Want to Look Jacked Fast? These Are the Only Exercises That Actually Work

Looking to get jacked without spending hours in the gym? You don’t need a long list of exercises—just the right ones. This guide covers the only moves you need to build muscle fast, focusing on compound lifts that give you the most gains in the shortest time. You’ll learn how to grow bigger and stronger with just a handful of exercises. Stick around to discover how simple it really is to get that muscular, defined look.

What Does It Mean to Be “Jacked”?

To be jacked means having visible muscle size, definition, and symmetry. This look comes from targeting multiple muscle groups while maintaining a balanced physique. A jacked body isn’t just big; it’s well-proportioned, with wide shoulders, a strong chest, thick legs, and a defined back.

Why Simplicity Wins

Less is more when it comes to building muscle. Rather than focusing on a wide variety of exercises, the most efficient way to get results is to use a handful of compound movements. These engage multiple muscle groups at once, allowing you to lift heavier weights and make faster progress.

The Formula for a Jacked Physique

In this article, we’ll explore the most effective exercises that will give you the physique you want. Focus on these, and you won’t need to waste time with anything else.

The Science Behind Muscle Growth

Progressive Overload

The principle of progressive overload is fundamental to muscle growth. It’s simple: lifting progressively heavier weights over time forces your muscles to grow. Your body adapts to increased stress by building bigger and stronger muscles. This is the key to long-term gains. If you’re not progressively increasing the resistance, your muscles won’t grow.

Compound vs. Isolation Exercises

Compound exercises are superior for building a muscular physique. They involve multiple joints and muscles, making them more effective for strength and size. For example, squats engage the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, while also involving the core. Isolation exercises, on the other hand, target one muscle group, such as bicep curls, which only work the biceps. While isolation movements have their place, compound exercises deliver the biggest bang for your buck.

Time Efficiency

By focusing on a few, highly effective exercises, you save time while maximizing results. Fewer exercises done with proper form and intensity yield better progress than performing dozens of less effective movements.

The Core Compound Exercises for a Jacked Physique

1. Squats

Primary Muscles Targeted: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, core.

Why Squats Are Essential: Squats are a full-body powerhouse. They target large muscle groups, leading to increased muscle mass across the body, especially in the legs and glutes. Squatting heavy releases growth hormones, aiding overall muscle growth.

Form Tips:

Keep your back straight and chest up.

Ensure your knees track over your toes.

Squat down to at least parallel for maximum muscle activation.

Variations for Extra Gains:

Front squats

Bulgarian split squats

2. Deadlifts

Primary Muscles Targeted: Back, hamstrings, glutes, traps, forearms.

Why Deadlifts Are Crucial: Deadlifts work nearly every muscle in the body. They emphasize the posterior chain, building strong, thick muscles in the back, hamstrings, and glutes. A strong deadlift translates into a more powerful, muscular physique.

Form Tips:

Maintain a neutral spine and engage your core.

Pull the bar close to your body.

Focus on controlled, powerful movements.


Romanian deadlift

Sumo deadlift

3. Bench Press

Primary Muscles Targeted: Chest, triceps, shoulders.

Why It’s a Must: The bench press is the go-to exercise for building a thick, muscular chest. It also strengthens the shoulders and triceps, helping to develop a strong upper body.

Form Tips:

Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle.

Avoid arching your lower back excessively.

Drive through your chest and shoulders, not just your arms.


Incline bench press

Dumbbell press

4. Pull-ups / Chin-ups

Primary Muscles Targeted: Lats, biceps, shoulders, core.

Why They Work: Pull-ups and chin-ups are phenomenal for building a wide, V-shaped back. They target multiple muscles, creating definition and size in the upper body.

Form Tips:

Use a full range of motion.

Control your tempo—avoid kipping.

Squeeze at the top for maximum muscle engagement.


Weighted pull-ups

Assisted pull-ups

Vary your grips (wide, neutral, reverse)

5. Overhead Press

Primary Muscles Targeted: Shoulders, triceps, upper chest.

Why It’s Vital: This exercise builds shoulder width, adding mass to create a broad, defined look. It also works the triceps and upper chest, providing balance to your upper body.

Form Tips:

Engage your core to prevent back strain.

Press through your shoulders, avoiding excessive arch in the lower back.

Lock out at the top for full muscle engagement.


Seated press

Push press for explosive power

6. Rows (Barbell or Dumbbell)

Primary Muscles Targeted: Lats, rhomboids, traps, rear delts.

Why Rows Build Thickness: Rows add density and thickness to your back, making it look broader and more powerful. They also help with posture by strengthening the muscles that pull your shoulders back.

Form Tips:

Keep a slight bend in your knees and hinge at your hips.

Avoid rounding your lower back.

Pull the weight towards your lower ribcage.


T-bar rows

Single-arm dumbbell rows

Supplementary Exercises (Optional but Effective)

While the above exercises will provide a solid foundation, some additional exercises can help fine-tune your physique:

Dips: Excellent for chest and triceps development.

Barbell Curls: Focused on biceps size and strength.

Calf Raises: Helps to balance out your lower body.

Ab Rollouts: Core strength is essential for stabilizing during compound lifts.

The Importance of Recovery and Nutrition

Muscle Repair Happens in Recovery

Muscles don’t grow during the workout—they grow afterward, during recovery. Proper rest days and adequate sleep are essential for allowing muscles to repair and grow. Overtraining can slow progress and increase the risk of injury.

Nutrition for a Jacked Look

Your diet is just as important as your workout routine. To build muscle, you need a calorie surplus and sufficient protein intake. Aim for 1.6 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Your diet should also include healthy fats and carbohydrates to fuel your workouts and recovery.


While whole foods are best, supplements like creatine, protein powders, and BCAAs can enhance your muscle-building efforts.

Programming Your Workout Routine


Aim to perform these compound exercises 3-4 times per week. This allows for optimal recovery while maximizing muscle growth.

Volume and Sets

For muscle hypertrophy, the ideal range is 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps per exercise. This rep range balances strength and muscle size, stimulating growth without causing overtraining.

Rest Periods

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets to balance strength building and hypertrophy. Shorter rest periods enhance muscle growth, while longer rest periods can help with lifting heavier weights.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Form Over Ego Lifting

It’s tempting to lift heavier weights to impress others, but proper form is far more important. Lifting with poor technique increases the risk of injury and won’t give you the gains you want. Always prioritize technique.

Neglecting Mobility

Without mobility work, you’re setting yourself up for injuries. Incorporate stretches and mobility exercises into your routine to improve range of motion and longevity in training.


Signs of overtraining include fatigue, irritability, and plateauing. Take rest days and listen to your body to prevent burnout.

Unique Tips for Standing Out

Mind-Muscle Connection

Focusing on the muscle you’re working can lead to better activation and faster growth. Instead of just moving the weight, concentrate on squeezing the muscle throughout the movement.

Time Under Tension (TUT)

Slowing down the movement during an exercise increases muscle engagement. Focus on controlling the eccentric phase of lifts to maximize gains.

Progressive Overload in Non-Weight Areas

You don’t always need heavier weights. Try adding bands, adjusting body position, or changing the angle of an exercise to increase difficulty and stimulate new muscle growth.

