloom’s majority shareholders. 

“We are very excited to partner with Mari and Greg, two outstanding entrepreneurial founders, during the next phase of their company’s growth,” said Doss Cunningham, Nutrabolt chairman and CEO. The deal sees him represent Nutrabolt on Bloom’s board of directors. 

“They’ve built an incredibly strong brand and business over the past 4.5 years, yet there is still tremendous whitespace to pursue in the form of new product platforms and distribution opportunities,” Cunningham added.

The funding will be used to accelerate Bloom’s demand-generation activities and product innovation.

“When we started this company, we could’ve never imagined building such a huge community, and inspiring so many to begin their wellness journeys,” Llewellyn said. “Our goal at Bloom has always been to help everyone ‘bloom’ into their best selves through nutritious and delicious supplements. It’s an incredible honor to have Nutrabolt join us in extending our mission further.” 

LaVecchia added that partnering with Nutrabolt will take Bloom to new heights.

“Their expertise and resources as industry leaders will enable us to scale effectively, fuel sales growth and accelerate innovation,” he remarked. “This is a significant leap forward, and we could not be more excited to embark on this next phase of growth together.” 

The vitamin and supplement sector accounts for a sizable portion of consumer spending, with over 90% household penetration. Recent data from NIQ, a data intelligence service provider, revealed the revenue power of vitamins and supplements, with sales booming to $13.5 billion last year.

The post Bloom Nutrition Scores Investment From C4 Energy Owner appeared first on Athletech News.

8 Best Compact Treadmills of 2024

Many of the best treadmills on the market have a big footprint, making them unsuitable for those sweating in tight apartments or gyms. The good news is that bigger isn’t always better — there are plenty of compact treadmills available that can deliver a workout every bit as satisfying as a commercial model. Since we at BarBend know what it’s like to have to make the most of your square footage, we sought to curate a list of the best compact treadmills to help you get closer to meeting your fitness goals. 

Our team of fitness professionals has spent years testing more than 40 treadmills of all shapes, sizes, and price points. We took notes and rated each profile on a number of different factors — including how well it utilizes its footprint — and drew upon that data to help us narrow down the best space-saving treadmills for running, walking, sliding under a desk, and even saving a buck. Here are our picks for the best compact treadmills.

8 Best Compact Treadmills

Best Overall Compact Treadmill: NordicTrack EXP 7i

Best Budget Compact Treadmill: Horizon Fitness T101

Best Compact Treadmill for Running: ProForm Carbon TLX

Best Compact Treadmill for Walking: Echelon Stride-6

Best Under-Desk Compact Treadmill: UREVO 2-in-1 Under Desk Treadmill

Best Folding Compact Treadmill: Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill

Best Compact Treadmill for Beginners: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T4400

Best Compact Treadmill Under $500: XTERRA TR150 Treadmill

How We Tested the Best Compact Treadmills

Our rockstar team of certified personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and CrossFit enthusiasts has spent years running, walking, sprinting, jogging, and hanging their clothes on more than 40 treadmills. Along the way, we asked questions like: How tight do the floor stabilizers need to be? and Is that cushioned deck actually cushioned? 

Each category in our 13-point methodology is scored on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). From their adjustability and durability to tech capabilities and ease of assembly, we are familiar with these machines. Whether you are trying to add a few more steps to your count while standing at your desk, training for a half-marathon, or trying to build one of the best home gyms in your neighborhood, our team has the lowdown on the best compact treadmills available right now.

Best Overall Compact Treadmill: NordicTrack EXP 7i

NordicTrack EXP 7i Treadmill

NordicTrack EXP 7i Treadmill

This tread still goes all the way up to 12 percent incline and 12mph in speed, plus it comes with a free one-month iFit membership (a $39 value). The adjustable cushioning can also help lower the impact on your joints, or mimic the feel of a road race if you are training for something on rougher terrain. 

Shop NordicTrack


Price: $1,300

Dimensions: 59.7” H x 70.8” L x 34.9” W

Weight: 228lbs

Max User Capacity: 300lbs

Incline Range: 0%-12%

Max Speed: 10mph


Though compact, this NordicTrack treadmill has a swiveling 7-inch HD touchscreen and IFIT compatibility.

Its hydraulic folding mechanism helps shrink its footprint when not in use. 

It has a 12 percent incline. 


We think the machine benefits from IFIT, which costs an additional $39 per month after your 30-day free trial. 

The 55-inch running deck might be too short for serious runners or tall users.

The NordicTrack EXP 7i was an easy choice for our best overall compact treadmill. Despite its small footprint — 70.8 inches long and 34.9 inches wide — it features a 7-inch swiveling display integrated with IFIT, a subscription-based app with over 16,000 live and on-demand classes. Other notable features include a 12 percent incline and built-in hydraulics to make lowering the heavy deck easier. “For anyone tight on space, the easy folding plus built-in wheels are super convenient,” Jake Herod, BarBend’s expert tester, said. 

Like all of the best NordicTrack treadmills, the EXP 7i’s IFIT compatibility is a huge benefit, with our tester rating its dynamic programming a 5 out of 5. In addition to its massive library of classes, the app can automatically adjust the speed and incline during classes and scenic rides so you can focus on your sweat. “For just $1,300, this is as good as it gets for a built-in streaming platform like IFIT,” Herod explained. “Honestly, I think the EXP 7i feels like a luxury machine without the high-end price.” 

Caption: Our product tester using the incline on the NordicTrack EXP 7i

Speaking of price, though, it’s worth noting that IFIT will run you $39 a month after the 30-day free trial that comes with your purchase. 

Also, the treadmill’s compact size does have its disadvantages. Though our tester loved IFIT, they had to squint to see their stats on screen. “The 7-inch screen was way too small for me,” they said. Other NordicTrack models have displays that are three times the size, but a bigger display requires a bigger machine. 

Also, the 2.6 continuous horsepower motor can help you reach speeds up to 10 miles per hour. While that may be enough for serious sprinters, it should be plenty for most runners. Herod also called out the 55-inch running deck. “I thought the deck was just a tiny bit small,” Herod said. “If you have a longer stride, you may look at another option in this range, like the 60-inch running deck on the Horizon 7.0 AT.” 

Read our full NordicTrack EXP 7i Review.

Best Budget Compact Treadmill: Horizon T101

Horizon T101 Treadmill

Horizon T101 Treadmill

The T101 from Horizon has a solid mix of tech and running features. Whether you’re looking for integrated bluetooth speakers, or a reliable motor to keep you moving, the T101 has something for everyone. 

Shop Horizon


Price: $699

Dimensions: 57” H x 71” L x 34” W

Weight: 180lbs

Max User Capacity: 300lbs

Incline Range: 0%-10%

Max Speed: 10mph


At $699, it delivers top-notch features like a 10 percent incline and 300-pound weight capacity at roughly half the cost of many treadmills. 

With a 2.5 CHP motor, the maximum speed of 10 miles per hour should accommodate most users.

Its built-in programming includes hill training, fat burn, and intervals.


Serious runners may need a maximum speed higher than 10 miles per hour.

The 55-inch running surface may not be long enough for taller runners.

For those looking for a sturdy, compact machine to help you burn calories, the Horizon T101 is a budget-friendly option with many of the features you’d find in a machine twice its $699 price. Among them? A cushioned deck, 10 percent incline, and Bluetooth speakers. 

Our tester rated its footprint and portability a 4 out of 5, because at 71 inches in length and 34 inches in width, it’s up to 5 to 10 inches shorter and 1 to 2 inches less wide than the average treadmill. When folded upright, its length is reduced to 46 inches. “I thought it was so easy to move around because of the hydraulic folding system, plus the built-in wheels,” they said. “Compared to something like the 2019 NordicTrack 1750, this machine is not bulky at all.”

Compared to other treadmills in this price range — like the Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T4400 — the Horizon T101 has a few features that make it stand out. Our tester loved the quick-adjust rollers on the handles, which allow you to adjust speed and incline without letting go of the handrails. “I thought the rollers made it so much easier to adjust on the fly,” said our tester. “Plus, they were just kind of fun.” Our tester also noted its 55-inch belt deck is six inches longer than the SF-T4400, but still a bit small for taller runners. “Still,” they said, “if I’m choosing between the two, I’d go with the T101.”

Adjusting the incline on the Horizon T101.

The 300-pound weight capacity is on par with many larger, higher-end machines, like the ProForm Pro 9000. That capacity is impressive for an 180-pound treadmill and our tester rated its durability 3.5 out of 5. The aluminum frame may not be as durable as the alloy steel construction you may find in more expensive treadmills like the NordicTrack 1250, but they didn’t notice any wobbling during use. 

Its 2.5 continuous horsepower motor can reach speeds up to 10 miles per hour, which may not be fast enough for serious runners. Our tester, though, noted that this should be plenty for the average user. “10 miles per hour is close to sprinting for most people, so for someone just trying to do some simple cardio, it will be fine,” they said.

Read our full Horizon T101 Review.

Best Compact Treadmill for Running: ProForm Carbon TLX

Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill

Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill

The Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill is a durable, low-cost option for anyone looking for a quality treadmill without overspending. It features a strong motor, a wide range of speed and incline settings, and a unique three-zone cushion system. 

