
The Open Report: Week 7 — The (Chalk) Dust Settles

Editor’s Note: “The Open Report” is a multi-part series by Mike Halpin that breaks down the current CrossFit Open registration numbers and examines their historical context. You can read the previous installments here and here.

The 2024 CrossFit Open workout 24.1 is done!

So, how did it go? Did you repeat it over the weekend or Monday afternoon? How’s your lower back? Does the mushroom clue make any more sense?

The top times for 24.1 (unofficially) look to go to three-time individual Games athlete Colten Mertens, who posted a blistering fast time of 5:19 at CrossFit PRVN, beating second-place Taylor Self by over 20 seconds. For the women, it looks to be the five-time HYROX world record holder Mirjam von Rohr, who posted her video to the Games leaderboard with a time of 5:39.

[Related: An Ode to the CrossFit Garage Gym]

For perspective: I got 12:22, meaning both Colten and Mirjam could go back to back within the time I was still huffing through the final round of 9s. I felt good about it, though, regardless of what the elite athletes of the sport are doing, but hot damn!!

This is the day I have been waiting for. Not finishing 24.1, although that felt good, but the day we can finally look at the numbers (mostly) as a whole. While it may be odd, there will be some stragglers who see 24.2 and 24.3 and still sign up, but outside of a few hundred additional athletes, the gross number of registrations and participants is there.

The final numbers will come after 24.3 has concluded, but here is what we are looking at just after 24.1’s submission window comes to a close:

Click to enlarge

Here is what the last few days looked like, from Dave Castro’s chalkboard announcement on Thursday afternoon to the submission deadline on Monday night:

Click to enlarge

A total of 69,808 registrations were added across all divisions from Thursday afternoon to Monday evening.

This is the fourth consecutive year that the Open has grown, but not by double digits this time. 

As of just after the March 4 deadline, there were 342,373 total registrations, which is about 6 percent growth compared to 2023

In my prediction last week, I thought the speed at which registrations were moving in the early days would pick back up in the last few, but it did not. Similar to my plan for 24.1 that went by the wayside, that’s how I would size up 2024 registrations given what we know now. 

The numbers held on to the lead through the middle weeks as the Open got closer, but then they started to stutter and take a few breaths toward the end. The last-ditch effort to speed up wasn’t enough. 

It’s still better than last year, but CrossFit may have wanted a re-do as well.

As I have touched on a few times, registrations only speak to part of the bigger picture. It’s participation that tells the real story.

Click to enlarge

I have some ideas on what may have occurred, from the splitting off of Adaptive to a boycott in the Middle East to the increase in affiliate fees causing fewer affiliates to participate.

There were 229 fewer affiliates in the 2024 Open vs. 2023. 

And for the first time that I can see, there is not a single U.S. affiliate in the top 10 for affiliate participation.

The Adaptive CrossFit Open by WheelWOD appears to have registered 865 athletes. This is based on totaling the divisions on Competition Corner, which hosts the leaderboard.

A few readers and commentators reached out to me to pull data on affiliate participation in the Middle East from 2023 vs. 2024, and there is a drastic difference of around 1,730 athletes across the Middle Eastern countries.

There could be several different reasons for a few thousand less than expected, but this is further off the track record the CrossFit Games has built since 2020. Tens of thousands off. 

I am interested to hear Dave Castro and Don Faul’s thoughts once these numbers make their way around. 

In the shadow of the leadership changes that occurred in 2023 and the changes to affiliates, these numbers act as that barometer we talked about in week one. 

To stretch the analogy further, right now, the barometer readings in the CrossFit world are neither warm sunny skies (10-plus-percent growth) nor storm clouds (flat or lower registration year-over-year). 

It’s like a partly cloudy day in Ohio at my affiliate (shout out to CrossFit Fairfield!).

The chalk dust is starting to settle. Here are the numbers for week seven of Open registration tracking:

Registration started on January 9 at noon PT

Open Workout 24.1 starts on February 29 at noon PT 

Open Workout 24.3 ends on March 18 at 5 p.m. PT

That gives us a window of 52 total days for registration before the first workout. Plus, there are 19 days between workouts 24.1 and 24.3.

Click to enlarge // Credit: Morning Chalk Up 

(Editor’s Note: All data within this report for the 2024 CrossFit Open was pulled from the CrossFit leaderboard on Monday, March 4 at 8:01 p.m. ET.)

The 2024 registration total grew at an average rate of around 5,951 each day after the initial day-one total of 20,982.

More Numbers: I’ve included additional data I’ve been tracking, along with a few suggestions from readers and commentators on Instagram.

2024 Open Division – Registration by Region and Division, Then 10% Cut and 25% Cut



Top 15 Countries by Athlete Nationality

Total Affiliate Count 2018-2024

*Note: For these two years, the count of registrations for each affiliate is blank, so it’s not possible to see if affiliates may have been listed with zero registrations, which does show up on ‘22-’24.

Top 10 Affiliates Registered for 2024

*Note: SuperForce CrossFit appears to be a 16 location franchise across different areas of Brazil. It appears that they are submitting all registrations under a single affiliate on the leaderboard. 

Top 10 Ages of Registered Athletes

Registrations by Age Group Divisions

More 2024 CrossFit Open Content

Learn more about the 2024 CrossFit Open with these stories from the Morning Chalk Up:

CrossFit Open Workout 24.1 Livestream Numbers Surpass 2023 Figures

CrossFit VP Jay DeCoons Takes on His First CrossFit Open

Breaking Down the Most Common CrossFit Open Movement Combinations

Featured Image: @musclesandlungs / Instagram

The post The Open Report: Week 7 — The (Chalk) Dust Settles appeared first on BarBend.

Multiple Studies: You Can Lift More Weight Using This Mental Technique 

Fortune favors the hyped. If lift weights to increase strength, a systematic review by Cusimano et al. has some science-based advice to help you lift more: Stop scrolling on your phone between sets and start psyching yourself up. 

The 2022 study, entitled “The Effects of Psyching-Up on Maximal Force Production: A Systematic Review,” looked at several studies on how certain mental techniques can influence performance in the gym. Here’s what they found and how it can help you reach your goals. 

Credit: Zamrznuti tonovi / Shutterstock

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Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.

What the Study Says

Cusimano & colleagues published their systematic review in the Strength & Conditioning Journal, a scientific volume sponsored by the National Strength & Conditioning Association. In their review, the authors bottled their findings into one specific argument: “The findings suggest that [psyching up] may enhance maximal force production.” (1)

You might think that you know what psyching yourself up means, but the techniques outlined in the review may surprise you. Here’s what Cusimano et al. did: 

The authors collected 27 studies examining the effects of different arousal techniques on exercise performance.

Studies were included if they measured maximal force production after implementing a variable psyching-up strategy. 

Cusimano et al. then compared the results to determine what sort of hype-up strategy produced significant changes in force output. 


Unsurprisingly, the researchers found that hyping yourself up before performing resistance training movements generally works better than not. But there’s a bit more going on under the hood than just that — here are the details: 

Subjects in “hype” groups were compared against control groups who did nothing before or between sets and “active rest” groups who were assigned unrelated mental tasks during downtime (such as counting). 

Subjects who hyped themselves up in some way outperformed both groups a majority (65 percent) of the time. 

Cusimano et al. also defined multiple types of hype-up strategies that were utilized in the various papers they investigated. Some of the strategies you can use to increase your force production are: 

Motivational self-talk

Prescribed preparatory arousal (for example, watching video montages before a workout)

External attentional focus (fixating on the weight you need to lift rather than your muscles)

PETTLEP imagery (a multi-step mental visualization and awareness exercise)


Here’s the most noteworthy finding: The review did not observe significant differences in outcome between types of mental activation used. In plain English, you can hype yourself up before a set however you prefer.

Credit: PH888 / Shutterstock

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The authors also recorded differences in efficacy based on what type of training the subjects performed. Hype-up strategies were particularly effective at improving one-rep-max strength in the bench press, squat, deadlift, and maximal force output during the leg extension


No study is without limitation, and the work by Cusimano et al. is hardly a cheat code for increasing your strength in the weight room. 

