
Open Gym – Sat, Feb 3

CrossFit Albuquerque – Open Gym

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3×10 band walkouts

10 bird dogs

1 min plank

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


With a Partner or Solo:



5 pull ups (strict)

10 push ups

15 air squats

20 double unders

*Rest 1:1 with partner round for round

RX+ – 20/14lb vest

RX – as written

Scaled L1 – strict with band

Scaled L2 – ring rows or jumping pull up

Scaled L3 – Coach Directed

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Home Workouts – Sat, Feb 3

CrossFit Albuquerque – Home Workouts

View Public Whiteboard



3×10 band walkouts

10 bird dogs

1 min plank

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


With a Partner or Solo:



5 pull ups (strict)

10 push ups

15 air squats

20 double unders

*Rest 1:1 with partner round for round

RX+ – 20/14lb vest

RX – as written

Scaled L1 – strict with band

Scaled L2 – ring rows or jumping pull up

Scaled L3 – Coach Directed

The post Home Workouts – Sat, Feb 3 appeared first on Crossfit Albuquerque.

CrossFit – Sat, Feb 3

CrossFit Albuquerque – CrossFit



3×10 band walkouts

10 bird dogs

1 min plank

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


With a Partner or Solo:



5 pull ups (strict)

10 push ups

15 air squats

20 double unders

*Rest 1:1 with partner round for round

RX+ – 20/14lb vest

RX – as written

Scaled L1 – strict with band

Scaled L2 – ring rows or jumping pull up

Scaled L3 – Coach Directed

The post CrossFit – Sat, Feb 3 appeared first on Crossfit Albuquerque.

“Ramon Lit a Fire Under My Ass” — Chris Bumstead Returns to Training for 2024 Mr. Olympia

“[Ramon] is a maniac…” Chris Bumstead knows that the stakes are higher than ever in 2024. After several life-changing events in the back half of 2023 — winning a fifth Mr. Olympia Classic Physique title, tearing his lat just weeks out from the biggest bodybuilding show of the year, and announcing that he’ll soon be a father — Bumstead is getting back to the grind.

As part of a Jan. 30, 2024 YouTube vlog titled “Life update,” Bumstead remarked on a recent encounter with his #1 rival, Ramon “Dino” Rocha Queiroz, and showcased one of his workouts as he gears up for the 2024 Mr. Olympia.

[Related: The Best Bodybuilders of 2023]

“…[Ramon] says he took two months off [after the 2023 Olympia] and actually gained muscle. He’s got the Arnold Classic in a few months … seeing him lit a fire under my ass to get back to it,” Bumstead remarked during a high-intensity, low-volume bodybuilding arm workout.

Chris Bumstead vs. Ramon Dino

Bumstead’s reign atop the extremely popular Classic Physique division of bodybuilding has appeared unassailable for years. But Brazilian athlete Ramon “Dino” Rocha Queiroz is rapidly closing the gap.

In 2022 and 2023, Bumstead and Queiroz have finished in first and second place at the Classic Physique Mr. Olympia, respectively.

Queiroz has placed within five points of Bumstead on the Mr. Olympia scorecards in the past two years each.

In 2021, there was an 18-point margin between them. Bumstead finished in first place that year, while Queiroz ranked fifth. 

Queiroz is lauded by fans of bodybuilding for having some of the best arms in the division as well as bringing impressive conditioning and improved posing to the stage each year. 

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Chris Bumstead (@cbum)

[Related: The Best Supplements for Bodybuilding in 2024]

Though their rivalry runs deep, Bumstead and Queiroz also maintain a deep respect for each other as competitors. The duo recently trained back together on Jan. 16, 2024, in Brazil.

Chris Bumstead’s Arm Workout

“It’s gonna be minimal exercises, but high intensity,” Bumstead noted before getting into an arm day. Here’s a breakdown of what he did:

EZ-Bar Biceps Curl: Bumstead performed a mechanical drop set, adjusting his grip periodically to improve his leverage. Studies show that intensity techniques like drop sets can encourage extra muscle activation and power output. (1)

Triceps Extension: Bumstead utilized an extra-long rope attachment to increase his range of motion. Large ranges of motion induce more mechanical tension to the target muscle, which is integral for stimulating hypertrophy. (2)

High Cable Curl: Using one arm at a time and grasping the cable station for support, Bumstead emphasized a strong contraction at the end of each repetition, simulating the front-double-biceps bodybuilding pose.

