2024 Australia’s Strongest Man & Strongest Woman Results — Jordan Osborne & Nicole Genrich Win

The 2024 Australia’s Strongest Man and 2024 Australia’s Strongest Woman contests occurred in Sydney, Australia, on April 19-20, 2024. The contests featured 17 strongmen and nine strongwomen competing through eight events across two days of action.

The events were the same for both contests: Max Log Lift, Farmer’s Walk, Flag Hoist, Car Flip, Overhead Medley, Deadlift, Medley, and the Atlas Stones. Jordan Osborne won the title for the men, improving three ranks from his 2023 performance. Nicole Genrich successfully defended her crown.

2024 Australia’s Strongest Man Results

Jordan Osborne — 116 points

Josh Patacca — 110 points

Macauley Tinker — 109.5 points

Brenton Stone — 108.5 points

Ryan Rullis — 103.5 points

Jihad El Masri — 84.5 points

Jean-Stephen Coraboeuf — 76.5 points

Jonathan Nelio — 71 points

Bradman Houston — 69 points

Adam Fullgrabe — 68 points

Jared Taylor — 57 points

Reece Kirby — 44.5 points

Miles Orec — 42 points

Sam Le Cerf — 39.5 points

Thomas Wren — 35 points

Vijit Sood — 34.5 points

Josh Bourne — 22 points

2024 Australia’s Strongest Woman Results

Nicole Genrich — 69 points

Katie Blunden — 50 points

Ari Mann — 50 points

Elly Smith — 39 points

Nichole Wight — 29 points

Sarah Hallifax — 27 points

Rebekah Chessum — 26 points

Allira-Joy Cowley — 25 points

Liz Aitken — 24 points

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2024 Australia’s Strongest Man Event Results

Below are the results for each of the eight contested strongman events:

Max Log Lift

Each athlete established their one-rep max log lift:

Brenton Stone — 190 kilograms

Jean-Stephen Coraboeuf — 187.5 kilograms

Thomas Wren — 185 kilograms

Macauley Tinker — 182.5 kilograms

Jordan Osborne — 175 kilograms

Josh Patacca — 172.5 kilograms

Jihad El Masri — 165 kilograms (T-seventh)

Reece Kirby — 165 kilograms (T-seventh)

Adam Fullgrabe — 160 kilograms

Ryan Rullis — 155 kilograms (T-10th)

Bradman Houston — 155 kilograms (T-10th)

Jonathan Nelio — 150 kilograms

Jared Taylor — 147.5 kilograms

Sam Le Cerf — 140 kilograms (T-14th)

Vijit Sood — 140 kilograms (T-14th)

Miles Orecno lift

Josh Bourneno lift

Farmer’s Walk

The Farmer’s Walk was scored by the fastest time or farthest distance if the course was not finished.

Ryan Rullis — 12.9 seconds

Jordan Osborne — 12.46 seconds

Josh Patacca — 14.90 seconds

Jihad El Masri — 19.58 seconds

Jonathan Nelio — 40.9 seconds

Jean-Stephen Coraboeuf — 41.39 seconds

Bradman Houston — 15.6 meters

Adam Fullgrabe — 13.6 meters

Macauley Tinker — 11.9 meters

Vijit Sood — 11.8 meters

Thomas Wren — 10.2 meters

Miles Orec — 10 meters

Jared Taylor — 3.9 meters

Brenton Stone — 2.5 meters

Sam Le Cerf — 1.3 meters

Josh Bourne — 0.7 meters

Reece Kirby — no lift

Flag Hoist

Each athlete had to hand-over-hand hoist four flags weighed down by ascendingly heavy weights in the fastest time possible.