The various studies examined by Cusimano & colleagues focused on mental hype strategies but didn’t examine other methods of increasing excitability during athletic performance.

Other data show that common lifting rituals like listening to music or inhaling ammonia smelling salts may also improve performance. (2)(3)

The authors did record some conflicting data; such a thing as “too much hype” can impair performance, particularly if the task is technically complex.

What You Should Do

Based on this study, you should incorporate some form of mental psych-up routine into your pre-gym routine if possible, and the same goes for the moments before you begin a heavy compound exercise.

However, how you choose to hype yourself up doesn’t seem to matter all that much. Keep up your manners if you train in a public gym; otherwise, do what works for you and do it consistently. 

One caveat — mental excitement or energy is a finite resource, just like your muscular strength or endurance. If you red-line yourself for every exercise you perform in the gym, you might experience diminishing returns. Be selective about when and how you channel your hype. 

More Science Content

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Cusimano, Kurtis BSc1; Freeman, Paul PhD1; Pawaar, Josh BSc2; Moran, Jason PhD1. The Effects of Psyching-Up on Maximal Force Production: A Systematic Review. Strength and Conditioning Journal ():10.1519/SSC.0000000000000830, January 1, 2024. | DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000830 

Cutrufello PT, Benson BA, Landram MJ. The effect of music on anaerobic exercise performance and muscular endurance. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2020 Mar;60(3):486-492. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.19.10228-9. Epub 2019 Dec 5. PMID: 31818058.

Bender JM, Popkin CA. Ammonia Inhalants: Use, Misuse, and Role in Sports Performance. Sports Health. 2023 Dec 26:19417381231217341. doi: 10.1177/19417381231217341. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38148665.

Featured Image: Zamrznuti tonovi / Shutterstock

The post Multiple Studies: You Can Lift More Weight Using This Mental Technique  appeared first on BarBend.

2024 HYROX Madrid Results — Kremer, Corlett Triumphant

The 2024 HYROX Madrid race occurred on March 2, 2024. The race featured its standard eight functional fitness stations, each separated by a one-kilometer run. Pro-division races for Individuals and Doubles were featured.

Jezebel Kremer of France stood atop the Women’s Pro division, and Adam Corlett of the UK did the same for the Men’s Pro Division. Lorraine Conwell and Aoife Martinson won in the Pro Doubles divisions for the women and Ruben Patiño Vieites and Cristhian Zarta Muñoz for the men.

[Related: 2024 HYROX Katowice Results — Procter, Bianchi Victorious]

2024 HYROX Madrid Results

Below are the final standings for the four contested Pro divisions in Madrid:

HYROX Pro Women

Jezabel Kremer — 1:06:17

Carolina Silva — 1:11:18

Eva Rodrigues 1:11:49

Manuela Garcia — 1:13:23

Poppy Jones — 1:15:08

Tania Casanova Ramos — 1:15:19

Pilar Santafé — 1:15:38

Dzintra Grech — 1:16:35

Anna Clarke — 1:16:37

Jitka Hall — 1:17:28


Adam Corlett — 1:01:45

Samuel Pimentel Luis — 1:02:03

Jose Salama — 1:02:16

Jeronimo Mendez De La Maza — 1:03:23

Valentin Gamba Dondich — 1:03:37

Roberto Viciedo Gimeno — 1:04:10

Carlos Fornes Mengual — 1:05:02

Jorge González Álvarez — 1:05:12

Thomas Dubost — 1:05:32

Savo Hertig — 1:05:42

HYROX Pro Doubles Women

Lorraine Conwell, Aoife Martinson — 1:11:37

Mamen Lopez Sola, Nuria Pastor Perez — 1:11:50

Anna Díaz Cortes, Candela Arjona Pérez — 1:13:28

Andreia Ferreira, Gabriela Costa — 1:14:53

María Riquelme Ulecia, Adriana Aguado Ruiz — 1:16:08

Vanessa Patrícia Santos Salgado, Elisabete Manuela De Afonseca Costa — 1:16:47

Beatriz Portela, Qing Inmaculada Zhou Chen — 1:17:53

Pili López, Milu Hernández Valiente — 1:21:48

Rosie Vaughan, Melanie Kirk — 1:22:49

Holly Isitt, Lucy Dartford — 1:22:50

HYROX Pro Doubles Men

Ruben Patiño Vieites, Cristhian Zarta Muñoz — 56:39

Hugo Ventura, Diego Caballero — 57:21

José Luis González, Aldo Lozano Márquez — 59:30

Eduardo Martín González, Javier Flores De La Fuente — 1:01:46

Joel Guerrero, Damian Bevilacqua Chaiven, Damian Bevilacqua Chaiven — 1:01:56

Daniel Hurtado Cano, Jonathan Escribano Arjona — 1:02:21

Miguel Meira, Pedro Cunha — 1:03:34

Alejandro De La Rosa Hinojal, Enrique Soriano Botella — 1:03:38

Osvaldo Lomelí, Joao Pedro Paiva De Cunha — 1:03:50

Victor Esparza Monreal, Vicente Javier Esparza Martinez — 1:05:28

[Related: Mayhem Mission Aims to Raise $100,000 for Human Trafficking Nonprofit in March]

The weekend of March 2-3, 2024, was crowded for HYROX competition. In addition to the Madrid race, Jake Dearden and Bryony Keys won the 2024 HYROX Glasgow contest, and Lauren Weeks and Dylan Scott scored gold at the 2024 HYROX North American Championships.

While there are plenty of races in the coming weeks, the next Elite 15 race that features HYROX athletes with the fastest all-time scores is the 2024 HYROX World Championships in Nice, France, on June 7-9, 2024.

Featured image: @jezabelkremer and @ace_performanceuk on Instagram

The post 2024 HYROX Madrid Results — Kremer, Corlett Triumphant appeared first on BarBend.

The Best Chest Exercises for Building Muscle, Plus 4 Full Workouts

If you’re hitting the gym on International Chest Day, you need the best chest exercises for mass, strength, and everything in-between. These 17 expert-selected movements are all but guaranteed to get you jacked, increase your strength, and help you stave off injury. Let’s get started. 

17 Best Chest Exercises

Flat Bench Press

Incline Bench Press

Decline Bench Press


Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Floor Press

Incline Dumbbell Hex Press

Chest Flye

Cable Press-Around

Decline Push-Up

Close-Grip Bench Press 

Svend Press


Cable Crossover

Plyo Push-Up

Dumbbell Pullover

Close-Grip Push-Up

Recent Updates: This article was initially written by Mike Dewar, CSCS. It was edited by Alex Polish, Senior Editor and a certified personal trainer. On Mar. 4, 2024, BarBend‘s exercise selections were adjusted by BarBend Senior Writer Jake Dickson in order to better reflect science-based guidance for movement recommendations. Dickson holds a B.S. degree in Exercise Science and is a NASM-certified personal trainer. 

1. Flat Bench Press

The bench press should be a staple in your routine for more chest size and strength, since compared to most other chest exercises, you can load the bench press up with a relatively heavy amount of weight. Beyond that, benching is necessary for powerlifters, since it’s one of the three lifts judged in a powerlifting meet.

How To Do It

Lay back down on a bench, arch your lower back slightly, and plant your feet on the floor.

Pull your shoulder blades together to enhance stability and upper back strength.

Grab the bar and squeeze the hand hard to flex the arm and grip muscles maximally. 

With the load unracked, think about pulling the barbell to the body to touch the sternum/base of the chest.

Press the weight upwards, making sure to keep your back tight, and shoulder blades pulled together.


Make It Easier: If you have one, try doing the bench press with a Swiss barbell to make it more comfortable on your joints. 

Make It Harder: Suspend your feet in the air while you bench to get a core workout. 

Coach’s Tip: A strong spinal arch will reduce your range of motion and improve your leverage.

2. Incline Bench Press

The incline press is somewhat of a hybrid of an overhead press and flat bench press, and so pressing a barbell (or a pair of kettlebells or dumbbells) from an incline recruits more of the muscle fibers in the upper chest and taxes the shoulders a bit more. 

