Do These 7 Things Between Sets to Turn Your Rest Periods into a Calorie-Torching Power Hour

Tired of wasting precious gym time? Want to know the secret weapon for faster muscle growth and fat burn?

It’s not about lifting heavier or spending hours on the treadmill… it’s what you do BETWEEN sets.

By simply tweaking those rest periods, you can unlock a hidden world of potential. Imagine turning your phone breaks into calorie-torching sessions, stretching your way to flexibility, or mentally priming your muscles for explosive growth.

Curious? Keep reading to uncover the 5 game-changing moves that will transform your workouts and your results. Your body (and your scale) will thank you.

Stay Off Your Phone

After a hard set of squats, deadlifts, rows, or any intense exercise, reaching for your smartphone might be a habitual response. It calls to you like the One Ring around Frodo Baggins’ neck. However, staying off your phone between sets can significantly enhance your performance in the gym.

The scientific research on this is clear. One study from 2021 measured the effects of smartphone usage, specifically browsing social media, on workout performance. It found that “exposure to social network apps led participants toward increased perception of mental fatigue.” They also noted some subjects experienced a higher internal Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE), meaning their weights felt heavier than they were.

One caveat to this data is that the study exposed participants to 30 minutes of social media usage prior to their workout, rather than interspersed throughout. That said, engaging with the algorithm between sets probably isn’t doing your performance any favors.

Application: Tips for Resisting the Urge to Check Your Phone

Set a Timer: Use a timer or stopwatch instead of your phone to track rest periods.

Bring a Book: Carry a fitness-related book or magazine to read during breaks.

Socialize: Talk to fellow gym-goers about workout tips or routines.

Log Workouts Manually: Use a notebook to log your workouts instead of a fitness app.

Inter-Set Stretching

Stretching muscles between sets can be a game-changer for muscle growth and flexibility. This technique, known as “long-length partial training” among bodybuilders, is gaining traction thanks to new research endorsing its benefits.

A 2021 study indicated that adding inter-set stretching to resistance training can lead to large gains in flexibility and slight benefits to muscular strength. Another 2022 study suggested that inter-set stretching might enhance hypertrophic adaptations, making your workouts more productive. Additionally, a different 2022 paper studied loaded stretching of the calf muscles between sets and observed notable increases in muscle thickness.

Application: How to Perform Inter-Set Stretching Effectively

Choose the Right Exercise: Opt for single-joint isolation exercises for the best results.

Stretch the Worked Muscle: After finishing a set, immediately stretch the muscle you just worked. For instance, after dumbbell flyes, stand up and use a firm structure to stretch your chest muscles.

Hold the Stretch: Maintain the stretch for 30 to 45 seconds to ensure effectiveness.

Safety Tips

Proper Technique: Ensure you use correct form while stretching to avoid injury.

Avoid Overstretching: Stretch to the point of mild discomfort, not pain.

Stay Balanced: Incorporate stretching for all muscle groups evenly to prevent imbalances.

Take a Walk

Sitting idly between sets might seem like a natural choice, but taking a walk can be far more beneficial. Walking not only burns additional calories but also improves overall health and keeps your body active during rest periods.

The average casual walking pace is about 100 steps per minute. Since you should typically rest between 2 and 3 minutes between sets, especially if you’re doing compound exercises, this can add up. Over a 15-set workout, you could accumulate anywhere from 2,500 to 4,000 extra steps. This extra activity can enhance your calorie burn significantly without much additional effort.

Additional Benefits

Enhances Blood Circulation: Walking helps maintain blood flow, which can aid in muscle recovery and reduce stiffness.

Improves Mood: Physical activity, even at a low intensity, releases endorphins that can boost your mood.

Reduces Mortality: There’s a positive correlation between the number of daily steps and a reduction in all-cause mortality.

Application: Tips for Integrating Walking

Mark Your Territory: Leave a towel or water bottle at your station to indicate you’re using the equipment.

Scout Your Next Station: Use the walk to check if your next exercise station is free.

Clear Your Head: Take the time to mentally prepare for the next set or visualize your performance.

Regulate Your Breathing: Focus on deep, controlled breaths to help lower your heart rate and prepare for the next set.

Mentally Visualize

Mental visualization, or attentional focus, involves imagining yourself performing a task successfully before actually doing it. This technique isn’t just for elite athletes; it can benefit anyone looking to improve their gym performance.

Years of research have shown that visualization can improve skill acquisition and technical performance. Specifically, in weight lifting, visualizing the mind-muscle connection has a legitimate basis for enhancing hypertrophy rates.

Supporting Evidence

Skill Acquisition: Research on attentional focus demonstrates that mentally visualizing tasks can improve skill learning and execution.

Mind-Muscle Connection: Studies suggest that visualizing muscle engagement can improve the effectiveness of workouts and potentially boost muscle growth.

Application: Techniques for Effective Mental Visualization

Find a Quiet Spot: Sit or stand quietly for a few moments after your set.

Close Your Eyes: Eliminate distractions by closing your eyes and focusing inward.

Visualize the Movement: Picture yourself performing the next exercise with perfect form. Focus on how each muscle moves and engages.

Incorporate Sensory Details: Imagine the feel of the weights, the tension in your muscles, and your breathing rhythm.

Stay Positive: Visualize success. See yourself completing the set powerfully and efficiently.