Shop Amazon


Price: $999

Dimensions: 59.1” H x 74.3” L x 35.1” W

Weight: 249lbs

Max User Capacity: 300lbs

Incline Range: 0%-12%

Max Speed: 10mph


The cushioned 60-inch deck and powerful 3.0 CHP motor should be enough size and power to accommodate most runners.

IFIT integration is included, so you can take advantage of over 16,000 live and on-demand classes with a monthly subscription.

Stream IFIT workouts on the 7-inch high-contrast display.


Because of its standard-length 60-inch running deck, it has a larger footprint than other treadmills in this range, like the NordicTrack EXP 7i.

Without a monthly subscription to IFIT, you won’t get the most out of it.

It features a 12% incline, but no decline capability.

It can be tough for runners to find a compact treadmill, as many space-saving machines have decks between 50 and 55 inches, which can impact the length of one’s stride. The ProForm Carbon TLX measures just 74.3 inches in length — still 5 to 6 inches shorter than the average treadmill — but offers a 60-inch running surface, which should accommodate long strides during sprints. Five inches can make a huge difference.

Whether you’re training for a marathon or just want to begin a cardio routine, the 3.0 continuous horsepower motor is robust enough to handle daily runs, walks, and sprints. We also liked the belt’s ProShox cushioning, which prompted a 4 out of 5 rating from our tester for adjustability and ergonomics. 

We do, however, wish the 1.9-inch rollers were a bit larger. “The size of the rollers in any treadmill determine how fast they spin to keep up with the motor,” said Jake Herod, BarBend’s expert tester. “For really serious runners, I’d like to see rollers of at least 2.25 inches to avoid some long-term wear and tear.”

Runners, though, will find plenty of variety thanks to the bike’s compatibility with IFIT, a fitness app with more than 16,000 cardio, strength, and mobility classes. “I would put IFIT programming up against any competitor, including Peloton,” said our tester. They rated the dynamic programming 5 out of 5, saying, “I felt like it added another dimension to my workouts.” 

After the free 30-day trial that comes with your purchase, a monthly subscription to IFIT will run you $39 per month. We’d recommend it, as our tester said “the machine would be pretty underwhelming” without it. With it, though, the ProForm Carbon TLX is a compact, efficient vessel for supporting you across thousands of different cardio classes. 

Best Compact Treadmill for Walking: Echelon Stride-6

Echelon Stride-6 Treadmill

Echelon Stride-6 Treadmill

This tread folds flat so that it’s only 10 inches tall. The speed can reach 12mph, and you get a free 30-day Echelon Premier membership with your purchase, which provides access to over 3,000 live and on-demand classes.

Shop Echelon


Price: $1,980

Dimensions: 57” H x 64.8” L x 32.4” W

Weight: Not disclosed

Max User Capacity: 300lbs

Incline Range: 12 levels

Max Speed: 12.4mph


It has 12 levels of incline, providing plenty of challenge for walkers. 

Echelon’s patented Auto-Fold technology helps to fold the machine flat. It also features horizontal and vertical transport wheels.

It has a cushioned and spacious 60-inch belt deck. 


It has an extra-large device holder, but no proper display. 

It includes just a 1-year warranty for non-Echelon Premier Members.

Walking is a viable form of exercise, especially when you’re strolling up a steep hill. We think the Echelon Stride-6 is the best compact treadmill for walking because of its 12-level incline range, which should provide plenty of challenge for those who enjoy a leisurely sweat. As you increase the incline with the quick-adjust scrolling wheels in the handrails, you can target muscles like the glutes that may not work as hard when walking on level ground.

The Stride-6 also offers something others in this price range — like the NordicTrack EXP 7i or ProForm Carbon TLX — don’t. “I think the ability to fold completely flat is a huge feature on this and other Echelon models,” our tester, a certified personal trainer and USA Weightlifting Level-1 coach, highlighted. “It could be stashed in a corner of an apartment or even tucked under a bed.” Taking into account the tread’s horizontal and vertical transport wheels, they rated the footprint and portability of the similarly-compact Echelon Stride a 5 out of 5. 

Speaking of the Stride, our tester noted Echelon’s commitment to stability. “Even at higher speeds, my older model hardly shakes,” they pointed out. “At slower speeds, I thought it was super stable.” 

If you do see yourself picking up the pace, the Stride-6 also has you covered. The motor can deliver speeds up to 12.4 miles per hour, which is 2.4 miles per hour more than the average compact treadmill. It also has a roomy 60-inch running deck, which should allow plenty of room for those with longer strides. We rated its predecessor, which has similar features, a 5 out of 5 in terms of ergonomics. 

We do, however, wish the treadmill had a display of its own instead of just a device holder. Also, the treadmill comes with an unimpressive 1-year warranty. To get a 5-year warranty, you have to subscribe to the Echelon Premier app for an added $39.99 a month. 

Best Under-Desk Compact Treadmill: UREVO 2-in-1 Under-Desk Treadmill

UREVO 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill

UREVO 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill

This flat treadmill easily fits under a desk and can slide under a bed or a couch when not in use. It has a maximum speed of 7.6 miles per hour, as well as silicone shock absorbers and two soft rubber pads to keep your joints healthy.  Plus, it comes with a remote control that you can use to adjust your speed, so you don’t have to get off the treadmill to speed up or slow down. 

Shop Amazon


Price: $389

Dimensions: Handrail down: 5.1” H x 54.7” L x 26.4″ W; handrail up: 39.7″ H x 52.6″ L x 26.4″ W

Weight: 59lbs

Max User Capacity: 265lbs 

Incline Range: none

Max Speed: Handrail down: 3.8mph; handrail up: 7.6mph


It folds completely flat and is lightweight for easy storage.

The treadmill can be used with the handrail up or folded down to fit under your standing desk.

Even though it only weighs 59 pounds, it has a 265-pound weight capacity.


With a maximum speed of 3.8 miles per hour — 7.6 miles per hour with the handrail up — it is not designed for running.

There is no incline or decline capability.

At 42.5 inches long, the belt deck may be too short for tall users.

Using an under-desk treadmill is a sneaky way to get more cardio. For a simple and easy way to get more steps in, we think the UREVO 2-in-1 Under-Desk Treadmill is the best under-desk compact treadmill out there. Essentially, the machine is just the deck, but it includes a foldable 36.6-inch handrail that can be folded up if you need to hold on to it. With the handrail folded down, it measures just 5 inches tall, meaning it can slide under any standing desk. 

That 5-inch height is even shorter than others in this price range, like the Sunny Health & Fitness Walkstation Slim Flat Treadmill, which measures 6.5 inches tall. “This is honestly one of the most compact treadmills I’ve used,” our tester raved. 

The UREVO 2-in-1’s tiny footprint and easy portability — just 54.7 inches long and 26.4 inches wide when folded — scored a 5 out of 5 from our tester, who noted, “It’s only 59 pounds, so when it’s folded flat, one or two people could probably just load it up in a car.” 

Our product tester lowering the handlebar on the UREVO 2-in-1 Under-Desk Treadmill.

The belt deck — 42.5 inches long and 16.9 inches wide — is between 7.5 and 17.5 inches shorter than what you’ll find on most treadmills, however, so we wouldn’t recommend it for running.“For context,” our tester said, “if I’m going to recommend a treadmill for running, I need to see at least a 50-inch deck, but closer to 60 inches.”

At just $389, our tester rated its value 4 out of 5. “For its purpose, it is a tremendous value,” they said. “It’s not trying to pretend to be something it’s not.” It won’t be able to handle intense workouts, but as our tester put it, “If you are just wanting to increase your step count or move a little more throughout the day, the UREVO is a great option.”

Because it’s such a compact machine, our tester rated its durability 3 out of 5. “There’s a lot of plastic and I don’t expect it to last forever,” they said. “But for under $400, if you only walk on it, it would probably hold up for a while.”

[Related: The 6 Best Under-Desk Treadmills]

Best Folding Compact Treadmill: Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill

GoPlus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill

GoPlus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill

With a powerful and quiet 2.25HP motor, this treadmill allows you to walk or jog when used as an under-desk machine, or run at up to 7.5 MPH when the handrails are raised.

Shop Amazon


Price: $299

Dimensions: 44.5″ H x 52.5″ L x 29″ W

Weight: 69lbs

Max User Capacity: 265lbs

Incline Range: none

Max Speed: 7.5mph


It can be used with the handlebar raised up or folded flat. This feature allows you to walk or jog while holding the bar or go completely hands-free. 

The remote control allows you to change speeds without reaching down to the deck.

The lightweight construction and wheels make it easy to move around.


Its 40-inch by 16-inch running surface and 7.5 miles per hour maximum speed makes it best suited for walking only.

The device holder is only large enough for a phone, not tablets.

It’s unable to incline or decline.

The Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill is our pick for the best folding compact treadmill because it can fold completely flat. The handlebar raises up from the deck and locks into place to allow you to hold on to it while you walk or jog. It can also be lowered down to the sides of the deck, essentially creating a walking pad like the WalkingPad P1. While the machine is flat, you can use the remote control to change the speed during use.