How To Do It

Adjust a weight bench so it is at a 45-degree angle and set up similarly to that of the flat bench press.

Unrack the loaded barbell and begin to pull the load downwards to line with the upper chest (a few inches below the clavicle).

With the shoulder blades pulled together and elbows angled at about 45 degrees.

Push the barbell upward.


Make It Easier: Try a narrow grip if you experience shoulder pain, or limit your range of motion by not touching the bar to your chest.

Make It Harder: Try pausing at the bottom of each repetition. 

Coach’s Tip: Adjust the seat such that the barbell is slightly behind your eye line before you unrack it.

3. Decline Bench Press

[Read More: 5 Bench Press Programs to Build a Bigger, Stronger Chest]

This pressing variation is typically less strenuous on your shoulders than the standard bench press because of the shifted shoulder angle. You’ll also be able to target your inner chest from a different angle, which is important when you’re looking to develop a well-rounded musculature. 

How To Do It

Start by securing your feet into a decline bench set up and secure your upper back and hips to the bench (similar to the flat bench press). 

Unrack the weight and pull the load downwards toward the sternum while keeping the shoulder blades pulled together.

Press through the barbell to lock out your elbows. Be sure not to allow the elbows to flare excessively out.


Make It Easier: You can also do this exercise with dumbbells if you don’t have a decline bench station.

Make It Harder: Try adding chains to your bar for some dynamic tension.

Coach’s Tip: The barbell should hit lower on your chest than during a flat bench press or incline bench press.

4. Dip

The dip is another bodyweight gem. It comes out toward the top of this list and is also one of the best arm exercises out there — the dip really is a powerhouse. You’ll also seriously recruit your triceps, which are essentially involved in all pressing movements, so working them in tandem with the chest will help strengthen the synergistic muscles in unison. 

How To Do It

Grab the dip bar firmly and get yourself in the top of the dip position, with your upper back tight and shoulder blades squeezed together.

Angle your torso slightly forward and allow your elbows to bend as they slightly tuck inwards towards the sides of the torso. 

Lower yourself down until your elbows bend at about 90 degrees.

When ready, press through the handles and bring your body upright into the top of the dip position.


Make It Easier: Use an assisted dip station with a knee pad or loop a resistance band around the dip bars to give you a bit of elastic assistance.

Make It Harder: Work up to doing weighted dips with a dip belt attached during this upper back exercise.

Coach’s Tip: Keep your shoulders packed down and away from your ears the entire time.

5. Dumbbell Bench Press

The dumbbell bench press doesn’t allow you to go as heavy as its barbell counterpart, but there’s a lot to like about this move. For one, you’re controlling two dumbbells, which works your chest (and the smaller stabilizer muscles around your shoulder joint) differently than the bench press. 

Like all chest exercises with dumbbells, this move has a secret weapon — if you have a weaker side, this move’s unilateral nature allows one side to catch up to the other.

How To Do It

Sit up on a flat bench and then hinge forward to pick up each dumbbell.

Place each weight on a knee and get set.

Lean back and then drive the dumbbells back towards you (carefully) with your knees, simultaneously pressing the weights over your chest.

Lower the weights, keeping your elbows tucked in at 45 degrees until your elbows break 90 degrees. 

Then, drive the dumbbells back up. 


Make It Easier: Try a neutral grip to take some tension off your shoulders. 

Make It Harder: Practice a three to four-second tempo while lowering the weights down to your chest. 

Coach’s Tip: Push the weights both upward and in toward your midline.

6. Cable Press 

The cable press allows you to to train your pecs through their two primary anatomical functions; arm adduction and shoulder flexion. In simple terms, the tension of the cable pulls your arm both backward and out to the side, doubling down on the stimulus to your pecs. 

How To Do It

Set up an adjustable weight bench a few feet in front of a cable station with the seat elevated high.

The cables should be fixed with D-handle attachments and set to around shoulder height when you sit on the bench.

Stand behind the bench, grab each handle, and step around the bench to sit in it.

Simulate a chest press position while holding the handles with your elbows bent and out to the sides.

Perform a chest press, driving the handles forward and inward toward your midline. 


Make It Easier: Set the bench between the two cable attachments rather than in front of them to reduce your range of motion and make this chest and shoulder exercise easier to set up.

Make It Harder: Play with the angle of the bench seat, you may find that a slightly lower incline makes the movement more challenging on your pecs. 

Coach’s Tip: The setup for the cable press is clunky, especially if you use heavy weights. You may want a spotter’s help getting into position. 

7. Incline Dumbbell Hex Press

[Read More: Build Strong and Full Pecs With the Best Lower Chest Exercises]

To build the best pair of pecs you can, you need to do more than slam presses on a flat bench (though that’s certainly a good starting point). Upper chest exercises to bias the top fibers in your chest can help a lot.

The incline hex press accomplishes several things at once. You can train your triceps and front delts simultaneously, you can contract your chest isometrically and dynamically, and you can also engage your upper chest throughout. 

How To Do It

Lie on a low-to-medium incline bench with a pair of dumbbells above your head.

Tuck your inner arms against your torso and clasp the sides of the dumbbells together.

Squeeze them tightly and lower your arms down until the bells touch your chest.

Reverse the motion, ensuring the dumbbells don’t come apart at any point.


Make It Easier: Try a low incline here to reduce the load on your shoulders. 

Make It Harder: This exercise is well-suited for drop sets, so grab multiple pairs of dumbbells. 

Coach’s Tip: Actively push the dumbbells against one another the entire time. 

8. Chest Flye

The chest flye — commonly called dumbbell flyes or cable flyes, depending on which implement you’re using — is a popular bodybuilding exercise to stretch the muscle fibers and pump up the muscle. Using dumbbells will also help improve your body’s ability to coordinate as you’re forced to stabilize each weight independently. 

How To Do It

Lie back on a bench (either flat, decline, or incline), with a dumbbell in each hand.

With a slight bend in your elbows, lower your arms out to your sides slowly and with control.

Reverse the motion, driving your upper arms against your torso as you return the weights to the starting position. 


Make It Easier: Do this move on the floor to ensure your arms don’t sink too deep below your torso.

Make It Harder: Try the chest flye on a low incline bench to really challenge your upper pecs.

Coach’s Tip: You can pause at the bottom of each rep for some productive loaded stretching.

9. Cable Press-Around

To make the most of your chest training, you should include exercises that take your pecs through their full range of motion. Neither flyes nor presses satisfy this requirement perfectly, but the cable press-around does. It also includes a rotational component and can stimulate your pecs in a whole new way if you can get the technique right. 

How To Do It

Stand facing at a 45-degree angle away from a cable handle set at around waist height.

Grab the handle and allow it to pull tension across your chest.

With a slightly bent elbow, sweep your arm around your torso.

Squeeze your pecs hard. Pause for a beat at the end, and then reverse the motion.


Make It Easier: You can perform this move while seated instead of standing.

Make It Harder: Try doing a drop set for each of your arms. 

Coach’s Tip: Your arm should cross your midline to fully contract your pectorals. 

10. Decline Push-Up

Push-ups aren’t just a beginner chest exercise. Modifying the movement by adjusting the angle of your body can emphasize different parts of your chest. By elevating your feet on a weight bench or plyo box, you’ll find that the decline push-up is far more difficult than the default move. 

How To Do It

Get into a push-up position with your feet elevated on a low plyo box or weight bench.

From here, unlock your elbows and lower your body down toward the floor.

When your elbows are behind your torso and you feel a deep stretch across your chest, push into the ground with your palms to return to the starting position. 


Make It Easier: Try lowering the elevation of your feet by supporting them on a bumper plate

Make It Harder: Add a weight plate to your upper back or hold a resistance band in your hands to make this move harder.

Coach’s Tip: The higher up your feet are, the harder the exercise becomes. 

11. Close-Grip Bench Press 

Performing the close-grip bench press will bias your upper pecs, triceps, and shoulders. The narrow grip is also a bit more comfortable for most folks, especially if performing the regular bench press irritates your shoulders. 

