
The 4 Best Kettlebell Circuits to Build Muscle Without a Full Gym

Kettlebell athletes come to the workout floor with any number of goals. You might want to become stronger or more mobile. You may want to enjoy moving more (and kettlebells certainly are a fun way to move). And — yes — you might also want to Hulk out of your shirt. Can you get jacked with kettlebells? Absolutely.

Credit: Pressmaster / Shutterstock

The beauty of kettlebell training is that you can customize it to suit your interests and goals. That includes programming that can help you look as strong as you feel. And there are few better ways to spur hypertrophy with kettlebells than taking it to the limit with circuits. Here, you’ll level up with the best kettlebell circuits to build muscle.

Best Kettlebell Circuits for Building Muscle

Best Kettlebell Circuit for Building Upper Body Muscles

Best Kettlebell Circuit for Building Lower Body Muscles

Best Kettlebell Circuit for Core Muscles

Best Beginner Kettlebell Circuit for Building Muscle

Best Kettlebell Circuit for Building Upper Body Muscles

Kettlebells and EMOM (every minute, on the minute) workouts are excellent matches. And with upper body moves, you’ll need this style of training to help build some rest into the mix.

Don’t be fooled by the seemingly low volume here. You’re stringing together six upper-body exercises and packing in a lot of punches within just 12 minutes. Don’t be surprised if you approach failure sooner than you expected. But that’s okay — training to failure is helpful for muscle growth, so it’s your friend here.

The Workout

Kettlebell circuits are effective and efficient, making them particularly useful when you’re short on time. 

Use light to moderate weights here. Yes, you may be able to do more reps with heavier weight, but these are all upper body-focused moves strung together. This means that fatigue will build quickly.

[Read More: 7 Undeniable Benefits of Kettlebell Training]

Lighter kettlebells are often underestimated but as you proceed through this workout, you will quickly feel the challenge. Set a timer and start your reps at the top of each minute.

12 Min EMOM 

Minute One:

5 Kettlebell Push-Ups

5 Gorilla Rows

Minute Two:

4 Double Kettlebell Cleans

4 Double Kettlebell Push Presses

Minute Three:

5 Kettlebell Curls

5 Kettlebell Triceps Extensions

Repeat each complex on the minute for 4 sets.

Coach’s Tip: The suggested rep ranges should leave you more than a few seconds to rest each minute. If not, reduce the reps or reduce the weight to ensure you can recover between complexes. On the other hand, if you find yourself moving very quickly, you can add a rep or two for an even bigger challenge.

Movement Modifications

For the kettlebell push-ups, balancing on the kettlebell handles may not be accessible depending on the style and size of your kettlebells. You may also not have the wrist stability required for this.

Alternatively, you can select a push-up variation below:

Offset Kettlebell Push-Up

Push-Up (no kettlebells)

If gorilla rows require too intense of a range of motion, try:

Kettlebell Bent-Over Row

Single-Arm Bent-Over Row (just keep reps even on both sides)

This workout uses double kettlebell complexes — a kettlebell in each hand. If that doesn’t work for you, substitute the double-bell moves for single-bell complexes. Do this by performing two sets on the left and two sets on the right. 

So, instead of double kettlebell cleans and double kettlebell push presses, you can do:

Single Kettlebell Clean

Single Kettlebell Push Press 

Best Kettlebell Circuits for Building Lower Body Muscles

If you want to build muscle, failure is an excellent option. Pushing yourself toward failure is a great way to spur muscle growth, and kettlebells are a great tool to do it with. You won’t have to bail out like you do with a barbell, and you won’t need a squat rack with safety spotter arms.

[Read More: 10 Kettlebell Exercises Every Athlete Should Master]

This workout is intense. You’ll be performing three circuits for the price of one, each of which is challenging on its own. So, you might only want to perform this massive circuit once or twice per week. Make sure you don’t skip your warm-up — your hamstrings, glutes, quads, and calves will all thank you.

The Workout

This lower-body kettlebell circuit workout targets and builds muscle in your lower body. And if you’re worried that kettlebells won’t hit your calf muscles, we got you. Your calves will not be neglected. 

With this huge circuit, you’ll tackle a combination of compound and isolation exercises to ensure comprehensive development. You’ll first perform a circuit with one kettlebell; then a circuit with two kettlebells, and finally, tackle a finisher flow with one bell. 

Move from one circuit to the next with as little rest as possible.

Single Kettlebell Circuit:

Heel-Elevated Goblet Squat: 10 

Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift: 6 per leg

Lateral Goblet Lunge: 6 per leg

Repeat circuit for four total rounds (two left side, two right side for the Romanian deadlift and lateral goblet lunge).

Double Kettlebell Circuit:

Double Kettlebell Deadlift: 8 

Front-Rack Bulgarian Split Squat: 5 per side

Standing Calf Raise: 15

Repeat circuit for four total rounds (two left side, two right side for the Bulgarian split squat).

Finisher Flow: 

Kettlebell Swing: 20 

Front-Rack Walking Lunge: 10 reps per side

Repeat circuit for two to four total rounds.

Movement Modifications

Remember that workouts done primarily with barbells don’t require you to use a barbell the whole time. Similarly, you can always put down the kettlebells and crank it out with just your body weight.

Some of these movements require a great deal of mobility and balance — for example, the single-leg Romanian deadlift, lateral goblet lunge, the Bulgarian split squat, and the front-rack walking lunge. Whether you get too fatigued to continue with weight during the circuits or you want to start this way, you can perform these movements with just your body weight.

[Read More: The Best Kettlebell Strength Workout for Heavier, More Powerful Lifts]

Similarly, if the front-rack position is uncomfortable for any move calling for it, you can always opt to use the suitcase carry position instead. 

Focus on the quality of your form, move with intent, and decide when to apply full-body tension when finishing a lift to amplify the intensity. 

Best Kettlebell Circuits for Building Core Muscles

Even if you’re focusing on your upper or lower body, rest assured — your core will pretty much always be challenged with kettlebells. The instability of the kettlebell demands that you recruit your stabilizer muscles and core in just about every kettlebell exercise

Credit: Alones / Shutterstock

[Read More: 5 Kettlebell Circuits That Will Maximize Your Endurance]

Add this core kettlebell circuit to your routine two or three times a week. Just make sure you don’t program this right before a very heavy loading day — you might find your trunk too sore to adequately support your one-rep max squat attempt.

The Workout

Here, we are adding rotational and anti-rotational movements to strengthen your overall core. Yes, your abs will be getting a lot of challenges from front-racked exercises, kettlebell swings, and unilateral kettlebell exercises. But this circuit will hone in on your core specifically for an intensive kettlebell ab workout.

This circuit is broken into two blocks — a simple circuit and a flow.

Kettlebell Core Circuit:

Plank Pull-Through: 20 reps alternating sides

Kettlebell Russian Twist: 20 reps alternating sides

Kettlebell Front-Rack March: 20 reps alternating sides

Repeat circuit for two or three total rounds.

Core Finisher Flow:

One-Arm Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Snatch

Kettlebell Windmill

Perform one rep of each exercise on the left side.

Perform one rep of each exercise on the right side. That’s one round.

Repeat circuit for five total rounds.

Movement Modifications

Here are some of those plank pull-through alternatives. Remember, not all movements have to be completed with a kettlebell.

Kettlebell Renegade Row


Incline Plank (with your hands on a weight bench or plyo box)

Side Plank

Side Plank with Rotation

Side Plank with Hip Dip

Similarly, you can perform Russian twists without a kettlebell and just use your body weight

The one-arm swing is a powerful anti-rotational movement. But if you are still working on the technique, use heavy (two-handed) kettlebell swings instead. At the top of your swing, brace your core with a powerful exhale through pursed lips. This will help elevate your core connection in the swing.