In the raised position, two detachable arms can be extended towards you for additional support. Our tester loved both the detachable nature of the arms and the foldable handlebar, saying, “I liked being able to customize the actual build of the treadmill.”

Folding the adjustable handlebar on the Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill.

The Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill has a small footprint — 52.5 inches long by 29 inches wide — resulting in a 4 out of 5 rating for our tester in terms of its size. Despite its diminutive nature, the treadmill still packs a 2.25 continuous horsepower motor that can reach speeds of up to 7.5 miles per hour. “I don’t think I would try to go too hard,” our tester said. “Since it’s so compact, it may not be able to handle much more intensity than jogging.” 

That said, they rated its durability just 2.5 out of 5, saying, “Even though the stated max weight is 265 pounds, I felt like the motor might bog down if you get close to that.” They did, however, note the cushioning in its five-layer belt. “At walking speed, I really noticed the cushion,” they pointed out. “However, as I increased the speed, it was much less apparent. It was also more stable and smooth at those lower speeds.”

In terms of overall value, our tester rated the Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill 4.25 out of 5. “While you may not hit a full sprint on it,” they said, “I would totally recommend it for someone just trying to add some cardio to their routine.” 

[Related: The 8 Best Folding Treadmills of 2024]

Best Compact Treadmill for Beginners: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T4400

Sunny Health & Fitness SFT4400

Sunny Health & Fitness SFT4400

Foldable treadmill with 2.20 peak HP drive system provides speeds from 0.5 to 9 MPH. Manual adjusts for 0%, 2%, or 4.37% incline.

Shop Amazon


Price: $399

Dimensions: 50″ H x 62″ L x 25.5″ W

Weight: 103lbs

Max User Capacity: 220lbs

Incline Range: 0%-4.3%

Max Speed: 9mph


Nine preset programs can help ease new runners into a cardio routine. 

It can reach speeds of up to 9 miles per hour and has a 4.3 percent incline, which is plenty for a beginning runner. 

It folds flat with a soft drop hydraulic folding mechanism. 


The incline needs to be manually adjusted. 

It’s made with several plastic components, which may impact its long-term durability. 

The 49-inch running surface may not accommodate longer strides during runs. 

With its low price point and essential features, the Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T4400 is our pick for the best compact treadmill for beginners. Though it can only reach a max speed of 9 miles per hour — 1 to 3 miles per hour less than the average treadmill — and has just a 4.3 percent incline, that should be plenty for those who are just building endurance. Helping to build that endurance are nine built-in workout programs that can ease beginners into a cardio routine. 

I think the SF-T4400 is a good entry point for beginners,” said our tester, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. “For a serious runner, I don’t think this machine would cut it. But at just $399, it’s a really good value for people starting out.”

At 62 inches long and 25.5 inches wide, our tester rated its footprint and portability a perfect 5 out of 5, making special note of its soft drop hydraulic folding mechanism. “I think it could actually fit in some cars because it folds very flat,” they said. “The soft drop feature was a big deal for me because I live in fear of crushing my toes while lowering a treadmill.”

For adjustability and ergonomics, our tester rated the Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T4400 3.5 out of 5. Though the deck is between 6 and 11 inches shorter than what you’ll find on many treadmills, they liked its shock absorption and 15.5-inch wide deck. “Even though the 49-inch deck is short for running, it is wider than I expected,” they said. 

As expected, some members of our team had trouble getting a long enough stride for a run on the 49-inch deck. “I’m pretty tall, so I knew I wouldn’t be able to run on this,” our tester said. “But even some of our shorter testers couldn’t quite run comfortably.” As such, this treadmill is perhaps best used for walking and jogging. 

“There was a decent amount of plastic in the build, but for $399, that should be expected,” our tester  noted, rating its durability 3 out of 5. “For so much plastic, the 220-pound max weight capacity is pretty good.” Another area with a 3 out of 5 rating was its tech capabilities. Again, for a beginner treadmill in this price range, you won’t see high-end technology. “The basic preset programming was better than nothing and would be fine for beginners,” our tester said.

The incline is manual, meaning you’ll have to adjust it yourself, but that’s common among machines at this price range, like the XTERRA TR150 at $394. “For someone just looking to stay active and burn some calories,” our tester pointed out, “it’s a great value, especially for small spaces.”

Best Compact Treadmill Under $500: XTERRA TR150 Treadmill

XTERRA Fitness TR150

XTERRA Fitness TR150

This folding treadmill is powered by a quiet 2.25 HP motor, allowing for speeds up to 10 MPH. A 50″ belt and 3 incline levels accessible to users up to 250lbs.

Shop Amazon


Price: $394

Dimensions: 51.4” H x 63.4” L x 28.75” W

Weight: 108lbs

Max User Capacity: 250lbs

Incline Range: 3 levels

Max Speed: 10mph


Its 2.25 horsepower motor supports speeds up to 10 miles per hour, which is 2 miles per hour slower than the 2.5 CHP motor in the Horzion 7.0 AT, but for around $1,100 less.

Because it’s only 97 pounds, it can easily be assembled by one person.

It includes preset workouts, like sprints, speed, and interval training.


The 50-inch long by 16-inch wide running deck is longer than others in this price range, like the Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill, but may be too short for taller users to run.

With no gas shock for folding down, it can be difficult to unfold.

It doesn’t offer much shock absorption to support your joints.

Our pick for the best compact treadmill under $500 — the XTERRA TR150 Treadmill — has many of the features you would find in a pricier treadmill. Its 2.25 horsepower motor is powerful enough to reach speeds of up to 10 miles per hour, and its three levels of incline are rare for this price range. For someone looking for an affordable treadmill that can deliver a medium-intensity cardio workout, the TR150 could be the right choice.  

The customizations on this treadmill — like its maximum speed and incline capability — earned a 3.5 out 5 rating by our tester. “I thought the fact that it included incline and the 10 miles per hour max speed was impressive for this price point,” they said. “But it’s not going to fool anyone into thinking it’s the NordicTrack 2450 or anything.”

Our tester did, however, wish the TR150 had a hydraulic folding mechanism, rating it just a 2 out of 5 in terms of its adjustability and ergonomics. “Most treadmills have a gas shock to help lower them slowly,” they explained. “When it’s folded up, it’s only held in place with a pin, so a kid could easily walk underneath it, grab that pin, and it would fall right on them. I’d recommend just leaving it folded down.”

Workout experience earned a 3.5 out of 5 rating from our tester, but noted the limitations of its 50-inch deck. “I like that it’s simple, and I’d recommend it for walking or light jogging,” they said. “But for anyone doing serious running, you may need a belt deck around 55 to 60 inches.” 

Still, they rated its overall value a 4 out of 5. “At around $400, I don’t think you can find better than this,” they said. “A 10 miles per hour maximum speed, incline, and a small footprint — definitely tough to beat.”

How We Chose the Best Compact Treadmills

Whether your new treadmill will end up in your apartment, home, garage, or gym, it may become the most used piece of equipment you own. These are some of the most important elements of the treadmills we looked for when making our list.


A treadmill’s footprint refers to the amount of floor space it takes up. Depending on the size of the area you plan to put your treadmill, you may not mind a large machine. If you’re looking for a compact treadmill, the footprint may be one of your major concerns. With each pick on our list, we tried to ensure each treadmill didn’t take up more than around 18 feet of space. There are also a few small enough to fit beneath a desk, with the smallest coming in at 9.19 square feet.

Also included on this list are some of the best folding treadmills that either fold upright or flat to save some precious square footage when you aren’t using it. Taking into consideration the placement of your new treadmill can help determine which one is best for you.


On this list you’ll find both ends of the pricing spectrum. While most compact treadmills tend to be available for less than larger machines, that doesn’t mean they skimp on quality. Some of the best compact treadmills tend to be budget-friendly because it’s more difficult to pack in large motors, extra tech features, or incline and decline capabilities.

BarBend product tester, Jake Herod, running on the NordicTrack EXP 7i.

Treadmills that are on the pricier end of the range often feature some of the bells and whistles you might expect, like IFIT integration or a 12 percent incline. Treadmills with screens tend to be more expensive than those with simple LCD displays, while lower-cost machines may only allow you to step on, press start, and start walking. Whatever your budget, you can find a compact treadmill here that fits right in.

Incline and Speed

To mix up your treadmill workouts, incline sessions are a standard treadmill feature. It simulates walking or running up hills and can even help you target muscle groups like the glutes. The incline range on compact treadmills is generally less than larger machines because as that footprint starts to decrease, there is less space for the components that allow incline and decline. The most expensive treadmills here top out at 12 percent and the smallest and least-expensive won’t incline at all.

The top maximum speed is an important feature because, depending on your intended use, you may need the ability to complete sprint or interval training. You’ll see maximum speeds on our list ranging from 7.6 miles per hour to 12.4 miles per hour. In general, the more powerful the motor, the faster the speeds. As such, more power usually equals more dollars.

What to Consider Before Buying a Compact Treadmill

When contemplating any purchase this large, you want to make sure you have all the facts. We tried out all the treadmills on this list to help you fill in as many gaps as possible. Throughout the time we have spent with these machines, we considered many factors such as your budget, size of the machine, and placement in your space. Consider these aspects of compact treadmills before making your decision.