Hammer Curl: Bumstead added a few sets of these in between his cable curls as a superset. Supersets are an effective way to save time in the gym while still ensuring your training is productive. (3)

Diamond Push-Up: This push-up variation served as an effective finisher for Bumstead’s triceps. Diamond push-ups have been shown to emphasize the triceps while reducing chest engagement. (4)

Dumbbell Curl: Bumstead finished his workout with a “giant set” of dumbbell curls, or what he calls a rack run; perform curls to failure, grab a lighter pair of dumbbells, and repeat. 

Bumstead didn’t outline the specific set-and-rep scheme he used for this arm workout. But if you want to give it a go for yourself, you might try something like this:

Chris Bumstead’s Life Update

Throughout the vlog, Bumstead got candid with the camera and discussed some of the recent events that have challenged him both on and off of the bodybuilding stage. 

“Building my business, traveling, being a good bodybuilder, and having a daughter are all things I’ve dreamed of,” Bumstead said. “I’m grateful that the things that overwhelm me are good things that I’ve actually chosen to put into my life.”

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Chris Bumstead (@cbum)

[Related: How To Return to Strength Training After an Extended Break]

Bumstead and partner (and former Bikini Ms. Olympia) Courtney King are expecting their first child sometime in 2024. He continued on, emphasizing how the ability to “thrive under chaos” has helped him navigate some of the challenging developments life has thrown his way over the past year.

“Life is a game of odds. There’s a lot you don’t have control over, so all you can do is perfect the things you can control as best as you can and roll with the punches,” Bumstead said. 

More Bodybuilding News

Brett Wilkin’s New Training Split for the 2024 Bodybuilding Season

Rubiel “Neckzilla” Mosquera Is Out of the 2024 Arnold Classic

Cydney Gillon’s Contest Prep Tips for Natural Bodybuilders


Goto, M., Nirengi, S., Kurosawa, Y., Nagano, A., & Hamaoka, T. (2016). Effects of the Drop-set and Reverse Drop-set Methods on the Muscle Activity and Intramuscular Oxygenation of the Triceps Brachii among Trained and Untrained Individuals. Journal of sports science & medicine, 15(4), 562–568.

Schoenfeld B. J. (2010). The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 24(10), 2857–2872. 

Iversen, V. M., Norum, M., Schoenfeld, B. J., & Fimland, M. S. (2021). No Time to Lift? Designing Time-Efficient Training Programs for Strength and Hypertrophy: A Narrative Review. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 51(10), 2079–2095. 

Nadzalan, A. M., Mohamad, M. H., Shafiee, M. S., Omar, N. F., Malek, N. F. A., Janep, M., & Karim, Z. A. (2021). Comparison of Muscle Activation between Traditional, Diamond and Knuckle Push Up Among Trained Men. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1874(1), 012016. 

Featured Image: @cbum on Instagram

The post “Ramon Lit a Fire Under My Ass” — Chris Bumstead Returns to Training for 2024 Mr. Olympia appeared first on BarBend.

Eddie Hall and Mitchell Hooper Prepare to Fight (Plus: a 44 Pound Coffee Mug!) — Strength Weekly 2/1

Strength Weekly is the show bringing you everything you need to know from around the barbell game! This week, we’re covering:

Mitchell Hooper Preps for Fight Against Eddie Hall

Rogue Fitness Announces Limited-Edition 44-Pound “Artillery” Coffee Mug

Hafthor Björnsson Elephant Bar Deadlifts 440 Kilograms During 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic Prep

Tony Cliffe (120KG) Bench Presses 2.5 Kilograms Over the IPF World Record

Here’s the run of show!

00:00 Intro
00:34 Run of Show
01:57 Mitchell Hooper vs. Eddie Hall
03:00 Is it crazy for Mitchell to compete in MMA and strongman in the same season?
06:00 Who is going to win the fight?
07:15 World’s heaviest coffee mug?
10:00 Can you handle that mug?
10:41 Hafthor’s training leading up to his strongman return
14:00 Tony Cliffe’s over-the-world-record bench press

Follow David Thomas Tao and Phil Blechman on Instagram.

The post Eddie Hall and Mitchell Hooper Prepare to Fight (Plus: a 44 Pound Coffee Mug!) — Strength Weekly 2/1 appeared first on BarBend.