Improved Concentration: Helps maintain focus and reduces anxiety.

Enhanced Performance: Increases the likelihood of performing exercises with correct form and intensity.

Better Results: Can lead to improved muscle engagement and growth over time.

Train Other Muscles

Using rest periods to train different muscle groups can make your workouts more efficient and effective. Supersets, which involve performing two exercises back-to-back with no rest, can save time and boost gains. This approach allows you to target different muscle groups while one set of muscles is recovering.

Supporting Evidence

Time Efficiency: Supersets reduce overall workout time by combining exercises.

Muscle Gains: By engaging different muscle groups, you can improve overall muscle balance and strength.

Increased Calorie Burn: Performing continuous exercises keeps your heart rate elevated, burning more calories.

Application: Effective Superset Combinations

Romanian Deadlift + Barbell Shrug: Combine lower body and upper body exercises to target different muscle groups.

Biceps Curl + Calf Raise: Engage arms and legs without overlap, allowing one group to rest while the other works.

Cable Crunch + Barbell Wrist Curl: Focus on core and forearms to enhance overall muscle development.

Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press + Plank: Mix strength and stability exercises for a comprehensive workout.

Tips for Selecting Appropriate Exercises

Convenience: Choose exercises that don’t require moving between multiple pieces of equipment, to respect gym etiquette.

Simplicity: Opt for exercises with straightforward techniques to avoid overexertion or injury.

Non-Overlap: Ensure the exercises target muscle groups that were not worked in the previous set to allow proper recovery.

Safety Tips

Proper Form: Always prioritize correct technique to prevent injuries.

Moderation: Avoid overtraining by not excessively increasing the volume or intensity.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any signs of fatigue or discomfort and adjust accordingly.

Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing exercises during rest periods can significantly aid in recovery and relaxation. By focusing on your breath, you can lower stress levels, improve mental clarity, and prepare your body for the next set of exercises.

Supporting Evidence

Stress Reduction: Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Enhanced Recovery: Proper breathing techniques can help lower heart rate and promote better oxygen flow to muscles.

Improved Focus: Mindful breathing can increase mental clarity and concentration, enhancing workout performance.

Application: Simple Breathing Techniques to Practice Between Sets

Deep Belly Breathing: Sit or stand comfortably. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your belly to expand. Exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat for 1-2 minutes.

Box Breathing: Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, exhale for four, and hold again for four. Repeat for several cycles to calm your mind and body.

4-7-8 Breathing: Inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold for seven, and exhale through your mouth for eight. This technique helps reduce anxiety and promotes relaxation.


Lowered Heart Rate: Helps to bring your heart rate down faster after intense sets, promoting quicker recovery.

Increased Oxygen Flow: Enhances oxygen delivery to muscles, aiding in recovery and performance.

Mental Clarity: Improves focus and reduces mental fatigue, helping you stay sharp throughout your workout.

Nutrition and Hydration

Maintaining energy and performance during workouts is closely linked to proper nutrition and hydration. Consuming the right nutrients and staying hydrated can enhance your workout results and overall health.

Supporting Evidence

Hydration: Proper hydration is essential for muscle function, endurance, and overall performance. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, decreased coordination, and muscle cramps.

Nutrient Intake: Consuming carbohydrates and proteins during workouts can provide immediate energy and support muscle recovery.

Application: Tips on What to Drink and Snack on Between Sets


Water: The simplest and most effective hydration option. Drink water consistently throughout your workout.

Electrolyte Drinks: For longer or more intense sessions, consider drinks that replenish electrolytes lost through sweat.


Bananas: Rich in potassium and carbohydrates, they provide quick energy and help prevent cramps.

Protein Bars: Offer a good balance of protein and carbohydrates to fuel muscles and aid recovery.

Trail Mix: A combination of nuts and dried fruit provides healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates.


Sustained Energy: Proper hydration and nutrition help maintain energy levels throughout your workout.

Enhanced Recovery: Consuming protein helps repair muscle tissues, while carbohydrates replenish glycogen stores.

Improved Performance: Staying hydrated and well-nourished can enhance endurance, strength, and overall workout quality.


Using your rest periods effectively can significantly enhance the quality of your workouts and lead to better results in terms of muscle growth and fat loss. Instead of sitting idly or scrolling through your phone, consider incorporating the following activities:

Stay Off Your Phone: Avoid mental fatigue and maintain focus by resisting the urge to check social media or messages between sets.

Inter-Set Stretching: Promote muscle hypertrophy and flexibility by stretching the worked muscles during rest periods.

Take a Walk: Burn additional calories, improve blood circulation, and enhance overall health by walking around the gym between sets.

Mentally Visualize: Use visualization techniques to improve skill acquisition, performance, and mind-muscle connection.

Train Other Muscles: Optimize workout time by performing supersets that target different muscle groups, ensuring balanced muscle development.

Mindful Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to reduce stress, lower heart rate, and improve mental clarity.

Nutrition and Hydration: Maintain energy and performance by staying hydrated and consuming nutrient-rich snacks.


Incorporating these activities into your rest periods can make your gym sessions more productive and enjoyable. Remember, the small behaviors you adopt between sets can have a significant impact on your overall performance and results. Make the most of your downtime, and you’ll see improvements in both muscle growth and fat loss.


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