How to Watch CrossFit Open Announcement 24.1

The first live CrossFit Open workout announcement of the 2024 season is coming in hot on Thursday, February 29, on the official CrossFit YouTube channel. And we’ve got all the details you need to know heading into the event.

[Related: Haley Adams Talks About Her Year Away From CrossFit Competition]

2024 CrossFit Open Workout 24.1 Matchups

The live Open announcement sets the stage for the 2024 Games season and involves a total roster of athletes that numbers well into the six figures. The live announcements started during the 2013 season and grew in size and popularity through 2018. CrossFit elected not to host live Open announcements during the 2019 and 2020 seasons but returned to host them in 2021. Here’s what you need to know for 2024:

Open Announcement 24.1 is presented by Momentous, the Official Sports Nutrition Partner of CrossFit, and will take place in Pleasanton, CA, at CrossFit Pleasanton.

The 2023 Fittest Man on Earth, Jeffrey Adler, will take on his friend and fellow Canadian, Brent Fikowski

On the women’s side, two young stars who finished only 15 points apart on the 2023 CrossFit Games leaderboard, Alex Gazan and Alexis Raptis, will battle it out.

The 24.2 announcement takes place on March 7 at CrossFit Shred Shed in Boise, ID, and will feature a head-to-head battle between Justin Medeiros and Colten Mertens.

The 24.3 announcement features Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr competing against Arielle Loewen. 

Tune in to the CrossFit Games website or CrossFit YouTube channel for the live 24.1 workout announcement on Thursday, February 29, at 12 p.m. PT. As always, the Morning Chalk Up will provide workout strategy guides and full leaderboard coverage and analysis as events unfold.

Morning Chalk Up will also publish details on the next two workout announcements as they become available.

2024 CrossFit Open Schedule

For those of you participating, here’s a reminder of the important dates for this year’s CrossFit Open:

Workout 24.1 — Announced: February 29 | Submissions Due: March 4 at 5 p.m. PT

Workout 24.2 — Announced: March 7 | Submissions Due: March 11 at 5 p.m. PT

Workout 24.3 — Announced: March 14 | Submissions Due: March 18 at 5 p.m. PT

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Featured image: @CrossFitGames / Instagram

The post How to Watch CrossFit Open Announcement 24.1 appeared first on BarBend.

How Larry Wheels’ Lifting Technique Has Changed To Compete as Classic Physique Bodybuilder

American powerlifter turned bodybuilder Larry Wheels is adjusting his lifting technique to transform his physique and earn an IFBB Pro card to compete in Classic Physique — the division striving to emulate the Golden Era of aesthetics, stretching from the 1950s through the 1970s.

In a Feb. 17, 2024 video published on Renaissance Periodization’s YouTube channel, Wheels teamed up with exercise scientist Dr. Mike Israetel, IFBB Pro bodybuilder Jared Feather, and coach Ryan Benson to refine Wheels chest and arm training techniques. Check it out below:

Wheels chased maximal loads to build strength as a competitive powerlifter. After transitioning to bodybuilding, Wheels is exploring the intricacies of lifting to prioritize hypertrophy

In powerlifting, the focus is the three big lifts — squat, deadlift, and bench press. Powerlifters prioritize training their one-rep maxes (1RMs) by staying in the 1-5 rep range. However, bodybuilders typically lift in the 8-12 rep range to mechanical failure to promote hypertrophy. (1)

While the three big lifts foster overall strength, they are not intended to shore up muscle imbalances or sculpt the aesthetics crucial for displaying to judges on stage.

After transitioning to competitive bodybuilding, Wheels prioritizes slow eccentrics to his fully stretched positions to increase the time under tension (TUT). 

A study published in The Journal of Physiology found that a longer TUT during resistance exercise led to greater increases in myofibrillar protein synthesis, a key component of muscle growth. (2)

Wheels has transitioned to high-volume training, typically performing five sets of 15 reps per exercise. A study published in Physiological Reports found that higher-volume resistance training led to greater increases in muscle size compared to lower-volume training. (3)

Smith Machine Bench Press & Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Wheels opened with the Smith machine bench press. When powerlifting, Wheels sunk the barbell into his chest to generate more force and speed on concentrics. However, his approach has changed, as Feather cued:

When bringing the bar down, try to meet the bar with your chest.

Wheels “soft touched” the bar to his chest at the bottom, emphasizing the stretch. He then swapped to incline dumbbell bench presses.

Wheels maintained a proud chest, pushing the dumbbells to the outside on eccentrics and pausing in the deep stretch at the bottom. He avoided rounding the shoulders on concentrics and kept his scapula retracted. 

Cable Tricep Extensions & EZ Barbell Curls

Wheels drop set his final triceps exercises to maximize a muscle pump. Research has shown a positive correlation between the amount of muscle swelling after a single resistance training session and muscle growth. So, bodybuilders are incentivized to prioritize the pump. (4)

While performing barbell curls, Wheels positioned his elbows in front of his midline, magnifying the biceps’ stretch at the bottom. He trained to failure on the first set.

The 29-year-old then performed the same number of reps on the remaining two sets using the rest-pause training principle, which involves resting for 5-10 seconds before performing the remaining repetitions.

Wheels was one rank off securing his IFBB Pro card at the 2023 Amateur Olympia. He is expected to make additional attempts in 2024 to score his spot amongst bodybuilding’s pro ranks.


Schoenfeld BJ, Grgic J, Van Every DW, Plotkin DL. Loading Recommendations for Muscle Strength, Hypertrophy, and Local Endurance: A Re-Examination of the Repetition Continuum. Sports (Basel). 2021;9(2):32. Published 2021 Feb 22. doi:10.3390/sports9020032

Burd NA, Andrews RJ, West DW, et al. Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men. J Physiol. 2012;590(2):351-362. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2011.221200

Mangine GT, Hoffman JR, Gonzalez AM, et al. The effect of training volume and intensity on improvements in muscular strength and size in resistance-trained men. Physiol Rep. 2015;3(8):e12472. doi:10.14814/phy2.12472

Hirono, T., Ikezoe, T., Taniguchi, M., Tanaka, H., Saeki, J., Yagi, M., Umehara, J., & Ichihashi, N. (2022). Relationship Between Muscle Swelling and Hypertrophy Induced by Resistance Training. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 36(2), 359–364.

Featured image: @larrywheels on Instagram

The post How Larry Wheels’ Lifting Technique Has Changed To Compete as Classic Physique Bodybuilder appeared first on BarBend.

Eliminate Man Boobs with These 5 Exercises: New Studies Show That Targeted Fat Loss Is Possible

Struggling with man boobs? You’re not alone. A staggering 50% of men will experience some form of gynecomastia during their lifetime.

Let’s dive into the heart of overcoming discomfort and boosting confidence by tackling excess chest fat through targeted exercises. We dissect the scientific truths behind fat loss and muscle sculpting, debunking the myth of spot reduction while offering a realistic pathway to a firmer, more defined chest.

Learn the difference between gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia, and why understanding this is key to choosing the right workout strategy.

With a mix of strength training and fat-burning exercises, we’ll guide you towards visible results. 

What Are “Man Boobs”?

“Man boobs,” a colloquial term often used to describe excess fat or glandular tissue in a man’s chest, can be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness for many.

This condition is medically recognized in two primary forms: gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia. Understanding the difference between these conditions is crucial for identifying the most effective treatment and exercise strategies.

Gynecomastia: Glandular Tissue Growth

Gynecomastia is characterized by the enlargement of glandular tissue in the male chest. Hormonal imbalances, typically involving an increase in estrogen or a decrease in testosterone, often trigger this condition.

Such imbalances might occur due to natural hormonal changes during puberty or aging, or as a result of certain medications, health conditions, or substance use. The growth is generally benign but can cause tenderness or discomfort.

Pseudogynecomastia: Fat Deposition

In contrast, pseudogynecomastia refers to the accumulation of excess fat in the chest area, without an increase in glandular tissue. This condition is closely linked to overall body fat levels and can be a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, or obesity.