Jordan Osborne — Four in 27.9 seconds

Macauley Tinker — Four in 30.80 seconds

Ryan Rullis — Four in 32.9 seconds

Josh Patacca — Four in 51.6 seconds

Miles Orec — Three in 33.1 seconds

Brenton Stone — Three in 41.1 seconds

Adam Fullgrabe — Three in 52 seconds

Jihad El Masri — Two in 12 seconds

Jared Taylor — Two in 12.5 seconds

Bradman Houston — Two in 13.5 seconds

Reece Kirby — Two in 14.1 seconds

Jonathan Nelio — Two in 15.8 seconds

Thomas Wren — Two in 13.8 seconds

Vijit Sood — One in six seconds

Jean-Stephen Coraboeufno lift

Sam Le Cerf no lift

Josh Bourneno lift

Car Flip

Athletes were challenged to flip a car in the fastest time possible.

Jordan Osborne — 6.9 seconds

Macauley Tinker — 7.5 seconds

Jihad El Masri — 7.9 seconds

Ryan Rullis — 8.5 seconds

Reece Kirby — 9.2 seconds

Josh Patacca — 9.4 seconds

Jean-Stephen Coraboeuf — 9.9 seconds

Jared Taylor — 10.1 seconds

Brenton Stone — 10.9 seconds

Bradman Houston — 11.6 seconds

Jonathan Nelio — 12 seconds

Thomas Wren — 13.2 seconds

Sam Le Cerf — 14.2 seconds

Miles Orec — 14.4 seconds

Adam Fullgrabe — 16.1 seconds

Vijit Sood — 22.9 seconds

Josh Bourne — 32.7 seconds

Overhead Medley

The Overhead Medley was scored via the fastest time to raise each implement overhead.

Jihad El Masri — Three in 15.27 seconds

Brenton Stone — Three in 17.37 seconds

Jonathan Nelio — Two in 19.82 seconds

Macauley Tinker — Three in 22.1 seconds

Jordan Osborne — Three in 22.92 seconds

Josh Patacca — Three in 24. 20 seconds

Jean-Stephen Coraboeuf — Three in 24.36 seconds

Reece Kirby — Two in 15.75 seconds

Jared Taylor — Two in 16.1 seconds

Ryan Rullis — Two in 17 seconds

Sam Le Cerf — Two in 20 seconds

Adam Fullgrabe — Two in 50.85 seconds

Bradman Houston — One in 9.1 seconds

Miles Orec — One in 13.9 seconds

Thomas Wrenno lift

Vijit Soodno lift

Josh Bourneno lift


The Deadlift event was for max reps.

Jean-Stephen Coraboeuf — Eight reps (T-First)

Brenton Stone — Eight reps (T-First)

Josh Patacca — Seven reps

Adam Fullgrabe — Six reps

Jordan Osborne — Five reps

Macauley Tinker — Four reps (T-sixth)

Bradman Houston — Four reps (T-sixth)

Ryan Rullis — Three reps

Jihad El Masri — Two reps

Jonathan Nelio — One rep (T-10th)

Sam Le Cerf — One rep (T-10th)

Josh Bourne — One rep (T-10th)

Thomas Wrenno lift

Vijit Soodno lift

Jared Taylorno lift

Reece Kirby — no lift

Miles Orecno lift


Brenton Stone — 14.1 seconds

Jordan Osborne — 14.2 seconds

Ryan Rullis — 14.35 seconds

Josh Patacca — 16.7 seconds

Jonathan Nelio — 18.27 seconds

Bradman Houston — 19.5 seconds

Macauley Tinker — 19.27 seconds

Sam Le Cerf — 23.8 seconds

Josh Bourne — 25.53 seconds

Jihad El Masri — 26.1 seconds

Jared Taylor — 27.85 seconds

Adam Fullgrabe — 31.43 seconds

Miles Orec — 39.7 seconds

Vijit Sood — 55.14 seconds

Jean-Stephen Coraboeuf — 18 meters

Reece Kirby — 13.3 meters

Thomas Wrenwithdrew

Atlas Stones

The classic Atlas Stones main event featured five stones to be hoisted to their respective pedestals for time.

