
Workout of the Day


EMOM x 10 Min:
2 Reps @ 85-90% of Week 1’s heavy triple

These should be heavy, but executed with your best technique. Don’t rush your set up.
Use your heaviest set of 3 from last week’s lifting to find your weight range today.
If you were not here to deadlift last week, then in the warm-up time work up to something that feels like a 7 or 8/10 RPE for 2 reps.
You may touch and go from the first rep to the second. Control your descent on both reps, rather than dropping from the top.


EMOM x 15:00
A. 40 sec Bike for Calories
B. 40 sec Alternating DB Squat Snatch
C. 8 V-Ups + 8 Tuck-Ups + 15 sec Hollow Hold

Beginner athletes or those with mobility limitations may choose this variation for the snatches: 1 DB Power Snatch+ 1 DB Overhead Squat.

While aiming for a full depth, “below parallel” rep, the squat should be only as low as the athlete can maintain heels on the ground and the supporting elbow locked out. After the squat is complete, alternate to the opposite side.

Use a moderate to heavy load that you can move with good mechanics, consistently.

For “C,” scale back the rep count on v-ups and tuck-ups as needed to maintain quality reps. The work should be completed in 30-40 sec each time. Here is an example of scaling with that in mind: 5 v-ups + 7 tuck ups + 15 sec hollow hold

CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)

Nice and tidy 608 back cor


CFSBK’s resident tattoo artist Jim Gentry will be tattooing off the below flash sheet on Saturday January 20th at our art show! Tattoos will be $60 each and all proceeds will go to Jess Fox’s medical fund in continued support of her fight against Stage IV cancer. 


Choose a design from this flash sheet

OPEN 2024! New Habit. Wodapalooza. More Echos. New Podcast. PreggoCF. PeePee. TWA 1.08.24


“The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows. Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit.” 
James Clear, Atomic Habits

The CrossFit Games Open competition is the world’s largest annual online fitness competition. It is a 3 week competition that begins on Thursday, February 29th and ends March 4th. More than 400,000 athletes are expected to register in 2024. CrossFit will release ONE workout each week on Thursday and scores must be submitted by Monday. The workouts are scaleable for every athlete! 

Diablo has a long history or participation in the Open and the CrossFIt Games (the final competition to determine the fittest athlete on Earth). Hundreds of our members have participated in the Open EVERY year since the inception in 2010. And, many Diablo athletes have competed at every level at the CrossFit Games: Individuals, Teams and Masters. The Sport of CrossFit is a big part of our heritage. 

Every week, for 3 weeks, we’ll come together on Friday afternoon & evening to do the Open Workouts together in our “Friday Night Lights” events. The energy is very high and everyone has a blast as we do the workout and celebrate our efforts. Coaches, competitors, and class members come together for an exciting and fun experience.

A Record Year in 2024!  This year, we want to break our record for Open participation and we need your help, please! Our friends at CrossFit Fort Vancouver in Washington (Justin Medeiros’ home gym!) and CrossFit Roots in Boulder, CO, have challenged Diablo to an Open Registration competition – for bragging rights. Last year, we finished behind both gyms – and I’m eager to redeem our reputation!  Registration for the Open begins on Tuesday, January 9th. Let’s go big on the 9th and put some distance between Diablo and CFFV & Roots! 

Register for the Open HERE On Jan 9th

2024 HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE (Jan 2 – Mar 3rd): We’re in it, and it’s not too late to join us!
Just check SugarWod EVERY day – even if you’re not coming in to workout. You’ll see the HHC challenges posted and, once a week, a 24 Hour Challenge. Just check the box if you accomplished the task! We’ll be keeping score and posting the results here:  Diablo HHC 2024

** Important **  If you forgot to check the box on SugarWOD, go back on the calendar and submit! We’ll let you go back 7 days.

HHC WEEK 1 STACK:  No Alcohol! .. This is going to be on until the END (March 3rd).HHC 24hr Challenge 1 (Sun, Jan 7): 24hours with NO SOCIAL MEDIA… harder than you think.HHC WEEK 2 STACK 2 (Beg Jan 8):  Turn OFF all screen electronics (phone, computer, TV, etc) at least 1 hour before bedtime. HHC 24hr Challenge 2 (Sun Jan 14): 24hr Fast!

TWEET OF THE WEEK:  Social Media Ban . . . 