Unlike gynecomastia, pseudogynecomastia does not involve hormonal imbalances and is addressed more effectively through weight management and targeted exercise.

Understanding Body Fat and Targeted Weight Loss

The concept of spot reduction postulates that one can influence where fat loss occurs by focusing their workout regimen on particular body parts.

It’s been debunked many times before by rigorous scientific research.

However, recent scientific studies present a more nuanced understanding of this concept, challenging the traditional view that spot reduction is not feasible.

While it is true that overall fat loss is influenced by genetics, hormones, and body composition, and typically occurs across the body rather than in isolated areas, certain research findings suggest that targeted exercises might have some impact on localized fat reduction under specific conditions.

The Myth of Spot Reduction Revisited

The traditional stance against the possibility of spot reduction is rooted in the understanding that fat loss is systemic and influenced by factors beyond local muscle activity. It is generally accepted that exercises targeting specific areas do not directly lead to fat loss in those areas but rather contribute to overall body fat reduction.

Contrary to this traditional view, a study by Paoli et al. (2021) provides evidence suggesting that targeted circuit training can indeed lead to localized fat reduction, specifically in the abdominal region. This study found that participants who engaged in a spot reduction (SR) training protocol experienced significant reductions in subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue, indicating that focused exercises might influence fat loss in specific areas (Paoli et al., 2021).

Furthermore, research by Brobakken et al. (2023) supports the notion of spot reduction, demonstrating that abdominal endurance exercises combined with aerobic activities led to a greater reduction in trunk fat compared to aerobic exercises alone. This study suggests that incorporating targeted strength training with general aerobic exercise may enhance fat loss in specific areas, providing evidence of the potential for spot reduction in adult males (Brobakken et al., 2023).

While these studies challenge the traditional skepticism surrounding spot reduction, it is crucial to recognize that they do not refute the importance of a holistic approach to fitness and weight loss.

Overall fat loss remains a complex process influenced by a myriad of factors, and targeted exercises should be viewed as a complementary strategy within a broader fitness and nutritional plan.

Holistic Approach to Fat Loss

For individuals aiming to improve the appearance of their chest, focusing on overall body fat reduction remains a more effective strategy.

This comprehensive approach involves a combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and dietary modifications to create a calorie deficit. By reducing overall body fat, the chest area naturally becomes firmer and more defined as excess fat diminishes.

Impact of Overall Body Fat Reduction on Chest Appearance

As overall body fat levels decrease, changes become apparent in various areas, including the chest.

This reduction can significantly benefit those with pseudogynecomastia, where the excess chest volume is primarily due to fatty tissue.

Engaging in exercises that build muscle mass in the chest and other parts of the body also contributes to a more toned and sculpted appearance, further enhancing the visual reduction of man boobs.

We’ll review the science of fat loss towards the end of this article, and look at the best approach to lose man boobs.

But for now:

The Key Exercises to Target Your Chest

While you lose weight, you can start building pectoral muscle, accelerating a more defined, muscular-looking chest.

Barbell Bench Press

Technique: Lie back on a bench with a barbell grasped in both hands. Your hands should be wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower the bar slowly until it touches your mid-chest, then push it back up to the starting position, fully extending your arms.

Benefits: This exercise targets the pectoralis major, along with triceps and deltoids, effectively building strength and mass in the chest area.

Pec Deck Machine

Technique: Sit on the pec deck machine with your back flat against the pad. Place your arms on the machine’s pads, elbows slightly bent. Bring your arms together in front of you and then slowly return to the starting position.

Benefits: Focused on isolating the chest muscles, particularly the pectoralis major, this machine helps enhance chest definition and strength without putting much strain on other muscles.

Bent-forward Cable Crossovers

Technique: Stand in the middle of a cable machine, grasping a handle in each hand. Lean forward slightly, with one foot in front of the other for balance. Extend your arms out to the sides, then bring your hands together in front of you, crossing one hand over the other. Return to the starting position with control.

Benefits: This exercise targets the inner chest muscles, promoting muscle definition and improving overall chest aesthetics. It also engages the core and improves stability.


Variations and Benefits: Standard push-ups involve placing your hands shoulder-width apart and your body in a straight line, then lowering your body until your chest nearly touches the floor before pushing back up. Variations like incline push-ups (feet elevated) target the lower chest, while decline push-ups (hands elevated) focus on the upper chest.

Benefits: Push-ups engage the chest, shoulders, and triceps, enhancing muscular endurance and strength. They also improve core stability and can be modified to suit various fitness levels.

Inverted Row

Technique: Set a bar in a rack to about waist height. Lie underneath the bar and grasp it with both hands, slightly wider than shoulder-width. Your body should be straight from your head to your heels. Pull your chest towards the bar, then lower yourself back down with control.

Benefits: While primarily targeting the back muscles, the inverted row also works the chest and arm muscles, particularly when squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top of the movement. It’s an excellent exercise for improving posture and upper body strength.

Additional Effective Exercises

Although they aren’t specifically targeting the chest muscles, there are great “fat-burning” exercises that should be part of your routine.

Jumping Jacks

Benefits for Overall Fat Loss: Jumping jacks are a high-intensity cardiovascular exercise that helps burn calories, contributing to overall fat loss, including the chest area. This is crucial for reducing the appearance of man boobs, which are often a result of excess fat tissue.

Technique: Start with your feet together and hands by your sides. Jump up, spreading your legs shoulder-width apart while simultaneously raising your arms above your head. Immediately reverse the motion by jumping back to the starting position.

Medicine Ball Passes

Core Strengthening and Chest Engagement: Engaging the chest and core simultaneously, medicine ball passes not only strengthen these areas but also contribute to a more defined chest by targeting the underlying muscular structure.

Technique: Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Hold a medicine ball with both hands on your chest. Sit up, passing the ball to your hands in front of you. Lie back down and repeat the pass on the next sit-up.

Renegade Rows

Technique and Benefits for the Upper Body: Renegade rows strengthen the chest, shoulders, and back, offering a compound exercise that improves muscular definition and reduces excess fat in the chest area.

Technique: Start in a plank position with a dumbbell in each hand. Row one dumbbell towards your ribcage while stabilizing your body with the other arm. Lower the dumbbell back to the ground and repeat on the other side.

Mountain Climbers

Cardiovascular and Muscular Endurance Benefits: Mountain climbers are excellent for burning calories and improving cardiovascular health, contributing to fat loss around the chest area while also engaging the core and shoulders.

Technique: Start in a plank position. Drive one knee towards your chest, then quickly switch it with the other knee, mimicking a running motion while keeping your hands on the ground.

Overhead Walking Lunges

Full-body Workout with a Focus on Stability and Strength: Overhead walking lunges offer a full-body workout that enhances core stability and leg strength, indirectly supporting fat loss efforts by increasing overall muscle mass and metabolism.

Technique: Hold a weight overhead with both hands, keeping your arms straight. Step forward into a lunge, lowering your back knee towards the ground. Push through your front foot to step forward, repeating the lunge with the opposite leg.

Medicine Ball Rainbow Slams

Core Strengthening and Explosive Power: This dynamic exercise targets the core and upper body with explosive movements, increasing calorie burn and muscular strength, aiding in the reduction of chest fat.

Technique: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a medicine ball with both hands. Lift the ball overhead to one side and then slam it down to the opposite side of your body, bending your knees and engaging your core. Pick up the ball, lift it back overhead, and repeat the slam on the other side, mimicking a rainbow arc.

The Science of Fat Loss

As we saw before, losing fat is the best way to lose man boobs.

Proper Nutrition: Foundation of Fat Reduction

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in fat loss, acting as the foundation upon which effective weight management is built.

Consuming a balanced diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, supports the body’s metabolism and aids in the reduction of fat stores.

Caloric intake must align with individual energy needs; consuming fewer calories than expended leads to weight loss. This deficit triggers the body to utilize stored fat for energy, gradually reducing fat accumulation, including in the chest area.