How To Do It

Set up in a bench press station with your eyes directly under the barbell and your feet planted on the floor. 

Grip the bar with a narrow, shoulder-width (or slightly closer) grip. 

Unrack it from the station by pulling it straight out until your arms are extended directly over your shoulders.

Lower the bar down to your torso while keeping your upper arms tucked tightly to your sides.

Reverse the motion, pressing up and back until the bar is over your shoulders once again.


Make It Easier: Try the close-grip floor press to limit your range of motion if needed.

Make It Harder: Pick your feet up and place them on the end of the bench to ratchet up the stability requirement. 

Coach’s Tip: The bar should touch your chest a bit below the nipple line. 

12. Svend Press

Of all the free-weight chest exercises, this one might look the silliest. But it’s certainly effective. To avoid dropping two plates on your toes, you need to squeeze the weights together continuously. That alone will get those pecs activated.

Then, you’ll extend your arms to squeeze the chest together even more. The Svend press is low-impact and thus easier to handle than doing even more heavy pressing. It also requires little equipment (making it the best chest exercise at home because you won’t need to wait for a bench to open up in a busy gym.)

How To Do It

Start by taking two smaller weight plates (five or 10-pound plates) and pressing them together between your hands. 

Your arms should be extended outwards in front of you.

While actively pinching the plate together and not letting them slip apart (constant tension), pull the plates towards your sternum as you keep your chest up and shoulder blades pulled together.

Flex your chest and press the weights back outwards. Keep the plates pressed together and the inner chest muscles engaged.


Make It Easier: Start with a yoga block instead of a weight plate. 

Make It Harder: Press two change plates together rather than using one alone. 

Coach’s Tip: Use the Svend press to prime your pecs between sets of other chest exercises.

13. Push-Up

Alongside the dip, the push-up is the ruler of bodyweight chest exercises. Because you’re working out with just your body weight, your joints won’t be under as much stress as weighted movements. You can also really do a lot of pushups in a short amount of time, so you’ll accumulate more muscle-building stimulus overall. 

How To Do It

Get into a plank position, with your hands underneath your shoulders, back flat, and feet together.

Screw your palms into the ground. You should feel your chest tighten.

Hold this position, and then slowly lower yourself until your chest is about an inch from the floor.

Now, drive back up through the palms of your hands. 


Make It Easier: Perform push-ups with your body inclined by bracing against a low bench or box, or do kneeling push-ups instead. 

Make It Harder: Try doing push-ups with a weight plate on your upper back.

Coach’s Tip: Contract your abs hard. There should be no dip in your lower back.

14. Cable Crossover

The cable crossover and cable flye are mostly the same exercise. You may choose to cross your hands over one another at the end of each repetition, but most of the value from this chest exercise comes from the deep, lengthened stretch it puts your pecs in. Crossovers (or cable flyes) make for one heck of a finisher during your chest workouts. 

How To Do It

Fix two D-handle attachments to the carabiners of two adjacent adjustable cable stations such that the handles are set around shoulder height. 

Grab each handle while facing away from the cable stack and take a step forward to pull the weight taut. 

With your elbows mostly straight, draw your arms around and forward toward your midline.

If you choose to, you can cross your hands over one another to form an “X” shape with the cables. 


Make It Easier: Lowering the cables to around the nipple or even hip height may make this move more comfortable for your shoulders.

Make It Harder: Try doing crossovers one arm at a time, crossing your working arm past your midline and toward your opposite shoulder. 

Coach’s Tip: As you bring your arms together in front of you, think about aggressively driving your upper arms into the sides of your chest. 

15. Plyo Push-Up

[Read More: 8 Push-Up Variations for Power, Strength, and Size]

When you get into the higher push-up rep ranges, you’re training muscular endurance and not just muscle-building. Enter the plyo push-up, one of the more difficult push-up variations to perform.

You’ll primarily be training power rather than run-of-the-mill endurance. Performing the plyo push-up will activate your fast-twitch muscle fibers, which have tremendous potential for growth. This isn’t just important for aesthetics. More powerful muscles can directly carry over to your bench-pressing prowess.

How To Do It

Get into a push-up position with your hands underneath your shoulders.

Lower yourself to the floor.

Explosively push yourself up, with your hands leaving the ground.

Slightly bend your elbows on the way down to better absorb the force.

Rapidly descend into another push-up. Repeat.


Make It Easier: You can do these from a kneeling position to make them easier. 

Make It Harder: Try landing both a frontal and behind-the-back clap while you’re in the air.

Coach’s Tip: You don’t need to push yourself off the floor as high as possible, you just need to explosively contract your pecs and arms.

16. Dumbbell Pullover

[Read More: The Best Dumbbell Chest Workouts for Beginners, Strength, and More]

The dumbbell pullover is one of the best dumbbell chest exercises you can do, simply because of the unique setup and execution. This is one of the only chest-building moves that targets your upper pecs while also stimulating your lats and triceps as well. Classical bodybuilders revered the pullover for its ability to shape a v-tapered torso — try it out for yourself and see why. 

How To Do It

Lie down on a weight bench, either normally or perpendicular to the bench with your pelvis just off the floor.

Hold a dumbbell in your hands directly above your face.

With your elbows mostly straight, guide the weight back behind your head until your arms are perpendicular to the floor.

Reverse the motion, contracting your pecs and pulling the weight back into view above your face. 


Make It Easier: Laying on a decline bench will slightly reduce the range of motion required in your shoulders.

Make It Harder: Try this move with a straight-bar cable attachment rather than a dumbbell. 

Coach’s Tip: Place your palms up against the underside of the plate instead of clasping it by the handle.

17. Close-Grip Push-Up

[Read More: Build a Titanic Torso with These Bodybuilding Chest & Back Workouts]

Because of the reduced base of support, the close-grip push-up is a bit more challenging than standard push-ups. But you’ll be training the pectorals from a different angle for better muscle development. Since your shoulders are more internally rotated and less externally rotated, you’ll take some of the pressure off your shoulder joints. 

How To Do It

Get into a plank position. Keep your hands close together, back flat, and feet wider than hip-width.

Screw your palms into the ground. Try to feel your chest tighten.

Slowly lower yourself until your chest is about an inch from the floor and your upper arms are touching your sides.

Drive back up until lockout. Reset and repeat.


Make It Easier: Do these on your knees instead of with straight legs. 

Make It Harder: Try adding a weight plate to your upper back. 

Coach’s Tip: Wearing wrist wraps may alleviate some discomfort during this exercise.

4 Chest Workouts To Try

There’s no all-in-one “best” chest workout; it all depends on your goals and what you want out of your pec training. Want to build a pair of pecs you can balance a beer can on? We’ve got you covered. Need to bring up your bench press max ahead of your next powerlifting meet? You should probably get comfortable with the barbell. Try out 

Chest Workout for Strength

A good strength-focused chest workout begins on the bench press. The barbell bench press allows you to lift tremendous amounts of weight for progressive overload, and is also the standard by which most people measure true chest strength. 

Afterward, follow your benching up with a few smartly selected accessory movements, and you’re off to the races:

Chest Workout for Mass

You might be able to lift heavy, but if you’re not training for chest hypertrophy, it might not look that way. If you really want to target your chest for size, you’ll want to choose moderately heavy weights and focus on time under tension, and achieving an adequate range of motion. Your chest has a lot of dimensions, so you’ll want to emphasize each chest angle with your training.

Chest Workout for Beginners

If you’re a gym newbie, you’re in the unique position to benefit a lot from a low amount of stimulus. What this means in practical terms is that you won’t need the kind of high-volume, comprehensive training that a lifter with several years of training under their belt requires to progress.

[Read More: 6 Chest Exercises Without Weights That Build Size and Strength]

Hitting this workout once, maybe twice per week is more than enough to start building up your chest.

Bodyweight Chest Workout

Endless, regular push-ups aren’t the only way to work your chest without equipment. Yes, a lot of push-ups will be involved. But you’ll also vary the types of push-ups, speed, range of motion, and angle. Just make sure your form is spotless throughout. You can perform this workout two or three times a week, depending on your experience level and comfort with bodyweight movements.