[Read More: What Are the Different Types of Kettlebells?]

You can swap out the kettlebell snatch for a kettlebell clean & press if you haven’t yet mastered the snatch technique.

If preferable, try performing your windmill from a seated position.

Best Beginner Kettlebell Circuits for Building Muscle

When you’re just starting out, you likely move more efficiently, build muscles, and enjoy the process without having to think too much to get it done. Kettlebell circuits are a great way to plan a full-body workout that is beginner-friendly and easy to scale as you get stronger.

Credit: Sarayut Sridee / Shutterstock

This beginner kettlebell circuit is designed for newbies to kettlebell training who want to build muscle while improving overall strength and endurance. Perform each exercise with proper form and control, and focus on feeling confident with each movement before increasing the intensity.

The Workout

Start a beginner exercise circuit by choosing a weight that challenges you but allows for proper form. Focus on controlled movements and engage your core throughout the circuit.

If any exercise feels uncomfortable, you can choose a lighter weight. 

Perform each exercise consecutively with minimal rest between exercises. 

Goblet Squat: 10-12 

Kettlebell Deadlift: 10-12 

Alternating Kettlebell Row: 10-12 reps per arm

Alternating Suitcase Carry Reverse Lunge: 10-12 reps per leg

Kettlebell Swing: 20 

Repeat circuit for three to four total rounds.

Movement Modifications

Props are a great way to support your kettlebell journey. Use wedges or weight plates to elevate your heels during squats to improve your technique for safer lifts.

As you learn to perform a kettlebell deadlift, elevate the kettlebell off the floor with a yoga block or weight plate to help find your ideal hinge position and get a lot of training in while you’re still learning.

Credit: Microgen / Shutterstock

[Read More: 9 Kettlebell Benchmarks To Strive For]

Try a staggered stance for rows or modify by using a bench to brace your free hand while you row.

Lunges can be performed with a chair for support. Lightly rest your free hand on the back of the chair while the kettlebell will be in the other hand. Start your reverse lunges with the leg closest to the chair for the most support. 

What Are Kettlebell Circuits?

Circuit training is when you perform several exercises in a row with minimal rest in between. Kettlebell circuits allow you to perform multiple consecutive exercises without having to stop and change weights or reposition too much. 

Simple Circuits

With a simple kettlebell circuit, you will perform multiple reps of one exercise before moving on to the next exercise. You can rest between exercises if you need to, but the goal with a circuit is to rest as little as possible. Complete all the reps in one set of a single exercise before you move on to the next exercise.


When kettlebell exercises are strung together with multiple reps of one exercise followed by multiple reps of another exercise, without any rest, this is called a kettlebell complex. There may be a brief transitional movement, like a kettlebell clean, or quick setdown between exercises, but there is no rest until you have completed all the reps of every exercise


A kettlebell flow is also referred to as a chain. Think of each exercise as a single loop in the chain. The flow represents a multi-repetition sequence where each exercise is completed one rep at a time with no rest between reps until you’ve completed the entire chain.

Benefits of Kettlebell Circuits for Hypertrophy

Hypertrophy, or muscle building, is about creating an environment that stimulates muscle growth through volume, intensity, and variation. Kettlebell circuit training is a perfect way to generate that environment in your training. Here’s why.

Increased Metabolic Stress

The nature of kettlebell circuits, with their emphasis on continuous movement and varied exercises, creates metabolic stress on the muscles. This type of stress signals the muscles to adapt and grow, leading to hypertrophy. 

Effective Full-Body Workouts

Kettlebell exercises are often compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups at the same time. When you focus on compound exercises, such as kettlebell swings, goblet squats, and lunges, you recruit large muscle groups and require coordination of various muscle fibers.

Time-Efficient Workouts

Complexes and flows are kettlebell circuits that involve performing a series of exercises consecutively with little to no rest between sets. This is a high-intensity method, but also a time-efficient format that can help you achieve a significant training volume in a shorter amount of time. 

[Read More: Can You Train With Kettlebells Every Day?]

The continuous nature of the circuit keeps the muscles under tension, promoting muscle fatigue and metabolic stress — two factors associated with hypertrophy.

Warm-Up for Kettlebell Circuits

Kettlebell circuits are dynamic, full-body workouts. Getting a full-body warm-up and adequate recovery is essential to the effectiveness of your workouts. Your warm-up increases your heart rate, promoting circulation and warming your muscles to be ready for the demands of your workout. 

Including dynamic stretches that articulate all your joints will allow you to mobilize your body for a more comprehensive workout. Your hips are used considerably in kettlebell ballistic exercises like swings to generate power. This makes it important to feature hip mobility in your warm-up routine.

Choose warm-up exercises that reflect the movements that will be included in your workout. Use your body weight or light weights and short sets to warm up.

Light Jog or March in Place: 2-3 minutes

Leopard Crawl: 1-2 minutes

Quadruped and Adductor Rocking: 20 seconds

Cat-Cow: 5 deep breaths

Plank to Downward Dog: 5 deep breaths

Glute Bridge: 10 reps

World’s Greatest Stretch: 6 per side

Kneeling to Standing: 8 per side

Kettlebell Around-the-Body Wrap: 8 per side

If your warm-up is longer than the workout or tiring you out before you’ve even started the workout, it’s gone too far. Scale back as needed to make sure you’re giving your body what it needs. You want to feel ready and energized but you shouldn’t feel like you’ve already completed a workout.

How to Program Kettlebell Circuits for Building Muscle

Here are the programming considerations that can help you determine how to fit these muscle-building kettlebell circuits into your routine:

When these circuits are your primary form of training: You can simply perform each of the four workouts once a week to start. If there’s an area of your body that you want to emphasize and your body has the capacity, consider repeating that workout an extra time, bringing your training frequency up to five workouts per week. Still, make sure you’re getting enough rest for maximal muscle growth. 

If you’re using these kettlebell hypertrophy sessions to supplement another program: Consider adding them onto the appropriate training day as a finisher. So, your lower body circuit can serve as a finisher to leg day. Just make sure you can handle all that volume, and reduce the kettlebell load accordingly. 

Thoroughly warm up before each kettlebell session: To get the most muscle growth requires stimulating as many muscle fibers as possible. Your warm-up acts as an on-ramp or bridge to those fibers. The more thoroughly you warm up, the more muscle fibers you can recruit. This isn’t about adding intensity, it’s about representing the movement patterns and planes of movement that you will use within your workout.

If you’re performing these circuits as a finisher to other workouts, still take a few minutes to prepare the specific joints and movement patterns. Just like you do ramp-up sets for heavy lifts, you still want to prep your body for these circuits.

Emphasize recovery: Full recovery gives your muscles the nourishment they need to grow. Nourishment includes food and water with adequate vitamins and minerals to support muscle growth. It also means you are getting enough rest and sleep. 

Focus on proper form: Building muscle means engaging as much muscle as possible in your workout. If the warm-up is the bridge, your technique drives the car. Proper form means actively engaging the targeted muscles of the selected exercise. It won’t help if you’re performing lower body exercises, like lunges, but you only feel them in your arms through your front-rack position

Build Those Muscles

Don’t rush the process by trying to push every day or double up these kettlebell circuits to build muscle. Especially when you’re first starting, give yourself a day or two of rest between workouts for the most benefits. 

These circuits are designed to be adaptable based on your fitness level. Adjust the weight and repetitions as needed along the journey, and always listen to your body. And don’t forget to enjoy the process — having fun means you’ll stick with it. And when you make movement a habit, the gains are likely to follow.


We’ve scoured the web for the questions you’re asking most. Here we go:

What is a kettlebell circuit?