Exercise: Accelerating Fat Loss and Enhancing Muscle Tone

Regular physical activity complements nutritional efforts in fat reduction, enhancing both cardiovascular health and muscle tone.

A combination of aerobic exercises, like running or cycling, and strength training, focusing on major muscle groups, optimizes overall fat loss. Not only does exercise burn calories, but it also builds muscle mass, which in turn boosts metabolism, further facilitating fat burning. For individuals targeting chest appearance, incorporating specific strength training exercises can improve muscle definition as overall body fat decreases.

Hormonal Imbalances and Fat Distribution

Hormonal imbalances significantly influence fat distribution and storage in the body. For instance, elevated levels of estrogen can lead to increased fat deposition in areas like the chest, contributing to the development of man boobs.

Similarly, low testosterone levels might hamper muscle growth and fat loss efforts. Addressing these imbalances through lifestyle changes, and when necessary, medical intervention, can aid in achieving a more balanced fat distribution. Consulting with healthcare professionals for personalized advice is crucial for individuals facing these challenges.

Common Questions Addressed

Does Soy Cause Man Boobs?

The notion that soy consumption leads to the development of man boobs is a persistent myth. 
However, scientific research indicates otherwise. Soy contains compounds called phytoestrogens, which are plant-based substances that can mimic the hormone estrogen in the body.
Despite concerns about estrogen-like effects, numerous studies have shown that moderate soy intake does not significantly impact testosterone levels in men or contribute to abnormal breast tissue growth. Therefore, incorporating soy products such as tofu, tempeh, and edamame into your diet is unlikely to lead to man boobs.

Do You Actually Have Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia, characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue in males, is a medical condition that can have various underlying causes, including hormonal imbalances, certain medications, or medical conditions.
If you’re concerned about the appearance of your chest and suspect gynecomastia, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis. Your healthcare provider can perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and may order additional tests, such as hormone level assessments or imaging studies, to determine the cause of your symptoms.
Seeking medical advice ensures that you receive appropriate treatment and support for your specific situation.

Is There a Way to Boost My Testosterone Naturally?

While there is no magical solution to instantly boost testosterone levels, certain lifestyle and dietary changes can support hormonal balance and overall health:

Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity, including strength training and cardiovascular exercise, can help stimulate testosterone production and improve overall well-being.
Balanced Diet: Consuming a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods, including lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables, provides essential vitamins and minerals necessary for hormone synthesis and regulation.
Adequate Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep as insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality can negatively impact hormone levels, including testosterone.
Stress Management: Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances, so practicing stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, or yoga can be beneficial.
Limit Alcohol and Avoid Smoking: Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can adversely affect testosterone levels, so it’s advisable to moderate alcohol intake and avoid smoking.


Kordi, Ramin et al. “Effect of abdominal resistance exercise on abdominal subcutaneous fat of obese women: a randomized controlled trial using ultrasound imaging assessments.” Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics vol. 38,3 (2015): 203-9. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2014.12.004

Paoli, A.; Casolo, A.; Saoncella, M.; Bertaggia, C.; Fantin, M.; Bianco, A.; Marcolin, G.; Moro, T. Effect of an Endurance and Strength Mixed Circuit Training on Regional Fat Thickness: The Quest for the “Spot Reduction”. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202118, 3845.

21 Doping Cases of Young Turkish Weightlifters; Fallout Drags on 12 Years Later  

In 2022, Dr. Tamas Ajan and Olympic champion Nicolae “Nicu” Vlad were banned from weightlifting’s bureaucracy for life, one year after being charged with “tampering and collusion” in the now-famous McLaren report. Alongside them was Hasan Akkus, then-president of the Turkish Weightlifting Federation (TWF).

In Jan. 2023, Akkus was banned from the sport’s governance for four years for “tampering with the results management process” after 21 Junior Turkish male weightlifters tested positive for steroids.

Image via via Shutterstock/baranq

[Related: 2024 European Weightlifting Championships Results]

What Happened

The charges were laid by the International Testing Agency (ITA), which carries out all anti-doping procedures for the IWF. Akkus has always denied any wrongdoing. He appealed against his ban at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

In January 2024, a CAS panel found that Akkus’ conduct “was deceptive and reprehensible, and … prone to create severe damage to the federations which had entrusted him with top-level positions…”

Despite that and evidence of falsified documents, Akkus was cleared. He had not broken any specific anti-doping rule.

Credit: Lyashenko Egor / Shutterstock

Akkus made a short statement at the EWF Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria, in Feb. 2024, pointing out that he had never resigned as president — he had merely “stepped aside” during the legal process. “My innocence is confirmed,” he told member federations at the time.

However, Akkus faces another battle in a Swiss court: The IWF wants the CAS decision annulled. The bizarre case of the 21 doping cases started in November 2012, and it is not over yet.

Who Is Hasan Akkus?

61-year-old Akkus, former professor at Selçuk University Faculty of Sports Sciences was general secretary of the EWF for nine years and president of his national federation from 2004 until 2013. 

In a 2021 interview with insidethegames, Akkus said he had always struggled to combat doping in Turkish weightlifting, which took root “when we had a lot of coaches from Bulgaria.”

Many times I discussed with the government that things were very dangerous, that there was a doping culture in weightlifting.

When Akkus campaigned for the EWF presidency in 2021, he highlighted the need for reforms in the sport. He criticized the McLaren investigation, saying it was wrong for the report’s findings to be used against him. Akkus was elected in April 2021 and “stepped down” in June when the ITA charged him.

Turkish Weightlifters on Steroids: The Positive Samples

In November 2012, the IWF, then ruled by Ajan and, unlike now, responsible for its own anti-doping procedures, sent doping testers to Russia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, and elsewhere before the European Junior and U23 Championships in Eilat, Israel. Two training camps were targeted in Turkey: 21 Juniors tested positive for the compound stanozolol. The CAS Ruling states:

The testing authority and results management authority was the IWF.

The analysis results arrived during the Eilat Championships. In-competition samples were taken where possible, and five of the 21 returned positive.

What Happened Next: The Backdated Letter

“This is very heavy and bad for my federation and myself,” Akkus said in a private email to the IWF on Jan. 17, 2013, which is repeated word for word in the CAS document. Akkus asked Ajan to help.

Turkey was liable to be banned and fined heavily. Akkus said in a recent interview in the Turkish media that the fine would have been $400,000.

Image via Shutterstock/Lyashenko Egor

Akkus asked the IWF to retrospectively switch responsibility for the results management to Turkey, thereby avoiding the ban and fine because the 21 cases would be national, not international. Athletes are still banned for national doping violations, but they do not count towards any sanctions imposed internationally.

Akkus ended by saying, “I hope Mr. Ajan … can help me. Please delete this e-mail after reading.” 

The CAS panel reports that Ajan said he would help, but everything must be secret:

Please make sure that no information is leaked to the press or other parties since it would endanger you and your federation’s position.

In January 2013, the IWF sent Akkus a letter suggesting the correct wording of a document, which would be dated Nov. 5, 2012. It later issued a press release that said the TWF had uncovered a doping scandal and praised it for its actions. On Feb. 5, an email to Akkus from IWF legal counsel Monika Ungar said:

Following the several press releases, I wish to inform you…The IWF transfers the results management of the out-of-competition cases to the Turkish Federation.

Akkus’ counsel instructed an independent expert to analyze electronic files to identify the time and date of relevant documents. The expert reported that there had been no manipulation: the letter had been created on November 5.

The ITA instructed another forensic expert to examine the November 5 letter. He reported: “The context in which this letter was created and sent back and forth leads to the conclusion that it was backdated…” It was done “possibly by simply setting back the computer clock to Nov. 5, 2012.”

All the doping cases were now national. Turkey would not be suspended. Akkus made a public statement, accepted responsibility for a doping scandal on his watch (for five in-competition tests, with no mention of the 21), and resigned from his IWF and TWF positions. However, he stayed in weightlifting, becoming general secretary of the European Federation.