Having a defined budget before beginning your search can help narrow your focus and save you time by eliminating options outside that range. We included treadmills on this list that come in at many different price points to suit as many customers as possible. Many compact machines are already less expensive than larger options, but even among the compact treadmills on our list, your options range from $299 to $1,980. In general, you can expect the power of the motor, quality of the build, and extra features to determine the number on the price tag.

Treadmill Size and Placement

Compact treadmills take up less space than a typical commercial or home gym option. Before even thinking about filling your minimal space with a machine this size, plan out how much room you will have to use it. All of these foldable treadmills have footprints ranging from 9.19 square feet to 18.11 square feet. If you can measure the size of the spot you want the treadmill to occupy, you’ll be better informed when perusing our list.

Personal Fitness Goals

Establishing your personal fitness goals prior to pursuing a treadmill will add even more clarity to your search. Whether you are having trouble finding time to train for that 10k race you committed to, or just want to keep moving while you are at your stand-up desk, keeping your fitness goals in mind can also help narrow your search. 

The display on the UREVO 2-in-1 Under-Desk Treadmill.

If you want to tone your quadriceps and glutes, you might look for a machine with incline. If you had a recent injury and are working yourself back into shape, you may only want to go with a compact treadmill for walking. Whatever your reason, knowing your why is the first step of any major purchase.

Different Types of Compact Treadmills

With so many different specifications and features in a compact treadmill, finding the best match for your purposes can be challenging. Take a look at a few available types of options for compact treadmills.

For Running

If you plan to use your treadmill primarily for running, there are some factors to consider that you may not be looking for. The length of your running stride will be considerably longer than your walking stride. Typically, any belt deck shorter than 55 inches would be too short for running, but the industry standard is 60 inches. Some compact treadmills may have shorter belts than 55 inches, but still claim to be for running. The quality of the build, along with the belt deck length will help determine if a treadmill is suited for running.


On our list, we included several budget options to accommodate every athlete. A “budget” treadmill doesn’t have a certain price, but we chose four treadmills less than $400. These machines may not include features like touchscreens, wide incline range, or Bluetooth connectivity. If you are on the prowl for a “budget” treadmill, it’s best to set your expectations accordingly. Essentially, if you know you just want to hop on, press start, and go, a budget treadmill could be your best option.


These small treadmills have become popular in recent years as more workers are able to work from home or use standing desks in the office. As the health risks of prolonged sitting are becoming more well-known, under-desk treadmills have become an easy way to increase your cardio exercise throughout the day. (1) In an under-desk treadmill, you should see features like flat folding, remote control, and height of the deck. 

Benefits of Compact Treadmills

Because treadmills are such versatile pieces of training equipment, there are many benefits that come along with adding one to your space. Here are some of the positives of owning and using a compact treadmill.

Adjustable Intensity

The ability to adjust speed and incline is a huge benefit for all treadmill users. These features can allow you to vary your workouts to target specific muscle groups, simulate a certain course, or just add a little excitement. Treadmill training also is not only about running. Walking and jogging can also provide quality exercise, so utilizing the lower speeds on your machine can still promote your overall fitness.

Space-Saving Footprints

The compact treadmills on our list don’t take up as much space as the average treadmill and all of them have the ability to fold upright or down flat. Many include built-in wheels and are lightweight enough to move from room to room, slide under a bed, or stand up against a wall. 

Our product tester unlatching the handlebar on the Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill.

They can save enough space in your training area to make room for other bulky gym equipment like weight benches. These treadmills are designed to fit any space — no matter how small.

Availability Despite Outdoor Conditions

Wouldn’t it be lovely to live in a place that was 70 degrees, sunny, peaceful, and quiet 365 days a year? Unless you have found this paradise — in which case, call me — one factor to consider every time you want to go for a run or walk is the conditions outside. Of course the weather is a major consideration that can stop your workout from happening altogether. But even factors like safe walking paths, sidewalk congestion in large cities, or the type of surface can affect the quality of your training.

Flexible Training Schedule

Owning your own compact can allow you to keep a more manageable training schedule. Without having to fight traffic on the way to the gym — or people traffic inside the gym — you can more efficiently get your workout started and finished. If you have a busy schedule already full of responsibilities like work, family, or other commitments, finding time to plan a trip to the gym or a route around your neighborhood can be a difficulty that a home treadmill can alleviate.

Final Word

Compact treadmills can save you a lot of space, but there are potential drawbacks. Many of the models we tested had smaller decks — between 45 and 55 inches — and minimal technical capabilities. Others weren’t designed for serious runners, but are great for casual cardio or getting in more steps during your work day. 

Take advantage of the years of experience that our team has with treadmills to be better prepared to take the leap. We hope you’ll ask the same questions we asked about these machines. Find out if it has a long enough belt deck to handle a running stride. Find out if it folds flat enough to scoot under your couch. Whatever criteria informs your decision, use our list of the best compact treadmills as a shortcut to finding your perfect match.


What makes a treadmill “compact”?

Compact treadmills can have many of the same features as standard treadmills, but in a smaller footprint. For instance, the incline range may be shorter, the motor may be less powerful, and it most likely will fold and roll. These treadmills are just designed with the intention of fitting into small spaces.

What is the best compact treadmill?

Our choice for the best overall compact treadmill is the NordicTrack EXP 7i. This is the smallest offering from NordicTrack — a company we trust — but it still packs great specs and features like the big boys. The highlight is its built-in integration with IFIT and the interactive dynamic programming it provides.

How much do compact treadmills cost?

The quality treadmills on our list range from $299 to $1,980 and offer a wide range of benefits and features. The treadmills at the high end of that range may offer interactive programming like IFIT integration, a cushioned running deck, or auto-fold technology. Options closer to $299 can offer essentials like speed control or folding capacity.


Stamatakis, E., Gale, J., Bauman, A., Ekelund, U., Hamer, M., & Ding, D. (2019). Sitting Time, Physical Activity, and Risk of Mortality in Adults. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73(16), 2062–2072.

The post 8 Best Compact Treadmills of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

9 Best Treadmills on Amazon of 2024

With such an overwhelming amount of products on Amazon, finding the best treadmills can feel overwhelming. There’s a reason many consumers turn to Amazon — fast shipping and flash sales chief among them. The online shopping hub, however, can occasionally seem like the wild west. Disreputable and mysterious sellers abound, and discontinued or knock-off products can cause confusion. That’s why we rounded up the best treadmills on Amazon from trusted brands for categories we think will accommodate a variety of athletes. Whether you need IFIT integration, folding capabilities, or a unit that can fit under your standing desk, you can find it here.

The cardio fiends at BarBend have personally tested over 40 treadmills from top brands, many of which are available both on the company’s website and on Amazon. We also navigated the maze of Amazon and scoured customer reviews to ensure that each treadmill is being sold by a reputable merchant at a reasonable price. Hopefully, this should make your next Amazon rabbit hole easier to navigate. Here are the nine best treadmills on Amazon.

9 Best Treadmills on Amazon

Best Overall Treadmill on Amazon: NordicTrack Commercial 1750

Best Treadmill on Amazon with IFIT: ProForm Pro 9000

Best Treadmill on Amazon for Running: Horizon 7.0 AT

Best Manual Treadmill on Amazon: AssaultRunner Pro

Best Smart Treadmill on Amazon: Echelon Stride

Best Folding Treadmill on Amazon: Sole F80

Best Budget Treadmill on Amazon: Sunny Health and Fitness SF-T4400

Best Treadmill Under $1,000 on Amazon: Horizon T101

Best Under-Desk Treadmill on Amazon: Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill

How We Tested the Best Treadmills on Amazon

Each treadmill on this list has been tested according to our methodology by our team of fitness professionals. Our testers include certified personal trainers, CrossFit trainers, and nutrition coaches. We know fitness and love helping people make big decisions that support their fitness goals. Every product below was used for multiple workouts over the course of weeks, months, and — in some cases — years. 

We tested 41 treadmills and rated them across 13 areas — footprint and portability, durability, customization, and adjustability, among others — and researched aspects like customer service, warranty information, and, in this case, the legitimacy of each product’s Amazon seller. Each category was scored on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), resulting in an overall score for each treadmill that helped secure their place on this list. 

Best Overall Treadmill on Amazon: NordicTrack Commercial 1750

NordicTrack Commercial 1750 Treadmill

NordicTrack Commercial 1750 Treadmill

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 is made for the tech-loving runner. This high-tech treadmill features a touchscreen monitor that can tilt and rotate, and offers automatic incline, decline, and speed adjustments based on the workout you choose. 

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Price: $2,499

Incline Range: -3%-12%

Max Speed: 12mph

Max User Capacity: 300lbs 

Dimensions: 65” H x 80” L x 38” W

Weight: 340lbs


This durable, high-tech treadmill offers both incline and decline options.

IFIT compatibility provides access to more than 16,000 cardio, strength, and mobility classes. 

It can accommodate taller runners with a 60-inch belt that’s 5 inches longer than many other treadmills. 


We think IFIT unlocks this tread’s full potential, but it costs an extra $39 a month after the included 30-day free trial. 

Although it folds upright, its sizable footprint still may not be suitable for small spaces. 

It weighs 340 pounds, making transport a tough job for one person. 

