2024 Fitness International Pre-Judging Report

Two-time Fitness International champion Ariel Khadr began her quest for Arnold title number three on Friday, March 1, 2024, as one of the athletes competing in the 2024 edition of the contest in Columbus, OH. In this invitation-only contest, 11 of the best athletes in the Fitness division joined Khadr on the Arnold Expo stage.

The opening round of the show was the physique round. This round counts for one-third of the overall score. Even though athletes don’t have to score toward the top in the physique round to win the overall contest, it certainly doesn’t hurt. Announcer Bob Cicherillo introduced all 12 contestants to the crowd and audience watching live via the livestream:

[Related: 2024 Wellness International Pre-Judging Report]

2024 Fitness International Roster

Tamara Vahn

Ariel Khadr

Aurika Tyrgale

Abby Bolton

Jodi Boam

Jaclyn Baker

Nikolett Szabo

Anna Fomina

Minna Helena Pajulahti

Danielle Chikeles

Michelle Fredua-Mensah

Tiffany Chandler

Following the introductions, head judge Sandy Williamson took the microphone and directed traffic onstage by calling out the athletes for group comparisons. The callouts went as follows.

Callout One

Jaclyn Baker

Ariel Khadr

Tamara Vahn

Jodi Baum

Michelle Fredua-Mensah

Aurike Tyrgale

Callout Two

Nikolett Szabo

Tiffany Chandler

Anna Fomina

Minna Helena Pahjulahti

Danielle Chikeles

Abby Bolton

Callout Three

Ariel Khadr

Tamara Vahn

John Boam

Michelle Fredua-Mensah

Khadr and Jaclyn Baker appeared to have the majority of the crowd support. However, the first callout saw Tamara Vahn and Jodi Boam in the middle. Michelle Fredua-Mensah was also compared in the first callout. In order, the last callout featured Khadr, Vahn, Baker, and Fredua-Mensah.

The second round of this contest is the Routine round, which is not only the most entertaining part of the contest but also counts for two-thirds of the overall score. It is still anyone’s contest to win. 

BarBend will share updates on the finals in the Battelle Grand Ballroom of the Greater Columbus Convention Center throughout the evening. The show is available to watch live for free on the Arnold Sports Festival livestream.

Featured image: @itsarielkhadr on Instagram

The post 2024 Fitness International Pre-Judging Report appeared first on BarBend.


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