Why Akkus Won His Appeal

The CAS judgment states:

While the panel is satisfied that Mr. Akkus did wrong when he backdated the letter, the question remains whether these actions constitute an ADRV (anti-doping rule violation).

The panel ruled that they did not. There is nothing in the specific definition of a doping violation to cover his actions regarding results management. The IWF is expected to take further action.

BarBend will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.

Disclaimer: Brian Oliver is an Independent correspondent for BarBend. The views and opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect his own. Oliver is not directly affiliated with any of BarBend’s existing media partnerships.

Featured image via Shutterstock/baranq

The post 21 Doping Cases of Young Turkish Weightlifters; Fallout Drags on 12 Years Later   appeared first on BarBend.

Urs Kalecinski and Wesley Vissers Tag Team Back Training During 2024 Arnold Classic Prep

In professional bodybuilding, camaraderie and competition often go hand-in-hand. Although Urs Kalecinski and Wesley Vissers will lock horns at the 2024 Arnold Classic on March 1-2, 2024, the duo joined forces for a back training session.

Kalecinski and Vissers have intensified their programming to train back twice weekly while prepping for the Arnold. On Feb. 18, 2024, Kalecinski published a video on his YouTube channel, sharing his go-to back exercises and training tips for sculpting his back.

Urs Kalecinski and Wesley Vissers 2024 AC Back Workout

Here is a summary of the Classic Physique bodybuilders’ back training routine:

Lat Pulldown

Seated Cable Row

Single-Arm Machine Row

Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown

Assisted Pull-Ups

Check out the video below: 

[Related: Jay Cutler to Receive 2024 Arnold Classic Lifetime Achievement Award]

Lat Pulldown

The duo employed a wider-than-shoulder-width overhand grip on the bar to bias the lats. Kalencinski moved through his full range of motion, pulling the bar to the upper chest at the bottom of each rep and stopping just shy of full elbow extension at the top.

Vissers usually performs three to four sets of his opening back exercise to feel a deep contraction in the target muscles.

You don’t have to warm up and get used to the movement to develop a good mind-muscle connection.

Kalecinski took extended rest between sets to offer his muscles enough time to recover. Doing so better ensures maximal output in the subsequent set. A randomized controlled trial found that participants who rested for three minutes between sets experienced greater muscle size and strength increases than those who only rested for one minute. (1)

[Related: Nick Walker Trains Back Raw 14 Weeks Out From the 2024 New York Pro]

Seated Cable Row

The Classic Physique competitors performed seated cable rows with a shoulder-wide overhand grip. They pulled the bar toward the upper ribs while flaring the elbows to bias the rear delts, traps, rhomboids, and teres major and minor. 

The pair maintained an upright torso throughout their range of motion. They avoided leaning back or forward to maintain the stimulus on their lats. Kalencski retracted his scapula on concentrics and paused at the top.

Single-Arm Machine Row

Unilateral training can be effective for fixing strength and muscle imbalances. Vissers placed his chest against the iso-lateral machine’s pad, grabbed the handle with a neutral grip, dipped his working shoulder, and pulled his elbow past his midline, tight to the torso. 

The machine’s line of pull allowed the duo to better bias their lower lats. After reaching failure, Kalenciski used momentum by swinging his torso.

Cheat reps are useful if you know how to use them.

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that muscle failure increased hypertrophy gains when lighter weights were used, but the effect was less pronounced with heavier weights. So maxing out and then some with lighter loads might be the ticket to bigger gains. (2)

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A post shared by Urs Kalecinski (@the.miraclebear)

[Related: Wellness Bodybuilder Chloe Pickford Shares How to Build “Whammy” Quads]

Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown

Vissers grabbed a cable handle attachment with a narrow grip, positioned his torso at 45 degrees, and maintained slight elbow flexion throughout to load the lats. He used a slow rep cadence and paused at the top and bottom to increase the time under tension (TUT). 

Research published in the Journal of Physiology indicates that greater TUT leads to significant increases in mitochondrial and sarcoplasmic protein synthesis. It also showed a delayed but enhanced stimulation of myofibrillar protein synthesis, which is responsible for increasing muscle fiber size. (3)

Assisted Pull-Ups

The pair concluded their workout with three sets of assisted pull-ups. The assisted pull-up machine can lighten the load of each rep, which can eliminate the need to use momentum. 

Kalenciski used lifting straps to limit forearm engagement and maximize lat stimulation.

While doing pull-ups, I always imagine that I have to open the back to hit the back double [biceps] pose.

Kalecinski and Vissers will challenge reigning Arnold Classic champ Ramon Querioz for his throne in early march. Former AC champs Terrence Ruffin and Breon Ansley will also compete as top contenders who could contest for gold.


Schoenfeld, B. J., Pope, Z. K., Benik, F. M., Hester, G. M., Sellers, J., Nooner, J. L., Schnaiter, J. A., Bond-Williams, K. E., Carter, A. S., Ross, C. L., Just, B. L., Henselmans, M., & Krieger, J. W. (2016). Longer Interset Rest Periods Enhance Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in Resistance-Trained Men. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 30(7), 1805–1812.

Lasevicius, T., Schoenfeld, B. J., Silva-Batista, C., Barros, T. S., Aihara, A. Y., Brendon, H., Longo, A. R., Tricoli, V., Peres, B. A., & Teixeira, E. L. (2022). Muscle Failure Promotes Greater Muscle Hypertrophy in Low-Load but Not in High-Load Resistance Training. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 36(2), 346–351.

Burd NA, Andrews RJ, West DW, et al. Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men. J Physiol. 2012;590(2):351-362. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2011.221200

Featured image: @wesleyvissers and @the.miraclebear on Instagram

The post Urs Kalecinski and Wesley Vissers Tag Team Back Training During 2024 Arnold Classic Prep appeared first on BarBend.

2024 Pan American Weightlifting Championships Full Results

2024 is starting off with a bang for fans of weightlifting. February has hosted four different continental championships in a row as the Paris 2024 Olympic Games draw ever closer. This year, the Pan American Weightlifting Championships (PAWC) are being held in Caracas, Venezuela, from Feb. 23 to 29. This event will help decide the fates of many of the region’s best weightlifters who are eyeing a ticket to the 2024 Olympics. 

BarBend will update our 2024 Pan American Championships results page regularly; check back each day to find out who won this year and who punched their ticket to Paris this summer.  

[Elsewhere: 2024 Asian Weightlifting Championships Full Results]

2024 Pan American Weightlifting Championships | Women’s Results

Below, you can find the Group A results of each Women’s category at the 2024 PAWC. All categories may not contain the same number of contestants.

Editor’s Note: The notation below reads as, “Name (Country) — Total (Snatch/Clean & Jerk)”. Podium athletes’ results are bolded.

[Related: The Best Weightlifting Shoes You Can Buy in 2024]

45 Kilograms

Victoria Nazareth Tovar Milano (VEN) — 155 (68/87)

Mariangeli Irene Martinez Rosales (VEN) — 144 (62/82)

49 Kilograms

Ana Gabriela Lopez Ferrer (MEX) — 188 (86/102)

Katherin Oriana Echandia Zarate (VEN) — 185 (83/102)

Andrea De La Herran Martinez (MEX) — 175 (80/95)

Shoely Mabel Mego Contreras (PER) — 167 (73/94)

Silvana Maria Gonzalez Sanchez (GTM) — 149 (64/85)

55 Kilograms

Josee Gallant (CAN) — 198 (89/109)

Rosselyn Uzcategui Escalona (VEN) — 186 (83/103)

Victoria Maria Grenni Alvarado (SLV) — 171 (75/96)

59 Kilograms


64 Kilograms


71 Kilograms


76 Kilograms


81 Kilograms


87 Kilograms


+87 Kilograms


2024 Pan American Weightlifting Championships | Men’s Results

Here are the results from each Men’s category at the 2024 Pan American Championships in Caracas. There are a different number of entrants in each category.