Want More Muscle Fast? Use These 3 Simple Hacks Every Time You Train

Building muscle takes more than just lifting weights—it’s about smart, strategic training. Want to know how to boost your gains with every workout? In this article, we’ll show you three quick and proven tips that can help you force more muscle growth, break through plateaus, and see consistent results. Ready to maximize your strength and size? Keep reading to discover these game-changing techniques.

1. Prioritize Progressive Overload

What is Progressive Overload?

Progressive overload involves gradually increasing the difficulty of your workouts to push your muscles to grow stronger and larger. Without increasing the challenge, your muscles quickly adapt, leading to plateaus in progress.

How to Implement Progressive Overload:

Increase Weight or Reps: Aim to lift heavier weights or perform more reps each session. For example, if you performed 8 reps with 20 lbs last week, try to hit 9 or 10 reps this week with the same weight, or increase to 22 lbs while keeping the reps constant.

Adjust Volume: Volume refers to the total amount of work you perform, usually measured in sets and reps. You can add extra sets to your workout or reduce rest time between sets to increase the intensity. A good way to push yourself is by adding just one more set to each exercise.

Track Your Progress: Keep a detailed workout log to monitor progress. Tracking each session ensures that you’re consistently progressing in either reps, weight, or volume.

Little-Known Tip: Micro-Loading

To achieve more precise increments, use micro-loading. Add very small weights—ranging from 0.5 to 1 lb—using small plates or magnets to the barbell or dumbbells. This forces gradual adaptation without overwhelming your muscles, especially when you’re nearing a plateau.

2. Maximize Time Under Tension (TUT)

What is Time Under Tension?

Time under tension (TUT) is the amount of time your muscles are actively engaged during a set. Longer TUT leads to increased muscle fiber recruitment, which contributes to hypertrophy (muscle growth). Slowing down your movements can have a huge impact on your gains.

How to Implement TUT:

Slow Down Your Reps: Perform each rep in a slow, controlled manner. Pay special attention to the eccentric phase (the lowering of the weight). For instance, while doing a bench press, take 3-4 seconds to lower the bar and 1-2 seconds to press it back up.

Pause at Peak Contraction: For exercises like bicep curls or leg extensions, hold the position where your muscles are fully contracted for 2-3 seconds. This intensifies the strain on your muscles, forcing them to work harder.

Advanced Techniques: Incorporate eccentric-focused sets, where you lower the weight very slowly, or try tempo training by controlling both the lifting and lowering phases with precise timing (e.g., 3 seconds up, 3 seconds down).

Little-Known Tip: Isometric Holds

Try isometric holds at the weakest point of a movement, such as pausing halfway through a bicep curl or squat. Holding at this “sticking point” will increase muscle activation without needing to adjust the weight, offering a new way to challenge your muscles.

3. Incorporate Muscle Confusion

What is Muscle Confusion?

Muscle confusion refers to the practice of varying your exercises to prevent your muscles from adapting to repetitive movements. This keeps your muscles guessing, leading to consistent gains and preventing plateaus.

How to Implement Muscle Confusion:

Change Exercise Angles: Modify the angle or stance in familiar exercises. For instance, switch from a flat bench press to an incline bench press, or alternate between wide and close grip pull-ups. This targets different parts of the muscle, ensuring well-rounded development.

Try Different Equipment: If you usually use free weights, switch to machines or resistance bands. Incorporating new equipment can stimulate muscles in different ways, ensuring all muscle fibers are activated.

Vary Rep Ranges: Mix up your rep ranges by incorporating both high-rep endurance sets (15-20 reps) and low-rep strength sets (3-5 reps). This will target both slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers, leading to better overall growth.

Little-Known Tip: Mechanical Drop Sets

Mechanical drop sets allow you to continue the set after reaching failure by changing the exercise mechanics without reducing the weight. For example, after you reach failure on wide-grip push-ups, immediately switch to close-grip push-ups. This allows you to exhaust your muscles completely, ensuring maximum recruitment without adjusting the load.

Build a Powerful, Sculpted Chest Using Just Dumbbells With These 9 Essential Exercises


Building a strong, defined chest doesn’t need complicated equipment. With just a pair of dumbbells, you can sculpt your chest, increase strength, and fix muscle imbalances. This guide reveals the **9 most effective dumbbell chest exercises** that will help you gain size, strength, and symmetry. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, these exercises will take your chest workout to the next level. Ready to see real results? Let’s dive in.

Anatomy of the Chest

Main chest muscles

Pectoralis Major: This large, fan-shaped muscle is the primary focus during chest exercises. It’s divided into the upper, middle, and lower sections.

Pectoralis Minor: Located beneath the pectoralis major, this smaller muscle stabilizes your shoulder joint during pushing movements.

How chest muscles function

The chest muscles play a key role in movements such as horizontal adduction, shoulder flexion, and internal rotation. Every time you push a weight away from your body, your chest muscles are activated.

Importance of targeting different angles

For balanced development, it’s crucial to target the chest from multiple angles—upper, middle, and lower. This ensures that all parts of the pectoral muscles are engaged, leading to a fuller and more defined chest.

Key Benefits of Dumbbell Chest Exercises

Increased range of motion

Dumbbells allow for a deeper stretch and contraction compared to barbells, leading to better muscle engagement. This can boost muscle growth and flexibility over time.

Balanced strength development

With dumbbells, each arm works independently. This can correct muscle imbalances and ensure that both sides of your chest are equally developed.

Greater joint stability

Dumbbell exercises activate stabilizer muscles around your shoulder joints more effectively, reducing the risk of injuries over time.


Dumbbells are portable, making them ideal for home workouts. You don’t need a lot of equipment to get an effective chest workout done.

Safe for joints

Compared to barbells, dumbbells place less stress on your shoulders, making them a safer option for people with joint issues or shoulder pain.

9 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises

1. Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

Muscles targeted: Middle pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, triceps.

How to perform:

Lie flat on a bench.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand at chest level with palms facing forward.

Press the dumbbells upward until your arms are fully extended, keeping a slight bend at the elbows.

Slowly lower the dumbbells back to your chest.

Tips for effectiveness: Squeeze your chest at the top for maximum contraction.

Variations: Use a neutral grip or press with alternating arms for variety.

2. Incline Dumbbell Press

Muscles targeted: Upper pectoralis major, shoulders, triceps.

How to perform:

Set the bench at a 30-45 degree incline.

Hold dumbbells at chest height and press them upwards until your arms are extended.

Lower the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position.

Tips for effectiveness: Focus on lowering the weights slowly for better time under tension.

Pro tip: Incorporate a slow negative (eccentric) phase to increase upper chest activation.

3. Dumbbell Flyes (Flat/Incline)

Muscles targeted: Entire pectoral region with an emphasis on the chest stretch.

How to perform:

Lie flat or on an incline bench.

With a slight bend in your arms, lower the dumbbells in a wide arc until your chest feels stretched.

Bring the dumbbells back up while squeezing the chest.

Key focus: Avoid overstretching and keep your arms slightly bent to protect your shoulders.

Fun Fact: Flyes are excellent for hypertrophy, thanks to the intense stretch they provide.

4. Dumbbell Pullover

Muscles targeted: Pectoralis major, lats, serratus anterior.

How to perform:

Hold one dumbbell with both hands and lie on a bench.

Extend the dumbbell over your chest, then slowly bring it behind your head.

Return it back to the starting position.