A kettlebell circuit is when you perform a series of exercises back-to-back with little to no rest in between. For example, you might do 10 kettlebell goblet squats, then immediately (or with minimal rest) transition into 10 kettlebell push presses, followed by 10 double kettlebell swings. 

How do you build muscle with kettlebells? 

You build muscle with kettlebells the same way you build muscle with any other tools: you put your muscles under mechanical tension and gradually increase the intensity of your lifts over time. Train with good form and approach failure — AKA, work really hard during each and every set. Make sure you’re eating and sleeping enough to help your body grow that muscle in response to your training.

How long do you do kettlebell circuits?

Kettlebell circuits don’t have to be long — they can be as short as a minute or two if you’re doing a flow and extend all the way up to 20 minutes or more. It all depends on your work capacity and how long you’re able to sustain your training safely and with good form. 

Featured Image: Pressmaster / Shutterstock

The post The 4 Best Kettlebell Circuits to Build Muscle Without a Full Gym appeared first on BarBend.

How Breon Ansley Uses Unilateral Training to Balance His Legs

Bodybuilding is all about aesthetics — muscle size, shape, and conditioning; professional bodybuilders are judged on balance, proportions, and symmetry. Neglecting muscle and strength imbalances can be detrimental to a professional bodybuilder’s winning chances in competition. 

Perceptual and Motor Skills confirmed that bilateral asymmetry is normal in the human body, attributable to genetic and environmental (evolutionary) factors. The paper added that “the dominant side of the body is stronger than the other side due to additional stress and strain, and thus has augmented musculature and increased mass.” (1)

On Jan. 7, 2024, two-time Classic Physique Olympia champion Breon Ansley took to his YouTube channel to share his secrets for fixing lower body muscle imbalances via unilateral training. Check it out below:

Ansley revealed that his left leg is bigger than the right due to an ACL injury sustained in 1996 while playing basketball.

Tyler Manion, Vice President of the IFBB Pro League, pointed out Ansley’s imbalance during a 2023 Classic Physique Olympia placing breakdown video. Ansley is determined to address the feedback by bringing a better package to the 2024 Arnold Classic (AC), scheduled for March 1-3, 2024, in Columbus, OH.

In the lead-up to the 2024 AC, Ansley is employing two training strategies that involve performing higher repetitions on his weaker side to remedy his strength and muscle imbalance.

1. Conventional Sets Followed by Unilateral Reps on the Weaker Side

Ansley initially completed the recommended reps on the leg extension with both legs. Afterward, he performed extra reps with only his right leg. He used a slow rep cadence to increase the leg’s time under tension to maximize quad stimulation. 

A clinical trial published in The Journal of Physiology found that the leg extension exercise at 30 percent of the best effort with a slow lifting movement (six seconds up, six seconds down) performed to fatigue produces greater increases in rates of muscle protein synthesis than the same movement performed rapidly. (2) So slow and steady is the way to go for hypertrophy goals.

2. Unilateral Sets With More Reps on the Underdeveloped Side

Ansley performed single-leg hip presses to work each leg unilaterally through their full ranges of motion. Ansley’s thighs touched his chest at the bottom of each rep, where he paused in the fully shortened position for a deep quad stretch

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A meta-analysis published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports found that “full range of motion resistance training is more effective than partial ROM to maximize muscle strength and lower-limb muscle hypertrophy.” (3)

Ansley will next compete at the 2024 Arnold Classic, aiming for his second career AC Classic Physique title. He previously won the title in 2018. The reigning champion Ramon Rocha Queiroz, former champion Terrence Ruffin, and German bodybuilder Urs Kalecinski will contend against Ansley in Ohio. 


Krishan K, Kanchan T. Forensic and Anthropological Application of Body Asymmetry: A Comment on Gutnik et al. (2015). Percept Mot Skills. 2016 Apr;122(2):578-82. doi: 10.1177/0031512516640667. PMID: 27166335.

Burd NA, Andrews RJ, West DW, Little JP, Cochran AJ, Hector AJ, Cashaback JG, Gibala MJ, Potvin JR, Baker SK, Phillips SM. Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men. J Physiol. 2012 Jan 15;590(2):351-62. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2011.221200. Epub 2011 Nov 21. PMID: 22106173; PMCID: PMC3285070.

Pallarés JG, Hernández-Belmonte A, Martínez-Cava A, Vetrovsky T, Steffl M, Courel-Ibáñez J. Effects of range of motion on resistance training adaptations: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2021 Oct;31(10):1866-1881. doi: 10.1111/sms.14006. Epub 2021 Jul 5. PMID: 34170576.

Featured image: @breonma_ on Instagram

The post How Breon Ansley Uses Unilateral Training to Balance His Legs appeared first on BarBend.

From Weak Grip to Iron Claws – The Best 13 Forearm Exercises For Stronger, Better-Looking Arms

This article details practical, effective exercises like Wrist Curls and Hammer Curls, offering a straightforward approach to building robust forearm muscles.

Also, Dive into the functional anatomy of your forearms and uncover the critical role of flexors and extensors in everyday tasks.

Ready to elevate your forearm game? The key techniques and insights await inside.

Understanding Forearm Anatomy and Functionality

When I examine the anatomy of the forearm, I focus on the myriad of muscles that govern its complex movements. The forearms play a crucial role in daily activities, managing tasks that require a grip, rotation, and fine manipulation.

Forearm Muscles

The muscles in the forearm can be categorized into two groups: the flexors and extensors. The flexors are primarily responsible for curling the fingers and bending the wrist toward the palm. In contrast, the extensors aid in spreading the fingers and bending the wrist back away from the palm.


Flexor Carpi Radialis: Helps in wrist flexion and abduction.

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris: Assists with wrist flexion and adduction.

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis: Crucial for finger flexion.


Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus: Facilitates wrist extension and abduction.

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis: Also involved in wrist extension and abduction, but provides more power.

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris: Aids in wrist extension and adduction.

One of the key forearm muscles is the brachioradialis, which is unique because it assists with both flexion and supination of the forearm. It’s a muscle that often becomes prominent when the forearm is in a midway position between pronation and supination.


My understanding of these muscles’ contribution to forearm functionality involves grasping how they work in tandem for complex movements. The synchronization of these muscles provides the fine motor skills necessary for tasks such as writing, typing, and playing musical instruments. The forearm muscles also contribute importantly to the strength and stability required for lifting objects and performing physical exercises.

To maintain a healthy range of motion and strength in the forearms, it’s essential to involve both the forearm flexors and extensors in exercise routines, ensuring that both muscle groups stay balanced.

Essentials of Forearm Training

When it comes to forearm training, I focus on a combination of strength training and conditioning to effectively build muscle mass and increase forearm size. My workout routine includes a variety of exercises that target not just the forearms but also the contributing muscles that support grip and arm movements.

Key Exercises:

Wrist Curls: I use a barbell or dumbbells for this classic exercise, ensuring full range of motion for optimum muscle growth.

Reverse Wrist Curls: Complementing wrist curls, this targets the extensors on the outside of the forearms.

Hammer Curls: Essential for building forearm strength, hammer curls target the brachioradialis, a major muscle of the forearm.

Weekly Routine:

Mondays & Thursdays: I incorporate forearm exercises into my strength training regimen.

Tuesdays & Fridays: I dedicate these days to forearm-focused workouts to ensure proper recovery and muscle growth.

Training Tips:

Consistency: My progress relies on maintaining a regular schedule.

Progressive Overload: I gradually increase the weight or reps to challenge my forearms and promote muscle growth.

Variety: Rotating exercises prevents plateaus and keeps the workouts engaging.

By mixing these exercises into my routine, I’ve noticed considerable improvements in both forearm size and grip strength. It’s essential not to rush these movements; controlled execution maximizes muscle tension and the efficacy of each workout. Balancing my approach with adequate rest and nutrition, my forearms have become stronger and more defined, reflecting the hard work put into my training.