Crush Negative Self-Talk: These Mental Training Strategies Will Help You Push Harder at The Gym

“If I continue, I’ll throw up”


“Slow down, you might injure yourself”

Or my favorite:

“I can stop a few reps short, nobody will know”

I hear this every day at my gym. And it pains me to admit all these excuses come from my own mind.

But it’s true.

These are just a few of the things I tell myself when my mind tries to bargain with me. And “my little voice” won more than I care to admit.

Fortunately, I know better now. After years of training my mind, not only my body, I can successfully counteract negative self-talk with something positive, like:

“I can and I will”


“I’ve done this a thousand times before”


“This too shall pass”

Today I want to explore how to deal with self-talk. Specifically, how we can use different mental training strategies it to better ourselves, and make us push harder.

Let’s get to it.

What is self-talk?

Self-talk is the practice of mentally speaking to oneself, influencing one’s cognitive and emotional state.

It serves as a critical tool for managing thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, directly impacting performance.

Positive self-talk can boost someone’s confidence and motivation (Source), whereas negative self-talk can undermine their abilities and outcomes.

Types of Self-Talk

Self-talk can broadly be classified into two types:

Motivational Self-Talk: This type is used to increase motivation, effort, and confidence. Phrases like “I can do this” or “I’m ready” are examples of motivational self-talk that can help people push through difficult moments.

Instructional Self-Talk: This focuses on the technical aspects of the performance, helping people to concentrate on the task at hand. For instance, someone running might remind themselves to “breathe in for 4 steps, breath out for 4 steps”.

Effectiveness According to Dual Process Theory

The dual process theory suggests that self-talk influences performance through two pathways: motivational and cognitive.

Motivational self-talk enhances effort and persistence, while instructional self-talk improves task strategies and execution. The effectiveness of self-talk, therefore, depends on its ability to target the right pathway at the right time, aligning with the athlete’s immediate needs and the nature of the task.

How to Practice Positive Self-Talk

Positive self-talk is a cornerstone of mental training, empowering folks to overcome challenges, enhance performance, and maintain a positive mindset.

Developing this skill involves recognizing negative thought patterns, creating positive or neutral alternatives, and reinforcing these new patterns through repetition. Here’s a guide to practicing positive self-talk effectively:

Recognizing and Outlining Negative Thoughts

Tired woman having rest after workout. Tired and exhausted female athlete sitting on floor at gym with a water bottle.

The first step in mastering positive self-talk is to become aware of your internal dialogue, especially under stress or during challenging moments.

Pay attention to any negative or self-defeating thoughts that arise during training or competition. These might include doubts about your abilities, criticism of your performance, or pessimistic predictions about outcomes.

Keeping a journal can be a helpful way to track these thoughts, providing a clear picture of your mental habits.

Creating Positive or Neutral Alternatives

Once you’ve identified negative thought patterns, the next step is to challenge and replace them with more positive or neutral statements.

This doesn’t mean ignoring reality or engaging in unwarranted optimism but rather reframing your thoughts in a way that’s supportive and empowering. For instance, instead of thinking, “I’ll never be able to do this,” you might say, “I haven’t mastered this yet, but I’m working on it.”

The goal is to shift your internal dialogue to be more encouraging and forgiving (Source).

Reprogramming the Mind Through Repetition

Changing deep-seated thought patterns takes time and consistent effort. Integrate positive self-talk into your daily routine, practicing it during training, before competitions, and in response to setbacks.

You can also use affirmations—short, powerful statements that reinforce your goals and values—as part of your mental training.

Repeating these affirmations regularly can help embed them in your subconscious, gradually altering your thought patterns.

Try the BRAVR Method

As a starting point, consider focusing on the BRAVR Method, a five-step process designed to help individuals optimize their mental training:

Breathe: Begin with a deep breathing exercise to center yourself and focus your mind.

Release: Actively let go of any distractions or tensions that could hinder your performance or focus.

Affirm: Use positive affirmations to reinforce your confidence and abilities.

Visualize: Engage in visualization techniques to mentally prepare for success in your upcoming task or performance.

Refocus: Conclude with a strategy to maintain focus and direct your energy towards your goals.

This method encapsulates the essence of mental training, offering a structured approach to developing mental resilience, focus, and positivity.