Additional benefits: This movement helps expand the rib cage and improves shoulder mobility.

Bonus tip: The pullover also works your back muscles, making it a great multi-functional exercise.

5. Decline Dumbbell Press

Muscles targeted: Lower pectoralis major.

How to perform:

Lie on a decline bench with dumbbells held at chest height.

Press the dumbbells upwards until your arms are extended.

Slowly lower the weights back down.

Pro tip: Focus on pushing the dumbbells using your chest muscles, not your shoulders.

6. Close-Grip Dumbbell Press

Muscles targeted: Inner chest, triceps.

How to perform:

Hold dumbbells together, close to the center of your chest.

Press the weights upwards, keeping them close together throughout the movement.

Added benefit: This exercise places extra emphasis on the triceps while targeting the inner chest.

7. Single-Arm Dumbbell Chest Press

Muscles targeted: Chest, core, shoulders.

How to perform:

Lie flat on a bench with one dumbbell in one hand.

Press the dumbbell up while the other arm remains extended or resting by your side.

Unique advantage: This exercise improves imbalances and requires core engagement for stabilization.

8. Dumbbell Squeeze Press

Muscles targeted: Inner chest, triceps.

How to perform:

Press the dumbbells together at chest height and push them upwards.

Keep pressing them together throughout the movement.

Why it’s effective: The constant squeezing motion creates more tension on the chest muscles.

9. Dumbbell Floor Press

Muscles targeted: Middle chest, shoulders, triceps.

How to perform:

Lie flat on the floor with dumbbells.

Press the dumbbells upward until your arms lock out, then slowly lower them.

Added benefit: The floor limits the range of motion, which can help protect your shoulders while still engaging the chest.

Optimizing Your Chest Workout

Reps and sets recommendation

For hypertrophy (muscle growth): 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps per exercise.

For strength: 5-8 reps using heavier weights.

Rest periods

For hypertrophy: 60-90 seconds.

For strength: 2-3 minutes.

Training frequency

Aim to work your chest 1-2 times per week. For best results, vary between heavier days and lighter days.

Progressive overload

To keep challenging your muscles, gradually increase the weight or volume of your workouts over time.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overloading too quickly

Prioritize proper form before increasing weight. Overloading too soon can lead to injuries.

Improper form

Avoid arching your lower back and excessively flaring your elbows during chest exercises.

Neglecting the negative phase

Lower the weights slowly to maximize muscle activation and boost growth.

Skipping warm-ups

Always warm up your shoulders and chest to prevent injuries and improve performance.

Final Tips for Chest Growth and Strength

Consistency is key: Stick to your routine and aim to progress over time.

Fuel your workouts: Focus on protein intake and balanced macros for muscle recovery and growth.

Incorporate variety: Change up your grip, angle, and weights to continually stimulate your chest muscles.

Don’t forget recovery: Ensure you’re getting enough rest and sleep between workouts to allow your muscles to grow.


These 9 dumbbell chest exercises will help you build both size and strength in your chest. By following this guide and staying consistent, you’ll soon see both aesthetic improvements and strength gains. Get started today and watch your chest transform!

How Scott Mathison Went from Construction Worker to Global Fitness Icon and Changed the Calisthenics Game

1. Introduction

Scott Mathison is more than just a fitness influencer—he’s a game-changer in the world of calisthenics and bodyweight training. With a massive following across social media, Scott’s unique approach to fitness has inspired thousands to transform their bodies and minds. Want to know how he went from construction worker to fitness icon? Curious about the secrets behind his training, diet, and online success? Dive into this article to discover Scott’s incredible journey and how his methods could change your fitness routine forever.

2. Early Life and Background

Birth and Early Years

Scott Mathison was born and raised in California, where his early exposure to outdoor activities like skateboarding, surfing, and extreme sports sparked an interest in physical fitness. Growing up, Scott’s love for movement and challenge laid the foundation for his future career, though fitness wasn’t initially a primary focus.

First Encounters with Fitness

Scott’s foray into fitness started in high school, where he played football and competed in track and field. These early sports experiences ignited a passion for pushing his physical limits. However, his true fitness journey began after encountering bodyweight training through online videos and fitness magazines. Inspired by athletes like Frank Medrano, Scott dove headfirst into calisthenics, finding it to be a dynamic and sustainable way to build strength.

Education and Early Career Choices

While Mathison did not pursue formal education related to fitness, his career path took an unconventional turn. He started working in construction, where the physically demanding labor further cultivated his strength and discipline. Yet, he always felt a deeper calling. After some early struggles trying to balance work and fitness, Scott decided to pivot into fitness full-time, embracing it as both a personal passion and professional goal.

3. Fitness Journey and Athleticism

Shift to Full-Time Fitness

Scott’s decision to make fitness his career came after realizing his potential to inspire others. Through his own physical transformation, Scott saw the powerful impact that consistent training and the right mindset could have. His turning point came when he began documenting his fitness routines on social media, leading to an unexpected surge in followers. This organic growth allowed him to leave construction and commit to fitness full-time, inspiring people to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Training Regimen

Scott’s training regimen is intense yet accessible, making it one of the key factors in his success. His approach emphasizes calisthenics, which focuses on bodyweight movements like pull-ups, push-ups, and muscle-ups. He complements this with strength training and mobility work, ensuring a balanced routine. Scott advocates for functional fitness, meaning every exercise in his routine serves a real-world purpose—whether it’s enhancing flexibility, agility, or raw strength.

Diet and Nutrition

Scott follows a high-protein, nutrient-dense diet that fuels his demanding workouts. While he isn’t one to promote fad diets, he does place importance on whole foods, lean proteins, and a balance of macronutrients. He avoids processed sugars and prioritizes recovery foods like vegetables, complex carbs, and healthy fats. Supplements like protein powder and creatine are also part of his regimen, though he stresses that they are just tools to supplement, not replace, a strong dietary foundation.

Competitions or Public Fitness Challenges

Though Scott is primarily known for his online content, he has participated in various fitness challenges and public exhibitions, where his bodyweight mastery is often the centerpiece. His involvement in calisthenics competitions and fitness expos further solidified his standing as a legitimate athlete in the industry.

4. Becoming a Social Media Influencer

Breakthrough on Social Media

Scott’s breakthrough came on Instagram and YouTube, where his raw, unfiltered workout posts garnered attention. Early content focused on showcasing advanced calisthenics moves, which captured the imagination of fitness enthusiasts. What set him apart initially was his ability to demonstrate exercises that were as visually impressive as they were physically challenging. His authenticity and accessibility resonated deeply with fans, leading to a quick rise in followers.

Growth of His Online Presence

Consistency has been key to Scott’s social media success. He developed a formula that blends instructional videos, motivational posts, and personal updates. By frequently posting content and engaging with his followers through comments and stories, Scott built a loyal community. His regular uploads on YouTube, often breaking down complex movements into easy-to-follow tutorials, contributed heavily to his growth.

Collaborations and Sponsorships

Scott has worked with a range of fitness brands and apparel companies, often serving as a brand ambassador for supplement lines and fitness gear. Partnerships with well-known companies like Gymshark and FitTea boosted his credibility. These sponsorships not only expanded his reach but also gave him financial backing to continue developing his brand.