Ryan Rullis — Five in 31.5 seconds

Brenton Stone — Four in 24 seconds

Macauley Tinker — Four in 27.9 seconds

Josh Patacca — Four in 31.10 seconds

Vijit Sood — Four in 38.5 seconds

Jonathan Nelio — Four in 40.7 seconds

Jared Taylor — Four in 41.8 seconds

Miles Orec — Three in 25.4 seconds

Adam Fullgrabe — Three in 40.7 seconds

Jordan Osborne — Three in 55.6 seconds

Jihad El Masri — Two in 14.4 seconds

Jean-Stephen Coraboeuf — Two in 15.8 seconds

Bradman Houston — Two in 12.7 second

Sam Le Cerf — Two in 16.6 seconds

Josh Bourne — One in 8.7 seconds

Reece Kirby — One in 24.5 seconds

Thomas Wrenwithdrew

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2024 Australia’s Strongest Woman Results

Below are the results for each of the eight contested strongwoman events:

Max Log Lift

Katie Blunden — 117.5 kilograms

Nicole Genrich — 115 kilograms

Ari Mann — 112.5 kilograms

Rebekah Chessum — 100 kilograms

Nichole Wight — 95 kilograms

Sarah Hallifax — 92.5 kilograms

Allira-Joy Cowley — 90 kilograms

Liz Aitken — 82.5 kilograms

Elly Smith — 80 kilograms

Farmer’s Walk

Nicole Genrich — 13.88 seconds

Katie Blunden — 4.8 meters

Ari Mann — 25.3 seconds

Elly Smith — 16.7 meters

Nichole Wight — 10 meters

Sarah Hallifax — 18.9 meters

Rebekah Chessum — 18 meters

Allira-Joy Cowley — 38.15 seconds

Liz Aitken — 8.5 meters

Flag Hoist

Nicole Genrich — Four in 19.9 seconds

Ari Mann — Four in 21.5 seconds

Rebekah Chessum — Four in 26.3 seconds

Sarah Hallifax — Three in 22 seconds

Allira-Joy Cowley — Three in 31.5 seconds

Elly Smith — Three in 45.5 seconds

Liz Aitken — Three in 54.81 seconds

Katie Blunden — Two in 9.16 seconds

Nichole Wight — One in 43.6 seconds

Car Flip

Nicole Genrich — 16.8 seconds

Katie Blunden — 22.4 seconds

Elly Smith — 43 seconds

Ari Mannno lift

Nichole Wightno lift

Sarah Hallifaxno lift

Rebekah Chessumno lift

Allira-Joy Cowleyno lift

Liz Aitkenno lift

Overhead Medley

Katie Blunden — Three in 12.3 seconds

Nicole Genrich — Three in 14.03 seconds

Ari Mann — Three in 16.2 seconds

Nichole Wight — Three in 20.9 seconds

Rebekah Chessum — Three in 23 seconds

Sarah Hallifax — Three in 23.4 seconds

Liz Aitken — Two in 17.4 seconds

Allira-Joy Cowley — One in 6.51 seconds

Elly Smith — One in 11.04 seconds


Nicole Genrich — 11 reps

Ari Mann — 10 reps

Elly Smith — Nine reps

Katie Blunden — Six reps (T-fourth)

Nichole Wight — Six reps (T-fourth)

Liz Aitken — Six reps (T-fourth)

Sarah Hallifax — Five reps

Allira-Joy Cowley — Four reps

Rebekah Chessum — Two reps


Katie Blunden — 12.3 seconds

Nicole Genrich — 13.2 seconds

Ari Mann — 16.47 seconds

Ari Mann — 16.47 seconds

Nichole Wight — 16.8 seconds

Liz Aitken — 20.37 seconds

Allira-Joy Cowley — 23.67 seconds

Sarah Hallifax — 24.5 seconds

Rebekah Chessum — 25.31 seconds

Atlas Stones

Nicole Genrich — Five in 41.1 seconds

Katie Blunden — Four in 31.7 seconds

Ari Mann — Four in 35.6 seconds

Elly Smith — Five in 51.9 seconds

Nichole Wight — Three in 31.6 seconds

Sarah Hallifax — Three in 32.4 seconds

Rebekah Chessum — Two in 20.5 seconds

Allira-Joy Cowley — Three in 32.1 seconds

Liz Aitken — Three in 26.7 seconds

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Featured image: @jordykosborne and @nicole.genrich on Instagram

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