Editor’s Note: The notation below reads as, “Name (Country) — Total (Snatch/Clean & Jerk)”. Podium athletes’ results are bolded.

[Related: The Best Barbells You Can Buy in 2024]

55 Kilograms

Juan Antonio Barco Rangel (MEX) — 228 (101/127)

Jose Manuel Poox Peralta (MEX) — 226 (99/127)

Howard Roche Cintron (PRI) — 222 (103/119)

Angello Rafael Solorzano Carmona (VEN) — 206 (93/113)

61 Kilograms

Hector Andres Viveros Sanchez (COL) — 264 (115/149)

Luis David Bardalez Tuisima (PER) — 264 (114/150)

Victor Jesus Garrido Buenaire (ECU) — 263 (123/140)

Jhony David Artega Castillo (ECU) — 250 (115/135)

Abraham Jose Rivera Gamez (VEN) — 246 (105/141)

67 Kilograms

Luis Eduardo Cano Hernandez (COL) — 293 (129/164)

Hector Armando Garcia (COL) — 292 (135/157)

Endy Jose Rivas (VEN) — 287 (127/160)

Orlando Antonio Vasquez Morales (NIC) — 286 (131/155)

David Jimenez Hidalgo (CRI) — 277 (126/151)

Arley Lazaro Calederon Licourt (CUB) — 266 (118/148)

Jose Alexander Mendez Diaz (SLV) — 250 (110/140)

73 Kilograms


81 Kilograms


89 Kilograms


96 Kilograms


102 Kilograms


109 Kilograms


+109 Kilograms


How To Watch the 2024 Pan American Weightlifting Championships

If you’re interested in watching this year’s Pan American Championships live, you have two options. The Pan American Weightlifting Federation is broadcasting the event live in two locations, both on their website and over on their YouTube Channel

[Related: The Best Weightlifting Belts You Can Buy (Personally Tested)

Where Is Team USA? 

American weightlifters typically compete at the Pan American Championships. However, this year, Team USA were granted special privileges to attend the 2024 European Weightlifting Championships in Sofia, Bulgaria, instead. USA Weightlifting cited logistics-related concerns that explained the change in itinerary. American athletes were not eligible to win medals in Sofia, but their performances did count towards Paris qualification. 

More Weightlifting Content

The Bulgarian Method Is the Hardest Weightlifting Routine Ever Created

How An Unexpected Phone Call Might Get 36-Year-Old Caine Wilkes Back to the Olympics

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Featured Image: @covofficial on Instagram

The post 2024 Pan American Weightlifting Championships Full Results appeared first on BarBend.

XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill Review (2024): Value and Performance in a Stepping Stone Cardio Machine

It’s a tall ask to invest loads of money into one of the best treadmills on the market when you’re just getting started in fitness. Treadmills can cost thousands of dollars, but thankfully, budget-friendly machines — like the XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill — can take the strain out of this purchasing process with affordable price tags and beginner-friendly setups.

While the TR150 is by no means a feature-rich profile designed for advanced runners, there is still some meat on the bone for beginner athletes. The (albeit basic) LCD display is plenty legible for easy-to-read statistics and tracking, and the 16-inch by 50-inch running deck can give you enough room to comfortably walk or jog throughout your introductory sessions. When you set your expectations accordingly and appreciate the included conveniences of this sub-$400 tread, you can start to see how this TR150 makes for a great starter kit for novice cardio enthusiasts.

XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill

XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill

This folding treadmill is powered by a quiet 2.25 HP motor, allowing for speeds up to 10 miles per hour. It features a 50-inch belt, three incline levels, and 250-pound maximum weight capacity.

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About Our Expert

This article has been reviewed by Amanda Capritto, CPT, CES, CNC, CF-L1, CSNC, a certified personal trainer and CrossFit Level 1 instructor. She reviewed the research we cite to help ensure we’re providing helpful, accurate descriptions and recommendations. She has also tested multiple budget-friendly treadmills herself, so she knows what these simplified machines can bring to the table.

Main Takeaways

The TR150 comes equipped with 12 preset programs, and the center console showcases each workout with easy-to-digest visuals to represent the speed intervals.

The 16-inch by 50-inch running deck accommodates shorter stride lengths, but those interested in high-intensity runs may prefer a longer 60-inch belt. (1)

It has no folding mechanism, meaning you’ll need to control the deck through its ascent or descent or it could slam to the floor. 

XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill Highlights

Price: $393.78

Incline Range: 3 levels (manual)

Max Speed: 10mph

Motor Size: 2.25 HP

Weight Capacity: 250lbs

Product Dimensions: 63.4″ L x 28.75″ W x 51.4″ H

Running Deck Dimensions: 50” L x 16” W

Display: 5” LCD

Warranty: Lifetime frame, one-year motor, 90-day deck, 90-day labor

The XTERRA Fitness TR150 features a compact profile with a footprint of 12.66 square feet. For reference, that’s smaller than your typical loveseat, which measures in at 15.31 square feet. (2) The TR150 has a lightweight frame of 97 pounds, which can help when trying to move this cardio machine into place. Some of the best high-end treadmills can weigh 250 pounds or more, and oftentimes require a helping hand to maneuver.

Speaking of portability, the TR150 does feature a wheeled base. However, our tester found that the transport wheels were a little small to facilitate efficient rolling, especially when trying to roll the treadmill across thicker carpet. Thankfully, the lightweight profile is easy enough to muscle into position, so you should only need to worry about potential scrapes and scuffs across your floor plan.

Our tester walking on the XTERRA Fitness TR150 deck.

As is the case with other compact treadmills, the TR150 features a smaller running deck than average, measuring 50 inches long by 16 inches wide. While we were happy with the width that allowed for comfortable arm swings and balance during trials, our tester did have some thoughts regarding the shorter belt length. 

“A 50-inch deck could support someone under 5’9”, but I’d be hesitant to really open up my gait with this treadmill,” they noted. “A longer running stride could easily find the end of the belt or front motor cover, so comfort and stride length would have to be compromised in order to stay on top of the machine during all-out sprints.”

[Related: The 8 Best Compact Treadmills]

Moving up toward the top of this machine, the center console features a 5-inch LCD screen capable of tracking your speed, incline, time, distance, calories, and pulse (provided you grab hold of the heart rate sensors located along the side handlebars). There are also two side storage compartments, although they are sized awkwardly, according to our tester. The accessory holders are too narrow for a slim water bottle, so having a drink mid-run is practically out of the question unless you’re really good at balancing.

There’s also a convenient tablet holder at the middle of the console, which can be helpful when trying to follow along to your favorite running app or go-to streaming service like Netflix or Prime Video. Unfortunately, the conveniences end there with this wallet-friendly profile. The unit is not equipped with Bluetooth connectivity, there are no cooling fans to keep you refreshed, and the only “port” along the head unit is for the safety key.

XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill console

The center console also features clearly-labeled toggles for the speed, with quick-adjust buttons for the 0- to 10-mile-per-hour range. These buttons are only applicable to the speed range and 12 preset training programs, though, since any incline adjustments are made manually.  

According to the brand, the TR150 boasts three different manual incline settings, although we haven’t found any information on the precise angles of each setting. For reference, other incline treadmills often carry an incline range between 0 and 15 percent. We know the TR150 doesn’t reach those pitches that high, but it can be helpful for comparison, nonetheless.

When not in use, the TR150 features a folding deck that can shrink the machine’s footprint to 5.69 square feet. This can be a great asset for keeping your space open and livable outside of training, especially if you’re trying to train in the confines of a small room or apartment. That said, the deck does not feature any supportive folding system and the lock is just a simple pin. To safely raise and lower the deck, you’ll need to fully control its weight throughout the range of motion.

Because of this less-equipped folding system, we strongly recommend that athletes with children or pets take extra precaution around this XTERRA Fitness treadmill. The locking is almost at a child’s height, so accidents could potentially occur if a youngster decides to get adventurous.

[Related: The 8 Best Folding Treadmills (Expert Tested)]


This treadmill folds up to a 5.69-square foot footprint — a 6.97-square-foot difference from its operating dimensions.