Perform these exercises back-to-back as a circuit, with little to no rest in between. Repeat the circuit three times in total, resting up to four minutes between rounds. 

Chest Muscles

Your chest (or rather, the anterior compartment of your torso) houses your pecs … duh. But there’s more going on under the skin than you think, and more muscles at play as well.

[Read More: The Anatomy of Your Chest Muscles, Explained (and How to Train Them)]

Here are the major players you’ll work during any well-rounded chest workout:

Pectoralis Major: This two-headed muscle connects from your clavicle and sternum onto your upper arm bone and is primarily responsible for arm flexion and shoulder adduction.

Pectoralis Minor: This smaller pec muscle connects from your ribcage to your shoulder blade and assists the pec major in performing its duties.

Serratus Anterior: The serratus anterior isn’t directly attached to the chest, but it sits on the lateral sides of your ribcage and performs many of the same functions. Namely, protracting your shoulder and flexing your arm forward.

Benefits of Training Your Chest

Chest training isn’t just for the vain-of-heart beach bro or a competitive powerlifter. A well-developed pair of pecs is a statement and are surprisingly functional in real-world scenarios — for athletes of all genders.

Functional Pressing Power

A big bench press is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to chest training. Sure, throwing up two or three wheels on the bench is impressive. But strong pectoral muscles also assist in real-world or sport-related scenarios, such as performing push-ups for time, shoving an object or opponent away from you, and much more. 

Upper Body Aesthetics

Many athletes come into the game searching for muscles that aren’t just functionally strong — they also want said muscles to look like they’re strong. For a lot of athletes, the chest can be a tricky area to build muscle mass. But by deploying smart training strategies for chest hypertrophy and selecting from the exercises we’ve listed here, you’ll be well on your way to accomplishing your pectoral dreams.


How many chest exercises should you do per workout?

The amount of volume you should do for your chest varies, but as a general rule, you’ll want to include at least one pressing exercise and one flye or crossover exercise per workout. Then, build up over time with additional volume if you need it. 

What exercise activates the pecs the most?

To really feel your chest, you’ll want to try out a cable-based flye movement. Cable flyes put a lot of mechanical tension across your pecs while limiting triceps and shoulder activation.

What are the best exercises with dumbbells?

The incline dumbbell bench press is one of the best all-around dumbbell exercises for your chest, because you can access a larger range of motion and adjust the incline of the bench. You can also try the dumbbell flye and hex press. 

Featured Image: Jasminko Ibrakovic / Shutterstock

The post The Best Chest Exercises for Building Muscle, Plus 4 Full Workouts appeared first on BarBend.

Mayhem Mission Aims to Raise $100,000 for Human Trafficking Nonprofit in March

Founded by 10-time CrossFit Games champion Rich Froning, Mayhem Mission is hosting its fourth annual fundraiser on March 23. The lofty goal is to raise $100,000 for Atlas Free, a nonprofit organization fighting human trafficking in 26 countries.

In the last three years, Froning’s fundraiser has raised a combined total of $113,619 for Atlas Free.

Remind Me: Mayhem Mission is a nonprofit that raises money not only for human trafficking, but also for at-risk youth.

Before founding Mayhem Mission in 2020, Froning was already focused on helping at-risk youth — a cause that is “close to his heart,” Ben Brus, Mayhem Mission’s Director of Operations tells the Morning Chalk Up. So, it became one of the obvious four pillars Mayhem Mission wanted to support.

The final two pillars Mayhem Mission fundraises for are access to clean water and for the unreached.

Froning, the long-time owner of CrossFit Mayhem Freedom in Cookeville, TN, tells the Morning Chalk Up that he started the nonprofit with friend Brian Nelson because they “wanted to use fitness as a platform to serve and grow God’s Kingdom and invite others to join our mission.”

“Our goals are to leverage our platform to support organizations within our four pillars and to mobilize like-minded people in the fitness community to take action,” Froning adds.

Worth noting: In September 2023, a team from Mayhem Mission traveled to Southeast Asia with Atlas Free to work with them in their fight against human trafficking.

The details: On March 23, the CrossFit Mayhem community and other gyms around the world will partake in the fundraiser workout: 

12-minute AMRAP

26 toes-to-bar

28 thrusters

100 double-unders

The numbers are all significant to the cause: In 2023, 12,000 individuals received life-changing education through Atlas Free, hence the 12-minute time domain. 

Meanwhile, 26 thrusters represent the 26 different countries in which Atlas Free currently operates, and the 28 thrusters are because there are nearly 28 million victims of human trafficking worldwide, according to estimates from the International Labour Organization and International Organization for Migration. 

Finally, there are 100 double-unders because 100 percent of the profits will go toward fighting human trafficking.

Currently, 14 gyms are registered for the event, but Brus hopes to enroll at least 30 other CrossFit or functional fitness gyms to participate on March 23.

Registration is now open.

More CrossFit Content

Read more CrossFit stories from the Morning Chalk Up below:

Interview: Haley Adams on Finding the Joy In CrossFit Again After Her Year Away

CrossFit Open Workout 24.1 Livestream Numbers Surpass 2023 Figures

Meet Dylan Gibbs: The First U.S. Male Collegiate Functional Fitness National Champion

Featured Image: @mayhemmissions / Instagram

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With Freemotion’s 22 Series, Cardio Is a Member Engagement Tool

Gyms that install Freemotion Fitness equipment get an automatic boost from iFIT content, which is already enjoyed by more than 7 million people

These days, cardio often gets put down as boring, mindless or downright ineffective, but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

When implemented correctly, cardio machines can still be an asset to gyms and fitness facilities, and a potent member-engagement tool at that. 

Freemotion Fitness and parent company iFIT are changing the game when it comes to what cardio machines are capable of, placing workout content and smart technology at the forefront to deliver a truly immersive experience that brings users in and keeps them coming back for more, whether in-facility or at home. 

Freemotion’s new 22 SERIES cardio line is specifically designed to leverage iFIT’s vast library of workout content, which includes around 17,000 coach-led workouts, ranging from hill climbs on an incline trainer to stationary bike rides through mountain ranges.

The 22 SERIES will be front and center at IHRSA 2024. The lineup features six connected machines – an incline trainer, with its ramp going up to 30%, a REFLEX treadmill featuring an impact-reducing deck, an elliptical and three bikes including the popular CoachBike – all of which come equipped with 22-inch HD touchscreen displays that stream iFIT content and automatically adjust speed, incline, resistance, and even fan speed based on what’s happening on-screen, leaving users enthralled in their workouts

Best-In-Class Content Drives Engagement

iFIT workout content lies at the heart of the 22 SERIES experience. Gyms that install Freemotion equipment in their facilities get an automatic boost from iFIT, which is already being enjoyed by more than 7 million people across the world. 

“(Members are) coming in predisposed to iFIT, so being able to provide iFIT content on those 22-inch monitors is a huge benefit for attraction and retention,” says Adam Guier, VP/North America Sales at Freemotion. 

iFIT’s library of coach-led workouts includes content from Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps and ultrarunner Tommy Rivers Puzey. The Utah-based fitness brand films its own content, sending its trainers to countries on all seven continents, including some exotic and exciting locales like Mount Everest. 

“We hear members say, “I went on a vacation to such and such place because I had exercised in that same location from virtually,’” Guier notes. “We also hear members who say, “I went on vacation, came back, and did the same run on the  console that I had done on vacation.”

Adam Guier (credit: Freemotion Fitness/iFIT)

Aside from providing travel inspiration, iFIT content on Freemotion equipment keeps users engaged along their entire fitness journey. 

“It’s addictive and it’s habit-forming,” Guier says. “We have specifically built our series to move along the fitness journey with the exerciser. So maybe you start as a walker, then you become a jogger and then you become a runner. We have content that will travel along that journey with you.” 

Machines That Work Out With You

The 22 SERIES experience goes deeper than displaying content on a flat-screen TV mounted to the top of each machine. With Auto-Adjust technology, each piece of equipment automatically adjusts the speed and incline based on what’s happening in the workout on-screen. 