Grip Strength Development Techniques

Developing a robust grip is essential for enhanced forearm strength and overall upper body conditioning. Each exercise technique I discuss targets specific muscles in the forearms to improve your grip strength.

Farmer’s Walk and Other Carries

Farmer’s Walk

The farmer’s walk is a powerful exercise to intensify grip endurance and arm strength. I recommend picking up heavy dumbbells or kettlebells, one in each hand, and walking for a designated distance or time. Ensure your back is straight and shoulders are packed to avoid strain.

Other Carries

Suitcase carries and overhead carries are alternate variations to target different grip angles and forearm muscles. A suitcase carry involves carrying a weight on one side at a time, simulating carrying a suitcase, while an overhead carry challenges your stability and grip by holding the weight above your head.

Crab Walk

The crab walk engages your grip by necessitating the constant pressure of your hands against the floor to uphold your body weight. It’s beneficial as it also triggers your triceps and shoulder muscles. To perform the crab walk, sit on the floor, lift your hips off the ground, and walk forward and backward using your hands and feet.

Towel and Plate Exercises

Towel Exercises – Gripping a towel adds an unstable element that enhances grip training. Wrap a towel around pull-up bars or weight handles to create a thicker and more challenging grip surface.

Plate Pinches – Plate pinches strengthen your pinch grip, vital for tasks involving the thumb and fingers. Pinch two weight plates together and lift them, holding for time or until grip fatigue. Start with lighter plates and progressively increase the weight.

Wrist Rollers and Grip Crushers

Wrist Roller – A wrist roller is undoubtedly one of the best tools to develop forearm muscle and grip strength. It involves rolling a weighted cord attached to a bar, alternating between wrist flexion and extension.

Grip Crushers – Grip crushers and forearm squeezes specifically target the crushing grip. They come in various resistance levels and are used by squeezing the handles together repeatedly. These are great for training grip strength and can be used nearly anywhere, from sitting at a desk to walking.

Targeted Forearm Isolation Exercises

In my training experience, I’ve found that isolation exercises specifically engage and strengthen the forearm muscles, promoting muscle growth and enhancing grip strength. Effective workouts for this area focus on movements that target the flexors, extensors, pronators, and supinators.

Wrist Curls and Extensions

Wrist curls and extensions are fundamental exercises that target the forearm flexors and extensors respectively. Here’s how I typically incorporate them into my routine:

Dumbbell Wrist Flexion: I sit with my forearms on my knees or a bench, palms facing up, and a dumbbell in each hand. Then, I curl the weights towards my wrist while keeping my arms stationary. This movement focuses on wrist flexion.

Dumbbell Wrist Extension: In a mirrored position with palms facing down, I lift each dumbbell by extending my wrists. This exercise strengthens the opposing muscles responsible for wrist extension.

I emphasize controlled movements to maximize tension on the forearm muscles and prevent momentum from diminishing the exercise’s impact.

Reverse Curls and Hammer Curls

Reverse and hammer curls target the brachioradialis, a major muscle that crosses the elbow and wrist.

Dumbbell Reverse Curl: With my palms facing down, I grip dumbbells and flex my arms at the elbow. The key here is to keep my wrists straight, engaging the forearm extensor muscles throughout the movement.

Hammer Curl: This exercise combines elements of pronation and supination. Holding the dumbbells with a neutral grip, thumbs facing up, I curl them towards my shoulders. It’s crucial to keep my wrists in line with my forearms to properly engage both the brachioradialis and the deeper forearm muscles.

Across these exercises, I focus on slow, deliberate movements, fully controlling the weight during both the concentric and eccentric phases to effectively isolate and train the forearm muscles.

Compound Movements for Forearm Involvement

In my experience, integrating compound movements into an upper body workout not only enhances overall strength but specifically targets forearm development. Utilizing variations such as towel movements alongside traditional deadlifts and rows effectively engages the forearms in a unique way.

Why Include Towel Movements?

Incorporating towel movements into your regimen significantly increases grip strength. This is because holding onto a towel requires more effort from the forearm muscles compared to a standard pullup bar, providing a rigorous challenge for the grip.

Towel Pull-ups

Towel pull-ups are an excellent variation to traditional pull-ups for strengthening forearms. Loop a towel over a pull-up bar and grab the ends with both hands. Perform dead hangs to build up your tolerance, then progress to full pull-ups to enhance forearm involvement and improve overall upper body strength.

Towel Inverted Rows

Towel inverted rows target the back and forearms concurrently. Secure a towel around a bar, lie underneath it, and pull your body upwards. The instability of the towel boosts forearm engagement as you struggle to maintain a firm grip, amplifying the exercise’s intensity.

Deadlifts and Rows

Deadlifts and rows are foundational back workouts that inherently work the forearms. While performing these exercises, maintaining a strong grip throughout the movement is crucial. This constant tension drives growth and strength in the forearms, particularly during heavy lifts where my grip is challenged to its limits.

Incorporating Forearm Work in Upper Body Training

When I integrate forearm exercises into my upper body regimen, I focus on complementing the major muscle groups to enhance my overall arm workouts and upper body strength.

Integrating with Arm and Shoulder Exercises

For a comprehensive arm and shoulder workout, I like to include movements that target my biceps, triceps, and forearms together. One of my go-to combinations is performing a superset that pairs bicep curls with forearm wrist curls. After completing a set of bicep curls, I immediately transition to wrist curls without resting, ensuring my forearms get worked directly after the biceps. For shoulders, I make sure to incorporate an overhead press into my routine. While it primarily targets the deltoids, my forearms are also engaged to stabilize the weight overhead, particularly when I use free weights.

Upper Back and Lat Workouts

My upper back and lat workouts benefit from exercises that also engage the forearms. Pull-ups and rows are staples in my routine for giving attention to my lats and upper back. During these exercises, I maintain a firm grip and often vary the grip width and style—such as using a towel wrap around the bar for pull-ups—to further challenge my forearm strength. In addition, while doing a typical back exercise like the bent-over row, I switch to a reverse grip on occasion to emphasize forearm engagement.

Preventing Injuries and Promoting Forearm Health

When I focus on maintaining forearm health and preventing injuries, I begin with a mix of exercises targeted at increasing stability and strength. These workouts are not just for bodybuilders or athletes; they are essential for anyone looking to maintain healthy wrist joints and reduce the risk of forearm injuries.

Strengthening Exercises:

Wrist curls and reverse wrist curls are fundamental exercises that enhance my forearm muscles, supporting the wrist joint.

Wrist extensions and wrist roller exercises also contribute to building the extensor muscles.

Stability Workouts:

I often include pronation and supination movements with a dumbbell or a resistance band to improve my forearm stability.

For increased stability, I also practice isometric holds, such as the farmer’s carry, where maintaining a strong grip over time is key.

Injury Prevention Techniques:

I make sure to warm up properly with dynamic stretches before engaging in intense activities to prevent any sudden injuries.

Incorporating exercises from systematic reviews that focus on both high-intensity and low-intensity resistance training is beneficial for my forearm bone health.

Rest and Recovery:

Adequate rest between workouts allows my muscles to recover and grow stronger, reducing the risk of overuse injuries.

I’ll often use a combination of ice therapy or menthol gel post-exercise to manage any inflammation, as evidenced by studies comparing the effects of ice and menthol gel on blood flow and muscle strength of the lower arm.

By incorporating these strategies, I keep my forearms robust and resilient, prepared for the demands of daily tasks and specialized activities alike.

Advancing with Creative Forearm Challenges

When targeting the forearms, incorporating unconventional exercises can lead to breakthroughs in strength and dexterity. By adopting novel tools and movements, I am able to stimulate the muscles in dynamic ways, forge greater muscle engagement, and keep my workouts fresh and challenging.