The TR150’s availability on Amazon grants you 90 days for returns, which can be helpful when trying to decide if you’d like to stick with this treadmill or not.

Despite the cheaper price tag, XTERRA Fitness still offers a worthwhile warranty package, including lifetime coverage for the frame.


A 250-pound max weight rating may be too light for heavier athletes and falls below the 300-pound average weight capacity of other treadmills.

The running deck dimensions may be too short for running demands — we recommend a 60-inch running surface to support sprints and longer strides.

The manual incline adjustments mean you’ll need to make your settings changes before getting into a workout.

Training With the XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill

Our tester walked, jogged, and ran atop this TR150 folding treadmill for multiple weeks, trialing the machine’s ability to deliver worthwhile workout sessions. Training was a mixed bag of manually-controlled runs where they set their desired speed, as well as intervals chosen from the library of 12 preset programs. 

We used a multi-point methodology to rate the TR150 in categories such as adjustability, warranty, workout experience, ergonomics, durability, and more, scoring on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)

Our tester running on the XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill.

Additionally, we used the TR150 at each of its three incline levels, which are toggled near the rear of the tread belt with a pin and hole lock. It’s a simple system that gives you a change in underfoot sensations, but when compared to other treadmills offering incline changes, this system does leave you wanting a little more.

[Related: The 9 Best Running Apps]

It should also be stated that your incline needs to remain the same throughout your entire workout, unless you don’t mind pausing your progress, hopping off the belt, and reaching down (after everything has come to a halt) and switching the pin placement.

Finally, getting into and out of workout mode is simple thanks to the foldable XTRASOFT cushioned deck. The entire belt is simple enough to move, but be mindful that there are no gas shocks or hydraulic lift assists underneath the running deck. This means that all of the weight needs to be controlled by you before lockout. In our opinion, this was one area where we’d like to see the TR150 improve with future releases — we’re okay with forgoing some digital tech, but safety should always be top of mind.

Preset Workout Programs

According to our tester, the abundance of 12 preset workout programs is a definite plus for the TR150, as other budget treadmills typically feature less than 10 modules, or none at all. Additionally, the picture key for each program is a nice touch across the center console that can be ideal for beginners wanting a visual representation of how their workouts will run. These graphs showcase how the speeds will change in a session at varying increments, essentially giving you a preview of how intense or laid back a given circuit will be.

“To the right and left of the LCD display, you’ll see 12 printed examples of different preset programs,” said our tester. “While not the fanciest depiction of a workout library, I do think it’s a great way to utilize this space, and the graphs showcasing the speed intervals can be helpful for beginners.

The preset programs don’t have any fancy names like “Hill Climb” or “Burnout,” but instead are listed P1 through P12. “I think the visuals help, but I’d appreciate a little more clarity around what these workouts are intended for based on the naming structure,” added our tester, a certified personal trainer.

Finally, while we appreciated the programming baked into the TR150, the lack of incline changes within these circuits does limit engagement and enjoyment slightly. Naturally, we cannot compare the workout experience to something like iFIT, but we’d like to see a little more variety and challenge, especially if you’re a more advanced athlete looking to refresh your training day in and day out. For these reasons, we rated the programming at 3.5 out of 5.

[Related: The Best Treadmills with iFIT]

Manual Incline Levels

The TR150 also features a manual incline system at the rear of the tread belt. Essentially, you can toggle between three pin placements that drop or raise the rear of the machine to give your approach angle a different pitch. This is a component not commonly found in treadmills under $500, so having the ability to alter your incline is a definite convenience here.

Our tester walking on the XTERRA Fitness TR150 at an inclined deck setting.

That said, we rated the adjustability at 2 out of 5 because there are just three levels to choose from, and they are not labeled with specific percentages. Additionally, the manual nature of this incline does mean you’ll need to set your pitch before hopping into a workout, and unless you stop the belt mid-session, you cannot toggle it lower or higher mid-run.

Foldable Running Deck

To help you save some space when not in the throes of a workout, the XTERRA Fitness TR150 features a folding deck for more convenient storage. While our tester rated this at 4 out of 5 for the treadmill’s overall footprint, the mechanism does give some concern. 

“The TR150 lacks a gas shock like you’d see in other treadmills from brands like NordicTrack or Sole,” they added. “This shock absorption allows the deck to lower slowly to the ground, so to avoid the TR150’s deck from slamming across your floor, I recommend having a solid grasp of the belt itself.”

In terms of where to hold the belt during raising and lowering, there is no hand grip for more convenient handling. However, we didn’t view this as a complete negative — the belt is still pretty light and getting hold of the unit isn’t too much of a burden.

[Related: The 7 Best Treadmills Under $500]

While we were confident enough in our abilities to control the running deck through its plane of motion, we do want athletes to be extra careful around pets and children. The locking pin that holds the belt in its upright storage position is within reach for most youngsters, so it may be optimal to keep this treadmill storage in a non-common area where your kids aren’t left unsupervised.

What to Consider Before Buying the XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill

According to Amanda Capritto, our expert reviewer and a certified personal trainer, “Treadmills are a great home gym item for individuals who want to increase their daily or weekly cardio exercise via walking, jogging, or running. Even if you don’t use a treadmill daily, it’s a great item to have for instances in which you can’t or don’t want to walk or run outside.” That said, though, the right treadmill can truly set yourself up for success, so it’s imperative that you think through the following factors when choosing a treadmill for your home space.


Naturally, a treadmill is no good to your workout regimen if it can’t comfortably fit within your abode. Before searching for your new home gym machine, be sure to break out your tape measure to get a better idea of how much space you have at your disposal. “Check the overall length, width, and height of the machine in its assembled position and folded position if applicable. And triple-measure your space to make sure it will fit,” adds Capritto.

The TR150 is one of the more compact treads we’ve tested, taking up a 12.66-square-foot patch of flooring for operation. Additionally, the foldable deck can help you regain nearly 7 square feet of space when not in training mode, which can be ideal for athletes trying to train within a small apartment or crowded living area.

[Related: The 7 Best Treadmills for Apartments, Chosen by Experts]

Be mindful, though, that compact frames and profiles do need to sacrifice other components in order to create that shrunken silhouette. Oftentimes, this can lead to treadmills incapable of supporting higher user weights.

User Weight Capacity

The treadmill you choose should be able to withstand regular use through a durable frame, sturdy running deck, and powerful motor. While you can get into the weeds between build materials like steel, hard plastic, and others, one of the easiest ways to tell if your tread is up to the task is by looking at its max weight capacity. This is the measurement indicating how heavy an athlete can be before the machine begins to function improperly, either through a bogged-down motor or structural creaks and cracks.

Our tester walks on an XTerra TR150 Treadmill

Of course, you’ll want a treadmill that can support your bodyweight, but if you plan on running, that can put your machine under slightly more stress than weight alone. It can be a good option to search for a buffer between what your machine can handle and your measured bodyweight. If you are a larger athlete, there are even treadmills boasting heavy-duty makeups capable of supporting 350 pounds or more.

[Related: The 7 Best Treadmills for Heavy People]

Capritto states that the industry standard for treadmill user weight ratings is 300 pounds. The TR150 clocks in with a max weight limit of 250 pounds, so it is slightly under this threshold. However, it can still be a worthwhile option for some, especially those lighter in stature that may not intend to put their machine through the rigors of an intense sprint session.

Fitness Goals

Your fitness goals and preferred training methods can also influence which treadmill is right for you. If you want to mimic outdoor running as closely as possible, it can be helpful to opt for a machine capable with varying inclines (and potentially declines). Plus, the max speed of your machine should be capable of supporting your all-out sprints. We often recommend treadmills capable of at least 12 miles per hour for such needs, where light jogging and walking needs drop that metric below 10 miles per hour.

For runners, it can also be wise to look at the running deck dimensions. Capritto states, “People who intend to run or sprint on their treadmill should look for a running deck of at least 60 inches in length. Walkers and joggers can get away with shorter decks, unless they are really tall individuals. 50 to 55 inches can usually cut it for walking and light jogging.”