Take a journey along the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland with Olympic gold medalist Sanya Richards-Ross – a workout that’s available on iFIT – and your 22 SERIES machine will automatically adjust to the terrain. 

“There’s a lot of other companies that have content on their consoles, but we’re the only one that actually have an Auto-Adjust feature. If the trainer says we’re going up this hill, the machine adjusts the incline to go up that hill,” Guier notes. “Whether you’re on our bike, elliptical or treadmill, it doesn’t matter, it’ll make those adjustments.”

Expert Guidance 

The 22 SERIES also solves a common problem with the typical in-gym cardio experience: most users don’t know what to do when they hop on a machine, so they choose the ‘Quickstart’ option by default. This can lead to repetitive – even boring – workouts, lackluster results and, ultimately, poor engagement. 

iFIT’s workout content isn’t only fun, it gives users access to expert coaches and expertly designed workout plans. 

“It’s as though you have a coach with you at all times guiding you on your fitness journey,” Guier says. “Having that integrated coach is a game-changer; they can take you to a different level.”

credit: Freemotion Fitness/iFIT

For gym operators struggling to hire enough instructors to run group fitness classes, Guier offers the option of a room filled with 22 SERIES equipment where members can work out virtually with expert guidance from iFIT instructors. 

“When I talk to operators, the biggest thing that they’ve had a hard time getting back post-COVID has been instructors, be it an indoor cycling instructor or a trainer on the floor,” he says. “We provide you with the content that bridges the gap.”

Guier sums up the 22 SERIES experience like this:

“People are looking for variety in life, and they’re looking to be coached,” he says. “The Freemotion 22 SERIES cardio line with iFIT content provides you with both of those.”

The Omnichannel Advantage

Gyms that install 22 SERIES equipment don’t just supply their members with a great experience in-facility, they meet their members where they are, including at home and while traveling. Members can take workout content with them on the go using the iFIT app or at home using equipment from NordicTrack or ProForm, other iFIT brands. 

iFIT recently struck a partnership to supply members of Fit Athletic Club in San Diego with complimentary access to iFIT content as part of their gym membership. iFIT has similar partnerships with other fitness brands, including a white-label content agreement with Planet Fitness. 

Delivering an omnichannel experience is increasingly important in today’s era of at-home fitness. Gyms shouldn’t be worried that their members are working out at home; they should embrace it, Guier advises. 

“You shouldn’t see it as a competitive product; it’s a complementary product to what they’re using in the gym,” the Freemotion executive says of virtual fitness. “I have everything I need in my home to work out, but I still want to go to the gym. I want that gym atmosphere, and that energy you find when you walk into a facility.” 

The post With Freemotion’s 22 Series, Cardio Is a Member Engagement Tool appeared first on Athletech News.

Marcus Waugh Wins 2024 World’s Strongest Firefighter

Marcus Waugh of the Toledo, OH, Fire and Rescue is the 2024 World’s Strongest Firefighter (WSF). Waugh was one of 120 athletes who competed in the annual contest at the 2024 Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, OH, and among the 18 finalists in the last four events on Saturday, March 2, 2024.

2023 champion Andrew Burton did not attempt a title defense as he competed in the 2024 Arnold Strongman Amateur contest. Burton finished second overall in his competition and is eligible to compete in the pro strongman ranks, making him the first “graduate” of the WSF.

[Related: 2024 Arnold Strongman & Strongwoman Classic Results & Leaderboard]

Waugh dedicated his victory to his children after withdrawing from the 2023 contest due to an Achilles injury suffered during the competition. This was Waugh’s redemption:

I worked so hard for this. Daddy’s finally bringing it home!

The day featured four unique events that had connections to firefighting. To determine the finalists, contenders had to advance from the qualifying events on Friday, March 1.

The 2024 WSF competition included two women’s divisions. The top two from each division advanced to the finals.

The weights and scores were adjusted across weight classes so athletes could compete together to determine one winner. Michael McGowan won silver, and the highest-finishing woman, Kelly Lamb, claimed the bronze.

2024 World’s Strongest Firefighter Results

The competition was streamed live via the Arnold Sports livestream. The final rankings for all 18 contenders were:

Marcus Waugh

Michael McGowan

Kelly Lamb

Casey Shoe

Frank Boniello

Alek Escobedo

Zackary Hash

Cameron St. Amand

Megan Prato

Joseph Voiles

Brooks Larkin (tied 10th)

Michael Ebanks

Alexandra Castellanos

Guerrero Lopez

Anne Butters

Liam Shiels

Daniel Cave

James White

[Related: 2024 Arnold Classic Results — Live Updates & Winners]

Schwarzenegger Shares His Thoughts

Schwarzenegger shared an exclusive statement to BarBend about the WSF competition’s success and its significance to him five years after the inaugural contest on the Santa Monica Pier.

“We had the biggest contest we ever had. We had over 120 firefighters from seven different countries represented,” Schwarzenegger said. “These men and women are the real deal, and I’m so happy to have them be part of the Arnold Sports Festival and show the world they’re just as strong and powerful as they are brave.”

2024 World’s Strongest Firefighter Event Recaps

Below are the recaps of the contested events in Columbus:

Max Sandbag to Shoulder

The first event on the Arnold Expo stage was the Max Sandbag to Shoulder. Firefighters chose from 10 different sandbags to lift off the floor and to their shoulder with the other arm extended out to the side to be confirmed a good lift by the head judge.

Waugh won the event with a max lift of 396 pounds. Megan Prato ranked second; the highest-placing woman with a top lift of 220 pounds. Frank Boniello hit 350 pounds for the bronze spot.

Crucifix Axe Hold

The Crucifix Axe Hold was another test of shoulder strength. Athletes held axes with weight plates hanging from their handles in a lateral raise position for max time. The athletes’ backs had to maintain contact with a wall, increasing the difficulty of the challenge.

Twelve of the 18 contestants surpassed one minute, but the last firefighter standing was Lamb, who held the 15-pound axes for 84.95 seconds. Brooks Larkin placed second, holding 25-pound axes for 78.78 seconds, and bronze went to Prato, who held the same weight as Lamb for 71.69 seconds.

Ambulance Tire Deadlift for Reps

The penultimate event of the competition was the Ambulance Tire Deadlift for reps, which was inspired by the Hummer Tire Deadlift of the Arnold Strongman Classic from years past. Schwarzenegger joined the audience to watch the contest’s conclusion.

The goal was to lift their weights for max reps in 60 seconds. The announcer and pro strongman Rob Kearney kept the time while judges called the lifts. Cameron St. Amand wowed the crowd by lifting 645 pounds for an incredible 14 reps, with Schwarzenegger cheering him on. Waugh completed 12 reps, and Casey Shoe hit 11 reps of the same weight for silver and bronze, respectively.

Fire Hydrant Shoulder Press for Reps

The final event was unique. Competitors had to clean a fire hydrant to the shoulders and press it overhead for reps. The judges called a good rep on lockout.

Gloves, chalk, and bare hand holds were all allowed, and the athletes could hold the hydrant any way they could. The hydrants were chosen based on the weight class of the athletes.

Alek Escobedo won the event, lifting his 235-pound hydrant overhead for 10 reps. Waugh clinched the championship by finishing in a three-way tie for second place with McGowan and Shoe. They all completed seven reps with 235 pounds.

2025 Competition Confirmed

Event planner Dione Masters was recognized and honored during the competition with an award, a special axe, for her support of the contest and athletes. She has been involved with every event in its history. That history will continue as Schwarzenegger confirmed to BarBend that the 2025 event will also occur in Columbus, OH.

Next year will be even bigger.

Organizer Noah Justin echoed those sentiments and expressed that the WSF is more than determining a world champion and raising money, as there are benefits beyond the platform.

“The community is growing, friendships between competitors are strengthening, and we may even add a couple more divisions next year,” said Justin.

Co-founder and Operations Director John Byrne spoke about the contest’s growth and how it doubles as a charity fundraiser for firefighters and families in Columbus and California.

“Since Arnold inspired and founded this event in 2019, over $250,000 have been raised for firefighter charities. It’s such a blessing to be able to do this event.”