Implementing Unconventional Tools and Movements

In my quest to enhance forearm strength, I’ve experimented with crab walks. This movement not only activates the entire upper body but particularly challenges the forearms’ stability and endurance. I focus on maintaining tension in my forearms as I move, which provides a unique challenge compared to static exercises.

One of my favorites for direct forearm engagement is the Zottman curl. The rotation of the dumbbell as I alternate between a regular curl and a reverse curl targets both the flexors and extensors of the forearm.

To build explosive power and grip strength, I integrate kettlebell swings into my routine. The dynamic nature of the kettlebell swing demands constant grip readjustment, which improves my forearm strength and resilience.

For static holds, I regularly perform pull-up bar hangs. This simple yet effective exercise taxes the grip and forearm musculature through extended holds, which I find greatly enhances my muscular endurance.

I have found that behind-the-back cable curls contribute significantly to both my forearm size and my grip prowess, as they isolate the forearm muscles without overloading the joints.

Another tool in my arsenal is the towel cable row. By wrapping a towel around the cable handle and pulling, I’m engaging my forearms in a way that traditional rows might not, specifically targeting my grip strength.

To pinpoint focus on the wrists and forearms, I rely on behind-the-back barbell wrist curls. This exercise allows me to concentrate on the forearm flexors and provides a full range of motion for optimal muscle activation.

Additionally, the functional exercise farmer’s carry amplifies my forearm capacity. The act of carrying heavy weights over a distance mimics real-world activities and fortifies my grip endurance.

Assessing Progress and Setting Achievable Goals

When I embark on a journey of forearm development, I find it crucial to keep meticulous records to track my progress. I start by setting clear, measurable goals that align with my desired aesthetics and strength. For instance, I may aim to increase my wrist curl weight by 5 pounds in a month.

Tracking Progress:

I use a straightforward method to monitor my advancements:

Week 1: Record the initial weight and reps for wrist curls, reverse curls, and hammer curls.

Week 4: Evaluate increments in weight or reps and record any changes in forearm circumference.

Setting Goals:

My goals must be specific and time-bound. Here’s how I structure them:

Short-term Goal: Increase forearm workout intensity by 10% in 2 weeks.

Long-term Goal: Achieve an increase in forearm size by 1 inch in 6 months.

I incorporate a variety of exercises that target different parts of my forearms to ensure balanced growth and symmetry. It’s crucial not to overlook the importance of rest and recovery, as this is when my muscles rebuild and strengthen.

By staying disciplined and adhering to my exercise regimen, I make steady progress towards my goals. Regular assessments help me stay motivated and make any necessary adjustments to my workout plan. Through consistent effort and strategic planning, I effectively enhance my forearm strength and aesthetics.




Discover the Time-Saving, Result-Boosting Power of Chest and Biceps Workouts – Try These 9 Routines for Better Gains

Did you know that combining chest and bicep exercises can dramatically enhance your upper body development?

This article unveils the surprising benefits of this unconventional pairing, debunking the myth that opposing muscle groups should be trained separately. Not only does this approach save time, but it also maximizes muscle growth and efficiency.

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced athlete, our tailored exercises and programming tips will elevate your fitness journey. 

Should You Train Chest and Biceps on the Same Day?

Absolutely! There’s a common misconception that you should train opposing muscle groups on different days. However, pairing chest and biceps workouts is not only possible but also beneficial. It’s a strategy embraced by many athletes to optimize their training.

Benefits of Training Chest and Biceps Together

Synergy in Muscle Building: When you train chest and biceps together, you’re tapping into a powerful synergy. The chest exercises, predominantly push movements, get an excellent complement from the bicep exercises, which are primarily pull movements. This balance fosters overall upper body development, ensuring muscle groups are worked uniformly, leading to a more harmonious physique.

Efficiency in Workouts: Combining these two muscle groups can lead to a more efficient workout. You can effectively target both areas in one session, saving time and energy. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules, striving to achieve their fitness goals amidst a hectic life.

Increased Blood Flow and Pump: Training chest and biceps together maximizes blood flow to the upper body. This enhanced circulation leads to a better ‘pump’ – that satisfying feeling of fullness and strength in the muscles during and after a workout. An increased pump not only feels great but also aids in muscle growth and repair.

Understanding the Anatomy of Chest & Bicep Muscles

Chest Muscles: At the core of upper body strength, the chest muscles, primarily the pectoralis major and minor, are pivotal. The pectoralis major, a thick, fan-shaped muscle, spans across the chest and is responsible for movements like pressing and lifting. The smaller pectoralis minor lies beneath, playing a crucial role in stabilizing the shoulder blade.

Bicep Muscles: The biceps, comprising the long and short heads, are more than just show muscles. They’re key players in arm flexion and rotation. The long head, originating from the shoulder blade, and the short head, starting from the shoulder blade’s front, converge to form a single muscle belly attached to the forearm.

Chest and Bicep Workouts by Experience Levels

For Beginners

Flat Bench Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps. A foundational exercise for building chest strength.

Incline Dumbbell Curl: 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Targets the biceps, especially the long head.

Machine Chest Press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Great for beginners to maintain form and focus on the chest.

Cable Bicep Curl: 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Provides constant tension for maximum bicep engagement.

For Intermediate Lifters

Barbell Bench Press: 4 sets of 8-10 reps. Increases chest mass and strength.

Hammer Curl: 4 sets of 8-10 reps. Works on the biceps and forearms.

Incline Bench Cable Fly: 4 sets of 8-10 reps. Targets the upper chest and stretches the pecs.

Concentration Curl: 4 sets of 8-10 reps. Isolates the biceps for peak development.

Advanced Workout

Decline Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps. Focuses on the lower part of the chest.

Preacher Curl: 4 sets of 6-8 reps. Isolates biceps and minimizes momentum.

Weighted Dip: 4 sets of 6-8 reps. Engages the lower chest and triceps.

Zottman Curl: 4 sets of 6-8 reps. Combines standard and reverse curls for comprehensive bicep and forearm development.

For Experienced Athletes

This session is designed for advanced lifters looking for a challenging workout.

Superset: Barbell Bench Press and Barbell Curl: Perform 5 sets of 5 reps on the bench press immediately followed by 5 sets of 5 reps on the barbell curl. This combination targets the chest and biceps intensely, allowing for muscle fatigue and growth.

Giant Set:

Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 8 reps, targeting the upper chest.

Standing Cable Fly: 4 sets of 8 reps, focusing on chest definition and stretch.

Decline Push-Up: 4 sets of max reps, enhancing lower chest development and endurance.

Eccentric Bicep Curls: 4 sets of 8 reps with a slow lowering phase, emphasizing bicep muscle tear and growth.

Dropset Finisher:

Machine Chest Press: Start with the heaviest weight you can manage for 8 reps, then drop the weight and continue to failure. Repeat for 3 drops.

Cable Hammer Curls: Similar to chest press, begin with the heaviest weight for 8 reps, then reduce the weight and go to failure for 3 drops.

Chest and Bicep Workouts by Type

Old School Chest and Biceps Routine

Bench Press: 4 sets of 8-10 reps.

Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Barbell Curl: 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Dumbbell Flyes: 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Concentration Curls: 3 sets of 12 reps per arm.

This routine is a nod to the classic, time-tested exercises that have been building impressive physiques for decades. It focuses on fundamental movements that promote overall chest and bicep development.

Barrel Chest and Machine Gun Workout 

Decline Bench Press: 4 sets of 8 reps.

Preacher Curl Machine: 3 sets of 10 reps.

Cable Flyes: 4 sets of 12 reps.

Hammer Curl: 3 sets of 10 reps.