[Related: Expert Tested: The 8 Best Treadmills for Running]

XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill Vs. The Competition

We’ve tested over 40 treadmills over the years, with plenty of budget-minded options comparable to the XTERRA Fitness TR150. While performance and features can begin to dwindle at this sub-$400 price range, there are still some quality options to choose from. Below are three similar machines to the TR150 — the SF-T4400 from Sunny Health and Fitness, the Egofit Walker Pro, and the Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill.

The Sunny Health and Fitness SF-T4400 is possibly the closest competitor to the TR150. Both are available on Amazon — a true treat for Prime subscribers — and both offer a manual incline system for giving your workouts some variety while still keeping costs low. The SF-T4400 is slightly smaller than the TR150, with a footprint of 10.98 square feet.

However, what you gain back in floor space, you end up losing in max speed and weight capacity. The SF-T4400 can only reach up to 9 miles per hour, and can support up to 220 pounds, as opposed to the TR150’s 10-miles-per-hour max speed and 250-pound weight capacity.

The Egofit Walker Pro is one of the best under-desk treadmills, and the compact frame of this machine can make it an excellent addition to your home office. This walking pad also features a 5-percent constant incline for an added sense of challenge in your sessions. For those wanting to run and walk through their routine, though, we’d still recommend the TR150. The running surface is more accommodating to longer strides, and you’d be hard-pressed to manage a sprinting motion with the Walker Pro’s 3.11-miles-per-hour max speed.

Lastly, when comparing price points between the TR150 and Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill, the Goplus option comes in roughly $100 cheaper. Additionally, the sleek, foldable design can make storage a breeze under nearby furniture or off in the corner of your training area. 

However, with a max speed of 7.5 miles per hour and shorter 39.3-inch running deck, we’d only recommend this unit for walking and light jogging. You could potentially run in a more comfortable stance with the TR150 given the higher speeds and lengthier belt.

Places to Buy the XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill

You can purchase the XTERRA Fitness TR150 via Amazon.

Customer Experience

After a quick and painless purchasing process on Amazon, our tester stated that the TR150 arrived fairly quickly to their doorstep in about one week’s time. In terms of shipping costs, Amazon does offer four varying packages, depending on how hands-on or hands-off you’d like the experience to be:

Free Standard Shipping: The treadmill is left outside your front door like other Amazon packages.

Inside Entryway ($14.99): The treadmill is delivered to the first dry area of your home or residence.

Room of Choice ($19.99): Handlers will carry the TR150 to your room of choice for less personal transport before assembly.

Deluxe Delivery and Unpack ($29.99): Handlers will deliver your treadmill to your room of choice, unpack the machine and inspect for any damage or defects, and take all packaging materials with them for a spot-free clean-up.

Whichever service you choose is up to your discretion, but from our standpoint, the TR150 is light enough to move on your own, and assembly isn’t complicated. As such, we think most athletes would be okay with the free standard shipping (or, at least, the inside entryway package if you’re dealing with inclement weather).


Where the TR150 sets itself apart from other budget treadmills is in the included warranty package. This XTERRA Fitness is bundled with one-year coverage for the motor, 90-day coverage for the running deck, and 90-day coverage for labor, but the true standout of the package is the lifetime warranty for the frame. 

[Related: The 8 Best Budget Treadmills for Streaming, Walking, and More]

We scored the warranty package at 4 out of 5 because most sub-$500 machines barely offer any coverage, especially to the tune of lifetime support. To take advantage of this package, all you’ll need to do is register your TR150’s serial number on the XTERRA Fitness web page.

On top of the warranties, the TR150’s Amazon availability gives you a 90-day return policy as opposed to the traditional 30 days. This can be an ideal situation for beginner athletes, as it gives you roughly 3 months to determine whether this cardio machine is right for your needs and fitness goals.

Company Information

Based in Jonesboro, Arkansas, XTERRA Fitness is a leading manufacturer of budget-friendly home fitness equipment, specializing in cardio machines such as treadmills, ellipticals, rowing machines, and exercise bikes. The available products can be excellent for beginner athletes who may not want a tech-heavy unit from the start, yet still want to get their training off on the right foot.

To contact XTERRA Fitness, you can submit a service ticket on the brand’s web page. Agents are available to assist Monday-Friday, 8:00am-7:00pm CST. For immediate assistance, you can also call XTERRA Fitness at 1-800-258-8511.

In Conclusion

While there’s no shortage of wallet-friendly treadmills and cardio machines to choose from, we feel the TR150 from XTERRA Fitness is a worthwhile option for most, especially those that are still pondering over their in-training interests and personal tastes. Don’t be fooled — this is a bare-bones cardio machine, but the respectable 10-miles-per-hour speed range, robust workout library, and space-saving folding specs can give you plenty of bang for your buck.

If you’re an athlete that wants all the bells and whistles, we’d suggest upping your budget to the near-$1,000 mark. Simply put, it’s very difficult to include streaming capabilities, well-built frames, and high-powered performance into a treadmill without landing near this watermark. For those willing to sacrifice some of these conveniences, or those that just want a well-powered tread for daily strolls and jogs, the TR150 should definitely be on your shortlist.


Is XTERRA Fitness a good brand?

Whether XTERRA Fitness is a good or bad brand is subjective. However, we do appreciate the brand’s dedication to providing inexpensive fitness equipment for home gym enthusiasts. Also, the simplified makeup of most XTERRA machines makes them suitable for beginner athletes just learning the ropes with training.

Can you run on the XTERRA Fitness TR150 treadmill?

In theory, yes. The TR150 is capable of reaching speeds up to 10 miles per hour, and the 50-inch by 16-inch running belt can provide enough space for moderate jogging. However, we often recommend taller athletes or more dedicated runners search for treadmills capable of 12-miles-per-hour max speeds across a running belt of at least 60 inches in length. These measurements can be more accommodating for the longer strides you’d exhibit when in the throes of an all-out sprint.

How much does the XTERRA Fitness TR150 cost?

Available on Amazon, the XTERRA Fitness TR150 is currently available for $393.78.

What is the weight capacity for the XTERRA Fitness TR150 treadmill?

The XTERRA Fitness TR150 Folding Treadmill can support user weights up to 250 pounds.

Does the XTERRA Fitness TR150 have incline settings?

Yes, the TR150 does feature an incline range, however the system is different from other machines. The incline settings are controlled manually by a sliding pinion at the rear of the tread belt. Before hopping on for a daily run, you’ll need to set this adjustment toggle to your liking.


CAVANAGH, P. R., & KRAM, R. (1989). Stride length in distance running. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 21(4).

Jaramillo, C. (2022, December 29). A guide to sofa dimensions & sizes. SeatUp, LLC. 

The post XTERRA Fitness TR150 Treadmill Review (2024): Value and Performance in a Stepping Stone Cardio Machine appeared first on BarBend.

iFIT, Dish Settle Lawsuit Over Fitness Streaming Tech

A judge had ruled that iFIT and Peloton infringed on Dish’s streaming technology patents, causing headaches for the connected fitness rivals

iFIT and Dish Network have reached a definite settlement in a legal dispute over streaming technology patents, according to a joint filing in a Delaware federal Court.

The agreement follows a feud that began in 2021 between the satellite television company and fitness equipment brand where Dish Network accused the Utah-based iFIT of infringing on its streaming technology patents with its bicycles and ellipticals.

In addition to iFIT’s NordicTrack equipment, Dish took aim at Peloton’s bikes and treadmills, arguing that the fitness equipment brands infringed on its patents that cover adaptive bitrate streaming technology, allowing users to stream content in real-time at a high quality.

The case had escalated to the U.S. International Trade Commission, which banned imports of video-streaming fitness devices made by Peloton and iFIT after a judge determined they infringed on the Colorado-based Dish Network’s patents last March. Peloton agreed to pay Dish $75 million in a one-time settlement payment last May. 