Innovative Content Ideas

What makes Scott truly stand out is his knack for creating innovative, engaging content. He frequently launches fitness challenges, inviting his audience to participate and share their results. His “90-day calisthenics challenge” remains one of his most popular series. He also uses storytelling to connect with his audience, often sharing personal anecdotes about overcoming challenges, which helps build trust and relatability.

5. Signature Fitness Style

Calisthenics and Bodyweight Training

Scott’s signature style is rooted in calisthenics, which focuses on bodyweight exercises that develop strength, endurance, and agility. His workouts typically feature moves like muscle-ups, human flags, and planche holds, which require both strength and control. He promotes calisthenics as an accessible form of training, highlighting that it can be done with minimal equipment and virtually anywhere.

Outdoor Training Focus

In addition to gym-based workouts, Scott is a big proponent of outdoor training. His social media often showcases him training in parks or on the beach, reinforcing the idea that you don’t need a fancy gym to stay in shape. He’s vocal about the mental health benefits of being outdoors, such as reducing stress and increasing motivation.

Fitness Innovation

Scott is also known for introducing new ways to approach fitness. His philosophy, rooted in sustainable, functional training, encourages people to focus on lifelong fitness. He frequently adapts his routines to be scalable, so they are suitable for all fitness levels, allowing beginners and advanced athletes to find value in his content.

6. Branding and Business Ventures

Building a Fitness Brand

Scott Mathison has successfully transitioned from influencer to entrepreneur. He has launched several fitness programs aimed at people looking to improve their bodyweight strength. His programs are noted for their progressive intensity, allowing users to start at a beginner level and build up to more advanced exercises. These offerings have helped him establish his brand as a leader in calisthenics coaching.

Merchandising and Product Development

In addition to fitness programs, Scott has developed a line of fitness apparel and equipment. He focuses on creating products that align with his minimalist approach to fitness, such as portable resistance bands and workout gear that’s ideal for outdoor use. His brand is not only about fitness, but also about promoting an active lifestyle that’s accessible to everyone.

Online Training and Coaching

Scott has capitalized on the rise of online fitness by launching subscription-based programs that offer personalized training plans and progress tracking. These platforms allow him to engage directly with his audience while providing a scalable business model. His coaching has evolved to include both video-based tutorials and one-on-one consultations, making it a comprehensive resource for fitness enthusiasts.

7. Personal Life and Hobbies

Behind the Scenes: Who Is Scott Mathison?

Outside of fitness, Scott has a passion for extreme sports and outdoor adventures. Whether it’s surfing or snowboarding, he enjoys staying active in nature, which is something his followers also find inspiring. Despite the demanding nature of his career, Scott makes time for traveling, exploring new places, and constantly seeking new challenges. He keeps his personal life fairly private, but his love for adventure is clear in his content.

Philanthropy and Giving Back

Scott has also been involved in community fitness events, often using his platform to encourage others to get active. He regularly participates in fundraisers and campaigns that promote healthy living, particularly in underserved communities. This focus on giving back has made him more than just a fitness influencer—it’s made him a positive role model in the larger fitness community.

8. Impact on the Fitness Community

Inspiring Others

Scott’s fitness journey has inspired thousands of people to pursue their own fitness goals. Through his challenges and programs, he has helped followers transform both their bodies and their mindsets. His “Never Give Up” mentality has become a mantra for many, encouraging resilience and consistency.

Influence on Fitness Trends

Scott has been instrumental in the calisthenics boom, particularly in promoting minimalist, equipment-free workouts. His influence has contributed to the growing popularity of bodyweight exercises, which have become a staple in both home workouts and public fitness spaces.

Challenges He Faces

Despite his success, Scott has faced criticism common to social media influencers, including questions about the sustainability of his training style and potential for injury in advanced calisthenics moves. However, he has always addressed these concerns head-on, advocating for proper technique and incremental progress.

9. Future Plans and Goals

Expanding His Influence

Scott shows no signs of slowing down. With new digital platforms like TikTok, he’s exploring fresh ways to engage with his audience, bringing his fitness tips and motivational messages to a broader demographic. He also has plans to launch new fitness products and expand his coaching programs to reach more people worldwide.

Long-Term Fitness Goals

As for his personal goals, Scott has hinted at the possibility of competing in more fitness competitions and setting new personal records in calisthenics. His long-term vision for fitness is to continue promoting sustainable, functional fitness that helps people stay strong and healthy for life.

10. Conclusion

Scott Mathison’s journey from construction worker to fitness icon is a testament to the power of persistence, passion, and authenticity. He has redefined what it means to be an athlete in the digital age, inspiring people around the world with his dedication to calisthenics and outdoor training. His legacy continues to grow, both as a social media influencer and as a respected athlete in the fitness community.

10 Surprising Traps That Can Sabotage Your Diet

Sticking to a weight-loss diet can often feel like an uphill battle. While willpower and discipline certainly play a role, sometimes, unexpected pitfalls can derail progress.

On Oct. 10, 2024, Dr. Mike Israetel revealed 10 hidden diet saboteurs:

Eating Out


Subversion at Home

Visiting Family and Friends

Eating Kids’ Foods

Dieting Too Long

Eating Healthy

Eyeballing Macros

Stress Eating

Regaining Weight After Diet Ends

Dr. Israetel offered insights to help achieve lasting weight loss results.

[Related: How to Bulk: The Ultimate Guide to Gaining Size]

1. Eating Out

Dining out can be a major challenge for those watching their diet. Restaurants often prioritize flavor over nutrition, loading dishes with excessive oils and hidden fats that can easily exceed daily calorie goals

Israetel suggests limiting restaurant meals and making conscious choices when dining out. A simple strategy to slash calories is to request that your food be prepared without oil.

2. Snacks

Offices can be breeding grounds for dietary sabotage. Well-intentioned coworkers bring in desserts to share, and breakrooms overflow with tempting treats. Israetel’s solution? Pack your own healthy snacks and meals. 

Israetel emphasizes the importance of meal planning. Eating nutrient-rich foods at regular intervals helps curb cravings and reduces the likelihood of impulsive snacking. 

3. Subversion at Home

Well-meaning family and roommates might prepare delicious but calorie-laden meals, unaware of your dietary goals. Leftovers, always tempting and readily available, can further derail progress.

Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock

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Clear communication is key. Israetel recommends discussing dietary goals with your household and politely declining offers for unhealthy foods.

4. Visting Family and Friends

Social events often center around food and drinks. Israetel suggests a proactive approach: eat a healthy meal beforehand and bring your own beverages and food to ensure a healthy option. If the environment proves too tempting, consider postponing your visit.

5. Eating Kids Foods

Parents often succumb to the convenience of sharing meals with their children or finishing their leftovers. However, children’s meals are often less healthy, featuring processed foods and higher sugar content. Israetel advises preparing separate, healthy meals and resisting the urge to clean your child’s plate. 

6. Dieting Too Long

While dedication is key to achieving goals, excessively long dieting periods can be counterproductive. Israetel cautions against prolonged calorie restriction, as it can lead to metabolic adaptation, making further weight loss more challenging. Incorporate planned diet breaks to allow your metabolism to recover and prevent plateaus.

7. Eating Healthy

Many fall into the trap of thinking “healthy” means “calorie-free.” Nutrient-rich foods like nuts, avocados, and olive oil, while beneficial, are also calorically-dense. Israetel stresses mindful consumption and portion control, even with healthy foods. 