Push-Ups: 3 sets to failure.

A perfect blend of targeted machine work and free weights, this routine aims to create a barrel chest and sculpted arms, enhancing muscle mass and symmetry.

Machine-Only Workout 

Machine Chest Press: 4 sets of 10 reps.

Machine Bicep Curl: 4 sets of 10 reps.

Pec Deck: 3 sets of 12 reps.

Cable Bicep Curl: 3 sets of 12 reps.

Ideal for those who prefer machine workouts for controlled movements and stability, this routine is great for beginners or those focusing on isolation and form.

Superset Workout

Bench Press Superset with Barbell Curl: 4 sets of 8 reps each.

Incline Dumbbell Press Superset with Incline Hammer Curl: 4 sets of 10 reps each.

This high-intensity superset routine is designed for conditioning and endurance. It keeps the heart rate up and maximizes muscle fatigue for effective results.

The Mutant Chest and Biceps Workout Routine

Dumbbell Pullover: 4 sets of 10 reps. A unique exercise that works both the chest and lats, contributing to a wider, mutant-like upper body.

EZ-Bar Curl with Dropset: Start with a heavy set of 8 reps, then drop the weight and continue to failure for 3 drops.

Weighted Chest Dip: 4 sets of 8-10 reps. Focuses on the lower chest and adds mass for a more mutant-like appearance.

Zottman Curl: 4 sets of 10 reps. Works the entire bicep and forearm, perfect for building mutant-sized arms.

The Mutant Chest and Biceps Workout is for those who dare to push beyond their limits. It’s not just about building muscle; it’s about transforming your physique into something extraordinary.

Programming Tips for Chest & Bicep Workouts

Change Up Your Grip

Altering your grip during exercises can significantly impact muscle engagement. For instance, a wider grip on the bench press emphasizes the outer chest, while a narrower grip focuses on the inner chest. Similarly, varying your grip on bicep curls can target different parts of the muscle.

Take Advantage of Less Fatigue

Organize your workout to capitalize on muscle endurance. Start with compound movements like bench presses that require more energy and engage multiple muscle groups. As you progress through the workout, shift to isolation exercises like bicep curls and cable flies. This strategy allows you to maximize your performance on the more demanding exercises while still effectively targeting specific muscles when they’re less fatigued.

How to Warm Up Before a Chest and Bicep Workout

Warming up is crucial for priming your muscles and preventing injury. Start with 5-10 minutes of light cardio to increase your heart rate and blood flow. Follow this with dynamic stretches focusing on the chest, biceps, and shoulders. Arm circles, shoulder shrugs, and chest openers are excellent choices. Incorporate activation exercises like push-ups or light dumbbell curls to engage the muscles you’ll be working.

How to Continue Progressing Your Chest & Bicep Workout

Increase Resistance Gradually: As your strength improves, gradually increase the weight you lift. This constant challenge promotes muscle growth and strength gains.

Vary Your Exercises: Switching up your exercises every few weeks keeps the muscles guessing and avoids plateaus. Experiment with different variations of presses and curls to target your muscles from various angles.

Focus on Form and Technique: Quality trumps quantity. Pay attention to your form to ensure you’re targeting the right muscles effectively. Sometimes, slowing down the movement can intensify the workout and lead to better results.

Incorporate Supersets and Dropsets: Supersets (performing two exercises back-to-back with no rest) and dropsets (reducing the weight and continuing the set until failure) can intensify your workouts and push your muscles harder.

Tips and Techniques to Maximize Your Workout 

Controlled Movements: Focus on controlled, deliberate movements, especially during the eccentric (lowering) phase of an exercise. This increases muscle tension and can lead to greater strength and size gains.

Mind-Muscle Connection: Actively think about the muscle you’re working on during each exercise. This mental focus can enhance muscle engagement and effectiveness of the workout.

Rest and Recovery: Muscles grow during rest periods, not just during workouts. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep and giving your muscles time to recover between workouts.

Nutrition and Hydration: Fuel your body with the right nutrients and stay hydrated. A balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, along with adequate water intake, supports muscle growth and recovery.

Consistency is Key: Regular, consistent workouts are essential for progress. Stick to your routine, and be patient; results will come with time and dedication.

Drawbacks of Chest & Bicep Workouts

You May Overtrain Your Arms

There’s a potential risk of overtraining your arms, particularly the biceps, when frequently combining them with chest workouts. It’s important to monitor your body’s response and allow sufficient rest and recovery.

May Affect Training Larger Muscle Groups

Focusing too much on chest and biceps might lead to neglecting other larger muscle groups like legs or back. Balance is key in a fitness regimen to ensure overall body development and prevent muscular imbalances.

Can Limit Your Split

Committing to a chest and bicep workout routine might limit the flexibility of your training split. If you’re training multiple days in a row, it may be challenging to fit in other muscle groups without overworking certain areas.

7 Staple Exercises For Chest & Biceps Workouts

Bench Press

Muscles Worked in the Bench Press: The bench press primarily targets the pectoralis major, with significant engagement of the triceps and anterior deltoids. It’s a foundational exercise for building upper body strength.

How to Bench Press with Proper Form:

Lie flat on the bench with your eyes under the bar.

Plant your feet firmly on the ground.

Grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width.

Unrack the bar, lowering it to the mid-chest.

Push the bar back up to the starting position, focusing on engaging your chest muscles.

Dumbbell Incline Press

Muscles Worked in Incline Dumbbell Press: Targets the upper chest (pectoralis major), while also working the shoulders and triceps. It’s excellent for achieving a balanced chest development.

How to Incline Dumbbell Press:

Set the bench to a 30-45 degree incline.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.

Press the weights up until your arms are fully extended.

Lower the dumbbells back down slowly, maintaining control.

Standing Cable Chest Fly

Muscles Worked in Standing Cable Chest Flyes: Primarily targets the pectoralis major while also engaging the shoulders and biceps. It’s great for defining and sculpting the chest muscles.

How to Do Standing Cable Chest Flyes:

Stand in the center of a cable machine with handles attached to the high pulley.

Hold the handles with your palms facing down.

With a slight bend in your elbows, bring the handles together in front of your chest.

Slowly return to the starting position, controlling the weight.


Muscles Worked in Push-Ups: Engages the chest, triceps, and shoulders. Push-ups are a versatile bodyweight exercise that strengthens and tones the upper body.

How to Do Push-Ups:

Place your hands on the ground, slightly wider than shoulder-width.

Extend your legs back, balancing on your toes.

Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ground.

Push back up to the starting position, maintaining a straight line from head to heels.

Barbell Curl

Muscles Worked in Barbell Curls: Primarily targets the biceps brachii, with engagement of the brachialis and brachioradialis. It’s a staple exercise for building bicep size and strength.

How to Do Barbell Curl:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a barbell with an underhand grip.

Keep your elbows close to your torso.

Curl the bar towards your chest, keeping your upper arms stationary.

4. Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement.

Lower the bar back down with control.

Hammer Curl

Muscles Worked in Hammer Curls: Targets the biceps brachii and brachialis, and also works the brachioradialis. This exercise is great for overall arm thickness and forearm development.

How to Do Hammer Curl:

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).

Keep your upper arms stationary as you curl the weights towards your shoulders.

Contract your biceps at the top of the movement.

Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.

Incline Dumbbell Curl

Muscles Worked in the Incline Dumbbell Curls: Primarily targets the biceps, particularly the long head. The incline position increases the range of motion, enhancing muscle activation.

How to Do Incline Dumbbell Curls:

Sit on an incline bench set at 45-60 degrees.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended.

Curl the weights towards your shoulders, keeping your elbows back.

Lower the dumbbells slowly back to the starting position.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Train Chest and Biceps Together?