Featured Image: @asfworldsstrongestfirefighter on Instagram, photo by Lance Brimmage.

The post Marcus Waugh Wins 2024 World’s Strongest Firefighter appeared first on BarBend.

A New Ranking Study Unveils the Most Beautiful Women in Hollywood Right Now

According to a study by ranker.com published on March 2, 2024, here are the 15 most beautiful women in Hollywood right now.

Explore the allure and accomplishments of Hollywood’s most beautiful women, spotlighting icons like Jennifer Aniston and Gal Gadot.

On with the rankings:

15- Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston, renowned for her timeless beauty and remarkable talent, continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Her effortless charm, coupled with a career spanning decades in Hollywood, solidifies her position on this list. Aniston’s ability to blend grace with relatability makes her an enduring icon in the entertainment industry. 

Her commitment to wellness and a balanced lifestyle contributes to her radiant appearance, making her a paragon of health and beauty at any age.

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In her latest cinematic venture, “The Morning Show,” Aniston delivers a powerful performance that showcases her versatility and depth as an actress. Though not a movie, this critically acclaimed series highlights her ability to tackle complex roles, drawing viewers into the intricacies of the morning news landscape.

Her portrayal has garnered widespread acclaim, further cementing her status as a talented and influential figure in Hollywood.

14- Emma Watson

Emma Watson captures hearts not only through her captivating performances but also as a vocal advocate for gender equality and sustainable fashion. Her elegance extends beyond physical beauty, embodying grace, intelligence, and compassion. 

Watson’s commitment to social causes and her ability to inspire positive change contribute significantly to her standing as one of Hollywood’s most beautiful and influential women.

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Emma Watson’s recent role in “Little Women” as the beloved character Meg March showcases her remarkable talent and versatility. Directed by Greta Gerwig, this adaptation of the classic novel received critical acclaim for its heartfelt portrayal of the March sisters’ lives. 

Watson’s performance was particularly praised for bringing depth and nuance to her character, further proving her ability to tackle diverse roles with finesse and authenticity.

13- Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek’s inclusion in Hollywood’s most beautiful list stems from her vibrant allure and dynamic acting prowess. Renowned for her captivating performances, Hayek combines her Mexican-Lebanese heritage into a unique blend that mesmerizes audiences globally. Her career, rich with diverse roles, showcases her versatility and dedication to her craft. 

Beyond her on-screen presence, Hayek’s philanthropic efforts and advocacy for women’s rights amplify her beauty with purpose, making her stand out as a beacon of influence and empowerment.

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In “Eternals,” Hayek takes on the role of Ajak, the wise and powerful leader of the titular group. This Marvel Cinematic Universe installment allowed her to break new ground, venturing into the expansive world of superheroes. 

Her performance brought depth and humanity to the cosmic narrative, highlighting her ability to navigate complex characters with ease. This role underscores her continued relevance and adaptability in an ever-evolving industry, proving that her talent knows no bounds.

12- Blake Lively

Blake Lively’s inclusion among Hollywood’s most beautiful women is attributed not only to her striking appearance but also to her significant impact both on and off the screen. Known for her radiant beauty and dynamic acting skills, Lively has become a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. 

Beyond her film roles, she is lauded for her humanitarian efforts, including advocacy for children’s rights and active participation in charitable causes. This blend of external beauty and internal grace positions her as a powerful influence for good.

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In her most recent movie, “The Rhythm Section,” Lively delivers a riveting performance as Stephanie Patrick, a woman seeking revenge after her family is tragically killed in a plane crash. 

This role showcases Lively’s remarkable range, as she transforms from a glamorous starlet into a driven, complex character. Her dedication to the role, including undergoing intensive physical training, highlights her commitment to her craft and her versatility as an actress.

11- Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley’s inclusion in the list of Hollywood’s most beautiful women is underscored by her classical beauty and compelling performances. Knightley, with her distinctively refined features and poise, brings an ethereal quality to her roles that is both captivating and inspiring. 

Her ability to convey deep emotions and complex characters has made her a favorite among audiences and critics alike. Beyond her on-screen achievements, Knightley’s advocacy for women’s rights and her outspoken stance against photo retouching resonate with a call for authenticity in an industry often criticized for its unrealistic beauty standards.

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In her latest film, “Misbehaviour,” Knightley portrays Sally Alexander, a key figure in the women’s liberation movement that disrupted the 1970 Miss World competition in London. This role highlights her penchant for choosing projects with strong, independent female leads that challenge societal norms. 

“Misbehaviour” not only showcases Knightley’s talent for dramatic roles but also underscores her commitment to storytelling that reflects significant historical and social issues. Through her performance, she brings attention to the struggles and triumphs of women fighting for equality, further cementing her status as an actress of depth and substance.

10- Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence’s ascent to Hollywood’s A-list is fueled by her raw talent and authentic beauty. Renowned for her relatable persona and natural acting prowess, Lawrence has endeared herself to audiences and critics alike. Her versatility across genres—from indie films to blockbuster franchises—highlights a remarkable range that few can match. 

Lawrence’s candidness, often peppered with humor, breaks the conventional celebrity mold, making her not just a face on the screen but a beloved public figure.

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Her most recent movie, “Don’t Look Up,” sees Lawrence in a critically acclaimed satirical comedy that tackles pressing global issues through a unique lens. Portraying an astronomer who discovers an Earth-destroying comet, her performance balances the film’s dark humor with moments of profound seriousness. 

This role exemplifies her ability to navigate complex narratives, delivering performances that are both engaging and thought-provoking.

9- Megan Fox

Megan Fox’s entrancing presence in Hollywood is marked by her undeniable beauty and the depth of her performances. Renowned for her roles that often blend sensuality with strength, Fox challenges conventional stereotypes, bringing complexity to her characters. Her ability to portray strong, independent women with an air of mystery and allure has captivated audiences worldwide. 

Beyond her cinematic impact, Fox’s outspoken nature and intelligence redefine the traditional notions of Hollywood beauty, making her an icon of empowerment and self-expression.

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In “Till Death,” Megan Fox delivers a gripping performance that showcases her versatility as an actress. Portraying a woman chained to her dead husband as part of a twisted revenge plot, Fox navigates a range of emotions, from terror to determination. 

This film highlights her capacity to lead in intense, dramatic roles, further proving her ability to transcend the boundaries of genre. “Till Death” underscores Fox’s growth as an actress, emphasizing her commitment to challenging and emotionally demanding roles.

8- Kate Beckinsale

Kate Beckinsale’s place among Hollywood’s most beautiful is secured by her ageless beauty and versatile acting talent. Known for her sophisticated allure and sharp wit, Beckinsale has graced the big screen in a variety of roles that showcase her range from action-packed thrillers to heartfelt dramas. 

Her intelligence and elegance shine both on and off the camera, making her a perennial favorite. Beckinsale’s dedication to her craft is matched by her advocacy for health and wellness, further enhancing her appeal as a role model for grace and resilience in the entertainment industry.

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Kate Beckinsale’s recent movie, “Jolt,” presents her in the role of Lindy, a bouncer with a rare neurological disorder that leads to rage-filled impulses. This action-comedy allows Beckinsale to display her physical prowess and comedic timing, proving yet again her ability to lead in diverse and demanding roles. 

“Jolt” adds to a compelling filmography that demonstrates Beckinsale’s commitment to challenging herself and entertaining audiences with performances that are both engaging and empowering.

7- Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman secures her place among Hollywood’s most beautiful with a rare combination of intellectual elegance and emotional depth. Esteemed for her captivating performances and profound understanding of her characters, Portman brings an authenticity to her roles that resonates deeply with audiences. 

Her grace is matched by a fierce intelligence, evidenced by her Harvard education and fluency in multiple languages. This blend of beauty, brains, and talent makes Portman a standout in an industry where she continuously breaks barriers, challenging expectations of actresses.

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In her latest cinematic appearance, “Thor: Love and Thunder,” Natalie Portman reprises her role as Jane Foster, who takes on the mantle of Mighty Thor. This film marks a significant evolution for her character, showcasing Portman’s ability to embody strength, vulnerability, and complexity. 