8. Eyeballing Macros

Research indicates that humans tend to underestimate portion sizes when dieting. To combat this, Israetel recommends using a calorie-tracking app, especially in the initial stages of a diet. This helps develop a better understanding of serving sizes and prevents accidental overconsumption. (1)

9. Stress Eating

Stress can trigger emotional eating, leading to overconsumption and diet derailment.

Tasty food is comfort food for a reason; it can make you feel good and reduce stress levels.

Israetel highlights developing healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, such as exercise, mindfulness techniques, or pursuing hobbies. Addressing the root cause of stress is crucial for long-term dietary success.

10. Regain Weight After Diet Ends

Reaching weight loss goals is significant, but it’s not the finish line. A gradual transition to the maintenance phase is important to keep the results. Abruptly abandoning healthy habits can lead to rapid weight regain. He recommends slowly increasing calorie intake while maintaining consistent exercise and healthy eating patterns for long-term weight management.

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Almiron-Roig E, Solis-Trapala I, Dodd J, Jebb SA. Estimating food portions. Influence of unit number, meal type, and energy density. Appetite. 2013;71:95-103. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2013.07.012

Featured Image: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock

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Betty Aborah (63KG) Smashes Open World Record Raw Deadlift as a Junior, Again

Dutch powerlifter Betty Aborah entered the powerlifting scene at the 2024 Euro Muscle Show in Amsterdam in July. At only 21 years old, she broke the Open class deadlift world record in the 63KG class with a whopping 233-kilogram pull.

Aborah competed at the 2024 International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) Junior World Championships in Malta only a few weeks later. Sweden’s Alba Bostrom was on a charge and could not be caught. Still, Aborah was heavily challenged for second place by the two Americans in class, Angelina Martinez and Nataleigh Hunter.

Aborah played it smart and loaded what she needed for the silver medal: 225 kilograms. She secured second place but was denied the opportunity to extend the deadlift record.

Fast-forward a few weeks, and Aborah hits the platform again, this time at the 2024 European Powerlifting Federation (EPF) European Junior Championships in Pilsen, Czechia. After her second deadlift, she is 20 kilograms ahead, and the door of opportunity opened wide. She pulled

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With only her lifting belt to assist her, Aborah set up in a wide sumo stance. She held the barbell in a hook grip. Although her body shook with the effort, the bar never slowed, and she locked out her second Open world record of 2024.

Of course, as she is still a Junior (ages 19-23), Aborah’s record also stands as a Junior world record.

Betty’s deadlift wasn’t the only lift that went well; she hit personal bests on every lift. This is a testament to the resilience of the youth, given that this was her third international contest in three months.

2024 EPF European Junior Championships Results — Betty Aborah, 63KG | Raw


162.5 kilograms

170 kilograms

175 kilograms

Bench Press

92.5 kilograms

97.5 kilograms

100 kilograms


210 kilograms

225 kilograms

233 kilograms

Total — 508 kilograms

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Aborah will get a well-earned break to recoup and recover. She has another year left in the Junior category.

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Featured image: @theipf on Instagram

The post Betty Aborah (63KG) Smashes Open World Record Raw Deadlift as a Junior, Again appeared first on BarBend.

Unlock the Secrets of Chest Muscle Growth with These Proven Exercises—Most People Miss These!


A well-built chest isn’t just about looking good—it boosts strength, power, and overall upper-body performance. Whether you’re aiming to fill out your shirt or improve your bench press, this workout plan is designed to help you grow fast. We’ll break down the best exercises, techniques, and strategies to force massive muscle gains in your chest. Ready to push your limits and see real results? Let’s get started.

The chest muscles consist of two major parts:

Pectoralis Major: This large muscle makes up most of your chest and has three regions: upper (clavicular head), middle, and lower (sternal head).

Pectoralis Minor: A smaller muscle beneath the pectoralis major, responsible for shoulder stability.

Understanding the Science Behind Muscle Growth

Hypertrophy Basics

The key to muscle growth lies in progressive overload. This means consistently increasing weight, reps, or intensity to force the muscles to adapt and grow. Your chest contains two primary types of muscle fibers:

Type I (slow-twitch fibers): Focused on endurance but can still contribute to growth.

Type II (fast-twitch fibers): More powerful and explosive, these fibers are the primary drivers of muscle size increases.

To fully engage both types, it’s essential to focus on proper form and increase time under tension (TUT) during each exercise.

Importance of Compound Movements

Multi-joint, compound exercises like the bench press are essential for mass building. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups, stimulating more significant hormone production, like testosterone, which helps drive muscle growth.

Key Factors to Force Muscle Growth

Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is vital to muscle growth. To effectively increase muscle mass, you need to continuously challenge your body by increasing weight, reps, or exercise intensity over time. Advanced techniques such as pyramid sets (increasing weights while decreasing reps), rest-pause sets (short rest breaks during a set), and forced reps (completing additional reps with assistance) are excellent for pushing beyond plateaus.

Range of Motion

Working through a full range of motion (ROM) ensures optimal muscle fiber recruitment. For chest exercises:

Full ROM engages all parts of the muscle, while partial reps target specific areas.

Adjust angles, such as inclining the bench for upper chest work, to maximize activation of different chest regions.

Volume and Frequency

The optimal training volume for hypertrophy generally falls between 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps per exercise. As for frequency, training the chest twice a week allows for sufficient recovery and growth, but ensure you leave adequate rest days between sessions.

The Perfect Chest Workout Plan

Warm-up Routine

Warming up is crucial for injury prevention and performance. Prioritize warming up the shoulder joints and chest muscles with exercises like:

Shoulder rotations

Light push-ups

Dynamic stretches

1. Flat Barbell Bench Press (4 sets of 6-8 reps)

This classic movement is vital for overall chest mass, especially the middle of the pecs. It recruits both the chest and triceps for a powerful lift.

Key tip: Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle to maximize chest activation and protect your shoulders.

2. Incline Dumbbell Press (4 sets of 8-10 reps)

Target the upper chest (clavicular head) to create a fuller, well-rounded look.

Key tip: Set the bench angle at 30-45 degrees to avoid excess strain on your shoulders.

3. Weighted Chest Dips (3 sets of 8-10 reps)

A fantastic exercise for working the lower chest and triceps.

Key tip: Lean slightly forward during the movement to focus more on the chest.

4. Dumbbell Flyes (3 sets of 10-12 reps)

An isolation exercise that stretches the pecs, increasing muscle fiber recruitment and overall range of motion.

Key tip: Slightly bend your elbows to protect your joints but avoid going too deep to prevent shoulder injuries.

5. Cable Crossovers (3 sets of 12-15 reps)

Cable crossovers target the inner chest, enhancing the stretch and definition.

Key tip: Keep your torso stable, avoid swinging, and focus on squeezing at the peak of the movement.

6. Close-Grip Push-ups or Burnout Set (2 sets to failure)

This finisher will completely exhaust your chest muscles, ensuring maximum engagement.

Key tip: Use a narrow grip to place more emphasis on the chest instead of the triceps.

Advanced Training Techniques for Massive Growth

Drop Sets

Drop sets are an advanced method where you reduce the weight after reaching failure and continue the set. Implement them towards the end of your workout to maximize muscle fatigue.