Simply put, the NordicTrack 1750 is a beast. From its durability and flex cushioning to the benefits provided by its IFIT integration, this treadmill isn’t just one of the best NordicTrack treadmills available, it’s one of our favorite treadmills overall. In addition to having both incline and decline options, this treadmill provides a number of high-tech capabilities — interactive programming, 14-inch HD touchscreen, and Bluetooth connectivity — while costing $2,499, roughly $500 less than competitors like the Peloton Tread.  

With your purchase, you’ll get a 30-day free trial of IFIT, an integrated app offering trainer-led classes and scenic runs that allow you to get the most of your machine. Just queue up the Grand Canyon hiking series, for example, and you’ll be immersed in the steep inclines and declines from the South Rim to the Colorado River. As you walk, the NordicTrack 1750 adjusts the speed, incline, and decline to correspond with your chosen trail. 

The hydraulic folding mechanism decreases its footprint when not in use, but we still wouldn’t recommend keeping it in a small apartment. Kate Meier, certified personal trainer, rated its footprint and portability a 3.5 out of 5. “Even though it folds and has wheels,” she said, “at 340 pounds, you probably want to leave it in one spot.” With a length of 80 inches, it will take up more room than comparable treadmills like the Sole F63 — 77 inches in length — or the ProForm Pro 9000 — 77.3 inches in length. 

A BarBend product tester walking on the NordicTrack 1750

Its size brings its own advantages, though. The 60-inch by 20-inch running deck is 5 inches longer than most treadmills, so it can accommodate runners of varying heights. Taking into account the belt’s flex cushioning and its decline capabilities, Meier gave it a 5 out of 5 for adjustability and ergonomics. “Aside from the ProForm Pro 9000,” she said, “I haven’t seen many machines cheaper than this that actually have decline capabilities.”

When you visit the Amazon page, you’ll notice there is no option for Prime 2-day shipping. However, it is still free and may take about a week to be delivered. It’s also covered under Amazon’s 90-day Return, Refund, or Replacement policy.

Read our full NordicTrack 1750 Treadmill Review.

Best Treadmill on Amazon with IFIT: ProForm Pro 9000

ProForm Pro 9000 Treadmill

ProForm Pro 9000 Treadmill

If you’re looking for a high-tech tread for your home that can fold up when not in use, the ProForm Pro 9000 is a great option with a 22-inch touchscreen display and automatic incline and speed adjustments. The 60-inch running deck ca incline from -3 to 12 percent for a variety of running and hiking workouts.

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Price: $2,299

Incline Range: -3%-12%

Max Speed: 12mph

Max User Capacity: 300lbs

Dimensions: 59.6″ H x 77.3″ L x 35.3″ W

Weight: 251lbs


Experience interactive workouts that adjust your machine in real-time with IFIT compatibility and a free 30-day family membership.

This tread features a 22-inch HD touchscreen, hands-free speed and incline adjustments, and a 3.6 horsepower motor.

It can be easily folded to save floor space when you aren’t using it.


IFIT costs an extra $39 per month after your included 30-day free trial. 

The total weight is 251 pounds, so it can be difficult to move by yourself.

If you need to store it in an area that isn’t climate-controlled, the warranty will be voided.  

If you’re planning to invest in a top-of-the-line treadmill, you want to make sure you get the most out of it. We think the ProForm Pro 9000 is the best treadmill with IFIT because its 22-inch HD touchscreen and incline and decline capabilities work in tandem with the live and on-demand classes and scenic walks available on the app. Because of its IFIT compatibility, the Pro 9000 can automatically adjust the speed, incline, and decline during a workout.

Your included free month of IFIT gives you access to its library of over 16,000 live and on-demand workouts. In addition to cardio sessions, you can even hop off the machine, swivel the display, and start a yoga, strength training, or Pilates session. The ProForm Pro 9000 includes built-in programming, but it pales in comparison to the IFIT experience. “It has programs like interval and hill training,” certified personal trainer Kate Meier said, “but I wouldn’t recommend this treadmill to people who don’t plan on using IFIT.” 

A BarBend product tester using the HD touchscreen on the ProForm Pro 9000

An IFIT subscription allows you to get the most out of some of the treadmill’s most notable features: its -3 percent decline, 12 percent incline, and 3.6 horsepower motor, which can reach speeds of 12 miles per hour. Enjoying a scenic run on the coast of Iberian peninsula via the 22-inch HD touchscreen is a game-changer. “That screen was insanely nice,” Meier said. “It also tracked my progress and connected to other devices via Bluetooth.” Because of its IFIT integration and Bluetooth capability, Meier rated its tech capabilities a 4.5 out of 5, and we think it’s one of the best treadmills with IFIT.

The tread’s overall footprint and portability was one category where Meier docked the Pro 9000. “The hydraulic folding makes it easier to fold, but it was heavy to try to move by myself,” she said, rating it 3.5 out of 5. “It also has wheels, but I ended up kind of sliding it instead.” 

The warranty and financing earned a solid 4.5 out of 5 — 30-day money back guarantee, plus a 10-year frame and 2-year parts warranty — but Meier made an important note about it. “The warranty states it must be stored in a climate-controlled environment or it will be voided. So keep it out of your garage.”

Read our full ProForm Pro 9000 Treadmill Review.

Best Treadmill on Amazon for Running: Horizon 7.0 AT

Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill

Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill

The Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill is a durable, low-cost option for anyone looking for a quality treadmill without overspending. It features a strong motor, a wide range of speed and incline settings, and a unique three-zone cushion system. 

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Price: $1,477

Incline Range: 0%-15%

Max Speed: 12mph

Max User Capacity: 325lbs

Dimensions: 66″ H x 76″ L x 35″ W

Weight: 277lbs


The 60-inch deck is five inches bigger than most treadmills, making it ideal for those with longer strides.

Its 2.5 continuous horsepower motor allows it to reach speeds of up to 12 miles per hour. 

It has a 325-pound capacity, which is 25 pounds more than many comparable treadmills.


It lacks high-tech features like a touchscreen or IFIT compatibility.

The deck is a little thin, so it may not be best for runners with knee issues.

The Horizon 7.0 AT is our pick for the best treadmill on Amazon for running because its 2.5 continuous horsepower motor can reach speeds of 12 miles per hour, which is 2 miles per hour faster than the average treadmill. It also has a 60-inch running surface that’s 5 inches bigger than what you’ll find on many comparable models, making it ideal for those with longer strides. In terms of durability, we rated it a 4 out of 5. “I didn’t feel any shaking during runs, which was impressive,” said our tester, a certified CrossFit trainer.

Rating their overall workout experience a 4.5 out of 5, our tester emphasized the deck. “Even though the belt was a little thin — which may be an issue for someone with bad knees — I thought the deck was awesome,” they said. 

Our tester also called out the treadmill’s hydraulic folding mechanism. “For someone tight on space, I think the 7.0 AT is perfect,” they noted. “It has hydraulic folding, which makes it super easy to fold up.”  When folded, the 76-inch length shrinks to just 44 inches, saving you about eight square feet of floor space.   

It can also support users up to 325 pounds, which is 25 pounds more than the average treadmill’s weight capacity. Near its max speed of 12 miles per hour, it won’t be silent, but our tester said, “I didn’t feel like it was super quiet, but definitely not crazy loud.”

Our product tester using the 0%-15% incline feature on the Horizon 7.0 AT.

The Horizon 7.0 AT is light on tech, with a 7-inch LCD display that shows your speed, distance, time elapsed, and calories burned. It also has some preset programs: Fat Burn, My First 5K, and Hill Climb, to name a few. But if you like on-demand classes or use any of the best fitness apps, it’s BYOD — bring your own device. As such, our tester rated the tech capabilities a 3 out of 5. 

Other features we liked included Its 15 percent incline range, which is bigger than what you’ll find on other treadmills under $1,500, like the ProForm Carbon T10. Also of note are the Quick Change Dials built into the handles. These small scroll wheels let you make those adjustments without having to reach for buttons on the display. 

Read our full Horizon 7.0 AT Treadmill Review.

Best Manual Treadmill on Amazon: AssaultRunner Pro

AssaultRunner Pro

AssaultRunner Pro

The AssaultRunner Pro is a durable, motorless treadmill that can be great for athletes wanting full control of their training intensity. The durable frame boasts a 350-pound weight capacity, and the included display console is easy to read, albeit simpler in nature.

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Price: $2,999

Incline Range: None

Max Speed: Unlimited

Max User Capacity: 350lbs

Dimensions: 64″ H x 70″ L x 33″ W

Weight: 280lbs


This curved, self-powered treadmill can help improve your form and burn extra calories. 

It’s built to last with a heavy-duty steel frame and powder-coated parts.

Its low-impact, shock-absorbing belt is easier on the joints than motorized treadmills.


The curved design may take some getting used to for those used to a flat running surface.

For the high price point, it lacks high-tech features like an interactive display.

While the built-in wheels and handles are helpful, moving this 280-pound tread can be difficult. 

Curved treadmills are unique because they are completely user-powered and generally have minimal maintenance issues. Since it has no motor, the runner generates power by leading with the ball of the foot and engaging core muscles to propel the belt forward — more exertion means more calories burned. (1) The AssaultRunner Pro is our pick for the best manual treadmill on Amazon because its heavy-duty steel frame, tough oval tubing, and powder-coated parts were designed to withstand years of use.