Detailed Tips for Effective Positive Self-Talk

To make positive self-talk more effective, consider the following tips:

Context-Specific Phrases: Tailor your self-talk to specific situations you face in your sport. This can enhance relevance and impact, making the practice more meaningful and effective.

Thought-Stopping Techniques: When you catch yourself engaging in negative self-talk, use a thought-stopping technique. This could be a physical gesture (like snapping a rubber band on your wrist) or a mental command (“Stop!”). The goal is to interrupt the negative thought and replace it with a positive one.

Mindset Statements: Develop statements that reinforce a growth mindset, such as “Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.” These can help you maintain a positive outlook even in the face of difficulties.

Mistake Statements: Prepare specific phrases to use when you make a mistake, like “Mistakes are part of learning. What can I learn from this?” This approach helps maintain confidence and resilience, crucial for bouncing back from setbacks.

Consistency and Repetition: The key to altering thought patterns is consistency. Practice positive self-talk daily, making it a habit that shapes your mental landscape.

The Importance of Consistency and Repetition

Changing how you talk to yourself is akin to building muscle; it requires regular exercise and time. Consistently practicing positive self-talk, especially in diverse scenarios, ensures that these mental habits become ingrained and automatically come into play when needed most.

Go Deeper Into Mental Training

What is Mental Training?

Mental training refers to a systematic practice of psychological skills designed to enhance athletic performance, improve focus, and increase overall enjoyment in sports.

It involves a variety of techniques aimed at developing the mental toughness necessary to overcome obstacles and achieve personal goals.

I think it’s as important as physical conditioning. It helps strengthen the mind to support the body’s performance.

Types of Mental Training

Mental training encompasses several techniques, each tailored to address specific aspects of someone’s psychological state (Source). These include:

Mental Imagery: Also known as visualization, this technique involves creating or recreating experiences in the mind. Athletes use mental imagery to visualize themselves performing at their peak, which can enhance their confidence and skill execution during actual competitions.

Mindfulness: This practice focuses on being present and fully engaged in the moment without judgment. It helps athletes maintain concentration on their performance while managing distractions and stress.

Self-Talk: The process of mentally talking to oneself to overcome self-doubt and maintain focus. Self-talk can be motivational or instructional, helping athletes to motivate themselves or focus on the task at hand.

Incorporating Self-Talk into Mental Training

You can incorporate self-talk into mental training routines by:

Identifying Negative Patterns: Recognizing and understanding one’s default patterns of negative or self-defeating talk is the first step toward change.

Developing Positive Alternatives: Replacing negative self-statements with positive or neutral ones can shift the mental narrative towards more empowering and constructive dialogue.

Practicing Consistently: Like any skill, effective self-talk requires practice. 

Evaluating Effectiveness: Regularly assessing the impact of self-talk on performance can help athletes refine their approach, making their internal dialogue more supportive and performance-enhancing.

7 Mental Skills to Help You

Sporty young woman standing and gettng eady for a run

Achieving peak performance requires more than physical prowess and technical skills; it demands a robust mental framework.

I’ve identified 7 mental skills of successful athletes that encompass a comprehensive approach to mental training, addressing various psychological facets essential for optimal performance. 

By cultivating these skills, people can navigate the challenges of a hard training day with resilience and poise.

1- Attitude

A positive and realistic attitude is foundational to success in any sport. Successful athletes:

Understand that attitude is a choice and opt for an optimistic yet realistic perspective.

View challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Believe in their ability to improve through effort and persistence.

2- Motivation

Motivation can propel everyday gym people toward their goals. Key aspects include:

Identifying personal reasons for participating in the sport, which fuels long-term dedication.

Setting intrinsic goals that resonate with personal values and aspirations.

Embracing the journey, not just the outcomes, maintaining motivation through ups and downs.

3- Goals and Commitment

Effective goal-setting involves:

Establishing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that provide clear direction and milestones.

Committing to a process-oriented approach, focusing on daily actions and behaviors that contribute to achieving these goals.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting goals based on progress and feedback.

4- Self-Talk

As previously discussed, self-talk can significantly influence performance. Successful athletes:

Cultivate a supportive and positive internal dialogue.

Challenge and replace negative thoughts with empowering statements.

Use self-talk to maintain focus and confidence under pressure.

5- Mental Imagery

Mental imagery enhances readiness and performance:

Practicing visualization techniques to imagine successful execution and outcomes.

Preparing mentally for different scenarios, building adaptability and confidence.