Pairing exercises like the bench press with dumbbell flyes in a superset increases muscle activation, forcing your chest to work harder in less time.

Rest-Pause Training

Rest-pause sets involve taking brief breaks within a set. For example, after reaching failure, take a 10-second break and perform a few more reps. This helps you push past plateaus.

Tempo Training

Slowing down the eccentric (lowering) phase increases time under tension, promoting greater hypertrophy. Try counting to three as you lower the weight to engage more muscle fibers.

Common Mistakes That Hinder Chest Growth

Using Too Much Weight and Sacrificing Form

Ego-lifting—using too much weight with poor form—leads to suboptimal muscle activation and injury. Always prioritize form over the amount of weight lifted.

Neglecting the Upper Chest

Focusing too much on the flat bench press can lead to an underdeveloped chest. Incorporate incline movements to build a balanced chest.

Improper Recovery

Without proper recovery, your muscles won’t grow. Nutrition, rest days, and adequate sleep are crucial components of the muscle-building process.

Importance of Recovery and Nutrition for Chest Growth

Post-Workout Recovery

Post-workout, aim to consume 20-40g of protein to kickstart muscle repair. Supplements like BCAAs, creatine, and glutamine can speed up recovery, helping you train harder in subsequent sessions.

Macronutrients for Growth

Your body requires sufficient fuel for muscle growth. Carbohydrates provide energy, while protein aids in repair. For muscle growth, aim for 1.6-2.2g of protein per kilogram of body weight daily.

Sleep and Recovery

Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to promote growth hormone release and aid muscle repair.

Tracking Progress and Making Adjustments

Tracking Strength Gains

Monitor your strength gains by logging each workout. Track the weight lifted, reps performed, and any improvements in form.

Measuring Muscle Growth

Progress pictures and measuring chest circumference are great ways to visually track muscle growth.

Adjusting the Workout Routine

Switch up your routine every 6-8 weeks by changing rep ranges, adding new exercises, or incorporating advanced techniques like supersets to keep your muscles challenged.

Combining compound and isolation exercises, progressive overload, recovery, and nutrition are critical for massive chest growth. Consistency is key—follow this plan for 8-12 weeks, track your progress, and make adjustments as needed to force chest gains.

The Untold Secrets of Colleen Fotsch’s Training Routine – How She’s Dominated CrossFit, Swimming, and Rugby

1. Early Life and Background

Childhood and Beginnings in Sports

Colleen Fotsch isn’t your average athlete—she’s a powerhouse who has excelled in swimming, CrossFit, and rugby. Her unique journey from the pool to the CrossFit Games and onto the rugby field showcases a rare versatility. In this article, you’ll discover how Colleen balances strength, endurance, and mental toughness across multiple sports, as well as the setbacks she’s overcome. Whether you’re an athlete seeking inspiration or just curious about her methods, Colleen’s story is packed with lessons for pushing your limits. Ready to dive in? Let’s explore what sets her apart.

College Athletic Career

Colleen’s talent in swimming led her to the University of California, Berkeley, where she competed at the NCAA level. As a standout on the swimming team, she represented her school in several prestigious competitions, including the NCAA Championships. Colleen’s success in the water earned her a reputation as a dedicated and versatile athlete. However, after her collegiate swimming career, she transitioned to a new challenge: CrossFit.

2. CrossFit Career

Introduction to CrossFit

After leaving competitive swimming, Colleen found herself drawn to CrossFit. The high-intensity training, combined with the strength and endurance required, appealed to her. While swimming had focused on cardiovascular endurance and technique, CrossFit challenged her in new ways, blending power, agility, and stamina.

Transitioning from swimming to CrossFit wasn’t without its difficulties. Adapting to the demands of weightlifting and functional movements took time, but Colleen’s natural athleticism and discipline propelled her forward. Within a short period, she began excelling in the CrossFit world, making a name for herself in local competitions.

Notable Achievements in CrossFit

Colleen’s hard work quickly paid off. She participated in multiple CrossFit Opens and qualified for the CrossFit Games, where she showcased her endurance and strength. Her performances were particularly notable in events that required a mix of cardiovascular endurance and functional strength—skills honed during her swimming career. Her ability to transition so smoothly into a new sport impressed many in the CrossFit community.

Unique Training Methods

Colleen’s training is a testament to her background as a swimmer. She places a heavy emphasis on endurance work, which complements the strength training that CrossFit requires. Her regimen includes everything from traditional weightlifting to advanced cardio routines. This blend allows her to maintain a balance between power and endurance, setting her apart from other athletes in the field.

Mentorship and Influence in the CrossFit Community

In addition to her success as a competitor, Colleen has taken on a mentorship role within the CrossFit community. She shares her knowledge and experience with younger athletes, helping them navigate the demands of the sport. Her commitment to teaching and coaching has made her a respected figure in the CrossFit world.

3. Pursuit of Rugby and Other Athletic Ventures

Rugby Sevens and Transition to New Sports

Always seeking new challenges, Colleen decided to take her athletic talents to the rugby field. She began training with the USA Women’s Rugby Sevens team, testing her skills in yet another demanding sport. Transitioning from individual sports like swimming and CrossFit to a team-based sport like rugby presented unique challenges, but her experience in endurance and strength-based training served her well.

Achievements in Rugby

Though her rugby career is still developing, Colleen has already made an impact. She has participated in several notable camps and tournaments with the USA Rugby team, demonstrating her versatility as an athlete. Her ability to excel in both individual and team sports highlights her adaptability and mental toughness.

4. Physical and Mental Preparation

Diet and Nutrition

To maintain peak performance across multiple sports, Colleen follows a highly structured nutrition plan. Her diet is tailored to her needs as a multi-sport athlete, emphasizing whole foods, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates for sustained energy. Her ability to fuel her body for swimming, CrossFit, and rugby is one of the keys to her success. She is known to track her macros diligently and adapt her diet based on her training schedule.

Mental Toughness

Colleen’s mental approach to competition is as impressive as her physical preparation. Competing at high levels in multiple sports requires focus, discipline, and resilience. She often speaks about the importance of mental toughness and how it’s a critical factor in her ability to transition between sports. Meditation and mindfulness play significant roles in her daily routine, helping her stay grounded and maintain her focus.

5. Overcoming Injuries and Setbacks

Dealing with Physical Challenges

Like many elite athletes, Colleen has faced her share of injuries. From the wear and tear of swimming to the intensity of CrossFit and rugby, her body has been pushed to its limits. However, her ability to recover from injuries and come back stronger has been a defining aspect of her career. She has shared insights into her rehabilitation process, emphasizing the importance of listening to her body and taking a strategic approach to recovery.

Adapting to New Environments

What makes Colleen unique is her ability to adjust to the varying demands of each sport. Whether it’s the endurance needed for swimming, the explosive power required for CrossFit, or the team dynamics of rugby, she adapts quickly. This adaptability sets her apart from athletes who specialize in just one discipline.

6. Influence and Role Model for Women in Sports

Empowering Female Athletes

Colleen is a strong advocate for women in sports. Through her career, she has broken barriers and set an example for female athletes who aspire to compete at the highest levels in multiple disciplines. Her success in both individual and team sports shows that women can excel in any field they choose.