Our tester rated its durability 4 out of 5, knocking off a point only for the plastic sides. “The heavy curved tread has a rubber top and really thin gaps between the slats, which is exactly what you want,” they said. The Pro also includes a 150,000-mile belt warranty.

Our BarBend product tester running on the AssaultRunner Pro

By forcing runners to engage their core and lead with the ball of their foot, curved treadmills can help instill proper running form. “The power and speed of each stride determines how fast the belt rotates,” our tester explained. “I definitely feel the increased exertion and this type of treadmill is ideal for improving explosiveness and overall power.” 

Assault has a newer, upgraded manual treadmill called the AssaultRunner Elite, which we named one of the best curved treadmills. This is the model we tested, but, as our tester pointed out, “I don’t see a ton of difference outside of the look and extended warranty. Honestly, I think most people will find more value in the Pro model.” Considering the Elite will run you about $1,000 more than the Pro, that’s good news. 

It should be no surprise that it boasts a weight capacity of 350 pounds, which is 50 pounds more than most treadmills. The machine itself weighs 280 pounds, so, while this speaks to its toughness, you’ll likely want a friend to help you move it around, even with its built-in handles and transport wheels. This earned its footprint and portability a 3.5 out of 5 rating because, as our tester said, “It’s not designed for easy foldable storage like typical treadmills.”

Outside of the heart rate monitor and Bluetooth and ANT+ connectivity, you won’t see much tech. Our tester also rated its tech capabilities 3.5 out of 5, saying, “I was impressed with the heart rate monitor, but there wasn’t much other than that.” 

Best Smart Treadmill on Amazon: Echelon Stride

Echelon Stride Treadmill

Echelon Stride Treadmill

This tread folds flat so that it’s only 10 inches tall. The speed can reach 12mph, and you get a free 30-day Echelon Premiere membership with your purchase, which provides access to over 3,000 live and on-demand classes.

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Price: $1,299

Incline Range: 0%-10%

Max Speed: 12mph

Max User Capacity: 300lbs

Dimensions: 49.2″ H x 69.3″ L x 31″ W

Weight: 156lbs


Seamless connection with the Echelon Fit app will give you access to 3,000 live and on-demand classes.

Echelon’s patented auto-fold system makes storage a breeze by folding flat.

The quick-adjust buttons in the handrails and on the display won’t slow you down during a run.


After your included 30-day Echelon Premier membership, access to Echelon’s classes costs $40 per month. 

Our tester felt the 1.75 continuous horsepower motor “left a little to be desired.” 

The Echelon Stride — our pick for the best smart treadmill on Amazon — seamlessly connects with the Echelon Fit app to give you access to 3,000 live and on-demand workouts. This dynamic programming was a standout feature for Kate Meier, certified personal trainer, who rated the category a perfect 5 out of 5. “I thought the live and on-demand classes were really engaging,” she said. “It’s also cool you can ‘compete’ with family and friends.” 

To connect, first place your device in the device holder and open the app. Then, choose your class, press play, and a red bar will appear at the top of the screen. When you tap the red bar, the name of your machine will appear. Choose it and you’re all set. After you connect the first time, the treadmill is smart enough to remember your device.

In addition to Echelon’s vast library of classes, there are over 40 live classes per day. Each account also includes five separate profiles, so you can share it with friends and family. To get the most out of the treadmill, in our opinion, you’ll need access to the app, which costs $40 per month after the included 30-day free trial. That said, the Echelon Stride does include eight preset workouts of its own. “If you’d rather not pay for Echelon Fit, or want to take a break from your subscription, you can always opt for those workouts” Meier said. 

It features up to 10% incline and a maximum speed of 12 miles per hour, but Meier felt the 1.75 continuous horsepower motor “left a little to be desired.” The auto-fold feature also reduces its height from 49.2 inches to just 10 inches. This feature prompted her to give it a 5 out of 5 rating for footprint and portability. “When it’s folded up, it could easily just slide under a bed,” she said. Also, at just 156 pounds, it is far lighter than other folding treadmills — like the 278-pound Sole F80 — making it simple to move.

Between upgraded models and the development of the Echelon Fit platform, its treadmills are some of the most tech-friendly out there. On Amazon, you can also find the upgraded Stride S and 4S models that offer stronger motors and a few more frills like HD touchscreens. 

Read our full Echelon Treadmill Review.

Best Folding Treadmill on Amazon: Sole F80

Sole F80 Treadmill

Sole F80 Treadmill

The Sole F80 treadmill is full of modern touches. It can withstand long runs, offers an incline range up to 15 percent and speed range up to 12 mph, and has a cushioned deck that makes running 40 percent less impactful on your joints than the outdoors.

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Price: $1,899

Incline Range: 0%-15%

Max Speed: 12mph

Max User Capacity: 350lbs

Dimensions: 66″ H x 82.5″ L x 38″ W 

Weight: 278lbs


The release lever and gas shock allows for safe and easy folding to help save space.

The treadmill’s Cushion Flex Whisper Deck can help reduce joint impact.

Its 22-inch deck is two inches wider than what you’ll find on most treadmills. 


Sole does offer interactive programming — $39 per month — but our tester says it doesn’t compare to Peloton or IFIT.

For $1,899, our tester expected to see a decline option like the ProForm Pro 9000.

Our choice for the best folding treadmill on Amazon is the Sole F80 because its release lever makes folding a breeze for when you need to save some space. Since the F80 is — in the words of our tester — a behemoth, it’s important that it can easily fold up and down. The release lever and gas shock on this foldable treadmill will help you do just that. “I thought the gas shock was a huge help when lowering it down,” they said. “It helped me get it down safely and with all my fingers and toes intact.”

Our tester rated the footprint and portability a 3.75 out of 5 overall, but raved about how easy it was to move around. “Unlike a lot of treadmills we see, it has four attached wheels instead of just two. That made it easy for me to move it around by myself.”

Our product tester folding and moving the Sole F80.

This treadmill was designed with runners in mind. “One of the first things I noticed was its wider than average belt deck size,” our tester noted. “Most treadmills I’ve seen have the standard 20-inch wide deck, but the F80’s deck is 22 inches wide.”

The Sole F80 has a 3.5 continuous horsepower motor, a cushioned running deck, and a maximum weight capacity of 375 pounds. Its solid construction earned it a 4 out of 5 durability rating from our tester. “This motor can handle a lot of volume running at high speeds,” they said. “I definitely wouldn’t worry about components burning out or anything.” 

As for its cushioned deck, Sole claims it can reduce joint impact up to 40 percent. While we do think it’s one of the best cushioned treadmills on the market, our tester wasn’t sure about that number. “Honestly, I didn’t notice an enormous difference, but I could tell it was cushioned,” they said. “I don’t know how they got to ‘40 percent’ but I’d say it’s somewhere between a super-cushioned deck and a non-cushioned deck.” 

One feature our tester was disappointed was missing was decline capability. “I think even a -3 percent incline would have been nice,” they said. “It’s more expensive than Sole’s F63 model, so I wish they could have added a decline option.”

Read our full Sole F80 Treadmill Review.

Best Budget Treadmill on Amazon: Sunny Health and Fitness SF-T4400

Sunny Health & Fitness SFT4400

Sunny Health & Fitness SFT4400

Foldable treadmill with 2.20 peak HP drive system provides speeds from 0.5 to 9 MPH. Manual adjusts for 0%, 2%, or 4.37% incline.

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Price: $385

Incline Range: 0%-4.3%

Max Speed: 9mph

Max User Capacity: 220lbs

Dimensions: 50″ H x 62″ L x 25.5″ W

Weight: 103lbs


At $385, this treadmill costs roughly $600 to $1,500 less than high-end treadmills, but still has a 4.3 percent incline and handrail controls.  

Its 62-inch length — up to 20 inches smaller than other treadmills — and foldability make it a great fit for small spaces. 

Our tester was impressed with the belt’s shock absorption. 


The 49-inch running surface is 6 inches shorter than most treadmills, so it’s not suited for those with long strides. 

With a max speed of 9 miles per hour, it may be best used as a walking or jogging treadmill.

Searching through Amazon for quality budget items can be a long and treacherous journey, but the Sunny Health and Fitness SF-T4400 is the real deal. Even at this low price point, you’ll get a lot of the features of more expensive options. For about $600 to $1,500 less than high-end treadmills, you’ll get notable features like three incline levels, shock absorption, and handrail controls. 

Outside of the manual incline and folding capability, there isn’t much else in terms of adjustability and ergonomics, so our tester, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, rated this area a 3.5 out of 5. However, its shock absorption and soft-drop folding features impressed them. “I folded it up after every time I used it, so actually a highlight for me was the soft-drop feature,” they said. “I just had to tap the bar holding it up and it started lowering pretty gently.” 

The 62-inch length of this tread — the average treadmill measures between 70 and 80 inches long — makes it ideal for small spaces and apartments. It also weighs just 103 pounds, which is more than 100 pounds lighter than many treadmills. 