Using imagery to reinforce technical skills and tactical strategies.

6- Managing Anxiety and Emotions

Emotional regulation is key to consistent performance:

Developing strategies to manage performance anxiety, such as deep breathing, meditation, or pre-performance routines.

Recognizing and accepting emotions as part of the competitive experience, using them constructively.

Staying composed under pressure, focusing on the task at hand rather than the stakes.

7- Concentration

Concentration is crucial for optimal performance:

Training the ability to focus on the present moment, task, or strategy.

Developing cues or triggers to regain focus when distracted.

Practicing mindfulness to enhance overall concentration and awareness.

Developing Your Own Mental Training Routine

Crafting a personalized mental training routine is essential to harness the full power of your mind to enhance performance. This process involves self-assessment, selection of appropriate techniques, and integration into daily practice.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating an effective mental training routine:

Step 1: Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

The first step in developing a mental training routine is to conduct a thorough self-assessment. 

This involves identifying your mental strengths—areas where you feel confident and excel—as well as your mental weaknesses or aspects that challenge your performance.

Consider factors like your ability to focus under pressure, manage anxiety, maintain motivation, and recover from setbacks. Understanding your psychological profile helps tailor your mental training to your specific needs.

Step 2: Selecting Appropriate Mental Training Tools

Based on the assessment, select mental training techniques that address your unique needs. For instance:

If maintaining focus is a challenge, incorporate concentration exercises or mindfulness practices into your routine.

For managing performance anxiety, learn relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.

If motivation wanes, refine your goal-setting process and explore motivational self-talk strategies.

Choosing techniques aligned with your goals ensures that your mental training is both effective and relevant.

Step 3: Integrating Mental Training into Daily Practice

Integrating mental training into your daily routine is crucial for making these skills second nature. This can include:

Setting aside specific times for mental training exercises, such as visualization or mindfulness meditation, either as part of your warm-up routine or during downtime.

Practicing self-talk or concentration drills during physical training to reinforce these skills under conditions similar to competition.

Reflecting on your mental performance after training sessions and competitions, identifying what worked well and what needs improvement.

Consistency and Adaptability

Like physical skills, mental skills require consistent practice to develop and maintain. Regularly revisiting and adapting your mental training routine is also important as your needs, goals, and circumstances change. This iterative process ensures your mental training remains aligned with your evolving athletic journey.

Evaluating Progress

Regular evaluation of your mental training progress is essential. This can be done through self-reflection, feedback from coaches or peers, and monitoring your performance in both training and competitive environments. Adjust your mental training routine based on these evaluations to ensure it continues to meet your needs effectively.


McCormick, A., Meijen, C. & Marcora, S. Psychological Determinants of Whole-Body Endurance Performance. Sports Med 45, 997–1015 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-015-0319-6

Tod, David et al. “Effects of self-talk: a systematic review.” Journal of sport & exercise psychology vol. 33,5 (2011): 666-87. doi:10.1123/jsep.33.5.666

Park I, Jeon J. Psychological Skills Training for Athletes in Sports: Web of Science Bibliometric Analysis. Healthcare. 2023; 11(2):259. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11020259

TYR Sport and CrossFit Games Athlete Dani Speegle Release Limited Edition CXT-1 Trainer

TYR Sport is putting its best foot forward. On Friday, Jan. 2, 2024, the rapidly expanding footwear and apparel brand announced their latest collaboration — the limited-edition CXT-1 Trainer, a cross-training shoe inspired by and with input from CrossFit Games athlete and NBC Titan Games Champion Dani Speegle

The CXT-1 represents a landmark for TYR, as Speegle is their first sponsored CrossFit athlete to break into the shoe game. The CXT-1 also boasts TYR’s latest performance design elements as well as some unique visual flair.

Courtesy of TYR Sport

[Related: The Best Weightlifting Shoes for Squats, Flat Feet, & More]

“When the opportunity arose to put her personality, style, and design aesthetic into her very own shoe with TYR, Speegle jumped at the chance to channel her creative side,” TYR said in a press release provided to BarBend.

The TYR CXT-1 Trainer is available to purchase on TYR’s website for $160.00.