Social Media and Community Impact

Colleen uses her platform to inspire and motivate others, particularly women. On Instagram and other social media channels, she shares workout tips, motivational messages, and glimpses into her training routine. Her presence on social media is not just about showcasing her achievements but also about encouraging others to push their limits.

7. Little-Known Facts and Unique Insights

Hidden Talents and Hobbies

Outside of her athletic career, Colleen has a range of interests that are lesser-known to the public. She enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and paddleboarding, using them as a way to stay active while taking a break from her intense training regimen. Her passion for exploring the outdoors is a reflection of her adventurous spirit.

Behind-the-Scenes Insights

Teammates and colleagues often remark on Colleen’s incredible work ethic. Whether it’s in the gym or on the field, her dedication to improvement is unparalleled. She’s known for her meticulous attention to detail, constantly refining her techniques and pushing herself to new limits.

8. Future Goals and Aspirations

What’s Next for Colleen Fotsch?

Looking ahead, Colleen shows no signs of slowing down. Whether she continues to pursue rugby, returns to CrossFit, or explores new athletic challenges, her drive and determination will undoubtedly lead her to further success. Coaching and mentoring are likely to play a bigger role in her future, as she seeks to inspire the next generation of athletes. Outside of sports, she may expand her influence through fitness coaching, entrepreneurship, or public speaking, sharing her knowledge and experience with a broader audience.

This 690-Pound Deadlift Is a Game-Changer for Nadia Stowers – Here’s Why It Matters in Strength Sports

Nadia Stowers just shocked the strongwoman world with a jaw-dropping 690-pound long bar deadlift, setting a new personal record. But this lift is more than just a number—it showcases the intense preparation, physical strength, and mental focus needed to compete at the highest levels of strength sports. In this article, we’ll break down exactly how Nadia achieved this massive feat, explore the unique challenges of the long bar deadlift, and dive into the science behind lifting extreme weights. Whether you’re a fan of strength sports or looking for inspiration to push your own limits, Nadia’s story will motivate and surprise you.

The Context of the 690-Pound Deadlift PR

What is the Long Bar Deadlift?

The long bar deadlift, unlike its standard counterpart, is performed with an extended barbell. This variation presents unique challenges due to the increased length of the bar, which affects balance and stability. Athletes must exert more control throughout the lift to manage the bar’s tendency to shift under such heavy loads.

One of the key factors that makes this lift especially difficult is the grip. The wider spacing of the plates on a long bar can challenge even the most experienced lifters. Additionally, the extra length increases the bar’s flex, making it harder to generate consistent force from the floor to lockout.

Nadia’s Previous Deadlift Records

Before achieving this new PR, Nadia had already proven herself with several impressive deadlift records. Her previous bests included lifts in the 600-pound range, showcasing her steady rise through the ranks. This 690-pound deadlift represents a new milestone, underscoring the rapid progression she’s made in a relatively short time.

Nadia’s success speaks to her methodical approach to the sport, steadily increasing her deadlifting power while pushing her limits with each competition.

Technical Breakdown of the Lift

Key Elements of Nadia’s Technique

Nadia’s long bar deadlift technique is nothing short of exceptional. She relies on a well-balanced stance, ensuring her feet are positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width to accommodate the longer bar. Her grip is critical, with both hands firmly holding the bar in a double-overhand position that maximizes control.

Core stability plays an equally significant role. Throughout the lift, Nadia demonstrates impeccable bracing, allowing her to maintain proper spinal alignment while preventing energy leaks. This stability ensures that she can transition from the pull off the floor to the lockout without compromising form.

Challenges of Lifting 690 Pounds

Deadlifting 690 pounds puts enormous strain on key muscle groups such as the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. The cardiovascular demand at this level is also intense, with the body requiring a burst of energy to complete the lift in a short amount of time.

Elite athletes like Nadia face a heightened risk of injury when working with such loads. However, experienced lifters manage this risk through careful technique, conditioning, and awareness of their body’s limits. For Nadia, maintaining optimal form was crucial in avoiding any potential setbacks during this massive lift.

Training Regimen and Preparation

Nadia’s Training Program

The key to Nadia’s success lies in her rigorous training program. In preparation for her 690-pound PR, she focused on building strength through compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, and rows. These exercises target the posterior chain, a vital muscle group for deadlifting success.

Nadia’s training also incorporates accessory lifts designed to improve grip strength and core stability—two areas essential for long bar deadlifting. Additionally, she emphasizes speed work to enhance her explosiveness, ensuring she can power through the sticking points of a heavy lift.

Role of Nutrition, Recovery, and Mental Preparation

Nutrition and recovery play pivotal roles in Nadia’s routine. To fuel her body for such intense training, she consumes a high-protein, nutrient-dense diet that supports muscle growth and repair. Adequate sleep and rest days are equally important, allowing her body to recover fully between sessions.

Mental preparation is another cornerstone of Nadia’s success. In the lead-up to her PR, she focused on visualization techniques and setting small, achievable goals to keep her mind in a competitive state.

What Makes This PR Stand Out

Comparison with Other Athletes

Nadia’s 690-pound long bar deadlift is not only impressive but also sets her apart in the strongwoman community. While several top-tier athletes have managed lifts in the same weight class, few have approached this number using the long bar variation. This places Nadia among the strongest women in the sport, particularly when compared to competitors who specialize in more conventional lifts.

Breaking Barriers for Women in Strength Sports

Nadia’s lift is a testament to the progress women are making in strength sports. Historically, the focus has been on male athletes in powerlifting and strongman events, but women like Nadia are challenging that narrative. Her success encourages more women to participate in strength competitions, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

The Impact on the Strongwoman Community

Social Media and Fan Reactions

Following Nadia’s lift, social media lit up with reactions from fans and fellow athletes. The strongwoman community, known for its camaraderie and support, celebrated her achievement as a collective victory. Nadia’s PR was shared widely across Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms, giving her the visibility that athletes in niche sports often struggle to attain.

This kind of exposure is crucial for the sport’s growth, as it highlights the incredible feats that strongwoman competitors are capable of and draws attention to a wider audience.

Inspiring the Next Generation of Strongwomen

Nadia’s lift serves as a source of inspiration for young athletes entering the sport. By pushing the limits, she shows that the ceiling for women in strength sports is still rising. Aspiring competitors now have a role model who demonstrates that with hard work and dedication, previously unimaginable goals are within reach.

What’s Next for Nadia Stowers?

Upcoming Competitions and Goals

After achieving this PR, the question on everyone’s mind is: What’s next for Nadia Stowers? As one of the sport’s top competitors, she will likely set her sights on breaking even more records in future events. Her next challenge could be targeting world records or aiming to dominate in new strength disciplines.

Long-Term Career Ambitions

Long-term, Nadia’s place in the strongwoman landscape looks promising. With growing visibility and potential sponsorships on the horizon, her career will likely extend beyond just competitions. Media opportunities, brand collaborations, and public appearances could be in store, giving her an even larger platform to inspire others.

The Science of Elite Deadlifting

Physiology of Lifting Extreme Weights

Deadlifting 690 pounds requires the activation of nearly every major muscle group. Key contributors include the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and lower back, which generate the power to lift the bar. The core muscles help stabilize the body, preventing injury and maintaining alignment throughout the movement.

Fast-twitch muscle fibers are critical in such feats, as they provide the explosive force necessary to overcome the weight’s inertia. At this level, the central nervous system also plays a significant role, coordinating muscle contractions and maintaining focus during the lift.