Our tester rated its footprint and portability a 5 out of 5, but noted that its small size does impact its running surface. “The 16-inch wide tread is smaller than the standard 20-inch on most machines, but it should work for most people.” Similarly, the 49-inch long surface is 6 inches smaller than you’ll find on most treadmills, which may impact the comfort of taller users when running. 

In terms of durability, our tester rated a 3 out of 5. “The 220-pound weight capacity was fine for me, but I did notice a lot of plastic in the build,” they said. It’s also light on tech, resulting in a 3 out of 5 tech capabilities rating. “It does come with an odometer and some basic built-in programs, but with a max speed of 9 miles per hour, I don’t know if I would want to go too hard,” said our tester. “It’s probably best for walking or a light jog.”

But for those in search of a budget treadmill that can provide some basic cardio, the SF-T4400 is a great option. “For a space-saving, compact treadmill to keep you active and burn some calories, I think it’s a great value,” said our tester.

Best Treadmill Under $1,000 on Amazon: Horizon T101

Horizon T101 Treadmill

Horizon T101 Treadmill

The T101 from Horizon has a solid mix of tech and running features. Whether you’re looking for integrated bluetooth speakers, or a reliable motor to keep you moving, the T101 has something for everyone. 

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Price: $699

Incline Range: 0%-10%

Max Speed: 10mph

Max User Capacity: 300lbs

Dimensions: 55″ H x 70″ L x 34″ W 

Weight: 180lbs


For just $699, you get impressive features like a 10 percent incline, 2.5 continuous horsepower motor, and variable deck cushioning. 

It has a weight capacity of 300 pounds, on par with many high-end models. 

At just 180 pounds, it’s up to 100 pounds lighter than other treadmills. 


Tall runners may not be comfortable on the relatively short 55-inch deck.

The 10 miles per hour maximum speed is probably not enough for serious runners.

Though it costs just $699, the Horizon T101 has several of the features you’ll find in treadmills well over $1,000. “For being under $1,000, I like its programming, deck cushioning, and 2.5 continuous horsepower motor,” said our tester. They also noted its incline range. “It’s rare for a treadmill in this price range to have a 10 percent incline, so that’s one reason I’m really high on the T101,” they said. 

We also like the quick-adjust rollers on the handles that provide a more comfortable way to change the speed and incline mid-run. Other notable features include its hydraulic folding, variable deck cushioning, and built-in programming, the latter of which includes workouts centered around speed and hill training.

Our product tester completing an incline workout on the Horizon T101.

The motor can reach speeds of up to 10 miles per hour. “For the average person looking for some simple cardio exercise or to get some steps in, this is plenty fast,” our tester noted. 

Our tester rated their overall workout experience a 4 out of 5, dinging it slightly for its 55-inch deck, which, along with the motor, may not be best suited for intense runners. “I typically like to see a 60-inch running surface,” they said. “I’d say this would definitely be better suited for walking or jogging.” 

Our tester rated its durability 3.5 out of 5. We like that, despite weighing just 180 pounds, it can support runners up to 300 pounds. We did, however, experience some shaking during use, but adjusting the floor stabilizers lessened it somewhat. “This may be something you have to work out depending on where you put the treadmill, but at first I thought it was a lot of shaking,” they explained.

Read our full Horizon T101 Treadmill Review.

Best Under-Desk Treadmill on Amazon: Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill

GoPlus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill

GoPlus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill

With a powerful and quiet 2.25HP motor, this treadmill allows you to walk or jog when used as an under-desk machine, or run at up to 7.5 MPH when the handrails are raised.

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Price: $299

Incline Range: none

Max Speed: 7.5mph

Max User Capacity: 265lbs

Dimensions: 44.5″ H x 52.5″ L x 29″ W

Weight: 69lbs


This basic treadmill can be used with the handlebar raised or completely flat, making it easy to slide under standing desks.

It’s easily assembled, folds flat for storage, and has wheels for easy maneuvering.

The remote control allows for easy adjustments during use. 


It has a small deck and maximum speed of 7.5 miles per hour, making this treadmill better for walking than running. 

There is no incline or decline capability.

Its device holder is only big enough for phones, not tablets.

Our pick for the best under-desk treadmill on Amazon is the Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill, which is compact enough to fit under standing desks. When folded flat, the base measures just 4.5 inches tall, so the average standing desk height — around 44 inches — would need to be raised to accommodate the height of the machine. Even though the 2.25 continuous horsepower motor provides a smooth operation, it can only reach up to 7.5 miles per hour and has no incline or decline options. However, it’s still excellent for burning a few extra calories as you bounce between Zoom meetings or update spreadsheets. As our tester put it, “I would absolutely recommend it for anyone trying to add some more walking into their work day.”  

Unlike other profiles in this category — like the WalkingPad P1 — this treadmill features a foldable handlebar with detachable handrails. “I liked that you can use the treadmill with the handlebar folded up or down,” our tester said. “The remote control also lets you control if you have it folded flat.” If you decide to use the handrails, they are fixed at 3.5 feet high and can’t be raised or lowered. Our tester pointed out that may not be ideal for taller users.

Our product tester walking on the Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill.

In terms of conveniences, our tester rated the treadmill a 3 out of 5, noting that there’s a device holder on the handlebar, but that it’s only big enough for phones. It also has a remote control that makes for easy adjustments as you walk. 

They continued, “The belt deck size is another reason I wouldn’t try to run on a belt deck this small. I’m 5 foot 4 inches and I even had trouble getting a long enough stride to jog or run.” The belt measures 40 inches long and 16 inches wide, so, compared to the standard 55- to 60-inch length, this treadmill is tiny.

The overall value of the Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill earned a 4.25 out of 5 from our tester. “It will not be great for someone trying to improve their cardio or even train for a 5k,” our tester called out. For those looking to add some extra steps during the work day, though, this treadmill may be the unit for you. 

How We Chose the Best Treadmills on Amazon

We looked at 13 specific and measurable factors when searching for the best treadmills on Amazon. When we stepped on the running deck of each one, we noted aspects like adjustability, tech capabilities, built-in or subscription-based programming, footprint, portability, and more.

Reputable Listings

When perusing Amazon — especially for a popular item like treadmills — it can be tough to separate the wheat from the chaff in terms of listings. By combing each page and scouring customer reviews, we’ve confirmed the reputability of each listing to ensure there won’t be any unsavory surprises after your order has been made. 

Footprint and Portability

If you are looking to purchase a treadmill, chances are it will end up in your home, apartment, garage, home gym, or somewhere else where it will be taking up valuable space. When scrutinizing these machines, we asked questions like: Exactly how big does it measure? Does it need to be plugged in? Can it be folded? Does it have wheels? How hard is it to move?

Our product tester folding up the ProForm Pro 9000.

The best treadmills on Amazon come in all shapes and sizes, but when you open the listing on your screen, all you can see is a tiny image of it. Our job is to help you visualize the space it will occupy to determine if it’s a good fit for you. If you have a shared space, you need to know how difficult it is to move into a storage area. If it requires two people to relocate, we made note of that so you can plan accordingly.

Tech Capabilities

Tech is a must for some runners, and a hindrance to others. When assembling this list, we wanted to include options for techies and luddites alike, which is why you’ll find several smart treadmills alongside straightforward machines. 

Tech-savvy treadmills tend to have an attached touchscreen display and integration with fitness apps like IFIT, Echelon Fit, or Peloton. With these apps, you can access libraries of classes and even take scenic rides. Some apps, like IFIT, can even make automatic adjustments to your machine’s speed and incline based on a trainer’s instructions. These apps tend to require monthly subscription fees, and we made sure to point out when they do. Of course, if you’d rather avoid all of that and just run, we’ve got plenty of options for you, too.

What to Consider Before Buying a Treadmill on Amazon

With so many competing factors involved in making a purchase this large, it’s important to gather as much relevant information as possible. We tried to help you get close to the perfect match for fitness goals, physical environment, and types of workouts. Here are a few specifics to consider before making the investment.

Fitness Goals

One primary factor that should go into your decision is the type of treadmill that will help you meet your goals. The best treadmills on Amazon are all great for cardio workouts at home, but in many different capacities. Some of the more expensive options will provide intense workout experiences. Others may be more relaxed — like walking while standing at your desk during the work day. Before you start comparing sizes, incline capabilities, or tech capabilities, establish the reason you’re looking for a treadmill in the first place.

Physical Environment

Before starting your search, consider where in your home or gym you’ll use your treadmill. If you have ample space and can more or less permanently place your treadmill in one spot long-term, the footprint may not be as big a factor. 

Our product tester unlatching the handlebar on the Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill.

However, if you are going to have to set up, then store it every time you use it, look for smaller options. Having to lug around a heavy machine every day can affect how motivated you’ll be to actually use it.


To find a treadmill on Amazon that fits your budget, first identify the amount you are able to spend and the features you need. We included treadmills at a wide range of prices — $299 to $2,999 — so there may be an option here to fit most budgets. The more expensive machines will include capabilities like incline and decline or interactive programming, while the treadmills at the lower end of the range may only have basic features like speed-adjust buttons in the handrails or less powerful motors. When considering the amount of money you are willing to spend, make sure you find the features that are most important to meet your needs. 