Two Teams At Wodapalooza! – The 2nd Largest Annual CrossFit Competition is held in Miami in January. This year, Diablo has athletes on TWO teams competing in the Rx Men’s Team Division! Competition starts on Thu, Jan 11 through the 14th.Team NorCal Boyz: Coach Jackson will be joining former Diablo Coach Mike Olivas (CF Kindrid) and his friend, Isaac Encinas (CF 916)Team PRsAllDay: Coach Cole Gravitt, Sean Reifel and former member Nate McCallionMore Rogue Echo Bikes At Diablo – We sold the rest of our Assault Bikes (don’t worry, we have 3 left for height-challenged athletes) and have ordered 7 more Rogue Echos. Once they arrive, we’ll have 25 total bikes for class. Foldable Lightweight Mats – We now have 10 BJJ mats (6’x3′) for handstand push ups, wall walks, and floor work. They’re lightweight, sturdy and have just enough cushion. 

PRSALLDAY PODCAST ETC ** New Format Added! **
Coach Jamie Lee & I are going to do a 10 minute-ish review of the PRsAllDay week’s programming and upcoming events at Diablo. Check out our FIRST INSTALLMENT OF TWA HERE!

Podcast – Tue 10AM:  TBALast Week:  Keith Knapp, CrossFit Director of Marketing (THIS WAS ONE OF OUR BEST!)

THE WEEK AHEAD:  (check out our weekly video update)

Jan Focus: 1.Skilled Barbell Lifts  2. Squats  Skills: Gymnastic

Mon5rnds EMOM – DB Snatches, Burpee BJO, Pull Ups. 30s On/Off, 30/30, 40/20, 1m, 1mTue: 1 C&J every 90s x 12 – Heavy Effort. Metcon: Amrap 8m UB – 6 DB SPress, 8 FS, 10 HPCWed: For Time, Partition As Needed – 80/100c Bike, 10 Rope Climbs, 100 Push UpsThu: Back Squat 5×3. Metcon: 4RFT – 12 DB FR Lunge, 12 DB DL, 24 SitupsFri: 5RFT – 500m Row, 2m RestSat: CFG Open 21.1  Wall Walks & Double UndersSun: Amrap 5m/10m/5m (1m Rest) – 12 WB, 20/30c Bike, 12 TTB, 15 OH KB Swings


PREGGO RESOURCE!  PREGNANT CROSSFIT ATHLETE GUIDE:  Currently, to the best of my knowledge, we have 5(!!) pregnant members at Diablo. Here’s an amazing list of resources from my good friend, Nicole Christensen at CrossFit Roots, for anyone continuing to CrossFit while pregnant.PODCAST: Peter Attia with James Clear – Building & Changing Habits. This is one of my top 10 favorites. Peter basically breaks down Clear’s “Atomic Habits” into bite size morsels for us. It’s a great listen for the new year!  YouTube link above. It’s also on Apple & Spotify.ARTICLE:  Finally, We Know Why Pee Is Yellow. Yvonne sent this one to me. Admittedly, I was instantly intrigued. The fascinating part of this is the relationship to our gut bacteria – something that is being studied significantly as scientists discovering myriad relationships to our overall health. ARTICLE: Study Finds Specific Cancers Could Be Prevented by Exercise – Not surprising – and, the study found that exercisers who get cancer live longer than those who are sedentary.

Make it an amazing week!


The post OPEN 2024! New Habit. Wodapalooza. More Echos. New Podcast. PreggoCF. PeePee. TWA 1.08.24 appeared first on Diablo CrossFit.

“Turn up the volume 2”

Jan 08-13 Jan


Power Snatch 3×3@60% 3×3@65%
Front Squat 3×5@65% 2×4@68% 2×4@73%


Complex CJ 3×1+1+1@63% 3×1+1+1@68%
Back Squat 4×5@60% 2×4@65% 2×4@68%


Power Snatch 3×3@60% 2×3@63% 2×4@68%
Power CJ 2×2+1@63% 3×2+1@68% 3×2+1@70%


Front Squat 2×5@60% 2×4@65% 2×4@68%
Clean Pull 3×5@85% 3×4@95%


Hang Power Snatch 3×3@60% 3×3@65% 2×3@70%
Complex CJ 3×1+2+1@63% 3×1+2+1@68% 2×1+2+1@73%


We are on the second week of our a new cycle, which focus is volume, power and complexes.

This week numbers will be higher than on the first week and we will work with the hang snatch position as well.