Little-Known Facts About Biomechanics

At the elite level, small changes in technique can make a substantial difference. For example, shifting the weight slightly onto the heels can help athletes engage the posterior chain more effectively. Similarly, proper breathing and bracing techniques are essential for preventing injury and maintaining stability under such heavy loads.

CrossFit’s Biggest Advocate: How Craig Richey Is Changing the Way We See Fitness


Craig Richey has become one of the most influential voices in CrossFit, blending his role as an athlete with his skills as a content creator. Through his YouTube channel, “Team Richey,” Craig shares training tips, behind-the-scenes CrossFit moments, and insights into his journey—offering valuable lessons for beginners and experienced athletes alike. But how did Craig go from fitness enthusiast to CrossFit advocate? In this article, we’ll uncover the story behind his rise, explore his training secrets, and reveal the impact he’s had on the global CrossFit community. Ready to dive in?

Early Life and Background

Before diving into the world of CrossFit, Craig Richey had an active interest in fitness and sports. Raised in the UK, he developed a competitive spirit early on, driven by his passion for athleticism. Although little is publicly known about his education, it’s clear his determination and work ethic were shaped during his formative years.

Initially, Craig explored conventional fitness training, focusing on strength and conditioning. His love for pushing his physical limits naturally led him toward CrossFit, where he found a community that combined his interests in both functional fitness and competition. This transition to CrossFit marked a turning point in his career and laid the foundation for his future successes.

Entry into CrossFit

Craig’s attraction to CrossFit began with the sport’s unique approach to fitness, which emphasized not only strength but also endurance, speed, and agility. He embraced the challenge of constantly varied functional movements and quickly became hooked on the CrossFit lifestyle.

Like many CrossFitters, his early experiences included local competitions and training in smaller, community-based gyms. His journey from a CrossFit enthusiast to a professional athlete was filled with challenges, from improving technique in complex movements to learning how to optimize his nutrition for performance. Craig’s determination and adaptability allowed him to overcome these obstacles, which eventually catapulted him into a more professional CrossFit approach.

Founding ‘Team Richey’

Team Richey was born out of Craig’s desire to document his CrossFit journey and share his experiences with a larger audience. Alongside his partner, Jas, Craig began vlogging their daily workouts, competitions, and lifestyle. Their content resonated with viewers, creating a dedicated community of CrossFit enthusiasts from all over the world.

What sets Team Richey apart is their focus on both elite athletes and the average CrossFitter. Their vlogs, product reviews, and athlete interviews provide valuable insights to anyone interested in fitness, whether they are seasoned athletes or newcomers to the sport. By showcasing the highs and lows of CrossFit, Craig and Jas built an authentic and relatable brand that continues to grow.

CrossFit Competitions and Athletic Career

As an athlete, Craig Richey has participated in various CrossFit competitions, showcasing his competitive nature and physical capabilities. While he may not have yet reached the elite level of the CrossFit Games, his personal achievements and milestones within the sport are impressive.

Throughout his athletic career, Craig has set personal records in various movements, including Olympic lifts like the snatch and clean & jerk. His training methodologies emphasize well-rounded fitness, focusing on everything from strength to mobility. Like any athlete, Craig has faced setbacks, including injuries that threatened to sideline his progress. However, he has always been transparent about these challenges, using them as opportunities to inspire others to stay committed despite obstacles.

YouTube and Social Media Influence

Craig Richey’s rise as a CrossFit YouTuber is a testament to his savvy content strategy. With over 350,000 subscribers, his channel serves as a hub for CrossFit news, workouts, product reviews, and athlete interviews. Key milestones in his YouTube career include vlogs from the CrossFit Games, which have garnered millions of views, and his insightful collaborations with top athletes.

Craig’s content is not just entertaining; it’s informative. He breaks down complex CrossFit movements, provides nutrition advice, and reviews CrossFit gear, all while maintaining a friendly and approachable tone. Some of his most popular videos include behind-the-scenes footage from major CrossFit events and instructional content designed to help viewers improve their own fitness routines.

Jas plays a pivotal role in shaping the Team Richey content. Her presence adds another layer of relatability to their videos, and together, they’ve cultivated a supportive online community that feels like a fitness family.

Advocacy for the CrossFit Community

Craig Richey isn’t just an athlete and content creator—he’s also an advocate for the CrossFit community. His content often highlights the inclusive and community-driven nature of CrossFit, focusing on the idea that fitness is for everyone, not just elite athletes.

One of Craig’s primary messages is that CrossFit can be scaled to all fitness levels, making it accessible to anyone willing to put in the effort. He frequently advocates for mental health and well-being, emphasizing the role fitness plays in improving overall quality of life. Additionally, Craig has used his platform to voice his support for positive changes within CrossFit, especially regarding its leadership and the evolution of the CrossFit Games.

Entrepreneurship and Business Ventures

Over the years, Team Richey has evolved from a YouTube channel into a business. Craig and Jas have successfully monetized their content through sponsorships, partnerships, and brand deals with prominent companies like WIT and Gymshark. They’ve also released their own merchandise, further expanding their brand’s reach.

Craig’s entrepreneurial spirit shines through in his collaborations with fitness-related businesses. Whether promoting supplements, apparel, or gear, Craig maintains a commitment to authenticity, ensuring that the products he endorses align with his values and the needs of his audience.

The Role of Transparency and Authenticity

One of the reasons Craig Richey has amassed such a loyal following is his authenticity. He’s never afraid to show the highs and lows of his CrossFit journey. From sharing personal setbacks, like injuries, to revealing the hard work behind his achievements, Craig’s openness resonates with viewers.

In his videos, Craig balances entertainment and education, providing valuable insights while keeping his audience engaged. His transparency and willingness to share the less glamorous aspects of CrossFit make him relatable, especially to those who may feel intimidated by the sport’s more extreme elements.

Influence on CrossFit’s Global Growth

Craig Richey has been instrumental in promoting CrossFit on a global scale. Through his digital presence, he has helped bridge the gap between European and North American CrossFit audiences, while also raising awareness of CrossFit in underserved markets.

His international collaborations with gyms and influencers have expanded the sport’s reach, contributing to its growth beyond its original core. By featuring gyms from around the world and sharing the experiences of CrossFitters from diverse backgrounds, Craig has helped bring the CrossFit community closer together.

The Future of Team Richey and Craig’s CrossFit Journey

Looking ahead, Craig’s journey in CrossFit shows no signs of slowing down. Whether or not he continues to compete at a high level, his focus on content creation and community-building will remain central to Team Richey’s future projects.

There are also hints of future ventures, including potential expansions into new types of content or business collaborations. As CrossFit’s digital presence grows, Craig Richey will likely play a significant role in shaping the sport’s online landscape, continuing to influence and inspire future generations of athletes.


Craig Richey’s impact on CrossFit goes beyond his athletic accomplishments. Through his content creation, business ventures, and community advocacy, he has become a key figure in promoting the sport’s values and accessibility. His journey as both an athlete and influencer has left an indelible mark on the CrossFit community, and his influence will undoubtedly shape its future for years to come.

To follow Craig’s journey and engage with his content, check out Team Richey on YouTube and social media, and see how his unique perspective continues to inspire the CrossFit world.