Different Types of Treadmills on Amazon

On our list, you’ll find treadmills of all shapes, sizes, and capabilities that can help you reap the benefits of cardio. Each machine has a purpose and being aware of what is available is the first step to arriving at your decision. Some treadmills are for walking, others are for running. Some plug into an outlet, some are strictly user-powered. Here are a few types of treadmills to help you get started.


Treadmills that are Wi-Fi-enabled can provide much more programming and variety of workouts than those that only offer preset programs or none at all. Most smart treadmills will incorporate a subscription-based platform like IFIT or Peloton, which allow you to access a library of classes and scenic rides via a touchscreen that’s attached to the treadmill.

For Running

Running on a treadmill puts more stress on components like the motor, deck, and belt than walking does. Treadmill motors are typically continuous horsepower, meaning they can sustain a certain horsepower over time. 

Most runners will want a treadmill that can reach speeds of up to 12 miles per hour, but If you’re a serious sprinter, you may be better served by a 3.5 CHP motor that can reach speeds of up to 15 miles per hour. At speeds this high, most treadmills can experience some shaking or wobbling. The overall durability of the machine is also a consideration if you plan to use your machine mostly for running.

For Walking

If you intend to use your treadmill primarily for walking, the power output of the motor can be on the lower end of the range of common treadmill motors. For an average walking speed of around 3 to 5 miles per hour, you won’t need much power. It’s probably not necessary to buy a large treadmill with a powerful motor if you only intend to use it for walking.

Benefits of the Best Treadmills on Amazon

The best treadmills on Amazon do much more than just allow you to walk or run. Some of them have streaming devices. Some provide a way to get extra steps during work hours. Whichever benefit you’re after, we have a pick on our list that can provide it.

Save Money on Shipping

Getting your treadmill through Amazon may provide advantages over shopping retail or buying directly from a consumer. First and foremost, Amazon purchases often qualify for free shipping and can arrive in as soon as two days. Amazon also encourages customers to leave reviews and upload images, which can also be helpful for consumers looking for second opinions. Sellers can also offer frequent or unannounced sales and often sell discontinued items for cheap as they try to unload inventory.


Owning a treadmill — in your house, apartment, or garage — is a convenient way to improve your physical fitness. If you have a chaotic schedule that makes it difficult to get to the gym or if you live in an area not conducive to outdoor walking or running, having a treadmill a few steps away can eliminate a huge hurdle to regular exercise — inconvenience.

Build Muscle 

Most of our picks for the best treadmills on Amazon have some level of incline or decline capacity. Increasing the incline of your walk, jog, or run can tone and build muscle in your thighs and glutes. Beyond the muscle groups in your legs, treadmill exercises can also engage and strengthen your core muscles. 


Caption: Our product tester doing an incline workout on the NordicTrack 1750.

Some options that we included have the capabilities to stream off-machine exercises, too. An IFIT or Peloton subscription offers access to HIIT, yoga, pilates, running, and strength training classes. Just swivel your screen and get started.

Improved Mental Health

If owning your own treadmill can make it more likely that you’ll stick with a regular workout regimen, there is research to suggest an additional benefit to improved physical fitness — improved mental health. Research has shown that consistent physical activity — like walking or running — is associated with positive effects on mental wellbeing. This includes preventative effects on anxiety, depression, and maybe sleep disorders. (2) A 2023 study also concluded that physical exercise can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. (3

Final Word

Finding the diamonds in the rough of Amazon can be tough. With so many options for treadmills to sift through, it can be difficult to find a quality machine to support your fitness goals. We created our list of the best treadmills on Amazon based on our personal experiences with the products, scoring each on factors such as durability, footprint, tech capabilities, and customer reviews.

When choosing a treadmill, consider your own fitness goals, the space available in your home, and your budget. Also, do you see yourself sprinting, running, or walking on it? Are virtual workouts a major factor? Or do you want a treadmill you can just hop on and start running? After identifying what’s most important to you, use our expertise to guide your final decision. 


What’s the best treadmill on Amazon?

If you have plenty of space — or maybe your own home gym — and a healthy budget, the NordicTrack 1750 is our pick for the best overall treadmill on Amazon. With IFIT integration, it can serve as much more than cardio. Swivel the screen around and do HIIT workouts in your living room or a yoga session on the porch.

How much do treadmills cost?

Our options for the best treadmills on Amazon range from $299 to $2,999. We included different types of treadmills at varying price points to serve all our readers. If you need more tech capabilities, like dynamic workout programming, expect to spend between $1,000 and $2,500. If all you’re after is a walking treadmill to keep you moving while working from home, you can find a solid option on the lower range.

What is the best treadmill brand?

Members of our team have used NordicTrack treadmills for many years and it’s the consensus choice for the best overall brand. In addition to the top overall pick on this list — the NordicTrack 1750 — we have tested and reviewed eight NordicTrack treadmills. They each are consistently rated among the best we have tested.


Robertson, Nicholas, “Comparing Calorie Expenditure and Rating of Perceived Exertion between the Curve and a Motorized Treadmill” (2014). EWU Masters Thesis Collection. 268.

Imboden, C., Claussen, M. C., Seifritz, E., & Gerber, M. (2022). Die Bedeutung von körperlicher Aktivität für die psychische Gesundheit [The Importance of Physical Activity for Mental Health]. Praxis, 110(4), 186–191.

Mahindru, A., Patil, P., & Agrawal, V. (2023). Role of Physical Activity on Mental Health and Well-Being: A Review. Cureus, 15(1), e33475.

The post 9 Best Treadmills on Amazon of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

The Stoltman Brothers Tour Ryan Terry’s £5,000,000 Custom Gym

2023 Olympia Men’s Physique champion Ryan Terry opened a state-of-the-art gym called RT Fit in Retford, Nottinghamshire, England in partnership with strength brand Primal. Terry invited other elite strength athletes and media alike to try the multimillion-dollar fitness hub.

There’s hardly a better duo to evaluate gym equipment “The World’s Strongest Brothers,” Tom and Luke Stoltman. Take a look at the two-time World’s Strongest Man (WSM) champion and 2021 Europe’s Strongest Man (ESM) tour RT Fit below:

Terry won the 2023 Men’s Physique Olympia title on his ninth attempt. His dedication to a nearly decade-long journey is recorded in the RT Fit entrance corridor, where his Olympia medals and jackets take pride of place.

Terry’s concept for RT Fit was an all-in-one space to work, recover, and refuel. The RT Eats space offers healthy meals and a barista provides quality coffee with the beans roasted on site.

Terry wants his gym members to get to know each other in this communal space, a challenge to 24-hour gyms where patrons go about their business with headphones on to avoid interaction.

Want to get a haircut? RT Fit is outfitted with barbers and a hair salon. The 2023 Men’s Physique Olympia champion wants his members to “get everything done” on site, so they can spend more time training and less time travelling.

You Can “Get Everything Done” at RT Fit

For recovery, RT Fit offers electromagnetic therapy designed to help with pain relief and relaxation. Per a 2020 study in Physical Therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) has “a beneficial effect…on pain, stiffness, and physical function” compared to a placebo. (1)

There’s also cryotherapy and traditional deep tissue massage in RT Fit’s sports rehabilitation facilities. After an intense workout and/or round of posing, members can recover in an ice barrel, offered inside RT Fit’s recovery suite. There’s a sauna for heat therapy and a body drier; a piece that looks like a cross between a radiator and a hairdryer.

In addition to the main gym floor, there’s a specially lit spin area with pumping music for cyclists to train to. Many expected Terry’s gym to only concentrate on bodybuilding, but Terry’s vision was to create a gym “for everybody.” To that end, RT Fit also offers yoga and dancercise.

Terry worked with Primal to conceive his vision of all-encompassing gym experience. Terry explained to the Stoltman brothers how Terry wanted to section off the various disciplines of training such as cardio, pin-loaded machines, a core-focused area, and the free weights alongside squat racks. Terry and his team of ex-marines offer strength and conditioning classes; a touch that left the Stoltmans suitably impressed.

“This floor feels soft,” noted Luke. “That’s for the CrossFitters,” answered Terry, stepping onto the sled track. For dedicated weightlifters, RT Fit features a plate-loaded section mixing Primal equipment with traditional staple pieces. Terry showed the Stoltmans the vast sets dumbbells, ranging from 2.5 Kilograms (5.5 Pounds) to 80 Kilograms (176 Pounds). “That’s class,” nodded Luke.

Terry guided the Stoltmans to the “Posing Room,” an enclosed mirrored space to display the physique off from all angles in controllable lighting. After recieving tips on how to properly tan, the Stoltman’s tour cam to an end.

Tom Stoltman’s next strongman contest is the 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic on March 1-2, 2024. Ryan Terry is expected to attempt his first Olympia title defense at the 2024 Olympia on Oct. 10-13, 2024, in Las Vegas, NV.


Yang, X., He, H., Ye, W., Perry, T. A., & He, C. (2020). Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy on Pain, Stiffness, Physical Function, and Quality of Life in Patients With Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials. Physical therapy100(7), 1118–1131.

Featured image: @ryanjterry on Instagram

The post The Stoltman Brothers Tour Ryan Terry’s £5,000,000 Custom Gym appeared first on BarBend.