Yes, you can train chest and biceps together. This combination is efficient and effective, allowing you to work on two major muscle groups in one session. It’s a popular approach in many fitness routines, especially for those looking to maximize their time in the gym.

Are Chest and Biceps a Good Combo?

Chest and biceps are indeed a good combination. This pairing allows for a balanced workout that targets both push and pull muscle groups. Training them together can lead to significant gains in upper body strength and aesthetics.

Is It Better to Train the Biceps with the Chest or Back?

Whether to train biceps with chest or back depends on your personal goals and workout routine. Pairing biceps with back is common as they are both pull muscles, but training biceps with chest is equally effective. It ultimately comes down to preference and how your body responds.

Can I Superset Chest & Bicep Workouts?

Absolutely! Supersetting chest and bicep workouts can be highly efficient and can increase the intensity of your workout. By alternating between a chest exercise and a bicep exercise with minimal rest, you can keep your heart rate up and achieve a more effective workout in less time.







Train Chest Like Bodybuilding Legends Branch Warren and Johnnie Jackson

Bodybuilding fans in 2024 watch training videos from the current crop of athletes, such as 2023 Mr. Olympia Derek Lunsford and the popular Nick Walker for training inspiration. Who doesn’t want to train, albeit scaled, like the best bodybuilders in the world?

Fans of a previous era watched training videos on DVD or on YouTube in its early days. The athletes they watched likely included eight-time Mr. Olympia competitor Branch Warren and 12-time Mr. Olympia competitor Johnnie Jackson.

The gap between the two generations narrowed recently thanks to a training video featuring Jackson and Warren featured on the GASP YouTube channel. It’s unclear when the video of their training session was filmed, but it was published on Jan. 9, 2023. Check it out below:

The black and white video began with Warren and Jackson beginning their training session at the famous Metroflex Gym in Arlington, TX. Warren, Jackson, and an unnamed training partner performed incline bench presses, working to multiple top sets of 315 pounds. Drop sets were included in the final set of every exercise.

Warren and Jackson’s second exercise was the flat dumbbell press. They started with 100-pound dumbbells and worked up to 140s before their closing drop set. The third exercise was one they were both famous for: chain dips.

The two Olympia veterans wrapped three massive unmarked chains around their shoulders and repped out dips to failure. Once there, they shrugged off one chain and continued dipping to failure until they were left only lifting their body weight.

Jackson and Warren included a multi-grip barbell flat bench, pec deck, and seated cable flyes in their routine. Even though critics might call out their form, the training intensity brought by both bodybuilders was revered by fans during their onstage careers.

Branch Warren and Johnnie Jackson’s Push Day Workout

Below is a breakdown of the exercises Jackson and Warren performed:

Incline Barbell Bench Press — 3-4 sets x 10-15 reps

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press — 3-4 sets x 10-15 reps

Weighted Dips — 3-4 sets x 10-15 reps

Multi-Grip Barbell Bench Press — 3-4 sets x 10-15 reps

Pec Deck — 3-4 sets x 10-15 reps

Seated Cable Chest Flye — 3-4 sets x 10-15 reps

*The last set of each exercise is a drop set.

Bodybuilding’s Greatest

Warren competed as a pro from 2004 to 2016. His most notable pro show wins were at the Arnold Classic in 2011 and 2012. He won silver at the 2009 Mr. Olympia contest won by Jay Cutler. Warren retired after the 2016 Arnold Classic with nine pro wins.

Jackson competed as a pro from 2002 to 2017, with a one-year comeback in 2020. His signature pro victories were the 2017 Arnold Africa contest and the 2017 Toronto Pro Supershow. Jackson won six career pro shows. His highest Olympia finish was ninth, achieved in 2007 and 2012.

Featured image: @thebranchwarren on Instagram 

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Andrew Jacked Withdraws From the 2024 Arnold Classic and Arnold Classic UK Contests

Less than two months before the 36th Arnold Classic, a top contender has dropped out.  IFBB Pro League Men’s Open bodybuilder Chinedu Andrew Obiekea, better known as Andrew Jacked, has withdrawn from both the 2024 Arnold Classic (USA) and 2024 Arnold Classic UK contests.

The 2024 Arnold Classic first contest is slated for the weekend of March 1-three, 2024, in Columbus, OH. The UK event is set for two weekends later, on March 15-17, 2024, in Birmingham, UK.

Jacked shared the news of his withdrawal on his Instagram page via a post and story on the morning of Jan. 15, 2024. Check it out below:

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A post shared by Chinedu Obiekea Andrew J (@andrewjacked)

In the post, Jacked cited “so many things happening at the same time from multiple factors.” He did not elaborate on what those factors were, and he made the post unavailable to receive comments. Jacked shared on a follow-up Instagram story that his health was “awesome” but that he needed an off-season and to rest.

At the time of this article’s publication, the Arnold Sports Festival promoters had not announced whether Jacked’s absence in either contest would be filled by another bodybuilder(s). Jacked’s withdrawal leaves 12 athletes competing in Columbus, OH, and eight to pose down in Birmingham. The updated rosters for both shows are below:

Arnold Classic (USA) Roster

Remeco Bose*

Rafael Brandao

Hadi Choopan

Samson Dauda

Horse Marcello De Angelis

Jon Delarosa

Mohamed Shaaban Elimbabi

James Hollingshead

Rubiel Mosquera

Justin Rodriguez

Antoine Vaillant

Akim Williams

*Arnold Amateur winner

Arnold Classic UK Roster

Hadi Choopan

Samson Dauda

Jonathan Delarosa

Mohamad Shaaban Elimbaby

James Hollingshead

Rubiel Mosquera

Antoine Vaillant

Akim Williams

Jacked recently came off a fifth-place finish at the 2023 Mr. Olympia in Orlando, FL, won by Derek Lunsford. Jacked’s most recent pro show victory was the 2023 Texas Pro. Jacked’s most recent Arnold Classic appearance in 2023 culminated in a bronze-medal finish behind winner Samson Dauda and runner-up Nick Walker.

Jacked won the 2022 Arnold Classic UK and 2022 Texas Pro after turning pro at the 2022 Arnold Amateur contest 2024 is his third pro season in the IFBB Pro League.

The 2024 Arnold Classic will be available to watch via livestream for free. Details can be found on the Arnold Sports website. BarBend will provide updates if Jacked’s vacancy is filled in either the Arnold Classic or the Arnold Classic UK.

Featured image: @andrewjacked on Instagram

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These Wellness Products Are a Must-Try in 2024

Looking to start the new year off on the right foot? These are some of the best wellness products on the market in 2024
All products featured on Athletech News are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission

Athletech News has rounded up five of the best wellness products to help jumpstart your 2024 New Year’s resolutions. This year, key wellness trends include health personalization, activewear that takes you from the studio to the street, at-home aromatherapy, functional training and holistic-plant-based nutrition; the brands featured here respond to those trends with top-quality offerings.

credit: Form


It’s no surprise that Form activewear constantly sells out—the brand’s buttery apparel is as soft as it is high-quality. The line comes in earth tones and bright pink and has subtle but flattering detailing. Form’s current sports bras, the Supporter and Halter, have adjustable shoulder straps and removable padding for customization. The apparel is supportive but not overly compressive and is ideal for low-impact workouts like Pilates. However, the apparel works well for everything from HIIT workouts to indoor cycling to errands.  

See more here.

credit: Possible

Possible Protein & Supergreens

Possible is dedicated to providing organic, plant-based nutrition to fuel adventures. The brand’s Proteins are filled with supercharged ingredients that many powders lack, like brown rice protein, pea protein, oat flour, pumpkin seed protein and buckwheat flour. A single scoop has 30% of your daily iron and around 20% of your daily fiber. Possible Supergreens includes high-quality fruits and vegetables like broccoli, kale, kelp, blue spirulina, beets, matcha powder and pea vine juice powder. Both powders have a subtle sweetness and mix well with water or in a smoothie to supercharge your drinks on the go. 