TYR CXT-1 Trainer | Details & Design

Speegle and TYR worked closely together to bring some freshness to the CXT-1 trainer. In addition to every box coming with Speegle’s autograph, unique design features include a red gradient sole and an extra pair of red laces. Speegle also worked with TYR to ensure that purchases of the CXT-1 trainer go toward a good cause:

Fans of Speegle’s can link up with her at a meet-and-greet at TYR’s South Coast Plaza store in Orange County, California, on Feb. 17, 2024.

Attendees who bring a pair of lightly used shoes to donate to the Soles4Souls 4Women charity campaign will receive in-store discounts, eligibility for merch giveaways, and a chance to meet with Speegle.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Dani Elle Speegle (@dellespeegle)

[Related: How to Increase Strength — Everything You Need To Know]

“Getting to celebrate the launch of my trainer at TYR’s South Coast Plaza location will be an opportunity for me to interact with so many of the people that have encouraged me on my journey,” Speegle remarked in the TYR presser. “Even more exciting is getting to give back to a cause that champions and supports opportunities for women around the world.”

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Featured Image Courtesy of TYR Sport

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TRX’s ‘Day One’ Campaign Celebrates the Journey of Fitness

The leader in functional training is celebrating those who pursue health goals rather than jump on the New Year’s bandwagon

TRX Training, a leader in functional training products, has launched its “Day One” campaign to celebrate individuals choosing to embark on a fitness journey in the new year.

Instead of focusing on New Year’s Resolutions, TRX wants to focus on “Day One,” the day a user chooses to take the first step toward achieving their health and wellness goals. 

The marketing campaign focuses on TRX’s hero product, its famous Suspension Trainer, and shines a light on the company’s other products, like the Bandit, Rip Trainer, HexGrip medicine balls and power bags, and the TRX YBell series. Vignettes highlight individuals who train with different TRX products for sports like running, swimming, cycling, soccer, tennis and pickleball. 

“Embracing health, wellness, and happiness leads to a longer and better life. TRX inspires people to begin that journey today regardless of level of fitness. Today is Day One. Functional training meets you where you are and makes you better through the journey,” said Jack Daly, TRX CEO. “Pro athletes improve; first-timers improve; and fitness fanatics improve. Everyone improves from their current state. TRX turns 20 years old in 2024 but we live ‘Day One’ every day as we continue to innovate in this exciting and fun fitness category.”

Alongside the campaign, a six-week “Day One” digital training program has been launched for TRX Training Club members. It features four workouts per week and uses functional training equipment like the TRX Suspension Trainer and the TRX YBell. 

TRX had an eventful 2023 — the company acquired YBell Fitness, a kettlebell-dumbbell combination product company, and signed a multi-year lease for a 12,000-square-foot property in Delray Beach, moving its global headquarters from San Francisco to Florida.

The move was a part of the company’s strategic transition following its acquisition by Daly and his firm, JFXD Capital, along with TRX founder Randy Hetrick in 2022. TRX has also leveraged strategic partnerships with fitness companies like Xponential Fitness and Orangetheory Fitness to bring its products to new audiences. 

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Can Dr. Andrew Huberman, Mateina Make Yerba Mate Popular in the US?

The neuroscientist and wellness influencer sees Mateina’s yerba mate product as a better, more healthy alternative to coffee and tea

Mateina is officially coming to the United States in what could be a major category expansion.

The yerba mate drink product, cultivated in partnership with a fourth-generation farming family in Misiones, Argentina, has been available in Canada since its founding in 2017. However, neuroscientist and wellness influencer Dr. Andrew Huberman and Tiny, a Canadian holding company, announced their intentions to expand south, obtaining a majority ownership stake in Mateina.

Tiny’s support for Mateina comes from its private partnership Tiny Fund I, LP.

“We envision a world where Yerba Mate is a highly accessible and health-forward beverage that is consumed by hundreds of millions of people in the U.S. and around the world, in the same way coffee and tea are today,” said Elodie Simard, co-founder of Mateina.”Partnering with Tiny and Dr. Huberman enables us to introduce Mateina U.S. and globally while also underscoring our commitment to sustainable, organic farming practices in Argentina.”

Dr. Huberman, a neuroscientist and professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, has built a massive following on social media, with over 5 million Instagram followers and 1 million followers on X, formerly Twitter. He received the Cogan Award in 2017 as well, given to scientists making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision.

Mateina’s U.S. launch includes a new sugar-free option, which Dr. Huberman co-developed.