Numbers will remain higher especially in reps and sets, which will give our body the chance to get stronger and faster with the power positions main lifts and squats and will prepare us for whats coming next.

Monday 1.8.24

Workout of the Day


Back Squat

We have 1 less rep in each work set today compared to week 1. Aim to use heavier loads on each set than what you did last week.

With this “wave” loading, the intent is that we complete 4 challenging work sets, increasing load from the first to second, and second to third. It should feel like you have 1-2 reps “in reserve,” but no more than that. Aim to go heavier on that final set than the first!
Here’s an example of how an athlete might approach today’s lifting:
Warm Up Sets (2-4): 45×10, 95×7, 115×3
Work Sets (4): 135×7, 150×5, 160×3, 145×7


For Time
21-18-15-12-9 Reps Each:
Ring Rows
Seated DB Strict Press
KB Swing

Choose a foot placement for the ring rows and loading on the DB’s and KB’s such that the round of 21 is in 2-3 sets. If you can do it unbroken, it’s too easy/light. If you can only do 5 at a time from the get-go, it’s too hard/heavy.

Fight for virtuosity with your ring rows: put your feet in the same place each time and resist the urge to “kip” or drive the hips up before you pull. Maintain a strong plank position and put all the work into your back and arms.

CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK2/8)

Nicole’s perfect pistols pew pew

This Sunday: Knee Strength, Stability & Range of Motion Seminar

Knee Strength, Stability, and Range of Motion Seminar with Coach Brett

After a few years of significant knee pain, constant swelling, and not being able to do Box Jumps/Cleans/Jump Rope/etc, I started following a knee program recommended to me by a physical therapist that I respect. I spent the last 5 years practicing and training the movements to strengthen the connective tissue (calves, anterior tibialis, quads, hamstrings) around my knees. My knees are now stronger than ever AND have more controlled range of motion than I have had previously. It was a long road, but I’m now doing Cleans, Box Jumps, Double Unders and even Pistols(!) again! In this Seminar I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned to help you get out of knee pain, to break through your squat plateaus, or simply help you move through everyday life in a more confident way.

Who is this Seminar for?
Tired of knee pain when you move? Plateauing on strength gains with your squats? Have a feeling of dread or fear when you see Wall Balls or Jump Rope programmed in Group Class? Looking for a daily routine to keep your knees active? Want to jump higher? Want to simply be able to keep doing the things you love to do without stiff joints getting in the way? Are you shaking your head, thinking, “If you had my knees, you’d understand…”? I thought that too. If you answered “Yes” to any of those questions….this seminar is for you.

What you can expect
We’ll spend three hours together going through all of the movements in the program to make sure you have a proper understanding of progression and execution. I’ll take you through a full workout for your knees, starting with assessment, muscle activation, range of motion work, strength work, finally finishing with some mobility. We’ll go through detailed progressions to take you from where you are to start building those bulletproof knees. You’ll leave with a specific plan on how to advance toward a greater PAIN FREE range of motion and how to systematically add load to the movements.

The Knee Seminar will take place on Sunday, January 14th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. The cost of the seminar is $100. Space will be limited to ensure that all participants receive the attention and detailed instruction that they deserve. If the cost of this Seminar is prohibitive to your participation, please reach out to me to discuss – brett@crossfitsouthbrooklyn. com


GolfForever Lands $10M for AI-Powered Home Trainer

Leveraging artificial intelligence, GolfForever instructs users on ways to increase their strength, flexibility and balance to improve their swings

GolfForever is living up to its name now more than ever. The digital fitness and wellness system, which features in-home training that prolongs a golfer’s playing career, just closed a $10 million Series A funding round.

Clerisy, a consumer growth equity fund, led the funding round while PGA Tour standouts Scottie Scheffler and Tom Kim followed as equity investors. Scheffler, who currently reigns as the world’s number-one golfer, and Kim, a three-time winner on the PGA Tour, also serve as brand ambassadors.

GolfForever was founded with a mission to help golfers of all levels and experience improve their bodies, so they can improve their games and play without pain or injury at every age and for as long as possible,” said Jeremy James, founder and CEO of GolfForever. “We’re thrilled to join forces with Clerisy and Scottie and Tom, two of the world’s greatest golfers, to accelerate our growth and enable more players to reach and maintain their full potential and enjoy the game for years to come.”