The settlement filing between iFIT and Dish states that the fitness equipment maker and TV network are in the process of memorializing the terms in a written settlement agreement and anticipate that they will be able to complete the process and file a joint stipulation and order of dismissal within 60 days.  The two entities have requested the court grant a stay of proceedings until April 22, 2024.

An iFIT spokesperson declined to comment on the financial terms of the settlement.

Aside from its squabble with Dish, the health and fitness company has leaned into artificial intelligence with last month’s launch of AI Coach, which helps fitness enthusiasts hit their goals with personalized and adaptive training plans.

The post iFIT, Dish Settle Lawsuit Over Fitness Streaming Tech appeared first on Athletech News.

Do Employers Need a ‘Wake Up Call’ on Corporate Wellness?

Stressed-out Gen Z and Millennial workers are at a breaking point and are prioritizing well-being in their career choices, Lifesum finds

The key to engaged, productive Gen Z and Millennial employees is an investment in well-being, finds Lifesum, a global healthy eating platform used by Amazon, GE and PayPal.

At the core of Lifesum’s recent 2024 State of Healthy Eating and Well-being report is an eye-opening statistic that nearly 71% of Gen Z and Millennials would quit their job tomorrow in favor of one that better supports their overall well-being. The report also highlights the projected trends stemming from the desires of the most coveted consumers. 

The healthy eating platform surveyed 10,000 Gen Z and Millennials, finding that 69% would be more productive if their employer improved their well-being. Meanwhile, 31% would even consider a pay cut in exchange for a happier and healthier work environment, showing just how invested young workers are in their well-being.

Markus Falk, Lifesum CEO, says the report is a “wake-up call” for employers who need to grasp the needs of Gen Z and Millennials, who he says are redefining company loyalty by prioritizing personal well-being in career choices. 

“The report underscores how a nutrition-first approach can foster long-term well-being, benefiting mental, physical and emotional health,” Falk said. “This, in turn, enhances workplace productivity and satisfaction.” 

credit: Lifesum

An accurate picture of overwhelmed Gen Z and Millennials has continued to materialize, as seen by the American Psychological Association’s 2023 Stress in America findings. The report sounds the alarm that younger populations are not only plagued with stress but demonstrate higher stress levels than the generations before them. Experts say inflation, isolation and difficulty accessing health care are all contributing factors.

With numerous stressors swirling around in the minds of Gen Z and Millennial workers, Lifesum points out that employers can assist staff in resiliency-supporting corporate wellness offerings that benefit staff but also reduce absenteeism, boost productivity and increase a company’s bottom line.

Lifesum’s 2024 State of Healthy Eating and Well-being report dived into factors that the platform says create a fulfilling work experience, such as health and wellness goals, mental health and sleep.

Here are the findings:

Young Consumers Snack Their Way to Wellness  

Gen Z and Millennials ranked their top three health and wellness goals with physical fitness leading the charge (88%), followed by mental health and stress management (71%) and then sleep quality (54%).

Lifesum found that workplace stress is deemed a “critical concern” for young workers, with 75% willing to cut ties with their employer over a toxic working environment. 

The report also highlighted emerging trends in the health and wellness space, with functional foods resonating with Gen Z and Millennials, 73% of whom eat for “enhanced energy,” while 61% are looking for improved mental health. Lifesum found that 40% eat their way to more restful sleep, noting that “snackable supplements” that incorporate valuable vitamins and protein are popular with younger consumers.  

Lifesum projects that this year will see a rise in stress-relieving adaptogenic foods, such as mushroom latte powders, and sleep-inducing foods with melatonin and magnesium.

Target has also ramped up its shelves and ecommerce site with over a thousand wellness-supporting products at cost-conscious price points across skincare, supplements, functional beverages, vitamins and more — seemingly to prepare for wellness-seeking young consumers.

The Intersection of Sleep & Nourishment 

As stress plays a significant role in eating habits and sleep quality, it makes sense that Gen Z and Millennials are looking to improve on all ends — and are aware of the connection between sleep and nutrition. With one in three Americans not getting enough sleep, Mindbody predicted that sleep hygiene will be a top trend for 2024 — a finding supported by Lifesum. 

Lifesum’s report found that 50% of respondents say their dietary decisions are essential to their energy levels during the day, while 83% seriously contemplate modifying their eating habits in exchange for a more restful sleep.

credit: Lifesum

Based on those findings, Lifesum predicts that there will be a rise in foods rich in sleep-inducing nutrients and tech-based solutions such as its sleep tracking feature with Oura, which gives users a behind-the-scenes look into how diet impacts sleep patterns (and vice versa).

“Gen Z and Millennials deeply value the intersection of sleep and nutrition,” Falk said. “Corporate wellness programs will increasingly acknowledge how sleep and nutrition impact productivity and overall well-being, which will lead to a comprehensive strategy that optimizes a healthy work-life balance.”

Drivers of the Longevity Boom

The growing awareness of longevity modalities may have wellness seekers rushing to book IV drips, saunas and cold plunges. Still, Gen Z and Millennials are already ahead of the game, with 51% of survey respondents sharing that they are actively engaged in longevity and well-being practices. Moreover, 56% consider taking “immediate action” to enhance longevity. 

Such data is a solid foundation for a rise in personalized nutrition programs, sustainable and mindful eating habits and mental health programs, according to Lifesum. 

“Organizational culture plays a pivotal role in shaping employee well-being and workplace outcomes,” Falk said. “The report underscores how Gen Z and Millennials use nutrition to promote overall wellness across various aspects of their lives. This will have a knock-on effect for employers and pave the way for nutrition-first corporate wellness strategies that optimize employee health and productivity.”

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Precor Taps BeaverFit for New Functional Strength Line

The partnership comes as strength training grows in popularity, with functional spaces becoming increasingly common in gyms

Precor is launching an upcoming functional strength training equipment line powered by BeaverFit, a fitness equipment supplier that serves the U.S. and NATO militaries, boutique studios and fitness entrepreneurs, and is the original creator of the container gym. 

The Washington-based Precor’s functional strength training line will introduce several products with BeaverFit’s space-saving design elements, such as integrated storage, while offering functional exercise zones that allow other strength areas to remain open for primary lifting movements.

The upcoming functional training line offers six options available with or without accessory packages: a Fitness Single Bay with the essentials for commercial facilities, a complete functional training Double Bay for high-traffic commercial facilities, a Hospitality Double Bay and Single Bay for limited fitness spaces, a Functional Post offering a single station powerhouse and a Functional Bridge for 360-degree training for solo or small group workouts. 

“BeaverFit’s extensive experience in developing purpose-built, functional training equipment that withstands the toughest environments, combined with their expertise in premium design and manufacturing, made them a perfect fit for Precor,” said Adam Hubbard, Precor director of product and marketing. “

Precor’s new products will be introduced this spring throughout the U.S. and internationally in select countries. The new functional strength line boasts built-to-last steel, adhering to BeaverFit’s mission of using high-quality materials sourced and manufactured in the U.S. and Britain. 

“We couldn’t be more excited about this partnership with the Precor team,” said Nick Vay, vice president of commercial sales at BeaverFit. “The synergy between our brands is remarkable, and we deeply appreciate the chance to provide our world-class functional training solutions to support their outstanding team and customers across the globe.”

credit: BeaverFit/Precor

The partnership comes as strength training continues to grow in popularity among fitness enthusiasts nationwide. Industry executives have told Athletech News they expect to see more gyms embrace functional training spaces that blend strength training equipment with large open spaces for members. The largest Gold’s Gym franchise group in Southern California has notably revamped its clubs to add functional training spaces.

In addition to serving Precor, a wholly owned subsidiary of Peloton, BeaverFit’s expertise in fitness equipment, facilities and custom-crafted solutions has resulted in manufacturing partnerships with boutique fitness brands including MADabolic, Spenga and Earn Your Stripes.

The post Precor Taps BeaverFit for New Functional Strength Line appeared first on Athletech News.