Her performance is a testament to her versatility, effortlessly moving between dramatic intensity and comedic timing. “Thor: Love and Thunder” not only highlights her physical transformation for the role but also underscores her commitment to portraying empowered female characters.

6- Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron’s inclusion in the list of Hollywood’s most beautiful women is a testament to her dazzling talent and timeless beauty. Known for her chameleon-like ability to transform for roles, Theron combines physical allure with profound acting skill. Her performances, often embodying strength and complexity, challenge perceptions and push boundaries. 

Off-screen, Theron’s advocacy for various causes, including her work in fighting HIV/AIDS and supporting women’s rights, reflects her depth of character and commitment to making a difference.

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In “The Old Guard,” Theron stars as Andy, a warrior leading a covert group of immortal mercenaries. This role showcases her versatility and physical prowess, as she navigates action-packed sequences with ease, bringing depth and vulnerability to a character that is both invincible and profoundly human. 

“The Old Guard” highlights Theron’s ability to lead blockbuster films while exploring themes of mortality, loneliness, and the weight of immortality, further cementing her status as one of Hollywood’s most formidable talents.

5- Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis earns her spot among Hollywood’s most beautiful for her captivating on-screen presence and off-screen relatability. Renowned for her expressive eyes and engaging performances, Kunis has a knack for bringing depth to every character she portrays. 

Her journey from comedic roles to dramatic performances demonstrates a versatile talent that resonates with audiences and critics alike. Beyond her acting prowess, Kunis’s down-to-earth persona and quick wit endear her to fans, making her one of the most beloved figures in entertainment.

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In “Luckiest Girl Alive,” Kunis takes on a more nuanced and complex role as Ani FaNelli, a woman grappling with the traumas of her past while presenting a facade of perfection. This film showcases Kunis’s ability to navigate through a range of emotions, from vulnerability to resilience, highlighting her growth as an actress. 

Her performance not only captivates viewers but also sparks important conversations about societal expectations and the impact of trauma, proving her impact extends far beyond the screen.

4- Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot’s remarkable combination of grace, strength, and beauty earns her a prestigious spot among Hollywood’s most beautiful women. Esteemed for her role as Wonder Woman, Gadot embodies empowerment, both on and off the screen, inspiring women and girls worldwide. Her striking features and statuesque presence are matched by a warmth and sincerity that resonates with fans globally. 

Gadot’s advocacy for social issues and genuine kindness further illuminate her beauty, making her a true role model in today’s entertainment industry.

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In “Red Notice,” Gadot showcases her versatility as an actress, blending action, comedy, and charm. Portraying a world-class art thief, she holds her own alongside co-stars Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds, proving her mettle as a leading lady in blockbuster films. 

Gadot’s performance in “Red Notice” highlights her ability to navigate complex characters with ease and charisma, adding another dimension to her growing repertoire. This film not only cements her status as a Hollywood A-lister but also showcases her appeal as an international star.

3- Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba secures her spot among Hollywood’s most beautiful women not just through her striking looks but also her multifaceted career as an actress, entrepreneur, and advocate for healthy living. 

Alba’s transition from on-screen roles to co-founding The Honest Company showcases her intelligence and business savvy, proving her influence extends well beyond the entertainment industry. Her commitment to creating eco-friendly and safe consumer products underscores a beauty that resonates with integrity, responsibility, and innovation.

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In “L.A.’s Finest,” Alba returns to the screen with vigor, starring as Nancy McKenna, a complex character balancing her life as a detective with her role as a stepmother. This series allows Alba to explore a wide range of emotions, blending action-packed sequences with deep personal drama. 

Her performance in “L.A.’s Finest” not only reaffirms her acting prowess but also reflects her growth as an artist, skillfully portraying the intricacies of womanhood, motherhood, and professional ambition.

2- Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson’s entrancing presence in Hollywood is marked by her timeless allure and bold talent. Esteemed for her versatility, Johansson has captivated audiences with roles that span across a broad spectrum of genres, from action-packed blockbusters to nuanced, emotional dramas. 

Her striking features and charismatic performances have made her a perennial figure in discussions of beauty and talent in the entertainment industry. Johansson’s advocacy for women’s rights and creative choices reflect a profound commitment to her principles, further elevating her status as an icon of empowerment and resilience.

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In “Black Widow,” Johansson reprises her role as Natasha Romanoff, providing audiences with a deeper look into the complex backstory of one of Marvel’s most beloved characters. This film marks a significant moment in her career, not only showcasing her physical agility and emotional depth but also serving as a testament to her influence in shaping a character that has become integral to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Johansson’s performance in “Black Widow” is a powerful reminder of her ability to command the screen and engage viewers with compelling storytelling.

1- Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie’s inclusion in Hollywood’s list of most beautiful women is attributed not only to her striking beauty but also her exceptional talent and versatility as an actress. Robbie’s ability to seamlessly transition between roles, from the enchanting yet troubled Harley Quinn to the complex figure of Tonya Harding, showcases a depth and range that few possess. Her captivating performances, characterized by intensity and authenticity, have earned her critical acclaim and a devoted following. 

Beyond her cinematic achievements, Robbie’s off-screen persona exudes a down-to-earth charm and sophistication, making her a true embodiment of modern beauty.

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In her most recent project, “Barbie,” Margot Robbie takes on the iconic role, bringing to life the beloved doll in a feature film that explores themes of identity, freedom, and imagination. This role presents Robbie with a unique opportunity to blend nostalgia with a contemporary narrative, challenging expectations and inviting audiences to see Barbie in a new light. 

Robbie’s portrayal is anticipated to offer a fresh and empowering perspective on the character, further solidifying her status as a versatile and dynamic force in Hollywood.

How to Watch the CrossFit Open 24.2 Workout Announcement Live

Week two of the 2024 CrossFit Open kicks off with the live announcement of workout 24.2 on Thursday, March 7, on the official CrossFit YouTube channel. And we’ve got all the details you need to know heading into the event.

[Related: 2024 CrossFit Open Workout 24.1 Released — Get Tips and Strategies From Top Coaches]

What You Need To Know

The second live Open announcement represents the middle of the 2024 CrossFit Open, the world’s largest participatory sporting event. The live announcements began during the 2013 season and grew in size and popularity through 2018. CrossFit elected not to host live Open announcements during the 2019 and 2020 seasons but returned to host them in 2021. Here’s what we know about 24.2:

24.2 will be presented by GOWOD, the Official Mobility Partner of CrossFit, and takes place in Boise, ID, at CrossFit Shred Shed, a.k.a. Justin Medeiros’ garage gym. (For you CrossFit history buffs, this is not the first Open announcement to take place in a garage. Get that story here.)

Medeiros, the two-time Fittest Man on Earth, will take on fan-favorite Games veteran Colten Mertens.

The 24.3 announcement takes place at PRVN HQ in Nashville, TN, on March 14 and will feature a head-to-head battle between Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr and Arielle Loewen. 

How to Watch the Live Announcement of Open Workout 24.2

Tune in to the CrossFit Games website or CrossFit YouTube channel for the live 24.2 announcement on Thursday, March 7, at 12 p.m. PT. 

2024 CrossFit Open Schedule

For those of you participating, here’s a reminder of the important dates for this year’s CrossFit Open:

Workout 24.1 — Announced: February 29 | Submissions Due: March 4

Workout 24.2 — Announced: March 7 | Submissions Due: March 11

Workout 24.3 — Announced: March 14 | Submissions Due: March 18

As always, the Morning Chalk Up will provide workout strategy guides and full leaderboard coverage and analysis.

More 2024 CrossFit Open Content

Learn more about the 2024 CrossFit Open with these stories from the Morning Chalk Up:

CrossFit Open Workout 24.1 Livestream Numbers Surpass 2023 Figures

CrossFit VP Jay DeCoons Takes on His First CrossFit Open

Breaking Down the Most Common CrossFit Open Movement Combinations

Featured Image: CrossFit Games / YouTube

The post How to Watch the CrossFit Open 24.2 Workout Announcement Live appeared first on BarBend.