“Yerba mate has been my preferred source of caffeine for more than three decades,” Dr. Huberman said. “Collaborating with Mateina to develop a non-smoked, sugar-free version of cold pressed yerba mate was a thrill and I’m so excited to be able to share this drink with the world. I see it as a truly peerless beverage in terms of its positive effects on mind and body.”

Mateina products are non-carbonated, lightly sweetened cold beverages and come in flavors such as original lemon, peach passion, and grapefruit guava. Along with the new sugar-free option, low-sugar beverages are available as well, culminating in a broad, yet precise and scientific approach to serving the energy drink community

This move comes as another chapter in what’s been a big year for the energy drink industry. PepsiCo’s Rockstar Energy just launched a functional mushroom-infused drink called “‘Rockstar Focus.” At-home revenue in the sports and energy drink market is at $102.9 Billion in 2024. The market is expected to grow annually by 5.46% through 2028.

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Zumba’s New App Brings Dance Party On-Demand & In-Person

The iconic dance fitness brand is flexing its DTC muscles, launching a new app with virtual and in-person class options

Zumba, the biggest name in dance fitness with a 20-plus year history, has choreographed its next hit move: a new app to find and book in-person classes and take part in on-demand Zumba sessions.

To support the app’s launch, Zumba has unleashed a vibrant marketing campaign, “Zumba Responsibly,” a PSA-style ad promoting its “good addictive” approach to fitness. As rhythmic beats play, Zumba urges viewers to “just say yes” to local instructors, on-demand classes and its Zumba app. Zumba worked with Joan Studios on the campaign, according to Adweek.

“For 20-plus years, we have been producing content for our global Instructor Network to give them the tools to teach incredible classes,” Carolina Moraes, Zumba’s chief marketing officer, told Athletech News. “In the new Zumba app, you’ll see we’ve merged our unbeatable music, top instructors and superior quality content production to give students an opportunity for more Zumba classes and snackable fitness content at their disposal.”

Zumba’s app is free to download, and there is no cost associated with finding local in-person classes. For a cancel-at-any-time $19.99/month fee (or a prepayment of $179 for a year), fitness enthusiasts can access Zumba Virtual+, featuring on-demand content for all levels, including HIIT, strength training, and mobility and flexibility classes. App users can try Zumba Virtual+ with unlimited access for free for 14 days.

The app also allows Zumba enthusiasts to earn badges, track stats and make recommendations based on music preferences, dance level and intensity.  

Zumba’s latest strategy — driving consumers to live Zumba experiences — comes as fitness enthusiasts flock to in-person fitness, especially group classes. Plus, the at-home fitness hook meets the needs of busy consumers who may be unable to attend class but still want the Zumba experience at home. 

“We know from the early days of Zumba and selling DVDs to our Nintendo Wii game that sold 14 million copies, when we have a product where people can try Zumba at home, it will drive them to the in-person experience, and nothing beats a live class!” Moraes added.

Targeting New Zumba Enthusiasts  

The brand has come a long way since selling its Latin dance fitness DVDs through infomercials in the early 2000s, having entered the virtual and mixed reality workout space in partnership with FitXR, a VR workout platform on Meta Quest, last November.

More than just smooth moves against addictive beats, the fitness brand has also tapped into the powers of artificial intelligence with “choreography challenge AI,” a feature launched in 2022 that uses AI to coach Zumba instructors in fine-tuning the dance fitness moves they plan to teach. 

In an exclusive interview with ATN last fall, Zumba co-founder and CEO Alberto Perlman hinted that Zumba had plans to bring products to market in early 2024 that would expose new consumers to the brand and ultimately drive them to their local gym for in-person classes.

“Traditionally, there’s a phenomenon that anytime we launch direct-to-consumer products, we see a flood of new people into Zumba classes,” Perlman shared, perhaps predicting what’s to come with the launch of Zumba’s new app.

It’s a strategy that benefits not just the Zumba brand and its instructors, but the many fitness operators hosting Zumba classes, such as Crunch Fitness and Life Time.

Having mindfully covered all angles — at-home fitness, in-person experiences and now the Metaverse, Zumba continues to capitalize on dance fitness, a leading form of exercise. Dance workouts saw 25.16 million participants in the U.S. breaking a sweat in 2022, up from 24.75 million in the year prior, according to Statista. 

The post Zumba’s New App Brings Dance Party On-Demand & In-Person appeared first on Athletech News.