See more here.

credit: Homedics

Homedics SereneScent 

Move over, old aromatherapy diffusers—Homedics SereneScent will blow the others out of the water. SereneScent allows for customizable fragrance levels based on preferred scent intensity and does not require any water to operate. The diffuser uses intermittent cycles of mist and pauses and can be set to automatically turn off after 1, 2, 4, or 8 hours. SereneScent is designed beautifully, in a sleek silver, black, or gold color that can blend into different rooms. Although sold separately, Homedics fragrance oils are strong but not overpowering, and are 100% natural, made from a blend of essential oils. While Homedics recommends purchasing their oils, it is possible to use others in the device as well.  

See more here.

credit: Centr

Centr Circuit: Elevate 

Centr Circuit: Elevate is a six-week program of high-intensity functional and strength training from Centr, the fitness and wellness brand founded by Chris Hemsworth. It provides users with four efficient but effective 30-minute workouts each week, with moves that build upon each other. It also allows for low-impact modifications in every workout and adds breathwork exercises to improve performance and recovery. The workouts are led by Alexz Parvi and Luke Zocchi, Hemsworth’s longtime trainer. Centr provides a daily personalized fitness, nutrition and wellness plan based on your health goals and dietary restrictions. The platform provides a streamlined way to tackle resolutions in 2024.  

See more here.

credit: BellSant


Looking to kick the year off with science-backed, personalized recommendations? BellSant is an all-in-one service that provides blood, physical and mental health assessments as inputs to show users their aging trends on 11 key systems, like Mobility, Heart & Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, and Hormones. Users take a blood test at a Quest Diagnostics location and can connect a health tracker for additional data. By retesting every three months, users stay on top of their goals and progress throughout the new year. BellSant provides top recommendations based on a user’s inputs, like reducing exposure to light in the evenings before bed, taking a vitamin D supplement or adjusting protein sources based on digestibility. One unique feature of BellSant is that each recommendation comes with references from scientific journals. For those looking for smaller resolutions to tackle existing health needs, consider BellSant. 

See more here.

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UK’s PureGym Plots North American Expansion as Pure Fitness

One of Europe’s top fitness operators is looking to muscle its way into the crowded high-value, low-price gym market in the U.S. and Canada

PureGym, a U.K.-based brand and the second-largest fitness operator in Europe, is planning to expand its high-value, low-price (HVLP) fitness franchise within the U.S. and Canada under the Pure Fitness name, touting its flexible 24/7 operating hours and zero-contract membership. 

The PureGym brand has teamed with RCS Real Estate Advisors to bolster its North American presence, looking to scale beyond its current three Pure Fitness locations in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

The gym franchise’s mission is to become one of the largest fitness operators as it seeks qualified franchisees for all U.S. markets, tapping RCS for its expertise in navigating complex commercial real estate matters and experience in site selection and lease negotiation. 

“Pure Fitness is proud to partner with RCS Real Estate Advisors to facilitate our ambitious venture into North America,” said James Hathaway, group international strategy and franchising director at Pure Fitness. He added that the firm’s proven track record in retail real estate strategy aligns perfectly with the brand’s plans for expansion. 

“This collaboration will create a solid growth plan as we expand our presence in the North American market,” Hathaway continued. “With increased awareness around health, well-being and the role fitness plays in a happier and more fulfilling life, we are thrilled to be able to help individuals achieve their fitness goals.”

A potential competitor to the likes of Planet Fitness and Crunch Fitness in America, Pure Fitness offers traditional gym equipment, fixed-resistance and free weights, and instructor-led cardio, sculpt and tone, mind and body, and functional fitness classes. Personal trainers are also available, along with digital classes. 

Since launching in the U.K. in 2008, PureGym has amassed over 1.9 million members across 595 clubs in the U.K., Denmark, Switzerland, U.S., Saudi Arabia and UAE. 

Moe Puri, vice president at RCS Real Estate Advisors, noted that the RCS team is committed to identifying ideal locations and franchising opportunities to drive Pure Fitness forward in the North American market.

“It is our aim to make the Pure Fitness experience readily accessible to new customers, as well as ensure that communities across the U.S. and Canada can benefit from the brand’s holistic ethos,” Puri said.

The post UK’s PureGym Plots North American Expansion as Pure Fitness appeared first on Athletech News.

Redefine Show To Unite Activewear Community in NYC

Spiritual Gangster, Lune Active and MPG Sport are among the brands that will showcase active and athleisure wear at the all-new trade show

Chances are good that if you peeked into the closet of the average consumer, the amount of activewear they own has substantially increased in recent years. Mirroring the surge in activewear popularity is Redefine, an active and athleisure trade show launching this month to showcase top activewear brands and connect them with key retailers. 

On January 24 and 25th at Lavan in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City, Redefine attendees can expect to see the latest from top activewear brands such as Spiritual Gangster, Beyond Yoga, Splits59, Lune Active, MPG Sport and more.

“With the cancellation of a previous activewear show platform, like-minded showroom owners and brands joined forces, and Redefine was born,” explained Jasmine Kielb, owner of JDK Sales. “Redefine will set itself apart from your traditional tradeshow by showcasing sought-after labels within the active/athleisure/daywear space while partnering with venues to create the ultimate buying experience.”

credit: Redefine

Kielb points out that the growing awareness of sustainability in the fashion industry has extended to athleisure, with brands concentrating on using high-quality, sustainable fabrics. 

“Sustainable brands are very much what the market is demanding, so it was imperative that we highlight powerhouses like Lune Active and MPG Sport,” she said. “Lune Active creates pieces using organic cotton and recycled polyamide mixed with modal and recycled polyester. MPG Sport has set Science Based Targets (SBTs) to go to net zero for scope one and two emissions by 2028 and scope three by 2035. By choosing pieces from participating brands at Redefine, you are supporting and embracing a circular economy.”

Aside from a sustainability push, Redefine sees continued activewear trends in court sports and bright colors, such as neon hues, with pinks and yellows leading the way in 2024.

“The balance of sporty and chic continues to dominate the industry,” Kielb noted. “Polo vibes with active skirts and dresses — traditional activewear has shifted into sportswear with layers, outerwear and multifunctional pieces that can be worn for tennis, pickleball or golf.”

Kielb also spots a shift from traditional activewear to utilitarian daywear pieces, giving consumers a wide variety of fashion choices.

“Collections include dresses, bodysuits, cargo pants — where comfort meets style,” she explained. “Dresses range from tennis dresses that are fashionable to wear from the court to the street to midi and full length, which can be dressed up with heels or dressed down with sneakers. Bodysuits are chic and functional to pair with a legging or sweatpants, making the transition post-workout easy. Cargo pants are popping up in collections and offer a comfortable and stylish look.”

Redefine promises to deliver a unique experience with the launch of its show, aiming to hit the mark with attendees.

“The biggest complaints (of traditional shows) are that the shows are not curated, too large to navigate and frankly, uninspiring,” Kielb said. “At Redefine, buyers will snack on fun and flavorful bites from local caterer What’s the Kitch and sip on healthy refreshments from Don’s Coconuts. It’s time to bring fun back to wholesale shopping.”

Redefine plans to host the activewear event twice yearly in NYC, with the next show slated for August. 

“Our goal is to connect brands with key retailers, forming long-lasting relationships not only in the Northeast but Southeast as well,” Kielb said. “We’re in the process of securing spaces in other regions and will announce on our website once confirmed.”

Click here to register to attend the Redefine show.

The post Redefine Show To Unite Activewear Community in NYC appeared first on Athletech News.