A ‘Hole in One’ Off the Links

GolfForever drew appreciation from the golf community long before these big names started writing the company big checks. The brand’s golf-specific training and wellness program, featuring portable equipment, a mobile app and streaming instruction co-developed and presented by the world’s top golf trainers and medical experts, was the first of its kind. 

With personalized exercises, the company instructs users on ways to increase their strength, flexibility and balance to improve their swings. Artificial intelligence (AI) analyzes results from a user’s strength and flexibility tests before starting to ensure specific, tailor-made exercise regimens.

With the platform adapting to each user specifically, it makes GolfForever and its offerings available to golfers of all levels, as the software learns and understands where each user is at with their game before moving forward. The platform also helps golfers alleviate pain and avoid common injuries to upgrade their overall playing experience. 

“GolfForever is a vital part of my daily warmup, fitness routine and a key contributor to my success over the past two years,” said Scheffler, who won The Masters in 2022. “I’m proud to help bring our training system to players everywhere, whether you’re a pro like me or a weekend golfer. Every golfer should use it.”

Putting the Investment to Use

A multitude of doors already lead to GolfForever with the platform accessible through its own e-commerce site, Amazon, and more than 900 retail operations including Dicks’s Sportings Goods, Golf Galaxy and PGA Superstore. But with the new capital, GolfForever plans to further solidify its place in the golf space, crafting more athlete and retail partnerships, developing a multi-state mobile experience tour, special events and research initiatives. 

The game’s best were quick to realize GolfForever’s ambition and capabilities. Outside of Scheffler and Kim, more than 400 PGA and LPGA Tour pros use GolfForever to turn their bogies into birdies without ever leaving their homes. Additional brand ambassadors include PGA Tour members Zach Johnson, Justin Leonard, Ryan Palmer, and instructor Rick Smith, who worked with Jack Nicklaus, Phil Mickelson, Vijay Singh and John Daly. 

A Growing Fitness Option

GolfForever’s newly acquired financial support speaks to a larger phenomenon within the fitness space regarding the sport’s popularity. While it’s not strength training, HIIT, or spin class, golf, or at least golf-related activities, have gained momentum as an exercise modality over the past few months.

Apple Fitness+ just released a new workout program for golfers. Rose Zhang, a rising star in the sport being a top-10 finisher in three LPGA majors last year, joined Apple Fitness+ trainer Kyle Ardill on the project, which offers training methods for aspiring golfers. Forme, another personalized virtual training app, has also stated its intent to make larger strides in the golf vertical.

The post GolfForever Lands $10M for AI-Powered Home Trainer appeared first on Athletech News.

Tracy Anderson Unveils Activewear Line, Drops First Piece

The 12-piece Tracy Anderson Collection includes shrugs, unitards, leotards and two-piece sets in high-performance fabric

Tracy Anderson, a fitness pioneer whose brand encompasses studio locations and virtual personal training, has just entered the activewear market with the launch of the Tracy Anderson Collection and its first piece — the Power Mesh Shrug.

Crafted to bring warmth during arm sequences while remaining fashion-forward, the Power Mesh Shrug, $95, is now available online at the Tracy Anderson Shop, offered in both black and nude colorways in a high-performance fabric. 

Following the Power Mesh Shrug, the Tracy Anderson Collection will drop a new piece each week on The 12-piece collection will feature seven styles of shrugs, unitards, leotards and two-piece sets in various colors. 

credit: Tracy Anderson

“Activewear should feel like a second skin. When you’re moving with me, the goal is always to find freedom in motion,” Anderson said. “That’s why I’m excited to announce this new line of only essentials. For me, the finest activewear indulges in simplicity – clean lines, flattering fits, first-class comfort.”

Anderson, who founded the Tracy Anderson Method, is familiar with the activewear space, collaborating last summer with dancewear brand Bloch on a line inspired by her time as a professional dancer. The TA x Bloch line of leotards, unitards and two-piece sets remain offered on her site. She also launched a capsule collection in 2019 with Barneys.

More recently, Anderson launched HeartStone, limited-edition weighted energy trainers featuring healing and energy–boosting hand-cut rose quartz, to support arm sequences. The latest product follows Anderson’s mission of creating sustainable fitness equipment free of toxic materials. Each HeartStone purchase comes with access to an app filled with arm workouts curated by Anderson.  

The post Tracy Anderson Unveils Activewear Line, Drops First Piece appeared first on Athletech News.